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GirlGAF |OT 2| Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Eve?


Are we identifying movies that have lesbian relationships, or we identifying movies that are about lesbian relationships?

Because Mulholland isn't actually a movie about lesbian relationships (nor is it a movie that portrays a lesbian relationship outside a fever dream). It's a movie about failure and a profound fear of worthlessness and superficiality.
Are we identifying movies that have lesbian relationships, or we identifying movies that are about lesbian relationships?
Mostly the later. Platy started it and was kind of vague.
Because Mulholland isn't actually a movie about lesbian relationships (nor is it a movie that portrays a lesbian relationship outside a fever dream). It's a movie about failure and a profound fear of worthlessness and superficiality.
Haven't watched it, but apparently some people interpret it as such.


Haven't watched it, but apparently some people interpret it as such.

The entirety of the lesbian relationship occurs in the fevered fantasies of a drug addled failure. I have difficulty interpreting that as a film about lesbian relationships. I'm willing to discuss possible interpretations of films and books and so forth, but that is an interpretation that strikes me as simply wrong.


followed by the christmas special...

Yuuuuup XD;;

Edit: I should really catch up on everything before posting replies, sorry. shidoshi, you're the main reason why I started posting in this thread in the first place, so I would definitely be sad if you left!



Yes, I can confidently say that person did not understand the film. I agree with this person that films -- and particular surrealist cinema like Lynch's -- is not subject to a single interpretation.

But that doesn't mean all interpretations are equally valid, and this certainly qualifies. This is a person who is explicitly there to explore queerness in cinema.
Haha I'm never scared! :)

Glad you're feeling a bit better!

Oh, it is banned too? I live in Canada too and my grandpa was offering all of us (granddaughters) bear spray a bit ago lol.

Maybe just something on your keys that could be used but isn't a weapon maybe.

Here's what Wiki has to say about pepper spray, bear spray, etc.

Leeness, you mention putting something on your keys - well, your keys ARE weapons. In a situation where you're threatened, it would be possible to turn your keyring and keys so that they act as sort of wolverine spikes - albeit short ones.

Of course, no self-defense will get you out of a stick-up where you've got a gun in your face. It's not like on TV where you can "play the odds" and kickbox or krav maga your way out of those situations. In the face of a deadly weapon, hand over your shit and GTFO.
Here's what Wiki has to say about pepper spray, bear spray, etc.

Leeness, you mention putting something on your keys - well, your keys ARE weapons. In a situation where you're threatened, it would be possible to turn your keyring and keys so that they act as sort of wolverine spikes - albeit short ones.

Of course, no self-defense will get you out of a stick-up where you've got a gun in your face. It's not like on TV where you can "play the odds" and kickbox or krav maga your way out of those situations. In the face of a deadly weapon, hand over your shit and GTFO.

Pretty much. Your life isn't worth the contents of your bag. Looks like pepper spray is illegal here unless you have authorization :( That's a shame, I probably would feel safer having it as a just in case thing. My keychain only has two keys :s


There is also the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Lesbian-related_films part of wikipedia

Oh. Scott Pilgrim brings up lesbian relationships for all of 5 seconds whereas Mulholland Drive is all about lesbian love so I wouldn't really classify SP as a lesbian flick, though it does feature a lesbian. I get the meaning though.

One of the "ex boyfriends" is a lesbian girlfriend and the most quotable moment of the movie has the word "lesbians" =P

Are we identifying movies that have lesbian relationships, or we identifying movies that are about lesbian relationships?

I just wanted movies that I liked that had lesbian relationships .... but yeah the "about" part is kinda complicated without entering in bizarre cult foreign movies


One of the "ex boyfriends" is a lesbian girlfriend and the most quotable moment of the movie has the word "lesbians" =P

I thought the most quotable moment was "bread makes you fat?"

At least that's what gifs would have you believe.
Pretty much. Your life isn't worth the contents of your bag. Looks like pepper spray is illegal here unless you have authorization :( That's a shame, I probably would feel safer having it as a just in case thing. My keychain only has two keys :s

Well, you can get more keys for your key ring if you want to; but, even one is good for a scratch.

Ultimately, if you're in Canada, you're more likely to be a victim of a traffic-related incident than you are to be mugged or assaulted. That's not to minimize the feeling that people get when they're creeped, or worse - I know that feeling - but knowing that does help me re-focus on situations that are more likely to happen to me, as a pedestrian, walking around in a downtown metropolis. And I feel safer for it.


Here's what Wiki has to say about pepper spray, bear spray, etc.

Leeness, you mention putting something on your keys - well, your keys ARE weapons. In a situation where you're threatened, it would be possible to turn your keyring and keys so that they act as sort of wolverine spikes - albeit short ones.

Keys are not a deterrent because you have to get really close to the attacker to use them as a weapon. So, the idea is to convince these guys you’re not worth it. I've seen this a lot on facebook and tumblr; just things you should know to stay safe
Of course, no self-defense will get you out of a stick-up where you've got a gun in your face. It's not like on TV where you can "play the odds" and kickbox or krav maga your way out of those situations. In the face of a deadly weapon, hand over your shit and GTFO.

But a self-defense will get you out of a situation with some creep that thinks he can fondle you while no one is looking. Not everyone carries guns.


The woman she loved betrayed her to get the main part in the movie and twists the dagger even further by getting hitched with the director.

This isn't implied. I think you need to watch the film again.

Mulholland Drive is as much about Hollywood and superficiality as it is about love and the receiving and acceptance of love. Love (particularly lesbian love) is one of the biggest themes of the film.

It simply isn't. There is no suggestion after the dream ends that there was ever a relationship between Camilla and Diane; just Diane wishing there was, and envying Camilla while hating her own situation.

In a movie as schizophrenic as Mulholland, I can't take an opinion that suggests,"it's this, not this" too seriously because the movie tries to convey so much (and arguably too much).

Again, I absolutely agree that film is open to interpretation, and certainly this is especially true of surrealist films (not "schizophrenic," mind you). But that doesn't mean any and all interpretations are equally valid. There is a strong and clear suggestion that Diane's love for Camilla is unrequited, and that Diane has always been a failed, depressed actress wishing and dreaming she was something more. Lots of things are open to interpretation, but that much was made quite evident.
Keys are not a deterrent because you have to get really close to the attacker to use them as a weapon. So, the idea is to convince these guys you’re not worth it. I've seen this a lot on facebook and tumblr; just things you should know to stay safe

But a self-defense will get you out of a situation with some creep that thinks he can fondle you while no one is looking. Not everyone carries guns.

I'd also like to point out that in Krav Maga you are not taught to act like a Hollywood-movie protagonist. They teach you that if you're ever faced with a gun, you either peacefully give them everything while maintaining a passive body language; or you throw your wallet/purse at them before running away (getting hit while running away from a target that you've just thrown a purse at is pretty unlikely).


Anyone wearing hearts today? My mom is wearing one tonite to work and since I work with children I kind of feel obligated haha. actually i wore pink clothing all week....
Valetines day and my boyfriend has to work. :(

He gave me 2 dozen roses and a bunch of yummy fruit tarts from whole foods. I have no money to get him anything. :(


Haha I'm never scared! :)

I live in Canada too and my grandpa was offering all of us (granddaughters) bear spray a bit ago lol.

Maybe just something on your keys that could be used but isn't a weapon maybe.

I wouldn't recommend using any kind of spray based on these posts I found.

The best "weapon" to carry for self defense would be an air horn. But just don't use it for no good reason.

My keychain only has two keys :s

Well if you are being assaulted you can use other things you have in hand like a credit card. It has pointy corners if you put enough swing in your arm at their weak spots. Or a pen would work too à la Jason Bourne style. ;)

Keys are not a deterrent because you have to get really close to the attacker to use them as a weapon. So, the idea is to convince these guys you’re not worth it.

I don't think you're allowed to do anything to them unless they are actually assaulting you here in Canada. So if they are not even close to you then you are in the wrong. If you are being brushed you can tell them to stop and stand your ground but don't be the one making the first move. They can sue you for "assaulting" them. Just make a scene, shout, so that people around are aware of what's going on.
I started watching Breaking Bad, on the fourth episode into the the second season. Not as good as I was led to believe, the writing bugs the hell out of me with its contrivances that are on par with Dexter. Then the main character is even more detestable than Donald Draper.
He tries to rape his wife during the first episode of the second season.
(Beginning of season two spoilers.) The show also has a lot of traditional gender role bullshit, which perhaps is intentional. Apparently the wife becomes absolutely detestable too later on, accidentally read some spoilers.


I started watching Breaking Bad, on the fourth episode into the the second season. Not as good as I was led to believe, the writing bugs the hell out of me with its contrivances that are on par with Dexter. Then the main character is even more detestable than Donald Draper.
He tries to rape his wife during the first episode of the second season.
(Beginning of season two spoilers.) The show also has a lot of traditional gender role bullshit, which perhaps is intentional.

Breaking Bad was only good for the first season for me. As I finished season 2 I just couldn't continue with the side characters' stories anymore. I would've watched for only the main plot but the drama with
Skylar and Co.
just annoyed me to no end. So I just read the Wikipedia page from then on.
Breaking Bad is pulp. Treat it as such. The people acting like it is a serious crime drama are sheltered and don't know of what they speak.

Breaking Bad is good in seasons 1 and 2. It becomes great in seasons 3 and 4. It is amazing in season 5. Stick with it.

I don't know what traditional gender role bullshit you're talking about either. Skylar pulls her weight and is one of the stronger female characters on tv. People hate her because "she's a bitch" - in other words, dealing with her husband being a drug chemist and pusher - but idolize Walt Whitman, a man sinking into a complete absence of morality or ethics. It's just like how people hate Betty is "a bitch" even through all the stuff Don puts her through.
Walter calling Jesse a pussy and crap like that, along with his attitude. It feels like it's trying to do social commentary, but hasn't really built up into anything yet. In regards to Mad Men, Betty being a victim only goes so far. I realize part of the reactions to her and Skylar is misogyny.
Keys are not a deterrent because you have to get really close to the attacker to use them as a weapon. So, the idea is to convince these guys you’re not worth it. I've seen this a lot on facebook and tumblr; just things you should know to stay safe
If a guy's got his hand on my tits, it's a safe bet he's close enough to be punched with my key-knuckles.

But a self-defense will get you out of a situation with some creep that thinks he can fondle you while no one is looking. Not everyone carries guns.

That's a false sense of security if I ever heard one. Self-defense does not make you invincible, it does not make you Lisbeth Salander, Sydney Bristow, or Ziva David. In a recreational setting, it does not account for adrenaline, being outweighed, outmatched, and out-weaponed.

By all means take martial arts training but do not assume that it will save you from everything. Nor should you assume that you are any less likely to be targeted in the first place. Take the classes - but don't stick around to fight when you can run, screaming, to safety.
Harping about the vocabulary used by degenerates in a show strikes me as odd.
Harping? Jesus, that's not all I said.
It's just hard to really care that Walt calls Jesse a pussy when he tries to rape his wife, makes pure meth to sell it to people for profit, and kills people. At that point, who cares?
We're coming at this from different perspectives, you've already seen his future atrocities so you're more desensitized.
At my point he hasn't killed anyone innocent. I mean he's still atrocious and a miserable human being even this far.
Yeah. It's still a good show though. It does what it does well and it knows what it is. Unfortunately, the internet - being the internet of course - blew it out of proportion in terms of hype. Breaking Bad, while a character study, is not fucking Mad Men and does not try to be Mad Men. If you enjoy traditional crime drama stories like Scarface or Carlito's Way, it's definitely your thing so stick with it. I at least suggest watching until the end of season 3. If you don't like it then, drop it.
I'm still going to stick with it, just lowering/altering my expectations.


If a guy's got his hand on my tits, it's a safe bet he's close enough to be punched with my key-knuckles.

That's a false sense of security if I ever heard one. Self-defense does not make you invincible, it does not make you Lisbeth Salander, Sydney Bristow, or Ziva David. In a recreational setting, it does not account for adrenaline, being outweighed, outmatched, and out-weaponed.

By all means take martial arts training but do not assume that it will save you from everything. Nor should you assume that you are any less likely to be targeted in the first place. Take the classes - but don't stick around to fight when you can run, screaming, to safety.

Ok... I was just reposting one of the points from that article... Of course if the attacker is close enough by all means use your key-knuckles.

I never said it makes me invincible... sigh... Can I just say I would feel more confident in myself if I took a martial arts class without being judged like some adrenaline junkie that with my new found ass-kicking skills I would rid the world of evil one creeper at a time?

I didn't stick around when the guy was walking behind me even though I had pepper spray, I fast-walked away... It wouldn't be any different.

I'd also like to point out that in Krav Maga you are not taught to act like a Hollywood-movie protagonist. They teach you that if you're ever faced with a gun, you either peacefully give them everything while maintaining a passive body language; or you throw your wallet/purse at them before running away (getting hit while running away from a target that you've just thrown a purse at is pretty unlikely).

Sorry, I didn't see your post thanks for the tip. Hopefully they have someone that teaches krav maga when I move. I used to take Aikido but I forgot all the moves.

I currently don't take self defense classes, but if you do, try to do something that has actual practical use if you want to feel safer. You're not going to save yourself from someone with tai chi. Also, ANY weapon is illegal? Even if used for defense? What do women use in case they don't feel safe?

Sorry I missed your post too. Yeah it seems like pretty much anything in Canada is illegal. But I don't live in Canada yet. Also I was looking up a few basic defense moves like pinching someones elbow, or doing that special knock out move where you grab the attacker by the waist and then throw your weight back so that they break their neck.

I'll stick to the idea of krav maga then thanks : )
Ok... I was just reposting one of the points from that article... Of course if the attacker is close enough by all means use your key-knuckles.

I never said it makes me invincible... sigh... Can I just say I would feel more confident in myself if I took a martial arts class without being judged like some adrenaline junkie that with my new found ass-kicking skills I would rid the world of evil one creeper at a time?

I didn't stick around when the guy was walking behind me even though I had pepper spray, I fast-walked away... It wouldn't be any different.

Hey, if it boosts your confidence, go for it. I just don't want to endorse anything as an "absolute" preventative. I hope that once you learn it, you never have to use it and can always run away.

Man, this whole discussion makes me sad that we have to encourage women to "defend themselves" instead of teaching those who would attack them to take a long walk off a short pier.
But a self-defense will get you out of a situation with some creep that thinks he can fondle you while no one is looking. Not everyone carries guns.

Hardly anyone carries guns where I live. The only person I've met who owns one says its 30 years old, rusted and in pieces in the basement. Its a little comforting, but most people would still be able to overpower me. I think running is probably my best bet, followed by a groin kick.
60 - 160 pounds on me, not much I'm going to be doing. This is why I need a stun gun or something even more deadly.

Stun guns are terrifyingly loud. My mom got me one last time I visited New Orleans, had to give it back to her. The crackling of the electricity nearly gave me a heart attack. And anything 100+ lbs is almost impossible to fight back, especially if they have you pinned down, sitting on your legs and holding back your arms. Been in the situation more than once, very little I could do.


A friend of mine found a stun gun left behind by one of her customers at work and took it home. It was surprisingly difficult to activate(how are you supposed to use it in an actual altercation?) and loud as fuck.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Men are 50% stronger than women at identical weight *and* level of strength training development. The strength gap increases proportionately with both. That means that if you're a 120 pound woman who does yoga and he's a 200 pound man who lifts a couple times a week, he could be three to four times stronger than you across the board. And he doesn't have to utilize much of that strength in a scenario where you weigh half as much as he does to begin with.

Weight and strength differences are huge in grappling, and by extension in street fights/self defense scenarios. I've fought against a lot of super athletic girls in BJJ training and no matter how much more skilled or athletic they've been than myself I'd always end up in top position and never get reversed or shut down. This includes when I was white belt level and lacking much physical development, against very skilled purple belt women with 3-5 years of regular training and in great physical condition. This includes professional fighters and successful tournament competitors. Just being on top and leveraging my body weight could make them turn purple in many instances. In a street fight that would mean they'd be completely screwed, despite their skill and athleticism in the most practical one-on-one self-defense discipline there is.

By all means take martial arts classes; they're great and you'll improve your fitness and self-confidence. I absolutely recommend you go with something like a taser or pepper spray if you're legally able to carry it in your purse and concerned with protecting yourself in that dark alleyway on the way home, though. You're not grappling, boxing, foot stomping, or side kicking a 200 pound guy into submission as a 120 pound girl. Joss Whedon TV shows aren't real life.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
That confidence alone can be a huge deterrent, too.

For sure. A lot of people seemed to think it was laughable or something when I said in my travel blog that my hundreds of full-on fight experiences on the mats leave me centered and able to look anyone in the eye, but it's true. Has nothing to do whether I'd take them in a fight -- I'm no badass MMA champion -- it's just about not being paralyzed by fear or overwhelmed by unfamiliar territory. You're in familiar territory, probably a lot more familiar than it is for the other person. When someone realizes they can't make you cower and go fetal just by aggression or threat of aggression, and that you know what you're doing besides, it completely changes the scenario both of you are engaged in.
If a couple of self-defense can give you confidence to not seem like an easy target, then your training has paid off. Self-defense classes for women take all of this into consideration (if they are any good), and tell you better than anyone else that you do not go there to learn how to fight off criminals like a superhero.
It is usually centered around preventative measures you can take, and advising you of the legality of those (such as in the case of tasers and such), and the "combat" bits are usually trained in situations mirroring real-life attacks (e.g, having someone pinning your body down) so that you have some familiarity and hopefully some reflexive response instead of being paralyzed.

With that said, there are plenty of "female self-defense" centers that try to convince you that you're Buffy and leave it at that.
Do stay away from any place that does this.
For sure. A lot of people seemed to think it was laughable or something when I said in my travel blog that my hundreds of full-on fight experiences on the mats leave me centered and able to look anyone in the eye, but it's true. .

Absolutely, I've both suprised and impressed myself with how I've managed to deal with some tense stranger situations in recent years.

Slightly OT but, it's amazing the respect people give when you start to demand it, too.


Men are 50% stronger than women at identical weight *and* level of strength training development. The strength gap increases proportionately with both. That means that if you're a 120 pound woman who does yoga and he's a 200 pound man who lifts a couple times a week, he could be three to four times stronger than you across the board. And he doesn't have to utilize much of that strength in a scenario where you weigh half as much as he does to begin with.

Should be noted that the diference in muscle is only applied to upper body area. Men and Women have exactly the same strenght on legs, wich is why lots of women go to Muay Thai and other leg related martial arts

I Suggest Capoeira because it is beautiful and it also doubles as a dance =3
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