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GirlGAF |OT 2| Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Eve?


I just spent a whole hour walking around with a HUGE period stain on my canari yellow sundress. No one said anything. Its when I went a made a bank deposit that I saw the horror in my car window. Yes I had a maxipad and I want to crawl in a hole and cry.

I usually avoid dresses during that time. If I must and in general I always go with overnight pads.


Make sure after you get threaded/waxed you don't put that aloe shit on it. Yeah it feels great but that's what ALWAYS made me break out.

I haven't waxed my eyebrows in years but it's way less painful than threading :(
It really depends on the person doing it, but in general I find it less painful and more convenient than waxing. Better results, too. It definitely looks worse than it feels.

Yeah, I don't do to well with pain. Especially not my face. Usually it just leads to a headache and a sore area of contact.

Make sure after you get threaded/waxed you don't put that aloe shit on it. Yeah it feels great but that's what ALWAYS made me break out.

I haven't waxed my eyebrows in years but it's way less painful than threading :(

Is it because it clogs the pores? I always heard that as the reasoning, but the people who waxed me always used either aloe or rose cream. I suppose that could be it too.
I can't get my eyebrows waxed, last time I had a really bad reaction to the wax :( Usually just tweeze them myself. Having a full fringe means I don't have to do it very often though which is a bonus.
Ouch. Sorry :( That's awful. I never really had that problem, since mine were so incredibly heavy I was uber paranoid and basically doubled up on all protection/didn't leave the house much heh.

Soo glad I don't have that problem any more.
It seems really crazy to me that people have such problems with leakage. I hardly get much at all, usually only need liners. I hear the pill helps reduce flow, maybe people with issues could look into that?

Same here. My circles are dark all around, they aren't puffy at all though just sunken in a bit, they're heriditary so no amount of sleep is going to fix 'em. Very frustrated to have people tell you that all you need is a bit of sleep. :p

That video trick would only work for people with maybe tiny bit of puffy eyes with a bit of discolouration. I need a good eye cream that makes the skin a bit plump under the eyes and a heavy duty concealer. Haven't found one that is totally opaque, doesn't settle into figne lines and dries out my undereye skin. I use bobbi brown corrector with different concealers depending on how moisturised my undereyes are.

It really is frustrating >< I'll try using that corrector, since it seems like we've got similar issues. It makes it harder when it's more than just a darker colour :/


It seems really crazy to me that people have such problems with leakage. I hardly get much at all, usually only need liners. I hear the pill helps reduce flow, maybe people with issues could look into that?

It really is frustrating >< I'll try using that corrector, since it seems like we've got similar issues. It makes it harder when it's more than just a darker colour :/

I am bleeding like crazy - I don't dare going out with double and tripple checking..strongest tampax and night pads during the main days..freaking annoying :/

At least I don't have any PMS or get irritated. Never had that :)
I am bleeding like crazy - I don't dare going out with double and tripple checking..strongest tampax and night pads during the main days..freaking annoying :/

At least I don't have any PMS or get irritated. Never had that :)

haha, I get that reaaaal bad. Crying at ads on tv, rage quitting games, yelling at boyfriend :s I'm not sure which would be worse, tbh. The PMS or the bleeding.


It seems really crazy to me that people have such problems with leakage. I hardly get much at all, usually only need liners. I hear the pill helps reduce flow, maybe people with issues could look into that?
The pill (microgynon 30) really made a huge difference for me both on PMS and flow. I´ve been off the pill for a few months now and the change is very noticeable tbh. So yea, if you have such issues you might want to check with your gp :)

Edit: anecdotal i know, but it could work for others too :p


help me gurlgaf, I'm in love :eek:

also tbh I don't know what it is with lizard pets. just doesn't make sense to me, they don't belong in households. at least cats & dogs have been bred to be the way they are & are used to living among us...but lizards and stuff...hell naw. also most sellers are kinda shady. I get the fascination though and I'm not trying to attack anyone since they're probably better of with you guys than some pet store but still :s


Reptiles are really, really cool, but I do agree about most people who sell them. There are reputable breeders out there though that do an awesome job of caring for them! Petco/smart/whatever are usually pretty shady though, IMO.

Also, bearded dragons are the Labradors of the lizard world.
I never get PMS either, just get very tired and sleepy. :p My periods aren't that heavy either now a days like they used to be when I was a teenager, Kinda weird considering I haven't been on the pill for over 5 years now. Some days I get really bad cramp and some days it doesn't hurt at all.

It works alright but does tend to settle into fine lines and if your circles are anything like mine you probably will need a good heavy duty concealer on top. I've heard Laura Mercier's Secret Camouflage is really opaque but it is a bit drying for the under eye skin. I haven't tried it though as my skin is quite dry, but I think I'm going to get it next month and see if that works any better than my current one.

I use a good hydrating eye cream (just finished Clinique's new eye cream and ordered Kiehl's Avacado one), Bobbi Brown corrector in Porcelain Peach, normal concealer and a teeny bit of highlighter concealer on top, it's a bit much I know but at least I don't look so tired anymore! :p

Inanna you posted on the wrong account =p.


Not pure anymore!
Right, that's better. XD Doesn't happen often because he rarely uses my laptop but I was playing on steam on his computer so he decided to use my laptop, wasn't aware he made posts today and logged me out! :| heh

Anyway, let's try it again!

I never get PMS either, just get very tired and sleepy. :p My periods aren't that heavy either now a days like they used to be when I was a teenager, Kinda weird considering I haven't been on the pill for over 5 years now. Some days I get really bad cramp and some days it doesn't hurt at all.

It really is frustrating >< I'll try using that corrector, since it seems like we've got similar issues. It makes it harder when it's more than just a darker colour :/

It works alright but does tend to settle into fine lines and if your circles are anything like mine you probably will need a good heavy duty concealer on top. I've heard Laura Mercier's Secret Camouflage is really opaque but it is a bit drying for the under eye skin. I haven't tried it though as my skin is quite dry, but I think I'm going to get it next month and see if that works any better than my current one.

I use a good hydrating eye cream (just finished Clinique's new eye cream and ordered Kiehl's Avacado one), Bobbi Brown corrector in Porcelain Peach, normal concealer and a teeny bit of highlighter concealer on top, it's a bit much I know but at least I don't look so tired anymore! :p

Also remember you girls talking about eyebrows before, I think I'm lucky because I really have a good arched shape naturally so all I have to do is just tidy up a bit underneath and I'm set. I like to keep em a bit thick too, hate thin eyebrows! Makes you look kinda evil and ages you a lot too.


The pill (microgynon 30) really made a huge difference for me both on PMS and flow. I´ve been off the pill for a few months now and the change is very noticeable tbh. So yea, if you have such issues you might want to check with your gp :)

Edit: anecdotal i know, but it could work for others too :p

Yeeeep this for me too. I've been on the pill for years now. I tried going without like, a year ago, and fuck that. Got super painful again and unpredictable and nope.

But yeah, in high school, I was the girl who missed a few days because I got so sick. My friend found me once in a corner doing like, labour breathing and crying, it hurt so much, haha. Got sooooo much better on the pill.

A.E Suggs

Yeah, stupid Dan was logged in on my computer. :p

Gaf must have had a dating area meet up or something. I'm sure I've met over like 10 people with SO's that are both on this site. Me personally I couldn't do it, it'd feel weird having my SO online and offline with me.


Not pure anymore!
Gaf must have had a dating area meet up or something. I'm sure I've met over like 10 people with SO's that are both on this site. Me personally I couldn't do it, it'd feel weird having my SO online and offline with me.

Our posting habits are very different, though. He likes hanging out in OT way more and I like Gaming side better, even though we play just as many games he's just not that into gaming news or discussions on the internet.

A.E Suggs

Gotcha, can't say I've ever run into you on the gaming side but maybe that's cause I only log in like twice a month. Though I will say I find it interesting that people come here just for OT only, unless they came here for gaming at one point in time and just don't play them anymore.

Dom Brunt

This period talk got me thinking, has anyone here tried the menstrual cup? I know it doesn't work for all women (a minority most likely) and some women find it gross having to deal with the blood but most users wouldn't even think about going back to using tampons and pads after getting used to the cup, especially if they have heavy periods. There are a lot of benefits to using it but there are a lot of different manufacturers and different sizes etc so finding the one that's right for you might not happen right away. I know my sister bought one which was apparently too big and she couldn't use it and never tried a different one but a lot of girls I know pretty much love theirs and love to spread the word about it. But at the same time it seems a lot of women haven't even heard of it or are disgusted by the thought of it without even giving it a chance.

It does seem worth a try if only for the cost issue, it lasts for years and therefore is much cheaper than pads and tampons and obviously is better for the environment, also it's safer to use internally than a tampon (pretty much no risk of TSS for example). I don't know if anyone here is even slightly interested in this but I know a lot of women wished they'd learned about the cup as teenagers insted of having to deal with disposable pads and tampons for years. But then again some women think the cup is hippie bullshit comparable to eating your placenta so it's not easy to know how people will react :-D

Anyway there are a lot of forums and such for the cup users so there's plenty of info out there. Some of it apparently is painfully hippie-like "get in touch with your inner goddess" type of stuff though so be warned lol.

Okay, I've helped spread the word, carry on people.


Are you trying to sell something Dom :p?
I´ve heard of those things, but i always imagine a bloody mess when pulling it out. Plus i don´t think i can get myself to clean the damn thing tbh. On the other hand, it is way better for the environment, so there is that.
Our posting habits are very different, though. He likes hanging out in OT way more and I like Gaming side better, even though we play just as many games he's just not that into gaming news or discussions on the internet.

Same here, just the other way around. My husband mostly posts in gaming, me in OT. But we both play quite a bit. We were married before signing up though, so it´s no true GAF love.

Dom Brunt

Are you trying to sell something Dom :p?
I´ve heard of those things, but i always imagine a bloody mess when pulling it out. Plus i don´t think i can get myself to clean the damn thing tbh. On the other hand, it is way better for the environment, so there is that.

No lol I'm not in the period cup business although I could make a stylish fake leather pouch for it if you ever get one :p About the mess, I've heard one horror story of a girl spilling it all on her bf's mom's white bathroom mat but it's probably not that common if you get the technique right heh.
No lol I'm not in the period cup business although I could make a stylish fake leather pouch for it if you ever get one :p About the mess, I've heard one horror story of a girl spilling it all on her bf's mom's white bathroom mat but it's probably not that common if you get the technique right heh.

Sounds like it would work for girls with less flow, but I can't even imagine it handling the first day of a heavy cycle. *_* Think I'll stick with my usual for the time being, but it's worth checking out for the environmental help and avoiding the embarrassment of perhaps clogging up your fiancé's plumbing and then having to watch him, his dad and his younger cousin pump the system to clear it...
Sounds like it would work for girls with less flow, but I can't even imagine it handling the first day of a heavy cycle. *_* Think I'll stick with my usual for the time being, but it's worth checking out for the environmental help and avoiding the embarrassment of perhaps clogging up your fiancé's plumbing and then having to watch him, his dad and his younger cousin pump the system to clear it...

oh fuck no :| that didn't happen did it? :|


Not pure anymore!
Same here, just the other way around. My husband mostly posts in gaming, me in OT. But we both play quite a bit. We were married before signing up though, so it´s no true GAF love.

Yeah same for us too, been together before GAF. Actually, I think we started dating a few months before I signed up for GAF. I signed up Jan 2008, and we started dating late 2007.

Sounds like it would work for girls with less flow, but I can't even imagine it handling the first day of a heavy cycle. *_* Think I'll stick with my usual for the time being, but it's worth checking out for the environmental help and avoiding the embarrassment of perhaps clogging up your fiancé's plumbing and then having to watch him, his dad and his younger cousin pump the system to clear it...

Oh damn! How did that happen? I used to get extremely heavy flow back when I was young, also at the time I developed ovarian cyst and was getting, uh 'escuse me for the disgusting mental imagery, really thick chunky blood clots but never got toilet blocked because of it. :eek:
oh fuck no :| that didn't happen did it? :|

Him, his dad and his rugby playing younger cousin, all standing around the sewage thingy in the back of the house with plungers while his uncle looked on. And so I met most most of his family for the first time...


Yeah same for us too, been together before GAF. Actually, I think we started dating a few months before I signed up for GAF. I signed up Jan 2008, and we started dating late 2007.

Oh damn! How did that happen? I used to get extremely heavy flow back when I was young, also at the time I developed ovarian cyst and was getting, uh 'escuse me for the disgusting mental imagery, really thick chunky blood clots but never got toilet blocked because of it. :eek:

No one told me that the plumbing was of the weaker, back sewage system type, so I flushed the cotton part as usual (never the cardboard part, of course) and... may or may not have clogged the plumbing...
Him, his dad and his rugby playing younger cousin, all standing around the sewage thingy in the back of the house with plungers while his uncle looked on. And so I met most most of his family for the first time...


oohh you poor thing! :/ I bet it only made you even more likeable though hahah
sometimes a little embarrassment is the best way to break the ice ;P
No one told me that the plumbing was of the weaker, back sewage system type, so I flushed the cotton part as usual (never the cardboard part, of course) and... may or may not have clogged the plumbing...

Why would you flush it ever? That kind of stuff clogs anything up eventually even if it goes down when you normally flush.
oohh you poor thing! :/ I bet it only made you even more likeable though hahah
sometimes a little embarrassment is the best way to break the ice ;P

No one said if it was me (apparently they'd had a BBQ recently and a family friend had poured pan remains down the guest toilet just prior to that bc the sink was occupied), but I'm sure I helped. :p Pretty embarrassing, but I guess it's best to get stuff like that out of the way.

Why would you flush it ever? That kind of stuff clogs anything up eventually even if it goes down when you normally flush.

I specifically buy the biodegradable, flushable ones, but I know that even those can cause issues on occasion, especially in other countries. I had a nice face-palming moment when I realized what I'd done.


If you flush any part, it's supposed to be the cardboard applicator. You never flush the tampon itself.
I specifically buy the biodegradable, flushable ones, but I know that even those can cause issues on occasion, especially in other countries. I had a nice face-palming moment when I realized what I'd done.

They say that sure but they're really not. Don't flush that stuff.

If you flush any part, it's supposed to be the cardboard applicator. You never flush the tampon itself.

No, not that either.

Please seriously guys stop flushing any sanitary stuff. Any part.
what cardboard part btw? I don't recall anything cardboardy on the tampons here :eek:
oh girlgaf teach me how to girl ._.

h.pro: I have to go but I'll think of something, I promise :D
Well, I certainly won't be using them when I move any more. :p#

Well they can write whatever they want on the label, you're flushing something that expands when it gets wet. It might not affect your personal plumbing but these things do cause havoc further down the pipe if not in your own.


Not pure anymore!
Yeah never flushed them either so I was confused how just period blood would clog up the toilet. :p I've never used tampons so no idea if you should flush them or not.
No lol I'm not in the period cup business although I could make a stylish fake leather pouch for it if you ever get one :p About the mess, I've heard one horror story of a girl spilling it all on her bf's mom's white bathroom mat but it's probably not that common if you get the technique right heh.
I think I'd feel too weird about walking around with some plastic cup inside me all day. I have enough trouble with tampons :s

Why would you flush it ever? That kind of stuff clogs anything up eventually even if it goes down when you normally flush.
Seriously! I'm pretty sure it's written all over the packaging, public toilets and taught in sex ed...

So.... Anyone else have embarrassing stories to share? I think it's someone else's turn. #-_-#
I don't have any period stories but my boyfriend's entire family walked in during my climax once. That was uh.... pretty high up there for personal embarrassing moments.
I tried to think of something period-related and the one thing I could thing of is more funny than embarrassing really. well, at least now it is.
back in highschool my best friend and I came up with a system whenever we felt insecure about our...protection. we would quickly ask each other if everything was still okay and the other one would check.
so far so good. well one time after class I asked my friend to "check one me", I turned around, she checked out my ass, I look at her, she gives me the thumbs up, I smile, she smiles. everything is fine.
I turn around again and notice that our teacher was still in the room, and just saw us checking out each others asses+giving thumbs ups afterwards. he was like " :| " and we were like " :| "


I don't have any period stories but my boyfriend's entire family walked in during my climax once. That was uh.... pretty high up there for personal embarrassing moments.

Were you together or solo? I'm sure a lot of people have a "forgot to lock the door" type of story.
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