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GirlGAF |OT 2| Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Eve?


Most of the people I see in Body Pump go 2-3 times a week, even jumping around to different gyms for the best schedule.

Yeah, the plan was Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays (unless I get better plans) and I think I will try it out for not only the exercise, but the social experience like Tash mentioned. I don't get out and do enough things to make friends, and that makes me sad.

Hi GirlGAF! I have a question concerning my girlfriend, bras, and my girlfriend's bras. I may as well be candid, as there's a lot I don't know about this. She's mentioned off-handedly that her bras are uncomfortable, always leaving red marks across her chest and having her boobs pop slightly over the top. As my sister is a fan of Double Divas (so I've had to see a bunch), and according to that show a significant number of women aren't fit properly, I've asked my girlfriend if she should get refitted.

She responded that because of her size (5'2'', petite, and 34D), bras tend to just fit her funky, and there's not a lot she can do about it. I don't want to press the issue, especially since I'm in no position to, but I hate knowing she's in chronic discomfort over it. She apparently grew two cup sizes in as many years, and suddenly had to start wearing a different style from what she was used to. Is there anything she can do, or is that just a fact of life wearing a bra at her proportions?

I agree with Zoe about checking Reddit's r/abrathatfits. They are incredibly helpful and put me in the right size (VS says I'm a 34B which was WAY too big. I'm actually a 30C)


Yeah, the plan was Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays (unless I get better plans) and I think I will try it out for not only the exercise, but the social experience like Tash mentioned. I don't get out and do enough things to make friends, and that makes me sad.

CXWORX is a good supplement if your gym offers it right after Pump.


She can most likely find a better cup size, but when you get up there the style is definitely different. I'm shorter than her, and the (admittedly cheap) bras I have now are slightly uncomfortable as far as rib cage and back coverage goes (feels excessive), but I don't have any trouble with popping out anymore.

I used the Reddit measuring guide which is easy enough to do on your own.

I agree with Zoe about checking Reddit's r/abrathatfits. They are incredibly helpful and put me in the right size (VS says I'm a 34B which was WAY too big. I'm actually a 30C)

Interesting, the guide says you actually want red marks? Pop out is a problem, so I'll be sure to pass this on to to her. Thanks!
Hi girlgaf. So me and the wife have been trying to get preggs for a while, but it seems that her period got disrupted. Is that normal? I'll let my wife write the post, and any response will be to her. Any insight is appreciated:

My husband and I have been trying to conceive for a few months now. I was on birth control for about a year but have been off it since March. Before and after the pill, my cycle was pretty normal/predictable averaging out to 28-29 days. However, since we've starting trying, my cycle keeps getting longer. I am 37 days and still have not gotten my period. I took a few pregnancy tests and they have all come out negative. Is it common for your cycle to change when you begin to have unprotected sex? I keep thinking perhaps I'm pregnant. Going to an OB GYN next week, but wanted to see if anyone has experienced something similar. Thanks!


Hi girlgaf. So me and the wife have been trying to get preggs for a while, but it seems that her period got disrupted. Is that normal? I'll let my wife write the post, and any response will be to her. Any insight is appreciated:

My husband and I have been trying to conceive for a few months now. I was on birth control for about a year but have been off it since March. Before and after the pill, my cycle was pretty normal/predictable averaging out to 28-29 days. However, since we've starting trying, my cycle keeps getting longer. I am 37 days and still have not gotten my period. I took a few pregnancy tests and they have all come out negative. Is it common for your cycle to change when you begin to have unprotected sex? I keep thinking perhaps I'm pregnant. Going to an OB GYN next week, but wanted to see if anyone has experienced something similar. Thanks!
We are trying here too. After i quit the pill my periods where somewhat irregular, as if everything had to get back to normal. But after those first few months it´s been regular. My guess would be the same as Fictions, are you stressing a lot? It´s pretty common to be late when one is under stress/feeling tense. Before i started with the pill i'd sometimes be late just because of that.. And trying to get pregnant is pretty exciting after all. I'd talk to my doctor. Wish you two the best!
I don't know if it's stress. My period in the past has never been affected by the amount of stress level I've had. I just think it's interesting that right when we begin to have unprotected sex, my period delays. My initial thought was that it may have something to do with my pH level. Also I have never taken a shot.

I was on an oral contraceptive called loresterine 24 fe for one year. I decided to get off of it because I began to experience crazy headaches. Once I was off it, my cycle was regulated pretty much right away. It was slightly heavier/longer than when I was on the pill, but I thought this was normal. I was off the pill for 6 months and using only condoms before my husband and I started trying. Those six months, my period was averaging between 28-29 days. This is the longest I've gone without a period.
She responded that because of her size (5'2'', petite, and 34D), bras tend to just fit her funky, and there's not a lot she can do about it. I don't want to press the issue, especially since I'm in no position to, but I hate knowing she's in chronic discomfort over it. She apparently grew two cup sizes in as many years, and suddenly had to start wearing a different style from what she was used to. Is there anything she can do, or is that just a fact of life wearing a bra at her proportions?

To another girl, I would recommend that she get a fitting at a boutique shop (not VS) and learn the size and style of bra with which she's most comfortable. Then she can take that wisdom to the interwebs and find all those bras for half the price as they undoubtedly sell them in the stores, and feel oodles better for having done so. Bra digging, riding, or pain should never happen.

But, if she's changed size substantially recently, she may be feeling self-conscious or a little bit self-loathing that she can't control her own body (it's been known to happen...). So, to you I would suggest sticking with the I-hate-seeing-you-so-uncomfortable role, and supporting her efforts to feel more awesome.

Because there are bras out there for every body that make a girl just want to stand in front of a mirror and stare at herself in awe. Every girl deserves that!
Have your eating habits changed at all? And wanting to get pregnant is it's own kind of stress. So even if your cycle hasn't responded to stress in the past, it could be doing so now :)

Hmm, I started eating a complete breakfast. It may be stress.. i haven't been sleeping well lately. Waking up at night startled. Going to go to the doctor this week. Will keep you guys posted. Thanks girl gaf!


Hi, fellow ladies! My account finally got activated, but I've lurked for a few years so I kind of feel like I know all of you already. I don't have a lot of time or money for games these days, but I do like to keep up with what's going on. I've learned to stay out of any thread mentioning Anita Sarkeesian or pit bulls.
Okay so I'll start off my transition into this thread.

My period has been really irregular for as long as I can remember. I think I'm going on two months without it right now, and my doctor says it's normal. I know for sure I'm not pregnant and birth control honestly kind of freaks me out. I've always been careful in all of my sexual encounters so I've always felt like I never really needed it (I know I'm a huge idiot).

My concern is that it might be hard for me to have kids later in life. I'm 21. Has this happened to anyone else?
If your doctor thinks it's okay, then it's likely okay. Like I've said before in the thread, stress and eating habits can affect your cycle in a big way. If you aren't getting enough nutrition, your cycle will stop entirely.

I'd bring up the worries about infertility with your doctor though. I know I had pretty regular cycles, but long and painful and incredibly heavy. No one thought anything of it, until it took me three years to get pregnant and later found out I had two uteruses. (I now have zero, yay)

I'm a senior in college so stress and diet are huge and I know that. I've been making an effort to eat healthier these past couple of months but nothing has changed. It may take some time, I realize.

When I do get them, they last about 4-5 days at regular intensities. I rarely get heavy flows. I cramp for the first day and then I don't feel any pain on the second.

I'll make an appointment; I'm changing doctors (from military dependent coverage to civilian since I'm now 21 and no longer eligible under my parents' plan) so I have to find someone first. Last time I went she told me it might be ovarian cysts.


I am so, so glad I don't have to do it anymore. Fuck yeah hysterectomy(s)!

Though, it's kinda hilarious, even to this day sometimes I am like 'Shit, am I pregnant?' I had my surgery in 2008 lol.

Though I still have my ovaries and it's hard to know when my hormones are screwing with me or not :/

Just imagine the experience of sudden bleeding and intense pain once per month every month for the next forty years of your life and everyone assuming that this is happening every time you're in a less than perfect mood if you wanna feel included in period talk. Maybe ruminate on how you're on cycle with the other gals at work/school on occasion.

tbh you are not missing out on much of an experience here
yeah i think i'm good at not imagining that


I'd be too paranoid of having a birth control option that does that. Periods suck but it's quite the relief when I get them now: "I'm not pregnant yay!"


Oh man, if we're gonna talk about periods, can we talk about going through super-plus tampons in an hour while having to wear khakis for work? Because that is my life for a few days every month.


im on mine right now



Oh man. I bought this Krave double chocolate cereal thing...god is this good. I'm not even on my period and I can't stop thinking about it.

I may have a problem.

I have a definite chocolate problem.


With some birth control options there's a good chance of eliminating periods, like that arm implant thing.

Will ask in the next few months when I go to the doctor again.

Oh man, if we're gonna talk about periods, can we talk about going through super-plus tampons in an hour while having to wear khakis for work? Because that is my life for a few days every month.

I had to wear khaki shorts this summer for my job and it was the most terrible thing. The paranoia that you're going to leak ;___________;

I have a definite chocolate problem.


Hi, my name is Dragonz, and I have a chocolate problem.


Will ask in the next few months when I go to the doctor again.



The good news:

For most women, periods become fewer and lighter. After one year, 1 out of 3 women who use the birth control implant will stop having periods completely.

The bad news:

Irregular bleeding is the most common side effect, especially in the first 6–12 months of use.
Some women have longer, heavier periods.
Some women have increased spotting and light bleeding between periods.
I might seriously eat every piece of chocolate in this house right now.

God dammit I've been here for not even a full page and you guys are already contributing to my chocolate cravings. ;_;


My 4 year old daughter hates chocolate. Always has. When my wife was pregnant with her she couldn't stand eating chocolate either.
Okay so I'll start off my transition into this thread.

My period has been really irregular for as long as I can remember. I think I'm going on two months without it right now, and my doctor says it's normal. I know for sure I'm not pregnant and birth control honestly kind of freaks me out. I've always been careful in all of my sexual encounters so I've always felt like I never really needed it (I know I'm a huge idiot).

Guy here, so I can't first-hand advice, but a very good friend of mine used to have insanely erratic periods. We were dating when they first started becoming irregular (ugh, pregnancy scares), but she went to the doctor and I remember his "advice" was that sometimes that just happens, and to not worry about it too much. It continued being erratic for a few years, until finally she got sick of it and went on the pill. As far as I know, that solved her problem.

If you're looking for another, less chemical option, my wife had a Mirena IUD for five years. That stops your period entirely, the effectiveness of it is well above 99% and you don't have to do anything after it's in. Allegedly it's better if you've had kids before, but we never have and it was perfectly fine. She only got rid of it because she started to miss having a period.
Guy here, so I can't first-hand advice, but a very good friend of mine used to have insanely erratic periods. We were dating when they first started becoming irregular (ugh, pregnancy scares), but she went to the doctor and I remember his "advice" was that sometimes that just happens, and to not worry about it too much. It continued being erratic for a few years, until finally she got sick of it and went on the pill. As far as I know, that solved her problem.

If you're looking for another, less chemical option, my wife had a Mirena IUD for five years. That stops your period entirely, the effectiveness of it is well above 99% and you don't have to do anything after it's in. Allegedly it's better if you've had kids before, but we never have and it was perfectly fine. She only got rid of it because she started to miss having a period.

Ah, thank you! As I said, my doctor said it was okay for now but she was concerned about my fertility later in life. I'm probably going to get on the pill and see if that works. I may not like it but I'd rather face the music sooner rather than later.


Hi, my name is Dragonz, and I have a chocolate problem.

I can quit eating chocolate any time I want.

I just don't want to.

I should also stop eating unhealthy in general...

I didn't eat an entire bag of those Lindt chocolate ball things today. No I did not.

they were fucking delicious

Will definitely look into it! May even talk with the doc about getting that entire shit removed! She'll probably just tell he I'm too young, but I'll bring it up anyway.


Got the implanon again about a month ago. Had it a while back but had it removed since I got weird side-effects/symptoms and thought it might be because of the little stick. Now I know it was MS symptoms.

So I got it again recently but my skin has gotten super bad :( Not even in my teens did I have spots like that and I am considering removing it again. My bf wouldn't be happy though..also it costs to put that thing in and take it out again..



I had a legitimate health problem, like, they told me I would die if I got pregnant again, and I still had to fight for mine. Said I was too young and I might want more kids. The fuck? Doctors are weird.

But there surely aren't enough children in the world! And I mean, you might die! Wouldn't that be fun! So you can bring a kid into the world and then leave them motherless.

Clearly an excellent idea.
I had a legitimate health problem, like, they told me I would die if I got pregnant again, and I still had to fight for mine. Said I was too young and I might want more kids. The fuck? Doctors are weird.

wow, that seems kind of irresponsible on the doctor's part. At least you were able to have kids at all!


Have you talked to your doctor about that?

If someone had told me when I was younger it wasn't normal to pass huge clots and nearly bleed to death every month, I might have gotten fixed a lot sooner :/

I have not. I feel like I'm right at the borderline between normal but really heavy and not normal. I think I'm going to though, because my mom had cervical cancer and PCOS and eventually needed a hysterectomy.
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