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GirlGAF |OT 2| Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Eve?


I'm going to marry EVERYONE.



I dont know whether to play as a guy or a girl. I don't want a husband, I want a wife!

You could play as a female character and romance Riviera.

...okay, it's not really what you want, but if you squint a bit when going in for a kiss, you might not know the difference! And it's kind of silly, because you can totally create relationships between guys or gals, but you just can't take the marriage step. The game absolutely recognizes same-sex romances, though. For a Nintendo game, it's both progressive and behind the times.

Where'd you get the game early!? D:

I get paid to play games!
Been getting back into the makeup swing. Think I'm doing okay.

Looks like it turned out all right. ^_^

I don't wear much, just a bit of eyeliner and maybe blush, and when I do try for a more dramatic look I feel like a bit of a clown... I really love the look of smokey eyes, but have yet to manage it properly. Make-up is weird yo. :p

Now that's not a free pass to have bad form, mind you! Maybe have somebody watch you to make sure your feet, knees, and hips are in the places they should be,

Alas, the cats are more interested in licking their bums. :) I'll try to keep it steady, though.

Do any of you guys read ladies magazines? I try to read Vogue, W, Allure, and Better Hones & Gardens any time I can get, though I don't have a sub to any.

Can't say that I do. They always seem to sport some exclamatory pink headline along the lines of: NAUGHTY BEDROOM SECRETS!!!!

While I suppose a cheekily earnest telling of how to pleasure a man with a spork has some merit, I feel like it's every goddamn issue. :)

Fist pump for Fishing Resort! Any good catches? I am *somewhat* tempted to get that Vita fishing game that's coming out today because I so very much want a portable Fishing Resort and it seems like it might be the closest thing to it...but the twin tails anime girl with a bandaid on her sock is making me wary. >_<

Can't wait to get hooked like this myself! Saw you playing online playing FE: A last night and I shook my fist at you in jealousy!

Only to Pacar Beach in the game right now. Just taking my time and enjoying the fish-shaped clouds...

I dare ya to try the Vita game. Double dare.

Why do people like greek yogurt? I tried to eat it once and I couldn't even eat a spoonful. :(

I like the yogurt with fruit in it them.

What?! Greek yogurt is amazing! Thick, clean (not thin and overly sweet like most yogurts) and filling! Love the stuff.
My maybe weekly check-in to this thread.. I can never keep up :p

On the topic of make-up, I haven't worn any since the start of the year. I got super sunburnt over new years, and I'd been using cocoa butter all-over (including my face) to rehydrate my skin and heal it. Well! I seem to have stumbled upon gold. I haven't felt the need for make-up since, my skin just seems really healthy right now, at most I'm using a little bronzer on my cheeks for a bit of definition, but no foundation whatsoever. I'll certainly still do myself up for special occasions but I'm quite happy to be free of the stuff for now!

This is the one I'm using, and it's like $7AU for a 400ml pump bottle. Way better results than any facial moisturiser I've ever used.
I decided to give contacts a rest for a while. I just bought a pair of glasses I think look gud and I'm gonna rock them until I get bored.

Anyone ever switch from glasses to contacts back to glasses?
Looks like it turned out all right. ^_^

I don't wear much, just a bit of eyeliner and maybe blush, and when I do try for a more dramatic look I feel like a bit of a clown... I really love the look of smokey eyes, but have yet to manage it properly. Make-up is weird yo. :p.

Smokey eyes is pretty much what I did this time. Requires a couple layers and a lot of blending so it looks less clown but still almost natural/dramatic. I'm actually kind of lucky because I actually look like I wear eye shadow naturally. When I put some minimal stuff on TD remarked that I didn't look all that different. What I practiced though was figuring out which shades went best with my skin tone and made my brown eyes more noticeable.

My maybe weekly check-in to this thread.. I can never keep up :p

On the topic of make-up, I haven't worn any since the start of the year. I got super sunburnt over new years, and I'd been using cocoa butter all-over (including my face) to rehydrate my skin and heal it. Well! I seem to have stumbled upon gold. I haven't felt the need for make-up since, my skin just seems really healthy right now, at most I'm using a little bronzer on my cheeks for a bit of definition, but no foundation whatsoever. I'll certainly still do myself up for special occasions but I'm quite happy to be free of the stuff for now!

This is the one I'm using, and it's like $7AU for a 400ml pump bottle. Way better results than any facial moisturiser I've ever used.

Eh, just chime in whenever you feel. As for cocoa butter... how the heck do you put that on your face? Just how sunburnt were you, girl??? :) I've tried using it on my just my body, and though it does smell delectable, it's way too greasy for me. I use:


I use the SPF 15 one as well, but it's slightly heavier, so I don't like it as much.

Smokey eyes is pretty much what I did this time. Requires a couple layers and a lot of blending so it looks less clown but still almost natural/dramatic. I'm actually kind of lucky because I actually look like I wear eye shadow naturally. When I put some minimal stuff on TD remarked that I didn't look all that different. What I practiced though was figuring out which shades went best with my skin tone and made my brown eyes more noticeable.


I suppose I should buy more quality eye stuff. I got liquid liner on a whim, but it looks absurd even when I go easy on it. I got dark brown, but it looks really dark and garish. :/

This is currently all I rock (can this even be called rocking?)(It's Maybelline Eyestudio that I smudge on with my finger because I lost the brush...):


But I'm going for:


Every imagine online for this seems to involve multiple hues and a lot of time...

If anyone has any quick and dirty versions, I'm all ears. And I wouldn't mind giving yours a go either since it looks so nice. I can put in effort for proper nights out! :D Which products did you use...? If I keep buying the cheap or random stuff, I'm sure my results will continue to suck.
I dont know whether to play as a guy or a girl. I don't want a husband, I want a wife!

I'm just gonna play as a girl and not romance anyone.
This was my strategy for P3P but all it did was lead to heartbreak. Mitsuru...why, why didn't you love me back? ;_;

You could play as a female character and romance Riviera.

...okay, it's not really what you want, but if you squint a bit when going in for a kiss, you might not know the difference! And it's kind of silly, because you can totally create relationships between guys or gals, but you just can't take the marriage step. The game absolutely recognizes same-sex romances, though. For a Nintendo game, it's both progressive and behind the times.

do tell

It is! :D

The kind of powder I get is called Vega. It's got decent protein without jumping up in carbs that much for having a chocolate taste haha.
Thanks for the tip! I'll see if I can find it it one of my local grocery stores.
Every imagine online for this seems to involve multiple hues and a lot of time...

If anyone has any quick and dirty versions, I'm all ears. And I wouldn't mind giving yours a go either since it looks so nice. I can put in effort for proper nights out! :D Which products did you use...? If I keep buying the cheap or random stuff, I'm sure my results will continue to suck.


Got that.

I don't have a primer but what I did for that one was I put down a base light layer similar to my natural darkest natural shade. Put a shiny dark brown on the lower lid. Put eye liner on. Then put a black shiny one over the eyeliner and blended it into the dark brown. On the upper lid I put one of the really light ones in the top outside corners.



do tell

The game allows characters to form "relationships", which as they grade up lets those two characters partner together better in combat. While not all characters can form these relationships with one another, the game makes no major distinction between the genders of the two characters.

So, if you go in and check your links, you'll see things like this.

In terms of going into actual romance in-game, though, members of the same sex can't wed (and getting married in the game is specifically for having a child who gains skills/abilities from their parents). The overall relationship aspect isn't really huge at the end of the day, so it's nothing to get too excited about.

But, it is a fun aspect, and as I said, you can develop better relationship where the "love tester" will then say things like the above examples. I'm not totally sure how it works yet, though, because previous my character and Sully (an awesome, slightly masculine female cavalier fighter) seemed to have a good bond going, but if I check now, they're cold to each other.

Maybe the game is just really good about saying how relationships can run hot and cold some days. *laughs*

And if I'm being realistic and a downer, maybe the truth is that Awakening isn't so much about recognizing same-sex feelings between character, and is more just a game where the developers were lazy and didn't want to put more work into making distinctions between how relationships can be represented between the different characters. *heh*


Thanks for the tip! I'll see if I can find it it one of my local grocery stores.

Good luck! :D

On the topic of make up... Lol. I put something liquid on my face that is similar to my skin to make it look even and that's it. I look like a ghoul with anything else on.

I'm very boring lol. No make up, no hair styling, no clothes other than jeans+tshirt combo.


Why can't Advance Wars be the popular one? Well, fun, adventurous, pop-y Advance Wars, not super serious, trying-too-hard-but-still-fun Advance Wars.

Fire Emblem is alright, but it seriously made me reconsider my skills as a TBS player. I used to play some miniature games as a teen, and was recognized as one of the best players in the world in one game in particular, but games that start and end in an hour require a whole different mindset than a game that starts and ends when conditions are met and then the progress you've made in previous maps affects you moving forward.


Why can't Advance Wars be the popular one? Well, fun, adventurous, pop-y Advance Wars, not super serious, trying-too-hard-but-still-fun Advance Wars.

Fire Emblem is alright, but it seriously made me reconsider my skills as a TBS player. I used to play some miniature games as a teen, and was recognized as one of the best players in the world in one game in particular, but games that start and end in an hour require a whole different mindset than a game that starts and ends when conditions are met and then the progress you've made in previous maps affects you moving forward.

Days of Ruin/Dark Conflict didn't even release in Japan. AW is dead.


Days of Ruin/Dark Conflict didn't even release in Japan. AW is dead.

I know and am still in mourning.

This stuff is the real truth. Since my skin is oily and dries easily, it's a godsend for me.

I'm also very big on Vaseline's Cocoa Butter lotion. Yes the bottle is brown, indicating it's targeted for people of a brown hue, but I don't see why you won't couldn't use it.


I also suggest wearing sun block daily. These days I wear sun block/screen every day, even if it's cloudy. My skin has lightened, my face is radiant, and my face is repairing previous sun damage.

I just use a daily moisturizer with SPF. I normally spend ~2 hours daily under the Texas sun, and I can burn easily regardless, so it's super important. Even on the days where it's overcast or I won't be out that much, I'm still protected.


300chf ain't shit to me
If anyone has any quick and dirty versions, I'm all ears.

Quick and dirty is my life motto!! :D I wear a work-friendly smoky eye pretty much every day. With glasses, if your eye makeup isn't at least a bit dramatic, you risk the effect being completely negated by the frames, so smokey eye is my go-to. But me being extremely lazy I often times cheat by using one colour and blending it until it's got no harsh edges and looks nice and silky.

I find the trickiest part with the smokey eye to be (with good reason) the lower lashline because if you use the wrong amount of shadow it can make the look fail horribly. Too much on the lower lashline and you can make it look like you just took a punch to the eye. Too little and, well, your eyes will be top-heavy and the effect is ruined. I try to follow the curve of my eyeball: that is, when I run the brush along the lashline I feel for where my eyeball is underneath the lid and stop blending down when I notice the brush isn't putting pressure on it anymore. (lol) This helps in two ways, by keeping the shape nicely curved and by preventing me from bringing the shadow too far down the lid for it to be overwhelming.

I realized that in basically every photo of me ever my frames are covering up my eye makeup in some way, but in this picture at least you can see what I mean about the lower lashline (bigger version of my avatar):

That's one colour (Urban Decay Creep). I also only go 2/3rds of the way towards the inner corner of my eyes, including if and when I line the water line. This is a trick to make eyes look bigger (which comes in handy when they're behind lenses for nearsighted people -- which shrink them. Booooo).

99 percent of the time I use these two palettes. Actually, it was Arsenic Yellow who tuned me in to Urban Decay so I have to give props :) Love these:

Actually the Smoked palette comes with an adorable little book that helps explain how to create and pull off the perfect smoky eye in several different styles, from subtle to intense. Nothing you can't find out about online, but it's a neat little extra.
Damn, girl. You do a proper routine! I'll try and work my way up to there... O_O

As for the hair, you could totally pull it off and look gorgeous. I say go for it! (And I hope for pictures of the outcome!) I'm thinking of doing bangs again myself, but nothing too drastic. I'll just live vicariously through yours. ;)

It's really not too hard, I just downloaded a few free aps on my iphone and try to do it every day or every other day. I stopped last week out of stress and laziness, and now this week I caught an awful stomach flu. Actually passed out while heading to the bathroom and hit my head against the sink, busted my lip up (just in time for two graduate school application on site interviews next week). Feeling a little better now, hoping to get back to my workout routine next week when I have a little more strength.

I've never been a big bangs fan, which is why I usually wear my hair up. Wont be able to get my hair cut until this weekend, so nervous about going to a salon! I'll definitely take pictures for you :)

99 percent of the time I use these two palettes. Actually, it was Arsenic Yellow who tuned me in to Urban Decay so I have to give props :) Love these:

Actually the Smoked palette comes with an adorable little book that helps explain how to create and pull off the perfect smoky eye in several different styles, from subtle to intense. Nothing you can't find out about online, but it's a neat little extra.

I haven't gotten the smokey palette yet, super broke :(. I also like their new make your own palettes. Cant wait to make my own :). I was pretty skeptical about urban decay, MAC was always my favorite brand, but lately, MAC's quality has really gone down, while Urban Decay is really working it.
Have you tried their lipstick? I've tried their glosses but I'm not a fan. So far, Guerlain has my favorite lipsticks/glosses but they are so damned expensive ; ;
Ah, thanks for the detailed explanation shidoshi!

So, if you go in and check your links, you'll see things like this.
I can already tell, I'm gonna be living for this kinda stuff in the game. ;-)

In terms of going into actual romance in-game, though, members of the same sex can't wed (and getting married in the game is specifically for having a child who gains skills/abilities from their parents). The overall relationship aspect isn't really huge at the end of the day, so it's nothing to get too excited about.
I really dug the gameplay and the visuals in the demo, so adding even light romance elements to an already solid formula/genre that I like is just like icing on the cake.

And if I'm being realistic and a downer, maybe the truth is that Awakening isn't so much about recognizing same-sex feelings between character, and is more just a game where the developers were lazy and didn't want to put more work into making distinctions between how relationships can be represented between the different characters. *heh*
Even if this is the case, I'm okay with it. I wish more developers would be lazy like this really. *is irrationally bitter about unnecessary changes made to P3P's S.Links*
I'm super allergic to sunscreen. I've tried everything. Boo-urns.

I just woke up from a dream that I was raped in my own house, own bed. :'C I'm glad my Mum is picking me up to give me a lift to work this morning, I need her hugs!


I'm just not into it.

I mean, I technically did play the one they gave Ambassadors, but that was only because it would feel weird not to try it.

Did you try out the Awakening demo? :eek: The one they gave ambassadors isn't a really good one to start with. From people's impressions Awakening looks to be a good one for beginners to the franchise.

Got that.

I don't have a primer but what I did for that one was I put down a base light layer similar to my natural darkest natural shade. Put a shiny dark brown on the lower lid. Put eye liner on. Then put a black shiny one over the eyeliner and blended it into the dark brown. On the upper lid I put one of the really light ones in the top outside corners.

Wow. 88 colors?! I'd say that would cover a lot of bases. I did get a palette with quite a few shades once for this very purpose, but the quality was very... blunt? The colors didn't blend or work as gradients at all. It also applied very flat and didn't like to be smudged or smoothed. Got that clown effect going a lot. Am definitely interested in yours, though. Will try the method too. Thanks!

Quick and dirty is my life motto!! :D I wear a work-friendly smoky eye pretty much every day. With glasses, if your eye makeup isn't at least a bit dramatic, you risk the effect being completely negated by the frames, so smokey eye is my go-to. But me being extremely lazy I often times cheat by using one colour and blending it until it's got no harsh edges and looks nice and silky.

I find the trickiest part with the smokey eye to be (with good reason) the lower lashline because if you use the wrong amount of shadow it can make the look fail horribly. Too much on the lower lashline and you can make it look like you just took a punch to the eye. Too little and, well, your eyes will be top-heavy and the effect is ruined. I try to follow the curve of my eyeball: that is, when I run the brush along the lashline I feel for where my eyeball is underneath the lid and stop blending down when I notice the brush isn't putting pressure on it anymore. (lol) This helps in two ways, by keeping the shape nicely curved and by preventing me from bringing the shadow too far down the lid for it to be overwhelming.

I realized that in basically every photo of me ever my frames are covering up my eye makeup in some way, but in this picture at least you can see what I mean about the lower lashline (bigger version of my avatar):

That's one colour (Urban Decay Creep). I also only go 2/3rds of the way towards the inner corner of my eyes, including if and when I line the water line. This is a trick to make eyes look bigger (which comes in handy when they're behind lenses for nearsighted people -- which shrink them. Booooo).

99 percent of the time I use these two palettes. Actually, it was Arsenic Yellow who tuned me in to Urban Decay so I have to give props :) Love these:

Actually the Smoked palette comes with an adorable little book that helps explain how to create and pull off the perfect smoky eye in several different styles, from subtle to intense. Nothing you can't find out about online, but it's a neat little extra.

Niiiice. Thanks, cloud. That 'punched eye' look is something I've battled with a lot. I generally don't do the bottoms just to avoid it, but without a bit of lower definition you can't really get that good smokey eye look either. :p

Cheers for the really helpful direction as well. Between you and Devo I might just pull it off and scare all the people in my office (just wearing my hair up once was cause for alarm apparently). Will also look into getting the Urban Decay set as well.

It's really not too hard, I just downloaded a few free aps on my iphone and try to do it every day or every other day. I stopped last week out of stress and laziness, and now this week I caught an awful stomach flu. Actually passed out while heading to the bathroom and hit my head against the sink, busted my lip up (just in time for two graduate school application on site interviews next week). Feeling a little better now, hoping to get back to my workout routine next week when I have a little more strength.

I've never been a big bangs fan, which is why I usually wear my hair up. Wont be able to get my hair cut until this weekend, so nervous about going to a salon! I'll definitely take pictures for you :)

I haven't gotten the smokey palette yet, super broke :(. I also like their new make your own palettes. Cant wait to make my own :). I was pretty skeptical about urban decay, MAC was always my favorite brand, but lately, MAC's quality has really gone down, while Urban Decay is really working it.
Have you tried their lipstick? I've tried their glosses but I'm not a fan. So far, Guerlain has my favorite lipsticks/glosses but they are so damned expensive ; ;

Having the flu is one thing, but passing out is... not so good. Low sugar level in addition to the general un-wellness or something? I always keep OJ handy when I feel light-headed. Just a quick chug seems to do the trick. Hope you feel better.

For hair stuff, I don't usually have bangs because I have an annoying cowlick right in the middle (as well as a blank spot from getting a microscope dropped on my head), but I've been getting them trimmed shorter so that they frame the face more. Otherwise I end up with very one note hair because I can't be bothered to do anything with it half the time. :p I love short hair, though, and I posted back in the old thread the last cut I had, but it wasn't near as daring as the one you're going to go for. I kind of miss my pixie cut (a proper one, not the one I posted on the old thread), but I think long hair suits me better looks-wise. You, on the other hand, pull off short beautifully. Can't wait to see the results.

As for make-up, I didn't actually have any lipstick until a week ago. I forced myself to get a darker color since I usually just get gloss, but it's so harshly red that I have to mix it with gloss to bring it down from vampire into normal human. :D

I'm super allergic to sunscreen. I've tried everything. Boo-urns.

I just woke up from a dream that I was raped in my own house, own bed. :'C I'm glad my Mum is picking me up to give me a lift to work this morning, I need her hugs!

How awful. :/ Sorry for shit dreams. I find cupcakes are recommended for this situation. Especially red velvet ones.
Did you try out the Awakening demo? :eek: The one they gave ambassadors isn't a really good one to start with. From people's impressions Awakening looks to be a good one for beginners to the franchise.

I haven't even been online on my 3DS for a few weeks, so I had no idea there was a demo.


I'm super allergic to sunscreen. I've tried everything. Boo-urns.

I just woke up from a dream that I was raped in my own house, own bed. :'C I'm glad my Mum is picking me up to give me a lift to work this morning, I need her hugs!

I had a nightmare about Steel Diver the other night. I honestly don't even know what the fuck.

Last night I had a dream I was watching a really awful Will Ferrel movie. That's not nearly as bad as getting raped D:
That's...that's not a fun dream!

I'm so sorry you can't use sunscreen. What do you do during summer months or at the beach?

I suck it up and get burnt, generally! Maybe I'll pay for it one day but.. for now the reaction I have to sunscreen and the lost time at work because of it is far worse than a little burn.

New years day's adventure did not equal a little burn though, I was a mega idiot, lying in the pool ALL DAY on an inflatable dolphin singing Disco Inferno thinking I was oh so funny. Wrong! Painful painful week. I'm being extra cautious to stay out of the sun now.

Thinking about this earlier today. Completely off topic.

Did anyone here who grew up a product of the United States education system have any personal experience with subjects or classes being off limits or banned? Like abstinence only sex education (if you had this at all), evolution/creationism. That sort of thing?

I'm speaking more to those who went to public schools. I went to a private parochial school for part of middle school and public middle school for the other part. The parochial school was Catholic so it kinds to stands to reason. The people I stayed friends who went to the private school for the entire term said there was hardly any form of sex ed. Funny enough I do remember evolution being taught with a religious subtext.

If you went to one of those public schools that limited access to certain things concerning your education were you indignant about it at the time or did you not really think about it?

I was lucky in that a lot of the more controversial topics covered in detail were through a pretty liberal public school. We learned about natural selection, there was a detailed human growth and development class where we learned about both our anatomy/sexuality and also the boys' (split into two classes). We read some thought provoking, controversial books. Uncensored Diary of Anne Frank, Huckleberry Finn, etc.

I'm just sort of tired and rambling. I just had a thought about how much I took for granted my early education. Some kids are kept ignorant of really important things for no good reason at all.
It's funny, my junior year in high school there was a co ed assembly with all juniors and seniors that went completely balls out. They had a very feminine gay guy talk about pretty much everything. Condom demonstration, dental dams. The whole nine.


I went to public school in the south bay part of the SF bay area and in 5th grade we were separated into two class rooms, one for girls and the other for boys. This was just for the subject of our bodies changing and we may notice the opposite sex or the same sex more. Then in high school, we had to take a proper sex ed class telling us about safe sex, always get your annual examinations, etc. I mostly remember from that class a story from the teacher regarding guys always need to wear a cup during sports. He coached the baseball team and one year this kid on the team didn't wear a cup and got nailed in the balls. He collapsed of course and when he got up, there was blood everywhere and one of his testicles had popped from the impact of the baseball.

We were taught evolution and darwinism. I actually had no idea some schools didn't teach this until after high school. The thought never crossed my mind that it would be just as big of a controversy today as it was when Darwin created his theory.
I think the only censored book we read was Uncle Tom's cabin.


Lol this seems weird and ironic to me?

You guys are taught abstinence only sex-ed and that's just really fucked up, and turned out pretty fine.

I get taught normal sex-ed and turn out a freak. Haha.

Derp derp.
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