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Girl-Gaf - A thread for girls.

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Not pure anymore!
I always buy gifts, usually games and ebooks for his kindle and some nice flowers for my guy on Vday. :D We also go out to dinner together but we do that all the time anyway.
I stopped giving out Valentine's Day cards in elementary school. :(

I actually know a lot of people who did it in college (I think I did it one or two years but I don't remember) because you know, now it's hilarious and ironic at this age ;D the best part of elementary school valentines was giving your friends the good ones (the prettiest or coolest ones) and the people you didn't like always got ones that said stupid things like "Valentine, you're out of this world!" or something. XD
I'm asexual, oops. I just have a really low sex drive and I don't get turned on unless my brain decides to release an abnormally large amount of hormones and that's only happened like... twice. It's not that great though. I'm becoming jealous of people in relationships because I feel like I'm missing out on something.

If it's solely a romantic relationship though I would probably be okay but who in this time and age would want that?
I'm asexual, oops. I just have a really low sex drive and I don't get turned on unless my brain decides to release an abnormally large amount of hormones and that's only happened like... twice. It's not that great though. I'm becoming jealous of people in relationships because I feel like I'm missing out on something.

If it's solely a romantic relationship though I would probably be okay but who in this time and age would want that?

Aren't there other asexual people looking for a sexless romantic relationship? The Internet has lead me to believe there are. ;D


This is the first year where I'm overly excited about Valentines Day,mainly because I put a lot of thought in the gifts I got my boyfriend. Actually,so did he since he gave me part of my gifts early lol. I'm a huge True Blood fanatic, I've read all the books and love the show (which my bf and I watch together), so he went out to every comic book store in the Bay to find me every True Blood comic released with every alternative cover, in addition to a Jean Grey figure (I collect all things Jean/Phoenix). I was stunned, when he said he had part of my gift already, I certainly wasn't expecting that, especially since I know he detests going into comic book stores. Then, I go in to GameStop to pay off the rest of my Vita games, and find out they're already paid for too, so I'm guessing that's the other half of my gift, but I'm not going to spoil the surprise for him :p

The first two years of our relationship we went out to restaurants for dinner, but we've come to a conclusion that we hate being limited to their "Valentines Day" menu. So,starting last year we just bought a bunch of King Crab legs and enjoyed a quite day at home with our pets :) It was blissful, and I'm looking forward to it again next week.
I think the proper term is nonsexual, as asexual refers to things like sponges.
I don't know, I think a good amount of them identify as asexual. http://www.asexuality.org/home/
I'm asexual, oops. I just have a really low sex drive and I don't get turned on unless my brain decides to release an abnormally large amount of hormones and that's only happened like... twice. It's not that great though. I'm becoming jealous of people in relationships because I feel like I'm missing out on something.

If it's solely a romantic relationship though I would probably be okay but who in this time and age would want that?
I figure you've probably been burned in the past, but if you really want a relationship don't give up. :)
But those are hard to find in real life. I don't think anyone I know that is close to me even knows what an asexual is.

Bluh, bluh, feelings.
That's what the internet is for. :D
wait did they stop doing Valentines day at schools? like kids giving each other candy and cards, haha i used to get lots that day :D

but i'll be alone this valentines day :'( unless this girl i know from Colombia wants me to be her internet valentines day dfsklfdssdfhlkfd

I want that "have a high flying valentines day" batman card
I love valentines day. Halloween and Valentines are tied for second place for my favorite holidays (Christmas being #1). I always try to plan something romantic and I try to do something better every year.

This year I was going to surprise him by driving 4 hours over to his house and surprise him. He is helping me move from louisiana to Massachusetts 10th-13th, so I thought driving down to NJ the next day would be a big surprise, he wouldn't see it coming. Then I found out the deposit for electricity is $400. Cant afford to visit now :(

New plan is something a little less extravagant. Though I still plan on spoiling him rotten, something home made, something romantic, and then something sexy ;) Can't write it here because he'll most likely see it.
I've never been in a relationship, haha. Maybe something will happen.

Also the first time I told someone I was asexual they asked me how it was reproducing with myself. It was hilarious.


When I think of Valentine's being ANOTHER one of those events that guilts you into buying crap for people (I am stingy and commercialization of holidays is always kind of ehhhh), I get ticked off about it a little, but in general I enjoy the "themed items" it brings about. If you're light-hearted about it and don't take it seriously, it's a hilarious holiday. I don't even know if I have anything planned for it besides making up some cheesy cards.

I've never been in a relationship, haha. Maybe something will happen.

Also the first time I told someone I was asexual they asked me how it was reproducing with myself. It was hilarious.
I always found asexuality and self-identifying asexual people fascinating. Kind of wished I was asexual for a while too, but I guess my biology thought otherwise. >__>
If you still want the companionship and demonstrativeness of a romantic relationship without the sex, you don't have to give up on looking for one. I wouldn't say you're missing out much with a romantic relationship versus close friendship besides exclusivity and a few other cultural expectations (more expensive gifts, leveling up to marriage/tax breaks, and of course sexual physical intimacy), but if those things are important to you or intrigue you, go for it! The internet will help you, I'm sure! A lot of relationships these days are started online somehow anyway.
I love valentines day. Halloween and Valentines are tied for second place for my favorite holidays (Christmas being #1). I always try to plan something romantic and I try to do something better every year.

This year I was going to surprise him by driving 4 hours over to his house and surprise him. He is helping me move from louisiana to Massachusetts 10th-13th, so I thought driving down to NJ the next day would be a big surprise, he wouldn't see it coming. Then I found out the deposit for electricity is $400. Cant afford to visit now :(

New plan is something a little less extravagant. Though I still plan on spoiling him rotten, something home made, something romantic, and then something sexy ;) Can't write it here because he'll most likely see it.

Haha, I love VDay as well. My girl comes in today and leaves on Tuesday. Got her a few gifts (new digital camera) and some other smaller 'cutesy items'. Much like you, I love spoiling her so these days are always fun for me.


Every VDay, I try to shut myself off to the outside world so I don't get depressed. I hate this holiday, but somehow I manage.
When I think of Valentine's being ANOTHER one of those events that guilts you into buying crap for people (I am stingy and commercialization of holidays is always kind of ehhhh), I get ticked off about it a little, but in general I enjoy the "themed items" it brings about. If you're light-hearted about it and don't take it seriously, it's a hilarious holiday. I don't even know if I have anything planned for it besides making up some cheesy cards.

Guilt makes the world go round.

In all seriousness, though, it's all about wanting to make the other one feel as special as you think they are, and using any excuse to do so. Everyone needs to be needed, and desires to be desired.

Doesn't have to be through lingerie, toys, flowers and chocolates, or sparkly things, or anything else material (what is it that I heard today about girls wanting "gadgets"? WTF?)

It's just that, from a sociological standpoint, our culture has formed associations between material items and personal qualities - over time, these have become embedded and rationalized. Flowers are pretty and smell good, chocolates are delicious and leave you always wanting more, and sparkly things are associated with value and beauty. And, in an action-over-words kind of world, we value the tangible demonstrations of those associations.

Then again, to many, a handwritten note in which you lay your heart out can do the trick just as well. Emotional associations can often be stronger than the ones based on culture-based rationality.
When I think of Valentine's being ANOTHER one of those events that guilts you into buying crap for people (I am stingy and commercialization of holidays is always kind of ehhhh), I get ticked off about it a little, but in general I enjoy the "themed items" it brings about. If you're light-hearted about it and don't take it seriously, it's a hilarious holiday. I don't even know if I have anything planned for it besides making up some cheesy cards.

Write a love letter. I've always secretly just wanted a hand written love letter... and a romantic home cooked dinner.


V-Day as an elementary school student was fun (candy and awesome cards). As I got older, it wasn't so fun anymore. :p
Is this a not so subtle hint for your boyfriend? ;)

Naw, I'm hoping he doesnt actually read any of this. I'd rather a love letter come from the heart, rather than be suggested. If it's suggested, then the entire love letter is invalid in my eyes. Yes, I'm an incredibly difficult person. :|


Neo Member
I am doing some crafty stuff to send to my bf, there is a local girl that has a very awesome crafty channel on youtube, she explains very well, and even if you don't speak spanish you learn and follow her because she goes step by step. Her ideas are brilliant


Guilt makes the world go round.

In all seriousness, though, it's all about wanting to make the other one feel as special as you think they are, and using any excuse to do so. Everyone needs to be needed, and desires to be desired.

Doesn't have to be through lingerie, toys, flowers and chocolates, or sparkly things, or anything else material (what is it that I heard today about girls wanting "gadgets"? WTF?)

It's just that, from a sociological standpoint, our culture has formed associations between material items and personal qualities - over time, these have become embedded and rationalized. Flowers are pretty and smell good, chocolates are delicious and leave you always wanting more, and sparkly things are associated with value and beauty. And, in an action-over-words kind of world, we value the tangible demonstrations of those associations.

Then again, to many, a handwritten note in which you lay your heart out can do the trick just as well. Emotional associations can often be stronger than the ones based on culture-based rationality.
I know. It's become one of those cultural events for people to put aside some time and reflect and act on how they feel. Kind of like a way to refocus their energies into that area. It's not like I don't understand it. I think it's just weird having to explain yourself when people ask why you're too lazy/distracted to participate with everyone else in the event or to have any expectations. xD Worse is when they feel sorry for you out of some misplaced sense of you missing out on this eventful day.. even though logically, it could be any day that you pick out to focus all this demonstrative love energy.

It's kind of awkward!

Other than that, who doesn't like gifts?! I'd love every excuse to get gifts from people. No so much having to get them for others due to monetary and time constraints.. but yeah~!
Hopefully usable/practical gifts. I don't need more junk to collect at the moment. Edibility is at least a step up from ornamental.
I would make a pretty bad boyfriend all 'round (or perhaps a "typical" insensitive boyfriend were I a guy).

Write a love letter. I've always secretly just wanted a hand written love letter... and a romantic home cooked dinner.
I will be making cheesy cards.. many of them! xD
I think composing a real letter would require too much--plus I make typos/spellings/grammatical mistakes like mad these days and it's always so embarrassing. Hopefully with less words and more focus on humor with cards, less embarrassment will have to be endured (and all time I will be wasting trying to fix the typos).

I am also interested in the V-DAY aspect (ending violence against women movement). Wonder if I should do something for that too.


I would be perfectly happy if my boyfriend brought home a cake from the supermarket and a couple of beers for V-Day. Alas, he forgot our 5 year anniversary, so I doubt he'll do anything for V-Day ;__; foreveralonedespitelongtermrelationship.jpg

(PS, hello GirlGaf, I have posted here before but haven't properly introduced myself!)
I would be perfectly happy if my boyfriend brought home a cake from the supermarket and a couple of beers for V-Day. Alas, he forgot our 5 year anniversary, so I doubt he'll do anything for V-Day ;__; foreveralonedespitelongtermrelationship.jpg

(PS, hello GirlGaf, I have posted here before but haven't properly introduced myself!)

Oh dear, that's rough.


I would be perfectly happy if my boyfriend brought home a cake from the supermarket and a couple of beers for V-Day. Alas, he forgot our 5 year anniversary, so I doubt he'll do anything for V-Day ;__; foreveralonedespitelongtermrelationship.jpg

(PS, hello GirlGaf, I have posted here before but haven't properly introduced myself!)
I am of the mind that some guys are just super duper dense and need a huge flashing reminder about what you want. Like.. EXACTLY what you want.

I know it's less romantic and less sponaneous that way, but some dudes just need all the help that can get!
Guilt makes the world go round.

In all seriousness, though, it's all about wanting to make the other one feel as special as you think they are, and using any excuse to do so. Everyone needs to be needed, and desires to be desired.

Doesn't have to be through lingerie, toys, flowers and chocolates, or sparkly things, or anything else material (what is it that I heard today about girls wanting "gadgets"? WTF?)

It's just that, from a sociological standpoint, our culture has formed associations between material items and personal qualities - over time, these have become embedded and rationalized. Flowers are pretty and smell good, chocolates are delicious and leave you always wanting more, and sparkly things are associated with value and beauty. And, in an action-over-words kind of world, we value the tangible demonstrations of those associations.

Then again, to many, a handwritten note in which you lay your heart out can do the trick just as well. Emotional associations can often be stronger than the ones based on culture-based rationality.

This year will be the first time in 4 years i have spent valentines day without my GF (we just broke up). It's a pretty depressing thought exactly because of the last point you made. The emotional association of that day is far greater than any gift i could ever receive.


Neo Member
I would be perfectly happy if my boyfriend brought home a cake from the supermarket and a couple of beers for V-Day. Alas, he forgot our 5 year anniversary, so I doubt he'll do anything for V-Day ;__; foreveralonedespitelongtermrelationship.jpg

(PS, hello GirlGaf, I have posted here before but haven't properly introduced myself!)

I am of the mind that some guys are just super duper dense and need a huge flashing reminder about what you want. Like.. EXACTLY what you want.

I know it's less romantic and less sponaneous that way, but some dudes just need all the help that can get!

I know that feel.

...Actually, I AM that feel. >_>


Not pure anymore!
I would be perfectly happy if my boyfriend brought home a cake from the supermarket and a couple of beers for V-Day. Alas, he forgot our 5 year anniversary, so I doubt he'll do anything for V-Day ;__; foreveralonedespitelongtermrelationship.jpg

(PS, hello GirlGaf, I have posted here before but haven't properly introduced myself!)

I'd kick my guy if he forgot our anniversary! But then again I'm way worse about remembering anniversaries than he is. :p And welcome!


I am of the mind that some guys are just super duper dense and need a huge flashing reminder about what you want. Like.. EXACTLY what you want.

I know it's less romantic and less sponaneous that way, but some dudes just need all the help that can get!

YES. Please tell us. Please remind us. It's not that we don't care, it's just that for some reason guys are really bad at remembering this stuff!


YES. Please tell us. Please remind us. It's not that we don't care, it's just that for some reason guys are really bad at remembering this stuff!
Only if its not important enough for them. :p

It's just a freakin' calendar date, it should become instant knowledge like your birthday.


Reluctant Member
YES. Please tell us. Please remind us. It's not that we don't care, it's just that for some reason guys are really bad at remembering this stuff!

I am also bad at remembering this stuff. ._.

My boyfriend is not. He keeps reminding me that our two year will be coming up soon. But I just have a hard time seeing what the big deal is. >> I guess it's important to him though, so I'll try...
I am also bad at remembering this stuff. ._.

My boyfriend is not. He keeps reminding me that our two year will be coming up soon. But I just have a hard time seeing what the big deal is. >> I guess it's important to him though, so I'll try...

No, you're important to him, don't think otherwise.
I'm one of those guys that remembers anniversary's, me and your boy would be bros

I can actually see that she's disappointed. It's like somebody deflated her just a tiny bit. She was nice but something was off. Like a smile just got taken off her face. I remembered all those people I had crushes on and then meeting their girlfriends.

Feels bad man.

Yeah, a part of you kind of dies when a prospect of a possible mutual affection just ceases to exist. This is why I try to see myself being with different women...not because I think I'm pimping it or whatever, but really it's because I know I'm going to be facing disappointment one day so I can at least take solace in believing "Hey, there's still *whatsherface*".
though the same thing is probably going to happen with whatsherface lol
I confronted this girl at my boyfriends work who according to him, flirts with him relentlessly. In spite of the fact that she knows he has a girlfriend. He's inexperienced with other girls who aren't me so he is only kind of sure she's flirting with him but then he comes home, talks to me about it and I confirm that yes, this girl is a treacherous bitch.

Alas. I know that feel. Flirting with someone you know is in a relationship doesn't make you feel so guilty if you've never met the persons significant other. He's cute, he's funny, he's charming. I get it.

So I sent him a text this morning telling me to text me if she was there. He sent me a text back telling me she was and I told him I was gonna stop off to buy something (small retail situation. We're both poor college students with menial jobs.) She's the cashier and he's standing near the front of the store. I figured I was going to go in and playfully/gleefully establish myself as his girlfriend and reinforce that he is my property. :p She and I are awkwardly introduced to each other and...

All of a sudden I feel really bad.

I can actually see that she's disappointed. It's like somebody deflated her just a tiny bit. She was nice but something was off. Like a smile just got taken off her face. I remembered all those people I had crushes on and then meeting their girlfriends.

Feels bad man.


I am also bad at remembering this stuff. ._.

My boyfriend is not. He keeps reminding me that our two year will be coming up soon. But I just have a hard time seeing what the big deal is. >> I guess it's important to him though, so I'll try...
Hahaha.. I am the same. I forget important dates all the time~! I am pretty blase about the whole sentimentality thing, and I think most people that know me know it.
This is why I feel for guys that forget things that are important to their girls, like anniversaries and special days, and get blasted for it.

"Life is busy and infinitely distracting. Is not the fact that I want to put aside any time at all and spending it with you, acknowledge you exist unlike everything else in the world I ignore, not demonstrative enough of my deep affections?" That's what I think in my mind all the time.. I kind of suspect a lot of guys are the same. xD It's sort of a terrible attitude, but understandable from my point of view!

So my advice to girls who find that their guys forget all the time is: If you really expect it, then make it OBVIOUS. Not just "I think my hint is a pretty big hint" obvious, but written down in a "Saturday is our anniversary. Please take me to a fancy restaruant and bring me roses and chocolates." kind of obvious if that's what you REALLY want. Hopefully in time they will get the pattern and extrapolate from that.

I confronted this girl at my boyfriends work who according to him, flirts with him relentlessly. In spite of the fact that she knows he has a girlfriend. He's inexperienced with other girls who aren't me so he is only kind of sure she's flirting with him but then he comes home, talks to me about it and I confirm that yes, this girl is a treacherous bitch.

Alas. I know that feel. Flirting with someone you know is in a relationship doesn't make you feel so guilty if you've never met the persons significant other. He's cute, he's funny, he's charming. I get it.

So I sent him a text this morning telling me to text me if she was there. He sent me a text back telling me she was and I told him I was gonna stop off to buy something (small retail situation. We're both poor college students with menial jobs.) She's the cashier and he's standing near the front of the store. I figured I was going to go in and playfully/gleefully establish myself as his girlfriend and reinforce that he is my property. :p She and I are awkwardly introduced to each other and...

All of a sudden I feel really bad.

I can actually see that she's disappointed. It's like somebody deflated her just a tiny bit. She was nice but something was off. Like a smile just got taken off her face. I remembered all those people I had crushes on and then meeting their girlfriends.

Feels bad man.
You won't feel so bad when she tries to up her game in a territorial battle for kicks and superflirts with him!

A girl's gotta learn when to back off from taken guys at some point!


I'm bad at remembering anything, however I'm sure I'd remember our anniversary unless it was a girl I did not like. In which case, I would have broken up with her by then. :p
God I hope not. I don't want to have to choke a bitch. :(

Unless she's a total psycho, she'll have realized from this little wake-up call that it's not appropriate to try to start something with guys she knows are taken, and back off.

Otherwise, you could just give her an abject lesson in the Girl Code.
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