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Girl-Gaf - A thread for girls.

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Reluctant Member
I was going to purchase that game but decided not to. I even had it pre-ordered, but came to the conclusion I just wasn't that excited for it and I don't have that much money to spend.

Well, keep in mind that the game is intended for Japanese girls and so are expecting your responses to be ones that Japanese girls would make. I haven't played many of those type of games, but I always fail at them also. There was one where I was trying to go for the serious, older guy but none of the character responses had anything like I would have said. The character was just a ditzy 17 year old through and through.
Too late. Your approval of this movie is now on the internet. It is eternal, and you will never escape it.

I have no idea what this movie is, but it sounds suspiciously like a romantic comedy... -_- Ag.

Nothing wrong with romantic comedies. Same as a super 80s action movie. You just turn your brain off for an hour and a half and have fun.
Nothing wrong with romantic comedies. Same as a super 80s action movie. You just turn your brain off for an hour and a half and have fun.

Nothing is wrong with them (for other people), they are just my absolute most hated least favorite genre of movies. I'd rather be subjected to something unpleasant involving dish cleaner and a stapler than have to sit through the contrived bumbles of whatever leading lady or guy is shoehorned into a romantic scenario. But nothing against people who do like them. I was just teasing him.


Reluctant Member
The thing I can't stand about most romance movies is that sometime during the story one of them has to think that the other did something stupid and they get all huffy about it (it's called "The Misunderstanding" among romance novelists, so it's actually a specific plot device that is shoved into most romance stories.) I hate this because I want to scream and throw things at their heads for being so dense. I don't know why people find it enjoyable. But then I don't find people getting hurt or embarrassed funny either. I just feel bad for them :|
They're really dumb. Like I said, gotta turn your brain off. If you over-analyze, or hell even just analyze, stuff just starts falling apart and is terrible.

Anything Else and You've Got Mail are masterpieces of cinema however.
The thing I can't stand about most romance movies is that sometime during the story one of them has to think that the other did something stupid and they get all huffy about it (it's called "The Misunderstanding" among romance novelists, so it's actually a specific plot device that is shoved into most romance stories.) I hate this because I want to scream and throw things at their heads for being so dense. I don't know why people find it enjoyable. But then I don't find people getting hurt or embarrassed funny either. I just feel bad for them :|

Ugh. I hate that device sooooo badly. I just want to shoot everyone in the movie when I see that. No sane person reacts the way they have characters acting.

They're really dumb. Like I said, gotta turn your brain off. If you over-analyze, or hell even just analyze, stuff just starts falling apart and is terrible.

Anything Else and You've Got Mail are masterpieces of cinema however.

I can't turn it off, though. :( Every scene, every detail gets run through and pulled apart in my mind. I notice all the inconsistencies, plot holes and out-of-character moments. Since it's my job to point out mistakes (basically), I can't help but actively look for them in non-work life... much to the detriment of my casual enjoyment of anything. :p


The Everyman
something borrowed had a 6 year+ misunderstanding in it's plot but i actually found the ending refreshing and kinda honest.

but it also features professional late 20somethings females in new york, so yeah, overall it's your cliche chick flick


So there's this PSP game called Hakuoki. It's a visual novel in which you play as a girl who ends up living in a samurai compound full of strong sexy men. There's multiple endings depending on the choices you make and with whom your relationship level is highest.

So I played through the whole game making choices according to my own personality. And the ending I got ... was with nobody. Even in a videogame I ended up FOREVER ALONE ._.

Fucking depressing.

Hahaha, my sister's playing this right now!

You can't even date the sexiest man. >__> (manly guy in the bandanna?), so bleh.
I thnk the game's just too specific for getting the romantic endings with certain people. lol
I will try to play after she finishes going through all the guys.. see what loser I end up with..

MINUS: romance scenes aren't even steamy.

I think more dating sims for girls should be made. But with RPG aspects because just reading through visual novel is kinda.. boring.



Spoilered for poor mens

Okay, so I've been on the pill for like...seven years or something, whatever. A long time. And this has never happened!

I'm a week into my pills and like, started bleeding. Wtf. Do not want two periods a month, thank you. Am I dying? Should I go to the doctor? Should I just wait it out and see what happens?

I guess it's not that TMI, but I'll just leave it spoilered anyway so talk of such things isn't splattered on my post history :D


I don't have much pill experience, but definitely call your doc.
You're not experience pain or anything else weird, right?

But how would you gain EXP/level up? I guess you could fight off clingy guys, or something.
I want the dating sim to take place in a world where I can battle monsters or something.

Make it like Fire Emblem, but with the dating element too! XD (I guess it'd be like Sakura Wars... but for girls! Also like Rune Factory, except you can be a girl!)
Leeness, I'm on the pill too and that's never happened. I'd say if there's a change in your rhythm you should go see your doctor about it. I'm sure you're not dying. Have you been under stress lately? I hear that can trigger abnormal cycle things.

Hahaha, my sister's playing this right now!

You can't even date the sexiest man. >__> (manly guy in the bandanna?), so bleh.
I thnk the game's just too specific for getting the romantic endings with certain people. lol
I will try to play after she finishes going through all the guys.. see what loser I end up with..

MINUS: romance scenes aren't even steamy.

I think more dating sims for girls should be made. But with RPG aspects because just reading through visual novel is kinda.. boring.

Agreed :p

That's one of the reasons I enjoyed Dragon Age/ Mass Effect so much. Dating sim elements, but far more interesting and interactive than visual novel style. Plus the romance scenes are pretty erm... good. Dat Alistair. Have you played them yet? No? PLAY THEM.
That's one of the reasons I enjoyed Dragon Age/ Mass Effect so much. Dating sim elements, but far more interesting and interactive than visual novel style. Plus the romance scenes are pretty erm... good. Dat Alistair. Have you played them yet? No? PLAY THEM.
Persona 3 Portable has dating elements and a female main character.
The romance in both 3 and 4 are pretty shallow, partly because of having a silent MC.


Leeness, I'm on the pill too and that's never happened. I'd say if there's a change in your rhythm you should go see your doctor about it. I'm sure you're not dying. Have you been under stress lately? I hear that can trigger abnormal cycle things.

I've been exercising a LOT lately, like picking it back up. So maybe that has something to do with it.

I need to go and renew my prescription in the next few weeks, so maybe I'll go a little early and ask them about it.


Make it like Fire Emblem, but with the dating element too! XD (I guess it'd be like Sakura Wars... but for girls! Also like Rune Factory, except you can be a girl!)

What's Rune Factory?

The romance in both 3 and 4 are pretty shallow, partly because of having a silent MC.

Yes, but they're RPGs with dating elements which is what we're talking about.

I have no issues with misleading people if it means they'll end up playing Persona 3

Mobius 1

Too late. Your approval of this movie is now on the internet. It is eternal, and you will never escape it.

I have no idea what this movie is, but it sounds suspiciously like a romantic comedy... -_- Ag.

You're playing the wrong game. You need to play Hatoful Boyfriend. In this game you either date the pigeon of your dreams... or you die. :D


Oko-san! Dat pudding...!







I think more dating sims for girls should be made. But with RPG aspects because just reading through visual novel is kinda.. boring.


I was thinking maybe they could deal with seduction and sexual encounters like it was an RPG battle system. Turn-based.

*man of your dreams enters room*

Cast enchantment spell.

*25% infatuation status*

*another woman enters the room* *man's eyes become fixed on other woman*

Cast distraction spell.

*restores man's fixation with you*

Summon Mighty Cleavage Flash

*50% erection status*


...I think I would play that.
I am also open to a Starfox-esque type of game where you influence your relationships with your squadron-mates not only through dialogue/decision trees, but also by saving their butts or giving them supplies or scoring well or performing looopdeloops to impress them and stuff. xD

Agreed :p

That's one of the reasons I enjoyed Dragon Age/ Mass Effect so much. Dating sim elements, but far more interesting and interactive than visual novel style. Plus the romance scenes are pretty erm... good. Dat Alistair. Have you played them yet? No? PLAY THEM.
I played Neverwinter Nights 2 & MotB and Dragon Age 1 & 2.
Partly for fantasy CRPG goodness, partly for terrible romance antics! XD

I would not say ANY of the romances are particularly good, but the fact that they are more involved and actually had some effort put into them than most games made them stand out.
I think I just like the influencing/friending/enemy-ing with my party members aspect most. (Getting stats boosts/battle bonuses, storyline/plot expansions/branches, different endings.. That stuff's addictive!)

What's Rune Factory?
Rune Factory's like Harvest Moon (Animal Crossing + farming) except with dungeon crawling or something. >_> I haven't exactly looked into it because whereas in Harvest Moon you can choose a gender and hook up with guys or girls depending on the gender you chose, in Rune Factory you can only be a guy and hit on girls.

I don't care about harem games for boys! I demand equality!

I played Persona once.. (I don't remember which one).. but I didn't like the voice-acting and I kind of hate "modern-day-setting" stuff, so bleh. Come back to me when Persona gets out of modern-day school settings.


I was thinking maybe they could deal with seduction and sexual encounters like it was an RPG battle system. Turn-based.

*man of your dreams enters room*

Cast enchantment spell.

*25% infatuation status*

*another woman enters the room* *man's eyes become fixed on other woman*

Cast distraction spell.

*restores man's fixation with you*

Summon Mighty Cleavage Flash

*50% erection status*
I will also take this type of game as long as the battle system was balanced instead of annoying. I don't want to have to "grind" in my dating rpgs! Maybe they can be boss battles (going on dates)?
Wear a guy's inhibitions down by annoying them, flirting with them, befriending them.. etc..
Friendzoning all the suitors you don't want, but they constantly get in the way of you getting the guy of your dreams.
I am also open to a Starfox-esque type of game where you influence your relationships with your squadron-mates not only through dialogue/decision trees, but also by saving their butts or giving them supplies or scoring well or performing looopdeloops to impress them and stuff. xD
"Prax, get this guy off me!"
"Thanks Prax. I thought he had me."

Creeper on your tail?
"TRY A SOMERSAULT. (C<- + Down)"



I will also take this type of game as long as the battle system was balanced instead of annoying. I don't want to have to "grind" in my dating rpgs! Maybe they can be boss battles (going on dates)?
Wear a guy's inhibitions down by annoying them, flirting with them, befriending them.. etc..
Friendzoning all the suitors you don't want, but they constantly get in the way of you getting the guy of your dreams.

Maybe the boss battles are like people who try to sabotage your attempts at getting the guy of your dreams. So like she/he casts a fowl odour at you that makes you smell awful. You have to combat that by replenishing yourself with 'Soap of the Gods'. :D


Rune Factory's like Harvest Moon (Animal Crossing + farming) except with dungeon crawling or something. >_> I haven't exactly looked into it because whereas in Harvest Moon you can choose a gender and hook up with guys or girls depending on the gender you chose, in Rune Factory you can only be a guy and hit on girls.

Wait... so you mean... I get the OCD-ness of farming added with dungeon crawling?



Just opened it up, by the very first picture I knew this was going to be one of those where are all the men articles that is typically full of shit. We don't have men anymore because women are finally able to reach the same career goals and independence. Fuckin' gag me with a spoon. Then I read it and it was all but predictable.

God not this shit again:

A lot of observers say male disengagement in colleges and schools is a result of the &#8220;feminization&#8221; of our educational system: Boys are told to sit down, shut up and drill to the test; if they can&#8217;t, we put them on Adderall.

&#8220;I&#8217;m astonished, just astonished, that kids are moving back home,&#8221; says Barry Schwartz, a longtime psychology professor at Swarthmore College who studies happiness and satisfaction. &#8220;My kids never came home once they left. They would have seen coming home to live as an absolute failure&#8212;the worst thing in the world.&#8221;

Yeah go out into the world and acquire debt, that's the way to go about it.

Bogle thinks Facebook may also be contributing to perpetual boyhood. Prior generations of men, she says, would leave their tight-knit communities of college friends, move to new cities, and become isolated. That made relationships with women more attractive, since women typically organized social life. &#8220;Now, Facebook makes it so easy to keep in touch with your old friends, to make plans and coordinate,&#8221; Bogle says. Guys can actually do it ­themselves.

Damn you facebook for infantilizing males!

&#8220;The world tells us that white American men are extremely powerful,&#8221; says Harper. &#8220;Statistics show they are disproportionately advantaged in all sorts of ways. But individual white men don&#8217;t feel privileged or advantaged. People pay more attention to women, to minorities, and white men feel, &#8216;Nobody is paying attention to me.&#8217;&#8221;

Someone please think of the white men!

Where's the blame for video ga---OH HERE IT IS.

That&#8217;s where video games come in. Like porn, they provide a sense of mastery. Research shows males prefer games in which they feel &#8220;emotions that sustain dominant masculine identity&#8221;&#8212;in which they drive fast, blow things up, kill things, and sometimes batter women. But it&#8217;s not the content that&#8217;s the biggest problem; it&#8217;s the time commitment. Half of all college students say video games keep them from studying &#8220;some&#8221; or &#8220;a lot.&#8221; A few years back, a disgruntled ­co-ed told the New York Times she&#8217;d sworn off ­gamers for good because &#8220;they&#8217;re choosing to do something that wastes their time and sucks the life out of them.&#8221;

Now I just know at some point fingers will be pointed at feminism. YUP.

THERE ARE MEN&#8212;AND WOMEN, TOO&#8212;who say the sorry state of American men is women&#8217;s fault: Screech all that feminist propaganda long enough, and of course you&#8217;ll wind up with low-sperm-count losers trolling the Internet for porn. And there are, mostly, women who are celebrating what journalist and Philly native Kay S. Hymowitz has anointed &#8220;the New Girl Order.&#8221; Even Hymowitz, though, called the guys out in a Wall Street Journal opinion piece:

Relatively affluent, free of family responsibilities, and entertained by an array of media devoted to his every pleasure, the single young man can live in pig heaven&#8212;and often does. Women put up with him for a while, but then in fear and disgust either give up on any idea of a husband and kids or just go to a sperm bank and get the DNA without the troublesome man.

An article by Hanna Rosin in the Atlantic, &#8220;The End of Men,&#8221; postulated that modern, post-industrial society is simply more suited to women than it is to men. As my 22-year-old daughter puts it, &#8220;Maybe it&#8217;s just our time.&#8221;

The sad fact is, women may have doomed their own hopes by being so successful. Gender identity, sociologists say, is developed oppositionally. If boys see girls behaving in a certain way&#8212;working hard and excelling in school&#8212;they define masculinity in opposite terms: A real man doesn&#8217;t work hard at school or get good grades. The more that women try to set an example of responsible adult behavior, the more the guys shout along with the band Deer Tick: &#8220;We&#8217;re full-grown men but we act like kids!&#8221;

What a predictable awful piece of fucking garbage.
"Help! Help! I'm being feminized!"

I'm really tired of articles that encourage the idea that the success and gains of women means we're losing our "men." Of course their idea of a man being Don fucking Draper or something. If that's what they seriously want they should get to work on a fucking time machine and take their ass back to the 50s and stop trying to drag the rest of us down with their horseshit and pining for the days when my gender couldn't wear slacks. If their definition of man is so narrow that any guy who doesn't strike out into the world on his own as soon as he turns 18 is a failure and a "boy", well fuck them.

And notice none of this bullshit is applied to women from their end either, even though we have the means to be just as independent. No it's perfectly okay for us to stay under our father's roof, but you "guys", you need to be out of your house and living alone or else you're not a "man." Who cares if you're helping your parents out, paying them rent or going to school. You should be out of the house and acquiring debt on some condo you can't really afford because that's what a "real man" does.

Fuck that judgmental horseshit.


"Prax, get this guy off me!"
"Thanks Prax. I thought he had me."

Creeper on your tail?
"TRY A SOMERSAULT. (C<- + Down)"

+10 influence!
YES YES!!! Fund ALL my games!!!
Do you think that if I acquire enough money, I could just get Nintendo to make the games I want? How much can a Fire Emblem possibly cost? 5-10 million?? Probably a lot less?? //dreams

I thought this might interest a few people. I'm only on the second page, so I won't comment on it just yet.


I'm really tired of articles that encourage the idea that the success and gains of women means we're losing our "men." Of course their idea of a man being Don fucking Draper or something. If that's what they seriously want they should get to work on a fucking time machine and take their ass back to the 50s and stop trying to drag the rest of us down with their horseshit and pining for the days when my gender couldn't wear slacks. If their definition of man is so narrow that any guy who doesn't strike out into the world on his own as soon as he turns 18 is a failure and a "boy", well fuck them.

And notice none of this bullshit is applied to women from their end either, even though we have the means to be just as independent. No it's perfectly okay for us to stay under our father's roof, but you "guys", you need to be out of your house and living alone or else you're not a "man." Who cares if you're helping your parents out, paying them rent or going to school. You should be out of the house and acquiring debt on some condo you can't really afford because that's what a "real man" does.

Fuck that judgmental horseshit.
I am too lazy to read 5+ page BS articles, so I'll just go by what Dev as summarized and agree that it's really BS how men and women are expected to be "totally opposite" of one another. In one way, it makes sense because gender roles have been typically defined by one gender taking up roles the other doesn't (usally women with the less.. socially influential roles), but I think it's about time we stop playing that game in the real world. People should be allowed to take up whatever roles they are suited for given their wants, needs, and skill set.
I figure the "erosion" of previous power structures is what causes these pieces that extrapolate into the extinction of "manliness" to be written, kind of like an allergic reaction. I still await the day when men taking on roles more associated with women in the past is no longer looked upon as them becoming weaker or less of a man.


Rune Factory's like Harvest Moon (Animal Crossing + farming) except with dungeon crawling or something. >_> I haven't exactly looked into it because whereas in Harvest Moon you can choose a gender and hook up with guys or girls depending on the gender you chose, in Rune Factory you can only be a guy and hit on girls.


Rune Factory is an AMAZING series. It's part Harvest Moon and part action RPG. On the action RPG side, there are four or five regions to explore, each divided into several small areas, and each with a different theme. You go in there, beat up enemies, grind your skills, gather loot, etc. It's pretty much everything I want in a life-in-the-backwoods RPG/sim.

Rune Factory: Tides of Destiny (PS3/Wii) allows you to play as a female, but there are only four guys you can marry. Hopefully RF4 will do better in terms of gender equality :\


+10 influence!
YES YES!!! Fund ALL my games!!!
Do you think that if I acquire enough money, I could just get Nintendo to make the games I want? How much can a Fire Emblem possibly cost? 5-10 million?? Probably a lot less?? //dreams

I am too lazy to read 5+ page BS articles, so I'll just go by what Dev as summarized and agree that it's really BS how men and women are expected to be "totally opposite" of one another. In one way, it makes sense because gender roles have been typically defined by one gender taking up roles the other doesn't (usally women with the less.. socially influential roles), but I think it's about time we stop playing that game in the real world. People should be allowed to take up whatever roles they are suited for given their wants, needs, and skill set.
I figure the "erosion" of previous power structures is what causes these pieces that extrapolate into the extinction of "manliness" to be written, kind of like an allergic reaction. I still await the day when men taking on roles more associated with women in the past is no longer looked upon as them becoming weaker or less of a man.

This is very encouraging. Given my numerous disabilities and other problems, I doubt I could ever live up to these antiquated gender roles. If it makes me less of a "man", then so be it.
Thanks to this thread I now have Rune Factory on my radar.

+10 influence!
YES YES!!! Fund ALL my games!!!
Do you think that if I acquire enough money, I could just get Nintendo to make the games I want? How much can a Fire Emblem possibly cost? 5-10 million?? Probably a lot less?? //dreams
You gotta believe!~
What's Rune Factory?

Yes, but they're RPGs with dating elements which is what we're talking about.

I have no issues with misleading people if it means they'll end up playing Persona 3

Billy, Billy, Billy... Your words cause me indescribable pain. Rune Factory: Frontier was my first game at XSEED. ;P

I thought this might interest a few people. I'm only on the second page, so I won't comment on it just yet.


...Oh, brother. -_-
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