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GirlGAF |OT 2| Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Eve?

Have meet-up pics, but have to pull 'em from my camera first. All in all, everyone was pretty damn fun and good at shooting bucks not cows in arcade bars*. Verdict: Would meet up with again!

*I have photo evidence to support this.

Does '+1' mean you're going with your partner, or that you imagine you have a higher experience point level than the rest of the girls?

My power experience level is 1,000,000!

:( why does new york have to be so far away from me?

The day when teleportation happens will be a great day, indeed.

oh you guys have fun! that's so cool, wish I was anywhere near the east coast as I'd make the trip!

Awww, more Gaf meet-ups in other places will happen for sure. The trick is finding where the ladies are hiding, though. ;)
NYC GirlGaf Meet-up!


Arcade Bar:




Those are great pics! No one messes with GirlGAF.

Not an option, not even remotely close. I can't even get to a major city in Texas. :\

There should be a Southern GirlGAF meet-up one day.

As much as I would love to be in NY, I'm probably going to be in NC for a while. Just last night I learned about this awesome Asian Studies minor at a school I'm interested in (alongside the Film Studies major I was already considering), which has now made it such an obvious choice for me that I would be stupid to leave NC.


Not an option, not even remotely close. I can't even get to a major city in Texas. :\

Are you close by any DFW or Central Texas GAFfers? I'm sure if they do get a meetup going somebody could come get you.

On another note, picked up nail supplies yesterday, swatched today. I didn't get to everything but here's a few that ya'll might be interested in:

Russian Navy

Here Today, Aragon Tomorrow

East Hampton Cottage

Sand Tropez
I wish I lived in NYC now ;.; Maybe Ausgirls can do a thing sometime.

yeah I agree. but that's also a good thing to learn...being able to let go for a while and stuff. probably also something I want to get out of it :) your mum sounds awesome btw :D
so you made your own costumes..that's great! would you mind showing us something? :>
They're packed away in a cupboard somewhere (half of my stuff got lost moving in with bf a few weeks ago) but if I find 'em I will post them for sure ^^

Gotta love the mansplaining in the motorboating thread.

I can't deal with that thread. I just can't.
Awww, I feel so left out You guys look ace :)

We need a big map where we pinpoint everyone's location, then choose a spot in exact center. And that spot will be
Adelaide (for Nov)
. :D

looks like so much fun! so envious!!

That bar arcade was a sweet find. They even had Yuengling which my coworker has been raving about for years. I finally got to try it.

Not an option, not even remotely close. I can't even get to a major city in Texas. :\

A lot of meet-ups do the carpooling thing for far away gaffers that want to attend. You should look into next time there's a Texas meet-up.

Those are great pics! No one messes with GirlGAF.

There should be a Southern GirlGAF meet-up one day.

As much as I would love to be in NY, I'm probably going to be in NC for a while. Just last night I learned about this awesome Asian Studies minor at a school I'm interested in (alongside the Film Studies major I was already considering), which has now made it such an obvious choice for me that I would be stupid to leave NC.

Guns + beer + blue steel. We rocked it. ;)

Funny that you're in NC. I was just in Asheville for a week a bit ago. Are there any other LadyGaffers in that area?

Gotta love the mansplaining in the motorboating thread.

It's a bit frustrating to be sure. Plenty of posters broke down why it was gross but much of the response is just "No Fun Allowed" quips. :p

I wish I lived in NYC now ;.; Maybe Ausgirls can do a thing sometime.

They're packed away in a cupboard somewhere (half of my stuff got lost moving in with bf a few weeks ago) but if I find 'em I will post them for sure ^^

I can't deal with that thread. I just can't.

Adelaide, Adelaide, Adelaide!

That looked like a fun night, wish I can afford to live in NYC haha.

soooo can we have a (ladies') shoe thread?

Just live in the boroughs. Cheaper AND has awesome food/cafes. I'm staying with my friend in Brooklyn right now and this place is ace.


Guns + beer + blue steel. We rocked it. ;)

Funny that you're in NC. I was just in Asheville for a week a bit ago. Are there any other LadyGaffers in that area?

I live in Asheville! :O (Well, just outside of it.) I wish I had known that a fellow LadyGaffer (I like that name :p) was in the area, haha. I don't think there are any others here, aside from me.

How did you like Asheville? I have been here for over 2 years now. It's a nice little city with some cool things to see, such as the Biltmore Estate and the Biltmore Village. Lots of interesting shops too.

If there is ever a meet-up in NC I think it should be along the coast. If I get into the school I'm looking at next year (UNC Wilmington) I will be going from the mountains to the beach. I grew up in Virginia Beach, VA, and miss beach weather. I would much rather have that over living in the mountains.

we have a womens fashion thread, it just hast been bumped in a while. :(

Edit: Misread this post and thought you were referring to this thread. That's what I get for not reading clearly enough, haha.
Wow the thread is totally dead :(

So I ordered two bras from my favourite brand recently. Both the same size, and I've brought bras from them (in store) in that size that fit fine. They arrived today, and one of them fits perfectly... but the other one is massive. It kind of looks like the designer completely forgot how sizes work and went "C and D are for people with huge tits, I don't think bras get any bigger than this! Better make them massive!". I kind of expect this from different brands, but the same one!? Uuggggh. It's a shame cause it was really cute and I bought matching pants :(

/sick of inconsistent sizing in women's clothing rant.


Wow the thread is totally dead :(

So I ordered two bras from my favourite brand recently. Both the same size, and I've brought bras from them (in store) in that size that fit fine. They arrived today, and one of them fits perfectly... but the other one is massive. It kind of looks like the designer completely forgot how sizes work and went "C and D are for people with huge tits, I don't think bras get any bigger than this! Better make them massive!". I kind of expect this from different brands, but the same one!? Uuggggh. It's a shame cause it was really cute and I bought matching pants :(

/sick of inconsistent sizing in women's clothing rant.

Wait, matching pants? Are you planning an outfit where the bra is visible? Or am I just being dumb naive guy here?


I don't think I have any matching sets haha. But then again, I don't give a hoot. Haha. My bra and undies are for my eyes only!

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
I have a few sets. I should really buy more. Usually I'll just buy the bra coz I like it but the matching knickers are gstrings and that's just not happening :S I'll just match with black knickers and it looks fine. In fact I'm doing that now. Pink with black polka dots bra and plain black knickers.

Should be working, but I'm just screwing around with my new phone and procrastinating. These iphone thingies certainly are a... thing, huh? Anyone have any app recommendations? The manga camera app has been amusing. :D
So I know I don't post on here a whole lot but just wanted to share.

My house got broken into tonight. Thankfully my husband and I were not home, although maybe they would not have broken in if we were.

I was told they were "kids" which I assume means teenagers. My neighborhood isn't known as the nicest around, but I've always felt safe and I live on a nice quiet street. These kids have been terrorizing the neighborhood for a while now the cops told me and they were able to catch 4 of them tonight.

They climbed up to my deck and broke in through one of the french doors. They emptied out some tote bags and duffel bags I had laying around and started stuffing games (over 40) and game systems (360, WiiU, PS3, 3DS) into the bags. Thankfully a neighbor had called the police about suspicious kids on the street, the police came and the kids got scared and ran. All the stuff they were about to steal was left on the deck.

Now, since we weren't home, the police start rummaging through bills and such trying to find a phone number to call us and let us know what happened. All they could find was a check my grandparents wrote out to my husband for his birthday and it had their phone number on it. My grandparents live 6 hours away and in another state, so when the police called and asked if they knew me my uncle who was there took the phone and told them "I'm not telling you anything, this could be a prank" and took their info and called me.

I get the call from my uncle, don't answer since we were away at a surprise party. Once I got his message about a possible break in, I called right back. So we had to race home, not knowing what was going on, and we were 45 minutes away. I guess it was nice to have that time to calm down.

Things could have gone a lot worse (all we had to do was clean up broken glass, put plastic over the opening, and straighten up the house a bit) but it's such a gross feeling that someone was in our house, looking through our stuff, and violating our space without us knowing. Really glad we are OK though.


So I know I don't post on here a whole lot but just wanted to share.

My house got broken into tonight. Thankfully my husband and I were not home, although maybe they would not have broken in if we were.

I was told they were "kids" which I assume means teenagers. My neighborhood isn't known as the nicest around, but I've always felt safe and I live on a nice quiet street. These kids have been terrorizing the neighborhood for a while now the cops told me and they were able to catch 4 of them tonight.

They climbed up to my deck and broke in through one of the french doors. They emptied out some tote bags and duffel bags I had laying around and started stuffing games (over 40) and game systems (360, WiiU, PS3, 3DS) into the bags. Thankfully a neighbor had called the police about suspicious kids on the street, the police came and the kids got scared and ran. All the stuff they were about to steal was left on the deck.

Now, since we weren't home, the police start rummaging through bills and such trying to find a phone number to call us and let us know what happened. All they could find was a check my grandparents wrote out to my husband for his birthday and it had their phone number on it. My grandparents live 6 hours away and in another state, so when the police called and asked if they knew me my uncle who was there took the phone and told them "I'm not telling you anything, this could be a prank" and took their info and called me.

I get the call from my uncle, don't answer since we were away at a surprise party. Once I got his message about a possible break in, I called right back. So we had to race home, not knowing what was going on, and we were 45 minutes away. I guess it was nice to have that time to calm down.

Things could have gone a lot worse (all we had to do was clean up broken glass, put plastic over the opening, and straighten up the house a bit) but it's such a gross feeling that someone was in our house, looking through our stuff, and violating our space without us knowing. Really glad we are OK though.

Glad you didn't lose all your stuff and that you have neighbors that care enough to call the cops.


So I know I don't post on here a whole lot but just wanted to share.

My house got broken into tonight. Thankfully my husband and I were not home, although maybe they would not have broken in if we were.

I was told they were "kids" which I assume means teenagers. My neighborhood isn't known as the nicest around, but I've always felt safe and I live on a nice quiet street. These kids have been terrorizing the neighborhood for a while now the cops told me and they were able to catch 4 of them tonight.

They climbed up to my deck and broke in through one of the french doors. They emptied out some tote bags and duffel bags I had laying around and started stuffing games (over 40) and game systems (360, WiiU, PS3, 3DS) into the bags. Thankfully a neighbor had called the police about suspicious kids on the street, the police came and the kids got scared and ran. All the stuff they were about to steal was left on the deck.

Now, since we weren't home, the police start rummaging through bills and such trying to find a phone number to call us and let us know what happened. All they could find was a check my grandparents wrote out to my husband for his birthday and it had their phone number on it. My grandparents live 6 hours away and in another state, so when the police called and asked if they knew me my uncle who was there took the phone and told them "I'm not telling you anything, this could be a prank" and took their info and called me.

I get the call from my uncle, don't answer since we were away at a surprise party. Once I got his message about a possible break in, I called right back. So we had to race home, not knowing what was going on, and we were 45 minutes away. I guess it was nice to have that time to calm down.

Things could have gone a lot worse (all we had to do was clean up broken glass, put plastic over the opening, and straighten up the house a bit) but it's such a gross feeling that someone was in our house, looking through our stuff, and violating our space without us knowing. Really glad we are OK though.
Glad you're okay and nothing too bad happen. But you're right, it is a really gross feeling. When I visited Europe with my sister and another friend, our hotel room was broken into but absolutely nothing was taken, even though my laptop was in plain sight. It was a lot scarier that they weren't after material things (they didn't rummage through anything) and we wonder if they were after us or something. :/


So I know I don't post on here a whole lot but just wanted to share.

My house got broken into tonight. Thankfully my husband and I were not home, although maybe they would not have broken in if we were.

I was told they were "kids" which I assume means teenagers. My neighborhood isn't known as the nicest around, but I've always felt safe and I live on a nice quiet street. These kids have been terrorizing the neighborhood for a while now the cops told me and they were able to catch 4 of them tonight.

They climbed up to my deck and broke in through one of the french doors. They emptied out some tote bags and duffel bags I had laying around and started stuffing games (over 40) and game systems (360, WiiU, PS3, 3DS) into the bags. Thankfully a neighbor had called the police about suspicious kids on the street, the police came and the kids got scared and ran. All the stuff they were about to steal was left on the deck.

Now, since we weren't home, the police start rummaging through bills and such trying to find a phone number to call us and let us know what happened. All they could find was a check my grandparents wrote out to my husband for his birthday and it had their phone number on it. My grandparents live 6 hours away and in another state, so when the police called and asked if they knew me my uncle who was there took the phone and told them "I'm not telling you anything, this could be a prank" and took their info and called me.

I get the call from my uncle, don't answer since we were away at a surprise party. Once I got his message about a possible break in, I called right back. So we had to race home, not knowing what was going on, and we were 45 minutes away. I guess it was nice to have that time to calm down.

Things could have gone a lot worse (all we had to do was clean up broken glass, put plastic over the opening, and straighten up the house a bit) but it's such a gross feeling that someone was in our house, looking through our stuff, and violating our space without us knowing. Really glad we are OK though.

Yeah, we had a break in a few months back and it could have been a lot worse, but the feeling of it is gross.

Yeah. My fiance insisted I get a decent phone while I'm in Aus, so now I have the dreaded iPhone 5. I'm addicted to Scramble…

Why won't you play my game, Fiction?! ;_;

So I know I don't post on here a whole lot but just wanted to share.

My house got broken into tonight. Thankfully my husband and I were not home, although maybe they would not have broken in if we were.

I was told they were "kids" which I assume means teenagers. My neighborhood isn't known as the nicest around, but I've always felt safe and I live on a nice quiet street. These kids have been terrorizing the neighborhood for a while now the cops told me and they were able to catch 4 of them tonight.

They climbed up to my deck and broke in through one of the french doors. They emptied out some tote bags and duffel bags I had laying around and started stuffing games (over 40) and game systems (360, WiiU, PS3, 3DS) into the bags. Thankfully a neighbor had called the police about suspicious kids on the street, the police came and the kids got scared and ran. All the stuff they were about to steal was left on the deck.

Now, since we weren't home, the police start rummaging through bills and such trying to find a phone number to call us and let us know what happened. All they could find was a check my grandparents wrote out to my husband for his birthday and it had their phone number on it. My grandparents live 6 hours away and in another state, so when the police called and asked if they knew me my uncle who was there took the phone and told them "I'm not telling you anything, this could be a prank" and took their info and called me.

I get the call from my uncle, don't answer since we were away at a surprise party. Once I got his message about a possible break in, I called right back. So we had to race home, not knowing what was going on, and we were 45 minutes away. I guess it was nice to have that time to calm down.

Things could have gone a lot worse (all we had to do was clean up broken glass, put plastic over the opening, and straighten up the house a bit) but it's such a gross feeling that someone was in our house, looking through our stuff, and violating our space without us knowing. Really glad we are OK though.

So sorry to hear about this. :/ People can be such shits. I can imagine how awful that must feel to know someone was in your private space, but I'm glad you and your husband are safe.


Not pure anymore!
So I know I don't post on here a whole lot but just wanted to share.

My house got broken into tonight. Thankfully my husband and I were not home, although maybe they would not have broken in if we were.

I was told they were "kids" which I assume means teenagers. My neighborhood isn't known as the nicest around, but I've always felt safe and I live on a nice quiet street. These kids have been terrorizing the neighborhood for a while now the cops told me and they were able to catch 4 of them tonight.

They climbed up to my deck and broke in through one of the french doors. They emptied out some tote bags and duffel bags I had laying around and started stuffing games (over 40) and game systems (360, WiiU, PS3, 3DS) into the bags. Thankfully a neighbor had called the police about suspicious kids on the street, the police came and the kids got scared and ran. All the stuff they were about to steal was left on the deck.

Now, since we weren't home, the police start rummaging through bills and such trying to find a phone number to call us and let us know what happened. All they could find was a check my grandparents wrote out to my husband for his birthday and it had their phone number on it. My grandparents live 6 hours away and in another state, so when the police called and asked if they knew me my uncle who was there took the phone and told them "I'm not telling you anything, this could be a prank" and took their info and called me.

I get the call from my uncle, don't answer since we were away at a surprise party. Once I got his message about a possible break in, I called right back. So we had to race home, not knowing what was going on, and we were 45 minutes away. I guess it was nice to have that time to calm down.

Things could have gone a lot worse (all we had to do was clean up broken glass, put plastic over the opening, and straighten up the house a bit) but it's such a gross feeling that someone was in our house, looking through our stuff, and violating our space without us knowing. Really glad we are OK though.

Happened to my sister a month or so back when she was out of the country on holiday with her hubby. Her next door neighbour call on my mobile at around 3 am that someone tried to break in my sister's house but they scared them away. They tried to call my eldest sister but she didn't pick up because she was at work on night shift (she's a nurse).The burgler's tried to get in through the window but my sister's got a security alarm system that goes off if someone tries to mess with the windows or doors. So we had to go to my sister's work place which was almost 45 minutes away, get the key off her and run to my other sister's house to turn off the alarm. And had to stay the night in case they tried again. Had to spend weekends at her house for 3 weeks! So I can understand what you guys must have gone through, its really not a great feeling.


My sister is insisting I do this workout with her called "body pump" and I was wondering if any of you ladies have ever tried it.

I also need to get some workout pants without holes in them if I'm actually going to go to a class.
I never trust anything that says "fast" or "fastest." Also you don't have to do a ton of reps. I typically do 2 sets of 5 and then as many as I can the last set for each of the areas I'm targeting. If it's enough over 5 for the 3rd set or I feel confident enough, next workout I'm using more weight.

Personally I see a lot of form go to shit when people do over repetitive or fad workout programs.


I love Body Pump. It does add to your strength, and it's great for endurance. Because it's high rep, the weights are much lower than what you would do with a normal barbell and at a more limited range of motion. I squat 135lbs normally on the weight floor but 25kg+bar in Body Pump.

I would never categorize it as fast either--it's just to a beat.

Yeah, there are people with shit form in the classes, but it's just as bad on the weight floor.


I never trust anything that says "fast" or "fastest." Also you don't have to do a ton of reps. I typically do 2 sets of 5 and then as many as I can the last set for each of the areas I'm targeting. If it's enough over 5 for the 3rd set or I feel confident enough, next workout I'm using more weight.

Personally I see a lot of form go to shit when people do over repetitive or fad workout programs.

Yeah, the description with all the reps almost makes it seem more cardio based to me (though I'm a noob so I could be completely wrong)

I do want to get a membership and at least start lifting. Right now, since I workout at home, I have a set of 15 lb dumbbells and a yoga mat.

I love Body Pump. It does add to your strength, and it's great for endurance. Because it's high rep, the weights are much lower than what you would do with a normal barbell and at a more limited range of motion. I squat 135lbs normally on the weight floor but 25kg+bar in Body Pump.

I would never categorize it as fast either--it's just to a beat.

Yeah, there are people with shit form in the classes, but it's just as bad on the weight floor.

Endurance is definitely something I would like to work on. I'll at least try it out, I think. If only because my sister wants me to.

Thanks for the help, both of you!
Yeah, the description with all the reps almost makes it seem more cardio based to me (though I'm a noob so I could be completely wrong)

I do want to get a membership and at least start lifting. Right now, since I workout at home, I have a set of 15 lb dumbbells and a yoga mat.

Endurance is definitely something I would like to work on. I'll at least try it out, I think. If only because my sister wants me to.

Thanks for the help, both of you!

You can get endurance from running and then you don't have to pay a class.


You can get endurance from running and then you don't have to pay a class.

The class is free with the gym membership, and I also get a discount since I'm alumni to the college tied with it.

Running is a good idea anyways, though. I need to get off my tush.

Again, I appreciate your advice.
Body pump is pretty fun. If you're mostly just looking to work on your endurance and get fit it's pretty good for that. You don't have to worry about form so much. It's really more cardio than weightlifting.

You can get endurance from running and then you don't have to pay a class.

That's a different sort of fitness though. There are benefits from adding in weights and doing other movements. Plus body pump is less boring for a lot of people which helps them stick to it. Personally i just stick to weight lifting and running but something like body pump can be good too.


Really depends what you want to do. I generally don't like going to classes for several reasons. A) most of the time they are just crap and going once a week is not really going to make a difference if you really want to change something.

If you want to socialize a bit and just do something, then it's worth trying out.

I am just not a fan of those wannabe classes and rather work out on my own either lifting at the gym or doing something at home (that's 6 times per week for me though).

It used to be, anyway. Right now I am battling Winter depression and lost of crap stressing me out so I haven't really worked out in a while. Which in turn makes me feel even worse :(

On top, for some stupid reason my meds all of a sudden give me much worse side-effects and I am sick of feeling sick.

Woops, turned into a rant, sorry. Obviously I needed it -.-


Most of the people I see in Body Pump go 2-3 times a week, even jumping around to different gyms for the best schedule.


Hi GirlGAF! I have a question concerning my girlfriend, bras, and my girlfriend's bras. I may as well be candid, as there's a lot I don't know about this. She's mentioned off-handedly that her bras are uncomfortable, always leaving red marks across her chest and having her boobs pop slightly over the top. As my sister is a fan of Double Divas (so I've had to see a bunch), and according to that show a significant number of women aren't fit properly, I've asked my girlfriend if she should get refitted.

She responded that because of her size (5'2'', petite, and 34D), bras tend to just fit her funky, and there's not a lot she can do about it. I don't want to press the issue, especially since I'm in no position to, but I hate knowing she's in chronic discomfort over it. She apparently grew two cup sizes in as many years, and suddenly had to start wearing a different style from what she was used to. Is there anything she can do, or is that just a fact of life wearing a bra at her proportions?


She can most likely find a better cup size, but when you get up there the style is definitely different. I'm shorter than her, and the (admittedly cheap) bras I have now are slightly uncomfortable as far as rib cage and back coverage goes (feels excessive), but I don't have any trouble with popping out anymore.

I used the Reddit measuring guide which is easy enough to do on your own.
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