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GirlGAF |OT 2| Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Eve?


So we really don't know either way? At this point I don't really care anymore.
I'm pretty sure aguirre is a girl - there's a lot of crazy female anime fans on the internet (who use their own gender for attention) and aguirre isn't exactly much different from those, but of course in the end it doesn't really matter. But my history of playing MMOs makes me believe that most people who claim to be females on the internet.. are um actually female no matter how inane their personalitys come off as, and the male pretending to be a female shlock is just a urban myth!
I don't give a fuck what aguirre is, if she trolls with blatant bullshit I'll call it out. And that's what I did when she posted that nonsense.
I may as well be a boy here. I have to pretty much ignore the thread for a while everytime it turns to period talk, which seems to be frequently! Once in a while if you're really having some issue makes sense to chat to some other girlies but.. it's so casual in here. 0_o My girl friends and I never talk about this stuff, if we do it's like an odd text if we're not feeling well.


People can present themselves however they want.

That particular post though.. That's not how menstruation works. lol.

Haha, seriously! I can't wait for menopause. I'm never even gonna use these eggs for anything useful and they are such a pain in the everything.

The one thing I'm looking forward to when I get old.


No One Remembers
Who the fuck is Aguirre?

Okay I am drunk... so I feel comfortable posting here.

I know that she gets a lot of flak for potentially being a male but I've reached out to her via NeoGaf and Steam and I have no reason to believe that she's actually a dude in disguise.

admittedly, I've fallen for a gay guy portraying a dude online before... but, I think Aguirre is who she says she is.
It doesn't matter. This is the internet. Here on NeoGAF we have men presenting as women, women presenting as men, people of ambiguity, transitioning transgender people, all of it. What it comes down to is that you need to not give a shit about what someone's gender identity or presentation is unless you plan on doing something romantically with them in real life, which is extremely unlikely and shouldn't be the goal of your interactions anyway in these circumstances.

I take everything at face value unless there's reason not to; not reason to question what they're claiming, but reason why it should actually matter whether they're telling the truth or not.
That's a very respectable position to hold

Joke characters who do their thing at the expense of minorities (even if they truly belong to such groups) just really get under my skin.
Taking them pills for shorter and slightly less painful visits from aunt flow. Also, I haven't had an acne breakout since.

I don't hesitate to pop some acetaminophen whenever the pain is too annoying. Some of my friends are so anti pain meds. How about NO.
Who the fuck is Aguirre?
Queen of the pics that make you laugh thread.

What? That's not what she stated.

holding in what you think is pee but is actually menstruation blood. and of course since you were holding it, it creates pressure thus causing it to hit the toilet bowl water and go everywhere.
What in the what. Ew. Maybe I'm just weird but I can't feel the blood at all. It certainly doesn't feel like I need to pee, and I certainly can't hold it in :s

Preach. So much worse since I stopped taking the pill too. Augh. And now they last ~for weeks~ it's so awesome.
I used to get that before I went on the pill :( it really is the worst. I'd start getting pain a few days before it started, and it'd continue for a week after it ended. Can you go back on the pill? Pain like that is so debilitating.
I don't really mind Aguirre as much as both followings. The "let's hate on absolutely every post" are what ruined the latest Post Funny Pics thread, and there's some people who are way too much into Aguirre for someone whose recent post history is trying too hard to mimick an anime.

I'm pretty sure Aguirre isn't a girl, but I don't really care. And I'm happier thinking there's more pretty blonde girls 'round here of course. Wink wink.

Nah but for reals, Aguirre should just be more upfront that he/she is a joke character and stop trying to post in serious threads. Once people stopped talking about Aguirre every two posts, it stopped being that annoying.


Testing... testing...

Is my post blue for anyone? Like, literally the color blue...? I feel like I must be going crazy or something. -_-;

EDIT: Never mind. Some new feature, I guess? That's what I get for not staying in the loop.

I read this post earlier. I understand exactly what you mean about feeling like you're going crazy. I just posted in gaming and noticed a very subtle blue tint. It's so subtle in fact that when I move my head to a different angle, I can hardly notice it at all. That being on my laptop screen though.

I bet that is fucking with a few people. lol


I used to get that before I went on the pill :( it really is the worst. I'd start getting pain a few days before it started, and it'd continue for a week after it ended. Can you go back on the pill? Pain like that is so debilitating.

Before I went on it, it was intense pain for a few days before hand. Like shaking crying take-a-few-days-off-school bad.

Now after, it's less intense and more ~spread out~ over like a week and a half lol.

I stopped the pill because my mom thought it would help my terrible hair...I'm not really sure if it has.

I also stopped because I kind of hated the "have you had a pap done yet?" "No" "why?" "I don't have sex" "oh well when you do make sure you get one" "yeah that'll happen lol" conversation I had every three months haha. Especially with male doctors; one tried to ~talk to me~ about it once even haha.

I'd also have to think about how they'd mix with my SSRIs if I did go back on them.

Eeeeeeeeh. Lol.

A.E Suggs


LOL how do you even manage to do something like this?

Anyone on here beat FE awakening yet(I know a few people here had it)? I did a hard mode run which was easy as fuck(even without grinding) that it sorta took away some of the fun. At this point I'm not sure lunatic is going to be hard now because it only gets easier as you go on though its kinda difficult right now. Game is still fun difficulty aside and the supports are some of the best I've seen in FE so far.
Anybody else looking at all this hype for Bungie's Destiny today and just wondering, "Why did they make a uterus their logo?" Anyone? I am just scratching my head over here, can't unsee it!

LOL how do you even manage to do something like this?

Anyone on here beat FE awakening yet(I know a few people here had it)? I did a hard mode run which was easy as fuck(even without grinding) that it sorta took away some of the fun. At this point I'm not sure lunatic is going to be hard now because it only gets easier as you go on though its kinda difficult right now. Game is still fun difficulty aside and the supports are some of the best I've seen in FE so far.
Haven't beaten it yet cause I decided to restart my save file about halfway through the game. >_> Normal is ridiculously easy though, so I'm definitely bumping it up to Hard or Lunatic for my Male MU run.

I've only beaten it on normal. I'm doing a hard mode run now. I don't know whether to marry Tharja or Anna.
Tharja. Gotta reward that creepy stalker obsession!

A.E Suggs

Anybody else looking at all this hype for Bungie's Destiny today and just wondering, "Why did they make a uterus their logo?" Anyone? I am just scratching my head over here, can't unsee it!

Ok now I see it.

It's my first FE game so I can't comment too much on the difficulty but I'm getting through it well enough to think my purchase of a 3DS for it was a good decision.
You'll be fine, its probably something that'll only bother people who've played it before...maybe.

Dom Brunt

a huge portion of those go away with hormone replacement .. so not a real problem

Yeah but not everyone wants to go the hormone route so it's still a problem for some (or quite many I should think). Not all women want to use hormonal birth control either. It sucks that the female body works so irrationally that hormones may often be needed to maintain a normal quality of life though, be it for helping with extreme period pains or all that shit that comes with menopause. It would be nice if hormones were a completely risk-free magical cure-all but they're not so even the solution to these problems could just cause more problems.
Before I went on it, it was intense pain for a few days before hand. Like shaking crying take-a-few-days-off-school bad.

Now after, it's less intense and more ~spread out~ over like a week and a half lol.

I stopped the pill because my mom thought it would help my terrible hair...I'm not really sure if it has.

I also stopped because I kind of hated the "have you had a pap done yet?" "No" "why?" "I don't have sex" "oh well when you do make sure you get one" "yeah that'll happen lol" conversation I had every three months haha. Especially with male doctors; one tried to ~talk to me~ about it once even haha.

I'd also have to think about how they'd mix with my SSRIs if I did go back on them.

Eeeeeeeeh. Lol.

I get the feeling you're suspicious of your consulting physicians' motives in asking you about a preventive health screening.

According to my doctor: If you are not comfortable getting a pap test done by your male doctor go to a woman. It's an important health screening, particularly for women on the pill, as it will check for cervical cancer, blood clots, other anomalies in your cervix/uterus, and HPV. Beyond a certain age, regardless of whether or not your hymen has been ruptured, you should get one anyway.

And, it's a once-a-year thing for a couple years - beyond that, if you're clear, once every two.
I get my testing done by male doctor. You can also request one of his female assistants be in the room if you want. I didn't opt for that this last time since it wasn't my first go at it. I don't really care. A guy who gets wrist deep in vaginas isn't really going to ogle yours. (I'm purposefully ignoring the gynos who do turn out to record their patients because this is so rare.)


300chf ain't shit to me
I had a male gyno once. It was off-putting at first but he made it seem so routine that in the end I was like "eh, whatever." He turned out to be a shit doctor though.

I think I prefer a female for the simple fact that I feel better knowing they have the same junk as I do. Sure, a male can study it, but he can never really know what it's like outside of what's mentioned in a textbook. If you have to discuss womanly woes with another female they usually just get it. It's easier.
My doctor gets it. I dunno I saw his brother as a child and then him once I hit middle school after his bro retired. He's great, listens to me, jokes around. I wouldn't think of seeing someone else if I can just go see him.


I get the feeling you're suspicious of your consulting physicians' motives in asking you about a preventive health screening.

According to my doctor: If you are not comfortable getting a pap test done by your male doctor go to a woman. It's an important health screening, particularly for women on the pill, as it will check for cervical cancer, blood clots, other anomalies in your cervix/uterus, and HPV. Beyond a certain age, regardless of whether or not your hymen has been ruptured, you should get one anyway.

And, it's a once-a-year thing for a couple years - beyond that, if you're clear, once every two.

I'm uncomfortable with anyone or anything going near me lol. I know it's ~medical~ but no no no no.


And the male doctor who tried to ~talk to me~ about it was wondering why I wasn't having sex, not why I wasn't getting a pap lol. It was awkward as fuck.


I'm uncomfortable with anyone or anything going near me lol. I know it's ~medical~ but no no no no.


And the male doctor who tried to ~talk to me~ about it was wondering why I wasn't having sex, not why I wasn't getting a pap lol. It was awkward as fuck.
that gif is hilariously on topic
And the male doctor who tried to ~talk to me~ about it was wondering why I wasn't having sex, not why I wasn't getting a pap lol. It was awkward as fuck.

Okay, that's a little weird. A good gyno will develop more of a rapport before they go prying in that way.

And I get the hesitation, but nothing is more important than your health. I encourage you to make peace with this uncomfortable element!

If you've got some girlfriends who you'd be comfortable asking, inquire as to whether their docs are taking new patients. Maybe that'll help?
I'm uncomfortable with anyone or anything going near me lol. I know it's ~medical~ but no no no no.


And the male doctor who tried to ~talk to me~ about it was wondering why I wasn't having sex, not why I wasn't getting a pap lol. It was awkward as fuck.

I get you, Leeness! I have a complete medical phobia...

The last time I set foot in a medical centre was when I sliced my finger to the bone, before that was years. Before anyone even thinks it.. it has nothing to do with needles. It's just something I can not face.


Okay, that's a little weird. A good gyno will develop more of a rapport before they go prying in that way.

And I get the hesitation, but nothing is more important than your health. I encourage you to make peace with this uncomfortable element!

If you've got some girlfriends who you'd be comfortable asking, inquire as to whether their docs are taking new patients. Maybe that'll help?

It was really weird :/ "Well don't you want to have sex with someone? Don't you find men attractive?" :/

It's too weird for me lol


I know perfectly how you feel.... I am only coming back to my dcotor in a few months ebcause the prescription has an expiration date =P

....of course it doesn't help that my doctor usualy make crazy comments that are totaly not related to what is his job, like asking when I will get boob job =P


I get you, Leeness! I have a complete medical phobia...

The last time I set foot in a medical centre was when I sliced my finger to the bone, before that was years. Before anyone even thinks it.. it has nothing to do with needles. It's just something I can not face.
Same here. I only go if I absolutely have to and it's been years.

I really need to see a dentist (I have some cavities and my teeth aren't straight so I'd like to fix that) but the anxiety is so bad even just thinking about it.


Walk in doctor. I only recently got an actual doctor when I started talking to her about SSRIs.

But yeah... I got things like that from a few doctors. :/ That, and "oh you want the pill but you're not having sex? No no, I only give it if you are a young lady having sex".



Single-handedly caused Exxon-Mobil to sue FOX, start World War 3
Walk in doctor. I only recently got an actual doctor when I started talking to her about SSRIs.

But yeah... I got things like that from a few doctors. :/ That, and "oh you want the pill but you're not having sex? No no, I only give it if you are a young lady having sex".


"Ok, you got me, I'm having sex. Now, Hook me up and get out of my business."
Yo fuck cramps for real.

Experiencing that joy right now. I never used to get cramps. Only since passing 25. Feels bad, man.

Some weird new feature that highlights your own posts, I guess. It just started happening and I was all o_O.

I read this post earlier. I understand exactly what you mean about feeling like you're going crazy. I just posted in gaming and noticed a very subtle blue tint. It's so subtle in fact that when I move my head to a different angle, I can hardly notice it at all. That being on my laptop screen though.

I bet that is fucking with a few people. lol

Yeah, I had a moment. Stared at it a bit. Looked in other threads and eventually came to the conclusion that I might be A) going crazy, B) I was being targeted by strange forces, and or C) it was just some new feature. Since grays/blues/greens mess with me I was really concerned for a sec it was me, though. Glad someone else shared that moment. :p
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