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Girl-Gaf - A thread for girls.

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Awe, don't cry dear. :(


Reluctant Member
I just had a crazy woman rant at me for 50 minutes just now at work and I'm torn between laughing and crying. :/ She's clearly senile and I feel sympathy for her, but talk about tinfoil hats - god only knows why you'd call the phone company over an alleged local gov't conspiracy. At least, I think that's what she was getting at. I'd only ever met mentally unstable folk at the downtown bus station before.

....yeah that has no relevance here but I wanted to get it off my chest. ._.

I've had a woman rant at me telling me what a horrible person I was for a tiny mistake I made, but as she was clearly afraid of something her husband might do to her I didn't blame her for it.

Still made me feel bad though.
When people overreact - really overreact - to objectively small things, there's almost always something else going on that has nothing to do with you. It's an adult tantrum.

You can pretty much only sit there and listen and wait until they're finished. Then move on, and don't even acknowledge the overreaction.
Hi I'm Homestuck/Pan. Been playing games since I was pretty young thanks to my Dad. I'm not a "gamurr grrl" but I do love video games, especially as an escape when I need to.
Hi I'm Homestuck/Pan. Been playing games since I was pretty young thanks to my Dad. I'm not a "gamurr grrl" but I do love video games, especially as an escape when I need to.

Nice to meet you :). Welcome to the thread! (even though I barely post in here, I really need to subscribe to this thread so I can keep up with it...)

GAF-boos! <3 Anyone else watch The Bachelor? I really need someone to judge these crazy TV people with me... XD I'd start a thread but I don't think there's enough interest on the forums to support it. (also now that I think about it I think I'm still a junior and incapable of doing it anyway)


I just had a crazy woman rant at me for 50 minutes just now at work and I'm torn between laughing and crying. :/ She's clearly senile and I feel sympathy for her, but talk about tinfoil hats - god only knows why you'd call the phone company over an alleged local gov't conspiracy. At least, I think that's what she was getting at. I'd only ever met mentally unstable folk at the downtown bus station before.

....yeah that has no relevance here but I wanted to get it off my chest. ._.

A man started yelling random made up facts to me at midnight in a grocery store parking lot. It was kind of terrifying. He didn't seem old and it was pretty near a hospital so maybe he was crazy?
A man started yelling random made up facts to me at midnight in a grocery store parking lot. It was kind of terrifying. He didn't seem old and it was pretty near a hospital so maybe he was crazy?

Maybe he was one of those weirdos that drives the vans with all the conspiracy/illuminati stuff written all over the windows..? I've seen it more than once and I feel like, reasonably certain it wasn't the same van? I wanted to take a picture but I got scared the crazy person would see me doing it and think I was a government agent and try to kill me.


Maybe he was one of those weirdos that drives the vans with all the conspiracy/illuminati stuff written all over the windows..? I've seen it more than once and I feel like, reasonably certain it wasn't the same van? I wanted to take a picture but I got scared the crazy person would see me doing it and think I was a government agent and try to kill me.

Nah, he seemed more crazy than, well, I guess conspiracy theory people are crazy too! But uh, like actually crazy.
I've never been in a relationship, oops. I don't know if I want to be in one though. I don't think I have the heart for that kind of commitment.

That said, I do have things planned for Tuesday. A bunch of my friends and I are going to see a concert (one of said friends is playing in it) and then go to the movies. I think it's going to be nice.


I've never been in a relationship, oops. I don't know if I want to be in one though. I don't think I have the heart for that kind of commitment.

That said, I do have things planned for Tuesday. A bunch of my friends and I are going to see a concert (one of said friends is playing in it) and then go to the movies. I think it's going to be nice.

Well if it makes you feel better my only relationship kinda sucked. I was putting a lot more into it than she was, but I didn't really know how to be a boyfriend and it all just felt awkward ;_;


Neo Member
I'm in a steady relationship so my Valentine's Days for the past five years have been great. We always go to a nice restaurant and hang out.
But my worst Valentine's Day was when I was a senior in high school, I was single and spent the entire night alone. I ate an entire small cheese pizza from Pizza Hut and drank a whole 2 liter bottle of Coke. Then I polished off a heart shaped box of chocolates. It was not a good night, nor did it exactly add to my self-esteem to know that I had just gained ten pounds.


Thanks. I'm just stressed out a bit because I missed the signup for an exam tomorrow so nothing I say makes sense (oh wait, it never does!)
Gonna be foreveralone.jpg on VDay as per tradition. Had one last year, but we were both only friends. We still got each other something small (talking poems here, haha), so it was still nice.
I don't know. That doesn't even make sense. I'm tired and it's my birthday. I CAN DO WHAT I WANT

I didn't know. Happy Billychuday!


Never been in a relationship either, so never celebrated a Valentines Day. It doesn't seem that big of a deal to me.
I always liked Valentine's Day even as a single gal. Stupid Valentine's cards to give to my friends (or candy), cookies, pink stuff... I liked it as a day to appreciate the people you love :) now it's a fun excuse for a date night for my husband and I (though with our schedules we almost never can celebrate the day of). Having it come up on the calendar once a year sort of forces you to make the time, which is nice.

But I hate this idea that you HAVE to do something and there MUST be gifts (usually jewelry). -_-
Haha, no, that was a bad joke. It's more like I can't be bothered, but I'd probably be bi because attractive is attractive.

Though I am envious of the ability of asexuals to
reproduce via the release of clouds of spores into the atmosphere
If that was a biology joke, I haven't take a class in it since high school. I assumed you meant that you weren't sure if you were asexual or bisexual. Heh.


Eh, I've never had a Valentine's Day date either. Usually, I just try to occupy myself with other things, like video games. :D

Those Batman cards are awesome, by the way.
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