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GirlGAF |OT 2| Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Eve?

It hasnt really effected any other aspect of my life, but I kind of have the stereotype vegetarian lifestyle to begin with (artist). Most people forget I'm a vegetarian because I rarely talk about it.

I gave up meat shortly after Katrina, but I didn't really eat too much to being with. Maybe try a week or two? One great replacement for meat is mushroom. Tofu is fantastic but I stay away from it because I'll end up bloated and sick :/
I take lexapro. My sex drive took a huge hit the first couple of months and I couldn't even orgasm. It's not so bad nowadays, but still a noticeable difference from before. :/ Otherwise, its been doing it's job.

Yeah that's basically what I was wondering. What affect it had on you in that respect. It hasn't been an issue. I've been on it for a few months but now I'm starting to date again. It's good to know it gets better but not good to know that it never returns to normal.
Yeah that's basically what I was wondering. What affect it had on you in that respect. It hasn't been an issue. I've been on it for a few months but now I'm starting to date again. It's good to know it gets better but not good to know that it never returns to normal.
If it does get bad, there are add-ons that can help with that such as wellbutrin.
We talk about that in the Mental Health thread and in our first podcast that we put together.

I don't think I could just dive in to it, is there a beginner guide to easing yourself in to it? has it been that big of a change for the rest of you who are?


This thread has a ton of useful vegetarian info.
The easiest way to get into it is to just eat meat less often, and gradually switch over (while eating meat substitutes if you have a hankering for meat). After some time you'll find it pretty easy to put together meat free meals for weeks at a time and then you're pretty much set.


Yeah that's basically what I was wondering. What affect it had on you in that respect. It hasn't been an issue. I've been on it for a few months but now I'm starting to date again. It's good to know it gets better but not good to know that it never returns to normal.
People do have different experiences with it so don't be too discouraged. :) I've also been on a cocktail of medication since starting on anti-depressants (yay cancer) and I'm also on birth control which can affect sex drive and stuff.

And yeah, like ClassPenguin said, there are options. My psychiatrist and I just decided not to pursue any of them at the moment.
got some leg warmers, now the question is what to wear them with other than just in the house with shorts. Obviously wont wear them over these leggings but here you are.



got some leg warmers, now the question is what to wear them with other than just in the house with shorts. Obviously wont wear them over these leggings but here you are.


One more vote for skirt with those.
I am planning on that myself..yay for biker boots, leg warmers, skirts and tights.
Damn you guys flaunting your awesome socks... it's only spring and it's already 36C (97F).

Also, that feel when your favourite eyeliner has been discontinued and you lost yours :( ... and nowhere else seems to sell that lovely shade blue...

Miss Riot

Neo Member
got some leg warmers, now the question is what to wear them with other than just in the house with shorts. Obviously wont wear them over these leggings but here you are.


these are _super_ cool. I should look into some. plus I don't always want to shave. it's winter dammit! soon


I can't wait to have a steady flow of disposable income again. I'm hooked on lasers. Legs are just so expensive though :(


I don't think I've posted here yet. Hi!

I've been trying to find a birthday present for my mom. She really likes warm, long socks, and she loves stripes. I've pretty much cleaned out Sock Dreams for her gifts in the past, and I was wondering if anyone knew of any other place that might have them? The more unique the better.


Alrighty, had a question for everyone here at Girl-GAF, and no, it's not a relationship question, but rather one that also is a Cosplay-related question and I know there are a couple of ladies here who are into Cosplay to an extent so I figured I would get some advice.

My main profession has always been foodservice but as a side hobby I've always been into nail art. I actually learned how to paint nails when I was younger, and recently I had been thinking about getting back into it, only on a professional level, specifically for conventions as I think there could be a ton of demand for nail services during cons and I know there are a lot of Female and Male Cosplayers who are too busy putting together their costumes at the 11th Hour that they often forget about the nails part (see: Most Homestuck Cosplayers). My main issue right now is wondering how viable this could be as other than occasionally wearing nail polish, I generally look and carry about like I should probably be in Hell's Angels and I'm not sure how most ladies would feel about that, so, would this be a viable side job for me? How do you all feel about Men doing nails to begin with?


Alrighty, had a question for everyone here at Girl-GAF, and no, it's not a relationship question, but rather one that also is a Cosplay-related question and I know there are a couple of ladies here who are into Cosplay to an extent so I figured I would get some advice.

My main profession has always been foodservice but as a side hobby I've always been into nail art. I actually learned how to paint nails when I was younger, and recently I had been thinking about getting back into it, only on a professional level, specifically for conventions as I think there could be a ton of demand for nail services during cons and I know there are a lot of Female and Male Cosplayers who are too busy putting together their costumes at the 11th Hour that they often forget about the nails part (see: Most Homestuck Cosplayers). My main issue right now is wondering how viable this could be as other than occasionally wearing nail polish, I generally look and carry about like I should probably be in Hell's Angels and I'm not sure how most ladies would feel about that, so, would this be a viable side job for me? How do you all feel about Men doing nails to begin with?
I have no idea how profitable such a business would be, but as long as you don't use files (the noise drives me fucking insane), I wouldn't see the problem with it. I've seen a decent amount of guys working at nail salons too.

But seriously, fuck nail files.


I have no idea how profitable such a business would be, but as long as you don't use files (the noise drives me fucking insane), I wouldn't see the problem with it. I've seen a decent amount of guys working at nail salons too.

But seriously, fuck nail files.

I take it you're meaning the E-file, it's a drill-like device that the cheap shops use for fileing the nails while getting ready for an Acrylic Full Set. If you have ever gotten Acrylic Nails and had the misfortune of having a tech use that on your natural nails, I feel for ya. Yeah, I don't plan on using the drill.


Every nail person I've ever been to has freaked out over my nails. They are natural, and people act like that's such a shock. Then they want to cover them with acrylics anyway. Nope, I just want them filed and painted all pretty since I suck at it.

I'd totally let you do mine, gimme a Tardis-y theme or something :p

Out of curiosity, do you have a long nail bed before the Free Edge?. Long Nail Bed = Nail Tech's Wet Dream as it makes it easier for one to create longer extensions and they can sculpt the smile line without worrying too much about where the white tip will be as the model's nail bed will be long enough to still maintain a proper look without looking like the tip part starts halfway down the nail, which you see a lot in the cheap shops. Yup, I've been doing my homework in advance.

And I would love to do a Tardis theme for you, well, if you ever drop by Texas sometime, lol. First I have to actually retrain myself first, and then, classes, which are not cheap. Was looking into the other day and a course would set me back $5000 to get licensed. I'm kinda wondering if I could apprentice somewhere to be honest for the hours instead of going to a class as the licence would only run my around $200, plus the materials I can get online for a lot cheaper.


I take it you're meaning the E-file, it's a drill-like device that the cheap shops use for fileing the nails while getting ready for an Acrylic Full Set. If you have ever gotten Acrylic Nails and had the misfortune of having a tech use that on your natural nails, I feel for ya. Yeah, I don't plan on using the drill.
Nope, just a regular file. :(


Nope, just a regular file. :(

Wow, they must be using them as instruments of death metal then, shouldn't be sounding that horrible. Some techs tend to use the same file for natural nails that they do for acrylics/gels, only problem is that it's a stronger file and that can really screw up your nails through overfilling. If you're frequenting a salon like that I would probably stop.

I have no idea if I have a long nail bed or not. I just grow super strong, long nails, and I don't take care of them like I should. If I had money I'd just have them done all the time lol

Here, found this the other day so it might help with DIY care. If you do grow out long nails to begin with and are having trouble maintaining them, I would probably use strengtheners to help fortify them while you don't have any polish on. Just don't let them talk you into acrylics for overlays, go for gels instead.
so I'm thinking about starting belly dancing for a while now.
any advice/experience? :D (I'm a total fool when it comes to sport or dancing of any kind but that's why I felt something like this is necessary at some point in my life)
so I'm thinking about starting belly dancing for a while now.
any advice/experience? :D (I'm a total fool when it comes to sport or dancing of any kind but that's why I felt something like this is necessary at some point in my life)

It's fun! Especially making costumes etc. I'm completely awful but my mum used to teach it so I've got a little experience I guess? I will say though it's impossible to do unless you just let go and have fun. If you think too much the moves won't be fluid. Also, dose abs :p
It's fun! Especially making costumes etc. I'm completely awful but my mum used to teach it so I've got a little experience I guess? I will say though it's impossible to do unless you just let go and have fun. If you think too much the moves won't be fluid. Also, dose abs :p

yeah I agree. but that's also a good thing to learn...being able to let go for a while and stuff. probably also something I want to get out of it :) your mum sounds awesome btw :D
so you made your own costumes..that's great! would you mind showing us something? :>
East Coast Lady-Gaf: ~Meet-Up Notice~

Where: Manhattan, NY (East side)
When: 10/13 7ish PM?
Why: Normally out-of-towner Girl-Gaffers are converging on zee island
Who: (so far)


Details: TBA. Discussion for locations will commence with vigor.

Open invite for any other lady gaffers! Don't be shy. I'm a nice honorable polite happy drunk, and I've met Kisaya before and she did not kill anyone. :D
Got an email from the university police department about two (off campus) cases of sexual assault.
The first incident occurred Sept. 28, when a 19-year old woman was assaulted. She managed to fight the suspect off using pepper spray.

The second incident occurred Sept, 29, when a 19-year old woman was flagged down by a man in a red pickup truck. He warned her that she was dragging something behind her vehicle. When she got out to check, the suspect assaulted her. The second victim fought back using her keys to stab at him. He then fled.
Fuck yeah.
Police recommend that all young women avoid being out alone or in dangerous situations.
I wish I lived in NY. Well, maybe next year. ;-)

There will be more meet-ups, no doubt. I imagine it might sound weird to some, but I've been to a few and never had a bad time. :)

Those avatars are like a line-up of super heros.

The box disguises my true power!

Got an email from the university police department about two (off campus) cases of sexual assault.

Fuck yeah.


"Women should avoid being alone..."

Hahahaha...ha... Why bother building houses with doors or windows for ladies? Just drop us in from above and seal the roof on. Who needs to go out or have a life or job or, etc. Best way to keep safe. Amiright??? :p


"Women should avoid being alone..."

Hahahaha...ha... Why bother building houses with doors or windows for ladies? Just drop us in from above and seal the roof on. Who needs to go out or have a life or job or, etc. Best way to keep safe. Amiright??? :p

Don't worry, it's only young women who must avoid being alone. Once we get old enough we're allowed to go out by ourselves.


Got an email from the university police department about two (off campus) cases of sexual assault.

Fuck yeah.


Geez. I remember being really annoyed when I found out last year that you're not allowed to own self-defence mace/pepper spray in Canada, and could end up being the one charge with aggravated assault if you ever used it on an assailant ("I didn't even go near her, she just came at me sir"). Bleecckk

Also, non-hormonal IUD + that time of the month = long, painful, barf-inducing (amongst other things) cramps.


I was unable to join in on Benedict's AMA, because of internet issues, but it's very possible he broke tumblr with this comment:



I am turning into a serious fangirl - especially after finally watching Into Darkness..OMG so hot

On other news:
One of our kittens discovered he can ride on our neato and I got him on my iphone video camera. Unfortunately he got knocked off shortly after I started filming :p

Not sure if you can watch the video without adding me on FB though..



There will be more meet-ups, no doubt. I imagine it might sound weird to some, but I've been to a few and never had a bad time. :)

I'm sure they're a lot of fun. :) I'm going to be transferring to a 4-year college next year, and there's a chance I might be up North.

Police recommend that all young women avoid being out alone or in dangerous situations.

I'll make sure to turn on my dangerous situations radar the next time I'm out and about.
"Women should avoid being alone..."

Hahahaha...ha... Why bother building houses with doors or windows for ladies? Just drop us in from above and seal the roof on. Who needs to go out or have a life or job or, etc. Best way to keep safe. Amiright??? :p
The best part is that they have real examples of women using self-defense techniques, yet they basically tell us to live in fear rather than learn to defend ourselves.


The best part is that they have real examples of women using self-defense techniques, yet they basically tell us to live in fear rather than learn to defend ourselves.
Or be like: "Guys should never be in situations where they'd be tempted to do things like this nor should they be alone without supervision." :p Just ridiculous.


Or be like: "Guys should never be in situations where they'd be tempted to do things like this nor should they be alone without supervision." :p Just ridiculous.

I've taken to keeping a small, locking, blade-below-prohibited-length pocket knife with me almost all the time. I've basically gone out of my way to find out what's considered legal to have on my person (outside of where things like this are restricted period, of course :))

I once lived in a pretty big city, and in some bad areas of it. I basically never leave my house without locking up and am blown away when I find out there are places where people do this.
I always lock the door right behind me and make sure I'm not followed home. I feel paranoid until I listen to the police scanner about some home invasion.


East Coast Lady-Gaf: ~Meet-Up Notice~

Where: Manhattan, NY (East side)
When: 10/13 7ish PM?
Why: Normally out-of-towner Girl-Gaffers are converging on zee island
Who: (so far)


Details: TBA. Discussion for locations will commence with vigor.

Open invite for any other lady gaffers! Don't be shy. I'm a nice honorable polite happy drunk, and I've met Kisaya before and she did not kill anyone. :D

Yo shit is going to be real that night.
Yo shit is going to be real that night.

I was promised gossip. I shall not be denied!

And on the troubled ins and outs of 'safe' lady behavior...

Don't worry, it's only young women who must avoid being alone. Once we get old enough we're allowed to go out by ourselves.

What's the cut off age? I may be safe now!

I'm sure they're a lot of fun. :) I'm going to be transferring to a 4-year college next year, and there's a chance I might be up North.

I'll make sure to turn on my dangerous situations radar the next time I'm out and about.

My radar needs a tuning. Every time I go out it starts off slow then blips sporadically when inspecting strangers: nopenopenopeyepyepyepyepnopeyepyepyepyep!

The best part is that they have real examples of women using self-defense techniques, yet they basically tell us to live in fear rather than learn to defend ourselves.

Right? It's kind of insulting.

Or be like: "Guys should never be in situations where they'd be tempted to do things like this nor should they be alone without supervision." :p Just ridiculous.

Would love for just one of these 'safety notices' to say something like, "Men who engage in unwanted behavior will face extreme penalties" or your "Men should not be alone without supervision." Something, anything to address the people actually doing this.

I've taken to keeping a small, locking, blade-below-prohibited-length pocket knife with me almost all the time. I've basically gone out of my way to find out what's considered legal to have on my person (outside of where things like this are restricted period, of course :))

I once lived in a pretty big city, and in some bad areas of it. I basically never leave my house without locking up and am blown away when I find out there are places where people do this.

Yeah, I hear ya. I used to carry a really nice knife, but when I moved to CA the restrictions were more prohibitive on what I could carry. I usually have pepper spray, but I'd love one of those steel batons/whips (sadly illegal). I wonder if I could get away with a blackjack? :D

I always lock the door right behind me and make sure I'm not followed home. I feel paranoid until I listen to the police scanner about some home invasion.

I definitely check the being followed thing constantly. I try to take varied routes too after the last guy. Sadly, the one time you don't do it because you think you're overreacting is when it bites you in the ass.
East Coast Lady-Gaf: ~Meet-Up Notice~

Where: The Meatball Shop
84 Stanton St.

When: 10/13 7:30 PM
Why: Normally out-of-towner Girl-Gaffers are converging on zee island
Who: (so far)

+ 1
+ 1

Open invite for any other lady gaffers! Don't be shy. I'm a nice honorable polite happy drunk, and I've met Kisaya before and she did not kill anyone. :D


Does '+1' mean you're going with your partner, or that you imagine you have a higher experience point level than the rest of the girls?
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