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GirlGAF |OT 2| Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Eve?

Seems I've missed most of the porn talk, and you guys are back onto video games, but how about some food porn? I finally managed to cook a steak properly with the secret steak-cooking technique! Monday ends on a high note! :D

I downloaded it when I woke up at around 7am or so.
Good show.

Perhaps, though I wanted to use my Best Buy coupon and they don't have copies... :( guess I'm grabbing it full price at EB.
Shipping's been delayed for some retailers, seems like. Nintendo either underestimated the demand or is just trying to get people to download it instead. ;-)

Seems I've missed most of the porn talk, and you guys are back onto video games, but how about some food porn? I finally managed to cook a steak properly with the secret steak-cooking technique! Monday ends on a high note! :D
Oh man, that looks good.
What's the secret?
Good show.

Shipping's been delayed for some retailers, seems like. Nintendo either underestimated the demand or is just trying to get people to download it instead. ;-)

Oh man, that looks good.
What's the secret?

Apparently you must
fry the steak in garlic saturated olive oil. Dice up a few cloves, heat the oil and toss 'em in, and when they're nice and golden, remove them from the oil. Then notch it up to high and drop a nice salt&peppered steak into the garlicky goodness.

I don't know if this is common knowledge or something, but I never knew and have been failing at steak all year. This time, though... awesomeness. ;_; <-- happy tears
Apparently you must
fry the steak in garlic saturated olive oil. Dice up a few cloves, heat the oil and toss 'em in, and when they're nice and golden, remove them from the oil. Then notch it up to high and drop a nice salt&peppered steak into the garlicky goodness.

I don't know if this is common knowledge or something, but I never knew and have been failing at steak all year. This time, though... awesomeness. ;_; <-- happy tears

You can also butter baste it as well. When the steak is a minute away from cooking to your preferred taste; take a table spoon of butter and add it straight to the pan along with the garlic (thyme also goes well with garlic). And tilt the pan and start basting the crap out of the steak with the brown butter garlic sauce. And of course, allow the steak to rest for at least half the time you spent cooking it.
You can also butter baste it as well. When the steak is a minute away from cooking to your preferred taste; take a table spoon of butter and add it straight to the pan along with the garlic (thyme also goes well with garlic). And tilt the pan and start basting the crap out of the steak with the brown butter garlic sauce. And of course, allow the steak to rest for at least half the time you spent cooking it.

I don't know how many more "Yessssssss"es I can post without coming off genuinely psychotic, but Yessssssssssssss... Thanks for the great tip. Will give it a go!
Meh. I give up.

And if you need him to be more responsible yet won't have an alternative, then either you try to convince him, accept it, or dump him. You're the only one to know your priorities.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
So he's awesome, ambitious, treats you great, the two of you connect really well, but you're strongly considering moving on solely because there exists a hypothetical potential future failure state for his primary goal in life and he doesn't have a mundane backup plan in place? And this is relevant to you in a 3 month relationship why exactly? Do you have a calendar up on the wall, counting down the days until he starts paying your bills for you?

Go ahead and break up with him for his sake.
So he's awesome, ambitious, treats you great, the two of you connect really well, but you're strongly considering moving on solely because there exists a hypothetical potential future failure state for his primary goal in life and he doesn't have a mundane backup plan in place? And this is relevant to you in a 3 month relationship why exactly? Do you have a calendar up on the wall, counting down the days until he starts paying your bills for you?

Go ahead and break up with him for his sake.

Damn. I have to agree with the man here though.


So he's awesome, ambitious, treats you great, the two of you connect really well, but you're strongly considering moving on solely because there exists a hypothetical potential future failure state for his primary goal in life and he doesn't have a mundane backup plan in place? And this is relevant to you in a 3 month relationship why exactly? Do you have a calendar up on the wall, counting down the days until he starts paying your bills for you?

Go ahead and break up with him for his sake.
Thanks, I was cooking up a response in my head but you pretty much said everything I wanted to.
So he's awesome, ambitious, treats you great, the two of you connect really well, but you're strongly considering moving on solely because there exists a hypothetical potential future failure state for his primary goal in life and he doesn't have a mundane backup plan in place? And this is relevant to you in a 3 month relationship why exactly? Do you have a calendar up on the wall, counting down the days until he starts paying your bills for you?

Go ahead and break up with him for his sake.

Not everyone has the same goals down the line. People prioritize things differently. Jesus.
Not everyone has the same goals down the line. People prioritize things differently. Jesus.
I think the main issue here is that nothing has gone wrong yet. If it does, fine. Break up with him. But god damn. Everything going fine thus far, even great by her own admission, and she's talking about cutting it off because of a hypothetical situation that may or may not actually happen? Eh...
I think the main issue here is that nothing has gone wrong yet. If it does, fine. Break up with him. But god damn. Everything going fine thus far, even great by her own admission, and she's talking about cutting it off because of a hypothetical situation that may or may not actually happen? Eh...

Sometimes people want to deal with a person who is more grounded and has their shit together (whatever their definition of shit together is) instead of focusing on lofty goals. I've encountered this with various types of people not women. I'm not one of them but it's not really my life so whatevs.
There's a difference between expecting a guy to have a good job so you can live off of him and expecting him to have considered a way to earn a living for himself that isn't a crazy unrealistic dream goal.

My advice would be to let him make his own mistakes. If the singing plan falls through I'm sure he'll think of something. I have a friend who pretty much fits your story to a T (he actually does want to be a singer). I managed to convince him to finish uni at least, and if you can I'd try and get your boyfriend to do the same. No matter what his path is, a degree is going to make getting there a whole lot easier - and its something to fall back on. If he won't, and quits for the audition, he can always go back if things fall through. Just have fun for now. If you're not enjoying your time with him then maybe you should move on.
She would like this as a long-term relationship, one where she can build a household together; she wants him in that case to have an actual career path in mind outside of "singer".

What I'll tell you is; if you're going to continue the relationship; you're going to have to accept that this is where he is at this point in his life. This is what he wants, dreams and strives for. This is the price of admission for this ride. You're both adults; you can communicate to him what you want out of a relationship. If he's willing to change then great, every thing works out. If he doesn't want to give up on this dream; you're going to have to accept that and move on or continue what has been an amazing relationship thus far (by your words).


I can see why you're concerned, but you've only been going out for a few months. Just talk about it and/or see where your relationship goes in the meantime. Hell, you guys could end it over something else that might come up later on anyway.


I need to do a little rant and get some advice :X

TL;DR: Met awesome guy online. Rose-colored glasses are off, I'm starting to think he's not exactly what he says he is. Unsure if I'm just super picky or he's just not the right one for me.


So I activated my OkCupid account several months ago. Talked to several guys and did the dating thing a few times then I met a really great guy I felt like I totally connected with! We've been seeing each other for about three months now. Things he said about himself while we were first dating (that I really liked about him) is starting to wear out.

I really admire ambitious people and I remember he was talking about how he really wants to be... let's say... a singer (yeah I'm just paranoid about him finding out and reading this somehow, so I'm sticking with an example!). I just really like it when people have a passion in doing something that they love! He's willing to try out for this big audition coming up even though he's going to school part-time and work full-time. He told me that if things don't fall through being an singer, then he didn't know what he wants to do because he can only see himself as a singer. When he does sign into a label, then he plans to quit school. He refuses to finish if he gets the part because he can never motivate himself to do the school-work (c'mon, EVERYONE dreads school work, amirite?). See... I didn't have a problem of him wanting to be a singer but the main issue is that he doesn't even have backup plan if things don't work out D:

There are other things I'm starting to nit-pick at too, but boyfriend-wise, he's amazing! I've never been in a relationship where someone treats me as well as he does which is why this is a bit of a problem :X I'm having a hard time looking past this and would really like to be with someone where I can see a relationship-to-marriage type of scenario. I'm not sure if I'm just being super picky or if this is just a big sign that I should move on.
Wow, seems like you value not only someone having a good career/lots of ambition but a backup plan if the unexpected occurs, despite the fact that you find him to be a catch (if I'm understanding you properly). May I ask what you are doing with your life? I'm assuming you really have your stuff together?
Wow, seems like you value not only someone having a good career but a backup plan if the unexpected occurs, despite the fact that you find him to be a catch (if I'm understanding you properly). May I ask what you are doing with your life? I'm assuming you really have your stuff together?

Hopefully she has her shit together otherwise it'd be pretty hypocritical. But some folks don't want to support others (financially) is all I'm sayin'.


Neo Member
Oh man, NeoGAF DELIVERS! I really appreciate two sides of the advice, not to mention the quick replies :D

Since I grew up in a traditional Asian (Korean to be exact) household. I kind of ended up to want to be with someone that's grounded and goal oriented. So knowing he wants to pursue a path like that without a backup plan makes me a bit concerned. But yes it does seem crazy that I'm already thinking about this when we've only been dating for three months. I'm a plan-it-out type of person so this is bound to happen I guess :p I'll definitely talk to him about school.

For me, I'm currently in school for illustration/animation, working retail part time and plan to intern next semester. Sure I don't have ALL of my stuff together but I'm definitely trying my best!
Oh man, NeoGAF DELIVERS! I really appreciate two sides of the advice, not to mention the quick replies :D

Since I grew up in a traditional Asian (Korean to be exact) household. I kind of ended up to want to be with someone that's grounded and goal oriented. So knowing he wants to pursue a path like that without a backup plan makes me a bit concerned. But yes it does seem crazy that I'm already thinking about this when we've only been dating for three months. I'm a plan-it-out type of person so this is bound to happen I guess :p I'll definitely talk to him about school.

For me, I'm currently in school for illustration/animation, working retail part time and plan to intern next semester. Sure I don't have ALL of my stuff together but I'm definitely trying my best!

Yeah he should have a back up plan and you should chill the planning for the distant future a bit, at least in my opinion.


Rolling Girl
I hate you guys. D: *waits while stupid shipping bullcrap makes her not have her bundle*

Ooo you look adorable there Shans. I like the blue dress! :D


I like the dress on the left the most. You have the right body for it Shan. I thought the 'Gameboy' bathers would look a little bit nerdy, but they look surprisingly classy.


And so, the first fantasy of half your class was born.

This is why I wanted to have classes about this. Had to learn to put on condoms on my own (not just with the mouth) and there's a lot of tension when you don't know how to do it.

I didn't even think of practice using cucumbers until I saw it on a movie.

It was probably the first time any of us saw a deepthroating in real life. Sure was for me at least. But the school computers had visited free6.com plenty of times before that so the concept wasn't new to us. ;)

How do you put condoms on with your mouth?

I don't have the slightest idea. If I hadn't seen I probably never would have thought you could do that.

The green dress looks great shan. We won't see AM for a while now, though!
The green dress looks great shan. We won't see AM for a while now, though!
Quite the contrary.


Too 3dpd? Erotic stories (literotica.com, etc.) are much better than porn video. Even photos are kind of squicky. Like, this person has a life and feelings. They could potentially be already dead even. I just feels gross to dehumanize them.
What the hell does any of this mean. Lusting after someone doesn't dehumanize them, not at all.

I seriously don't understand what most of this post means.

Nah, nothing wrong.


Neo Member
Currently on a high fat/lean meat/high fiber diet for weight loss aka paleo diet so I used 4 eggs.
Oh man, I was in and out of the keto diet: high fat, low carb/sugar. I lacked willpower to avoid pastries and baked goods though D: One of my favorite snacks to eat when I was on the diet was pork rind nachos! Mmmmm
I found another amazing clothing site: www.pinupgirlclothing.com

So many cute navy dresses! I really like that they've used a whole variety of models with different body types.

Speaking of which, my dresses came in!

Blackmilk on the left, and Modcloth on the right.


I also ended up buying those gameboy bathers: http://i.imgur.com/lKaVXzK.png
The green dress is beyond adorable! Not to be a creeper but you have a super cute figure :3. Haha, that unintentionally rhymed.


Shan, your photos totally killed me, especially the Modcloth dress. So adorable.

And I agree with leadbelly on the GameBoy suit—I wasn't sure it would actually look good in a real-world scenario, but it's cute!
Y'all a bunch of bandwagoners.

How are you defining 'someone'? I'm not anti-porn or anti-masturbation but I believe consuming it is a conspicuous act. One might not be aware of the change in their own public presentation as a visceral, tangible thing. Obviously it's not like putting on a ring... More like slow growing hair. Lusting after someone, including all the social interaction capabilities of the human animal, is a beautiful opportunity for personal growth. Masturbating to ideals, just like closed cults, can reinforce a lot of questionable behavior. The person in a photo cannot consent. It's like any other scale with two binaries; not everyone who meets their favorite porn star in real life is an asshole to them.

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