Oh my at that video. I can't say it crossed my mind to do any of those things. It kind of made me sad when she kept saying "This is super uncomfortable!"
Maybe she likes to feel... restricted!
Oh my at that video. I can't say it crossed my mind to do any of those things. It kind of made me sad when she kept saying "This is super uncomfortable!"
She should have gone all the way
I'm a 34D and I sometimes wear 36C, I dunno how but it makes my boobs look a bit smaller but it still feels comfortable, it not if I wear 34C though.
I'm a 34D and I sometimes wear 36C, I dunno how but it makes my boobs look a bit smaller but it still feels comfortable, it not if I wear 34C though.
I don't know any girl who wears underwire bras! They're so bloody uncomfortable, poking you in the ribs, urghh.
I actually like corsets but I don't like to force my body into an uncomfortable shape so all the ones I have owned I bought big enough to where there wasn't that problem.
I think corsets can look pretty sexy, but fucking hell did they go over the top with them in the olden days
They just completely change your shape.
But look at the women on the left, completely unacceptable! I would never date a woman with a waist too big for my thumb and index finger to wrap around!
I wear underwire... They all seem to be underwire in the stores. What do you wear exactly? Cloth ones don't seem to give much support.
That's not really smaller... You're supposed to go down a cup size when you increase the band.
What's the real motivation for anyone not looking like a slob besides looking attractive enough to present oneself to other members of society? >__>Yeah. I wouldn't criticise her for doing it. I can perfectly understand the reasons for doing it. It's just that I do wonder what the real motivation is. I think it is a subconscious thing in a way. Why would perking up your breasts make you feel more confident? If you think about it really, it makes you feel more confident because at the same time, it makes you feel more attractive to the opposite sex. There is no real purpose of doing it outside of that context. It's quite irrational outside fo that context.
I compensate by going tighter at the back and the cups feel a bit smaller still comfortable though.
What's the real motivation for anyone not looking like a slob besides looking attractive enough to present oneself to other members of society? >__>
I guess that's pretty much the thing. Some people just go further than others.
Maybe for her it's not so much about being attractive/desirable/jealousy-inducing for other men/women anymore though. Maybe it's just become one of the many "things" she would do to maintain her standard level of presentability, just like brushing her hair and wearing non-stained clothing.
And don't get me wrong.. I am the type that VERY grudgingly accepts that society holds some kind of expectations for femininity and beauty~! I hardly know what to do with makeup, let alone crazy skin/rejuvenation regimens. xD
Speaking of bras...
Yeah, I hate underwire bras and how they will inevitably stab you after some wear and tear, but non-wired bras aren't as supportive for me unless I go for a full sportsbra type or something.
I am the type that VERY grudgingly accepts that society holds some kind of expectations for femininity and beauty~! I hardly know what to do with makeup, let alone crazy skin/rejuvenation regimens. xD
Yeah, that cleavage was nothing to poke a stick at. Show me the same video but with a b-cup girl and then ill be impressed.Just watching that video... it's funny that a woman with decent sized breasts tries to give advice on how to make your breasts look bigger. I think she just wanted to show them off.
Yeah, that cleavage was nothing to poke a stick at. Show me the same video but with a b-cup girl and then ill be impressed.
Now that I think about it it's only fairly recently that boobs have into the top spot for what society deems women's most important body feature. I wonder when and why...
what did i walk in on
Yeah, that cleavage was nothing to poke a stick at. Show me the same video but with a b-cup girl and then ill be impressed.
Now that I think about it it's only fairly recently that boobs have into the top spot for what society deems women's most important body feature. I wonder when and why...
what did i walk in on
Are boobs in the top spot, though? From the guys I remember having this conversation about it with, it seems 50-50. Surely there must have been a thread on this in OT recently to answer this all-important question.
also i need to remember to ask about getting my name shortened to Satch because i hate when people call me Satchwar now
Yeah, that cleavage was nothing to poke a stick at. Show me the same video but with a b-cup girl and then ill be impressed.
Now that I think about it it's only fairly recently that boobs have into the top spot for what society deems women's most important body feature. I wonder when and why...
No, just no.
Are boobs in the top spot, though? From the guys I remember having this conversation about it with, it seems 50-50. Surely there must have been a thread on this in OT recently to answer this all-important question.
Are boobs in the top spot, though? From the guys I remember having this conversation about it with, it seems 50-50. Surely there must have been a thread on this in OT recently to answer this all-important question.
Funny enough I learned from OT that most men prefer natural smaller chests than fake tits
There are two completely separate answers for this.
1) Sexual objectification. This is all T&A, basically, for any guy who doesn't have some sort of specific fetish. Does it matter? Sexual objectification is only one element of the overall package of attraction unless you're a Jersey Shore cast member.
2) What a guy actually wants from someone he's with in terms of physical attributes, and so what he appreciates in women in a real world sort of way and not a porn sort of way. For me, that is someone who's beautiful and slim/active and proportionate. This will vary of course.
That pizza still looks gross.
Funny enough I learned from OT that most men prefer natural smaller chests than fake tits. This all despite the fact that larger "clothed" tits get more attention in public. Also not to demean men or anything but I'm pretty sure if an attractive naked woman whom their interested in is naked and willing in front of them, the last thing they're going to do is say "if only your tits were a cup size bigger we could fuck right now."
The T&A question is, of course, simplistic and only facetiously posed here. As much as some guys are into one of these specific attributes, I doubt that they discount all others, and honestly, any guy who zeros in so much on just one that it eclipses all other 'features' surely belongs on Jersey Shore.
So for such a 'debate' it's not about what you find attractive in a woman (because pleasing proportions/active life styles are definitely the more mature choice), but rather which of these two areas do you put more personal emphasis on. It's definitely a silly comparison, but guys seem to engage in it with gusto. Usually when drinking.
Yeah, I mean, we're in the girl-gaf thread and the last thing I'd want to do is give the women here the impression that they should go get bags of silicone because that's what guys lust over or whatever. No no no no no to implants! No! Natural and small is 1000x better than fake and big, and everyone should really just care about their fitness/hygiene/style/confidence more so than what their genetics handed them, I always say.
But okay, around the guy table: tits, for sure, for me and most of my friends. No question, unless all your buddies are black dudes maybe ;b
Funny enough I learned from OT that most men prefer natural smaller chests than fake tits. This all despite the fact that larger "clothed" tits get more attention in public. Also not to demean men or anything but I'm pretty sure if an attractive naked woman whom their interested in is naked and willing in front of them, the last thing they're going to do is say "if only your tits were a cup size bigger we could fuck right now."
Exactly right devo. It doesn't matter all that much in the big scheme of things. There are a lot of variables when it comes to what we as men find attractive in a woman. Big breasts are great, I can't deny that, but they certainly aren't the be all and end all of the matter. Small breasts can look great too. I think when it all boils down to it, it is what the body looks like in its entirety that we will judge by.
I do recall actually a movie -- I can't for the life of me remember the name of or the name of the actress -- who had amazing small breasts.
Yeah, I mean, we're in the girl-gaf thread and the last thing I'd want to do is give the women here the impression that they should go get bags of silicone because that's what guys lust over or whatever. No no no no no to implants! No! Natural and small is 1000x better than fake and big, and everyone should really just care about their fitness/hygiene/style/confidence more so than what their genetics handed them, I always say.
But okay, around the guy table: tits, for sure, for me and most of my friends. No question, unless all your buddies are black dudes maybe ;b
That's refreshing to hear. Not that I thought the majority of guys liked fake boobs or anything, but so many seem to like/defend ridiculous proportions (*cough* video games *cough*). And, yeah. Naked and willing usually overcomes all preferences from what I understand.![]()
The overall package is definitely the key. I think it really does just depend on proportions. Balance is beauty.
I think big tits really get some guys (a lot of guys) motors running but it's not as important as it's made out to be. I think it's something that the mainstream media (and dudebros) like to flaunt in our face because we need the latest bra that makes us look 3 cup sizes larger. There are so many messages sent about how inferior our bodies are that it's easy to assume men in our lives are thinking along the same lines. Most of them aren't, or we're listening to the shallow ramblings of internet nerds with bullshit standards too much. Most of the men I've talked to, even on GAF, consider proportion and non-fake tits to be superior over a girl getting melons on her chest. This narrative doesn't fall in line well with commercialism though, so we're going to still be bombarded with "big tits are better."
In an ideal world women would actually engage men specifically about these kinds of things instead of assuming the model on the billboard is worth aspiring to at all costs. Many men while salivating over porn and model figures are not of the opinion that "a girl must look like that." Only the fucking assholes talk and think like that.
And of course it goes both ways but there is way more lucrative profit in making us women feel like our skin doesn't glow, our boobs are too small, we're too short, etc. and plenty of women eat that shit for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Actually, big well shaped breasts are very attractive devo. It's just that they aren't really as important as women may think. Breasts come in all various sizes of course. I have found breasts very attractive in all sizes. It doesn't necessarily hinder your sexual attraction to someone.
They're not attractive to all men though. I've run into more than a few men with a penchant for smaller tits.
I think the emphasis on breasts has to do with it just being associated with females in general. It's a defining characteristic, so the more boobalicious, the more womanly goodness? That's more of just a surface/initial reaction type of thing though.
I'm sure for most guys it's just window-dressing with varying levels of "invitingness" (bigger & more exposed => more inviting?), but it's not really top priority, especially if the personality/annoyingness level is way off.
I really want pizza now.
Along these lines, the reason we switched from liking bottoms to liking breasts evolutionarily was because we started walking upright. When walking upright, breasts become much more noticeable and bottoms become less noticeable than they used to. Also, while we're talking evolutionary, I was under the impression that large breasts were a sign of fertility. Bigger boobs = more milk to nurse the babies with.There is a view that breasts are attractive because they mimic the shape of the bottom. They suggest this because apes mainly mate from behind so perhaps the bottom is more appealing. I'm not sure I agree with that though because I don't just like breasts, I like female nipples as well. Really weird actually. A woman could show quite a lot of their breast, but it doesn't really do that much for me if I don't see the nipple.
Along these lines, the reason we switched from liking bottoms to liking breasts evolutionarily was because we started walking upright. When walking upright, breasts become much more noticeable and bottoms become less noticeable than they used to. Also, while we're talking evolutionary, I was under the impression that large breasts were a sign of fertility. Bigger boobs = more milk to nurse the babies with.
As for preference of smaller breasts, that sounds like it has more to do with cuteness, streamlined design, and a girl looking "neatly put together". At least that's what goes through my mind!
Might I suggest another recent release: Something Borrowed? I watched it with my mom last time I was actually home and while it wasn't "omg so good" it was fun and enjoyable.
theres no ot for the movie so im just gunna say this here: i thought this movie was surprisingly good.
im gunna go back to being a man now
So there's this PSP game called Hakuoki. It's a visual novel in which you play as a girl who ends up living in a samurai compound full of strong sexy men. There's multiple endings depending on the choices you make and with whom your relationship level is highest.
So I played through the whole game making choices according to my own personality. And the ending I got ... was with nobody. Even in a videogame I ended up FOREVER ALONE ._.
Fucking depressing.
So there's this PSP game called Hakuoki. It's a visual novel in which you play as a girl who ends up living in a samurai compound full of strong sexy men. There's multiple endings depending on the choices you make and with whom your relationship level is highest.
So I played through the whole game making choices according to my own personality. And the ending I got ... was with nobody. Even in a videogame I ended up FOREVER ALONE ._.
Fucking depressing.
Maybe men just aren't your thing.So there's this PSP game called Hakuoki. It's a visual novel in which you play as a girl who ends up living in a samurai compound full of strong sexy men. There's multiple endings depending on the choices you make and with whom your relationship level is highest.
So I played through the whole game making choices according to my own personality. And the ending I got ... was with nobody. Even in a videogame I ended up FOREVER ALONE ._.
Fucking depressing.