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GirlGAF |OT 2| Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Eve?


Momma cat

One of the kittens

Squee. :3 So adorable, thanks for sharing!


Not pure anymore!
I've had knee problems all my life. Depending on what you've done to your knee, you could try a few basic things that should help to strengthen the muscles surrounding it:

Sit on the edge of a chair and, with back straight and legs together, lift thighs off chair. Then extend ankles (at same time) slowly until your legs are nearly straight (remember, never lock a joint in exercise), then release to start again. 15 reps. Tie cans of pop (full ones...) around your ankles to add weight.

standing lunge with rear leg on chair/second step/something approximately knee-height. 12-15 on each leg.

calf raises (strengthening *all* muscles around the knee is important, for support). 15-20 on each leg.

Step-ups - find a box or something that's 12-18 inches off the ground. Step up with one leg, rise to step, lower. This isn't a *complete* step, NB: you never "step down" with the other leg, it's just rise and lower. x15 on each leg.

Abductor/adductor exercises: these will help your stabilizers, which are particularly important if you have meniscus, acl, or mcl injuries. Lie on your side with a weight of some sort over your thigh. Prop your body up on your elbow, and then with legs straight, raise the outer leg about 30 degrees. Hold, then lower. x15 on both legs. Then, prop yourself Burt Reynolds style (but with clothes on), with the weight on your inner thigh. Raise your inner leg (you'll probably only be able to get 20 degrees on the inner thigh). Hold and lower, repeat for both legs, 15 reps each.

As always though, it's best to talk to your doc/physiotherapist before embarking on therapeutic exercises - they and you, together, are the best people to assess whether you're ready to start exercising, and what kind of intensity/muscle focus you're ready for.

As your doc probably knows, there are "physio" style exercises and "weight training" style exercises - while the techniques you employ to do them correctly are universal, the first style helps your body heal itself, while the second style goes further, once your body *is* healed.

Thank you for such an informative post. I'll talk to my doctor and see what he says but I think I should be able to do these exercises without any problem. I can do a bit of cardio, power walk, cycle for half an hour and even run a bit on the treadmill so I think I'll be able to manage these as well. My knees are okay mostly but they hurt a bit when I try to bend them anymore than 45 degree or put any pressure on them.


Thanks very much!! I read over these this weekend and have been trying to follow the meal plan guide (I was almost crying when it said no grains, no sugar) and have been on it only the past two days (with cheating, I can't cold turkey it).

omg it is so hard. I realized I eat a LOT of carbs. I had two fried eggs for breakfast this morning with a bit of cheddar cheese around 8 am and I go so hungry around 10:30 I had to eat a granola bar. ~_~ And then I had lunch around 1 (salad w/ chicken and carrots) and some greek yogurt (and...chips...) and two hours later, the only thing I want to do is go home and bake brownies.

Are protein shakes filling? Never had them...

Don't sweat it if you can't start cold turkey. Gotta be patient with yourself :)
And yeah, I find protein shakes incredibly filling.
This last page makes me feel kind of uncomfortable honestly. While there's some good advice in here, worrying about being fat feels pretty counter-productive especially since most of us are probably not totally happy with our bodies anyway. I have put on a little weight recently, partly from gaining muscle but also from eating poorly, but I guess I felt fairly comfortable with my body for the first time in a while. But now all I can see in the mirror is "skinny fat".
This last page makes me feel kind of uncomfortable honestly. While there's some good advice in here, worrying about being fat feels pretty counter-productive especially since most of us are probably not totally happy with our bodies anyway. I have put on a little weight recently, partly from gaining muscle but also from eating poorly, but I guess I felt fairly comfortable with my body for the first time in a while. But now all I can see in the mirror is "skinny fat".

You're right, of course, and really it comes down to the reason you exercise.
Exercising purely to get rid of a little bit of harmless fat could contribute to general unhappiness about your body, the main goal should be to get overall healthier - with the fat loss being just an added bonus to it.


This last page makes me feel kind of uncomfortable honestly. While there's some good advice in here, worrying about being fat feels pretty counter-productive especially since most of us are probably not totally happy with our bodies anyway. I have put on a little weight recently, partly from gaining muscle but also from eating poorly, but I guess I felt fairly comfortable with my body for the first time in a while. But now all I can see in the mirror is "skinny fat".

It's the term..it's really horrible and indicates a negative state which is totally a personal perception though. You are not FAT by any means. It's just a stupid term and someone introduced it for lack of better terms.

I guess we could just replace it as "wanting to body recomposition yourself". The thing is that at this stage it's not about losing weight but wanting a more balanced figure or good health. That can mean a nicely shaped more balanced figure too :)

Also, the main goal should be health :)

I totally see what you are saying though and sorry about brining it up :/
Skinny-fat shouldn't make people feel bad but honestly getting stronger is great because it allows me to open things and carry things that months ago I would either fail at or get tired doing.

On another subject I've been getting better at pool.


Neo Member
Hola. Me llamo Molly.

No, but seriously, my name is Molly and I don't know what I'm doing on this forum other than the fact that I was dragged here by my friend wsoxfan(randomassnumbers). :)

Anywho...here's a picture of my dog:

And one of my dinosaurs:

That is all.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Hey there, ladies. *slicks hair back and fixes tie*

As some of you may know, I am in fact, a non-female. However, I have a question that may best be answered here.

I have these really ugly dark circles around my eyes. Where they came from, I do not know, since my parents don't have them, and I'm not into these narcotics all you crazy kids are into nowadays. But whatever the reason, I would like to get rid of them. Or at the very least, make them less visible. Sure there appears to be a lady product of some kind that can help, no?

Thanks in advance.
Concealer doesn't seem to help remove my eye circles much, just reduce it a little.

It's the term..it's really horrible and indicates a negative state which is totally a personal perception though. You are not FAT by any means. It's just a stupid term and someone introduced it for lack of better terms.

I guess we could just replace it as "wanting to body recomposition yourself". The thing is that at this stage it's not about losing weight but wanting a more balanced figure or good health. That can mean a nicely shaped more balanced figure too :)

Also, the main goal should be health :)

I totally see what you are saying though and sorry about brining it up :/

I know you meant know harm and I'm sorry if I made things awkward. I really like that we can swap tips about exercising in such a positive way, so thankyou for your posts - please don't stop posting about it. I guess it just made me a little uncomfortable to see that people are worrying so much about their bodies, when judging from the post pics thread everyone is already in pretty good shape anyway. I know I'm guilty of it too but I really do feel like we are really slaves to the media in that regard. While 'striving for perfection' is a noble goal and I definitely want to better myself as well, I think being happy with a body you can't really change that much is important too.

Hola. Me llamo Molly.

hey :D I like your lizard.


Concealer doesn't seem to help remove my eye circles much, just reduce it a little.

I know you meant know harm and I'm sorry if I made things awkward. I really like that we can swap tips about exercising in such a positive way, so thankyou for your posts - please don't stop posting about it. I guess it just made me a little uncomfortable to see that people are worrying so much about their bodies, when judging from the post pics thread everyone is already in pretty good shape anyway. I know I'm guilty of it too but I really do feel like we are really slaves to the media in that regard. While 'striving for perfection' is a noble goal and I definitely want to better myself as well, I think being happy with a body you can't really change that much is important too.

hey :D I like your lizard.

No, not awkward at all. I just really didn't mean to make anyone feel bad. I am going on my 40s soon (duh..did I really write that -.-) and the only reason I look like I do is because I work out. I don't work out because I think I need to loose weight but I do it because I want to be healthy and feel good :)
I am also diagnosed with MS so I tend to think the further ahead of the illness I can get the longer it will take for it to take me down (if that makes sense). So for me it's not so much that I am worried about my body or how it looks but more about my health.

I do totally agree with you on the media thing and I hate it. I know I am guilty of that too (comparing myself with the photoshopped fake models) but like I said, it's not so much strive for perfection but feeling good about yourself. The first step is to NOT let others make you insecure. You said you did loose weight already and to be honest that is a great achievement in itself since you obviously wanted to do that. In the end it all comes down to reach the goals you set for yourself. :)

I have a huge respect for everyone who manages to lose a noticeable amount of weight (same respect I have for people who try and manage to stop smoking). I am in the fortunate position that I was never really heavy (and never smoked) and I am well aware that I am lucky that way. That only contributes to how much I admire people who manage to stay strong and change. Digressing a bit here, though.

What I am trying to say is that everyone here is at a different starting point and has different reasons for wanting to change something. :)
Checking shelters too but they have old cats at the moment. As much as I love to help out cats in need I would like to have a cat(s) that is with us for a long time.

oh I can understand. I always feel so bad for the old ones though :( as a kid I always felt especially drawn to them because of that but my parents would always be like "aw hell naw trab"
but yeah I bet they'll have some younger ones too sometime :)


Hola. Me llamo Molly.

No, but seriously, my name is Molly and I don't know what I'm doing on this forum other than the fact that I was dragged here by my friend wsoxfan(randomassnumbers). :)

Anywho...here's a picture of my dog:

And one of my dinosaurs:

That is all.

Cute pics!

I've been thinking about getting an axolotl.


Neo Member
I feel ya on being left-handed Lin, being a fellow lefty myself. Though I do not shape my eyebrows, simply because I feel as though they fit my face, being left-handed really sucks sometimes!! In most of my college classrooms they have these old desks that they use, and they stick like one lefty-desk in a room of 30 righty-desks and it drives me (and all the other lefties) nuts! It's always a race to see which lefty will get to it first!

I have terribly dark circles under my eyes too...something I have learned to live with as concealer does little in my case.

Thanks for all the lizard compliments. She's pretty cool. Just got her a mate recently:

lol Molly, reminds me of high school fights over the one left baseball glove, and the one left handed guitar.

My eyebrows look so clean now. All I need is practice...and a pair of scissors for left handed people.
:( Often it can be in subtle ways, but the world just isn't made for lefties.

It was the same for me until I learned the 'only put concealer in the shadow' trick.

I've been trying it and it's kind of working, but I think the problem is that the "shadow" comes out in a triangle shape from the inner corner of my eye.
help me gurlgaf, I'm in love :eek:

also tbh I don't know what it is with lizard pets. just doesn't make sense to me, they don't belong in households. at least cats & dogs have been bred to be the way they are & are used to living among us...but lizards and stuff...hell naw. also most sellers are kinda shady. I get the fascination though and I'm not trying to attack anyone since they're probably better of with you guys than some pet store but still :s
Ah, the first stages of love :3

Just wanted to pop in and say how envious I am of MollyAttack.
I love reptiles, and have never, ever owned one - your lizard is so super adorable.
Dat feel <3 I hope everything goes well for you ;3 (aka keep me updated hehe)

haha, I'm just watching misfits and admiring him from far away :3
(yeah I really just meant that gif guy :X ) will still provide updates if I ever run into him though! :D


wtf, I never noticed he kinda looks like he's wanking here ._,


Oh yeah he is yummie indeed. Is that Tattoo for real btw? Love that!
Considering getting a second one..but been chickening out so far.

Also on the eyebrow topic: Ever since I've been to SF and discovered threading I have a hard time having it done any other way. It's surprisingly hard to find a place that does it here in Europe.. :(


Not pure anymore!
Concealer doesn't seem to help remove my eye circles much, just reduce it a little.
Same here. My circles are dark all around, they aren't puffy at all though just sunken in a bit, they're heriditary so no amount of sleep is going to fix 'em. Very frustrated to have people tell you that all you need is a bit of sleep. :p

That video trick would only work for people with maybe tiny bit of puffy eyes with a bit of discolouration. I need a good eye cream that makes the skin a bit plump under the eyes and a heavy duty concealer. Haven't found one that is totally opaque, doesn't settle into figne lines and dries out my undereye skin. I use bobbi brown corrector with different concealers depending on how moisturised my undereyes are.



I just spent a whole hour walking around with a HUGE period stain on my canari yellow sundress. No one said anything. Its when I went a made a bank deposit that I saw the horror in my car window. Yes I had a maxipad and I want to crawl in a hole and cry.



I just spent a whole hour walking around with a HUGE period stain on my canari yellow sundress. No one said anything. Its when I went a made a bank deposit that I saw the horror in my car window. Yes I had a maxipad and I want to crawl in a hole and cry.

Ah crap, sorry to hear that. That is one of my worst nightmares :/
Getting the Implanon stick in two weeks. Then I don't have to deal with that crap any more. Thank god..
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