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GirlGAF |OT 2| Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Eve?


Jesus, Dragonz. Girl. I'm sorry. :(

Anyone have any good butt exercises? I want to work on my booty. :) Squats, check. Lunges, check. But what else?!

Go down on all fours, and lift one leg, still bent to 90 degrees, up as far as you can without pain, hold for five and lower, repeat on the other side, and repeat for however many reps you can do without sciatica setting in :)

Another one is to lie flat on your stomach, and lift one leg, point your toes and draw circles with them in one direction, then change direction. Repeat with the other leg.

A third is to lie on your side, with your head resting on your hand, i.e.elbow on the floor, and bring your knees up so your thighs are perpendicular to your body, and bend your knees until your lower legs are parallel to your body. Then straighten the top leg so it's parallel to your body, lift it until it's horizontal, and do the circle drawing thing again, in both directions. Turn over and do the same with the other leg.

I have a bunch, but those cover everything, pretty much.


I really need to start working out again. Exercise talk in here is slightly motivating me. Plus I gotta prepare for beach seasonnnnnnnnn

More like I have to hope for it since it's always raining here :mad:

So this just happened to me in a game of League of Legends, figured you guys would appreciate it.


What a bitter loser. It's really shitty you had to experience that.


I don't know why Monster Hunter pics were posted, and I don't care, but I must say, that series has the best art design of all time. Of all time.
Is there any good online shops that you can recommend? I want to buy some swimwear and dresses. And maybe shoes.

I bought a bag from Etsy last week but it hasn't arrived yet so I don't know if I am pleased with the purchase or not. I'm very new to online shoppingggguu

Hook me up, sistahz~
Toss up between Australian and French.

Also, YesNo, sorry I never got back to you! I unfortunately don't wear a lot of wedges, so I don't know any good places to get them. Sorry. :(

I do really love flats though, so if you're looking for those I could help you out.


German accents are okay. I knew a guy in highschool who had one and it was pretty hot.

But Irish destroys them all.
Totally Irish, German and Southern.

+1 for these opinions.

Also gonna add on Italian, Scandinavian and dudes with just a hint of their Korean or Japanese accent. Hnnnggggggg. I've realised recently how great the kansai accent is too. A dude says "honma ni?" and I just melt. Oh, and not to blow my own horn but Australian accents on dudes (not ladies, NOT LADIES D:) can be pretty great as well.
Oh, and not to blow my own horn but Australian accents on dudes (not ladies, NOT LADIES D:) can be pretty great as well.

Such lies. Australian accents on girls are amazing. I think it's the whole "everything sounds like a question" that makes it adorable. However, Russian accents on girls are the sexiest ever.
Top tier accents:


What they kinda have in common is "throatyness" (with the exception of Australian - I can't explain why it is appealing), which can be pretty hot.
I happen to live in an area with A LOT of national diversity. I hear cool accents all day. And it's really hard deciding between which is the sexiest. I think I can subdivide it into categories.

Scottish accents are cute.
Irish accents are hot.
Australian accents are hot as hell.
French accents are annoying.
All Asian accents are annoying (I'm Asian)
Southern accents... it depends. I'm not attracted to southern accents but some people I could listen to all day.
Is there any good online shops that you can recommend? I want to buy some swimwear and dresses. And maybe shoes.

I bought a bag from Etsy last week but it hasn't arrived yet so I don't know if I am pleased with the purchase or not. I'm very new to online shoppingggguu

Hook me up, sistahz~
yoox uber alles. best selection and return policy out of the major discount sites, imo.


german is the unsexiest accent ever (unfortunately :c )
Nope, it is the sexiest language. I dunno why but I've always found that to be the case. D:

I have a boring American accent in English, and have lost most of my Colombian accent in Spanish. (So I end up with just a really neutral Spanish. :/)


What accent 10th Doctor has ?

That one is my vote

Sean Connery has an awesome one too, but I guess it is more the other things his voice has that makes it sexy


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
I have a serious sociological question for GirlGAF.

How did you guys get into video games, and does it bother you that it's seen as a primarily male hobby? Do you think it's comparable to a male being interested in fashion mags or cosmetics?
Sorry for the stereotypical "girly interests" example, but you get what I mean

I know plenty of girls that are gamers (and not "girl gamers") but I always wonder if this is a thing. Does it lurk in the back of your mind? Or is this another "it's perfectly ok for girls to wear pants" scenario? Do you just not think about it?
I have a serious sociological question for GirlGAF.

How did you guys get into video games, and does it bother you that it's seen as a primarily male hobby? Do you think it's comparable to a male being interested in fashion mags or cosmetics?
Sorry for the stereotypical "girly interests" example, but you get what I mean

I know plenty of girls that are gamers (and not "girl gamers") but I always wonder if this is a thing. Does it lurk in the back of your mind? Or is this another "it's perfectly ok for girls to wear pants" scenario? Do you just not think about it?

I've been interested in games for as long as I can remember. When I was little I had a game boy pocket and my parents used to buy me this gaming magazine for kids.

I guess because I've met so many women and girls interested in gaming, no, it has never seemed like a male hobby. There's a kind of stigma around it so I think a lot of girls are less vocal about being interested in games (or avoid the gaming community for the same reason), but I would say that the ratio seems pretty equal to me. Despite this the stereotype of it being a boy's hobby seems to persist. That does bother me, especially when people use it to justify shitty behaviour in the industry and lack of games targeted at women.


Why no love for Canadian accents? What's that all about,eh?

We have no accents! :p

I have a serious sociological question for GirlGAF.

How did you guys get into video games, and does it bother you that it's seen as a primarily male hobby? Do you think it's comparable to a male being interested in fashion mags or cosmetics?
Sorry for the stereotypical "girly interests" example, but you get what I mean

I know plenty of girls that are gamers (and not "girl gamers") but I always wonder if this is a thing. Does it lurk in the back of your mind? Or is this another "it's perfectly ok for girls to wear pants" scenario? Do you just not think about it?

My dad played computer games a lot and I had (male) cousins my age that I played vids with. I just liked them from a really young age, I guess, and aside from not bringing up that fact to other girls because I usually knew there was a lack of interest, I've never thought twice about it.

I'd compare it to reading as a hobby. Just because they make playboy magazines geared towards men doesn't mean all the books are for men and that I can't enjoy reading too.
I have a serious sociological question for GirlGAF.

How did you guys get into video games, and does it bother you that it's seen as a primarily male hobby? Do you think it's comparable to a male being interested in fashion mags or cosmetics?
Sorry for the stereotypical "girly interests" example, but you get what I mean

I know plenty of girls that are gamers (and not "girl gamers") but I always wonder if this is a thing. Does it lurk in the back of your mind? Or is this another "it's perfectly ok for girls to wear pants" scenario? Do you just not think about it?

I've been interested in games since I was little; I've never known anything else. It's been tough, of course. I've never fit in with other girls growing up, and I wasn't super popular because of it. But anyway.

I see it as just another hobby and not something necessarily special or different. There are always women who like stereotypical male things, and there are men who enjoy fashion and the like. I think the way it's treated by society is comparable, but if you think about it, all it is is a hobby that we have. We just so happen to be women.


I have a serious sociological question for GirlGAF.

How did you guys get into video games, and does it bother you that it's seen as a primarily male hobby? Do you think it's comparable to a male being interested in fashion mags or cosmetics?
Sorry for the stereotypical "girly interests" example, but you get what I mean

I know plenty of girls that are gamers (and not "girl gamers") but I always wonder if this is a thing. Does it lurk in the back of your mind? Or is this another "it's perfectly ok for girls to wear pants" scenario? Do you just not think about it?

My father likes video games and for as long as I can remember we've always had a console in the house. I've always liked games but it wasn't until FF7 came out that I started actively playing them on my own.

I'm not personally bothered by being into a male hobby. It's just a hobby like any other. I just get annoyed that I'm treated differently, whether positively or negatively, and that sexism in games and the industry gets brushed under the rug because of the perception that gaming is only for guys. Now that gets frustrating.


formerly Oynox Slider
Is it just me that cringes a bit inside every time I see a stream called "girl gamer plays x"?

Haha I guess it is just me!

I have a serious sociological question for GirlGAF.

How did you guys get into video games, and does it bother you that it's seen as a primarily male hobby? Do you think it's comparable to a male being interested in fashion mags or cosmetics? Sorry for the stereotypical "girly interests" example, but you get what I mean

I know plenty of girls that are gamers (and not "girl gamers") but I always wonder if this is a thing. Does it lurk in the back of your mind? Or is this another "it's perfectly ok for girls to wear pants" scenario? Do you just not think about it?

That's a very serious sociological question! ;P

To the first bit: I grew up in a seaside town where there was nothing but arcades. My dad also worked on the arcade machines too (fixing them, etc) so games were always around. I was a very shy and introverted kid, so I ended up spending most of my time alone with games. It was fun though.

To the second bit: it does kind of bother me. I stopped gaming for the longest time because I wanted to fit in more, but as I've gotten older I care a bit less (although I do still feel like 'the only gamer in the village' quite a lot). I think that's one of the reasons I joined GAF. Not many people I know outside of this forum really play games that much and certainly not many women I know, so it's nice to be able to see that I'm not alone.

I will brazenly shout out though, if there's anyone in this thread who ever wants to play co-op games on PSN let me know! There are lots of cool guys to play with here, but it'd be ace to have some girls to game with too.

Separately, this is my haul for today:


I LOVE Shu Uemura cleansing oil, so I thought I'd treat myself (photo is a bit blocky - the green thing is mint deepsea water spray, the middle black one is tinted moisturiser and the other thing is the cleansing oil - you use the oil with the spray, it's lovely).

Also got my nails done and a comic book:

I have a serious sociological question for GirlGAF.

How did you guys get into video games, and does it bother you that it's seen as a primarily male hobby? Do you think it's comparable to a male being interested in fashion mags or cosmetics?
Sorry for the stereotypical "girly interests" example, but you get what I mean

I know plenty of girls that are gamers (and not "girl gamers") but I always wonder if this is a thing. Does it lurk in the back of your mind? Or is this another "it's perfectly ok for girls to wear pants" scenario? Do you just not think about it?

like many others here, my parents were into what was considered modern and hip back when. mom was into pc gaming and dad was into console. had ATARI with dad. played maniac mansion with mom.

yes, it is a little annoying sometimes to be considered 'rare exotic bird' in a thing that is stereotypically associated with boys' preoccupation.

no, i dont think its comparable with a dude being interested in fashion, in the way that i think there's more complicated stigma with a dude being interested in traditionally feminine things like fashion and cosmetics. for lack of better word, a dude in feminine waters has more negative connotation, whilst a girl gamer has that 'cool chix' aura (which is rife with its own set of issues)

... i cant say it's been at the forefront of my thoughts. but maybe i just got quite ingrained in how i operate as a gamer? idk. when i play mmo, i do opt to play as a male character. it cuts away so much unpleasantness that way.

freenudemacuser, thanks !!!! : D i will check it out !

sploatee, ... depends on the streamer? if she doesnt make too much of a big deal out of her sex, i think its okay. but if its the crux of her angle, it does make me side eye a bit. did you hear about that streamer in SC2 that turned out to be a dude? she was bragging about stuff like whoa, gender doesnt matter, look, i am performing well, first EURO grandmaster etc, and then later was revealed to be played by a guy? so sad :<

as for accents, im not sure. english accent works nicely for english but not for my mother tongue. western accent in asian language just comes across.... dorky. haha.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Thanks for the responses. All of the girls I know that are into games got into them because their brothers/fathers were into them. It's interesting to see that that seems to be the case for the majority here, too.
Thanks for the responses. All of the girls I know that are into games got into them because their brothers/fathers were into them. It's interesting to see that that seems to be the case for the majority here, too.

tbh in my case it was more my mom than my dad. but yeah, parents, i guess.

also as further disclosure, my dad is house husband, my mom is the breadwinner.


Thanks for the responses. All of the girls I know that are into games got into them because their brothers/fathers were into them. It's interesting to see that that seems to be the case for the majority here, too.

No one in my family is into video games. Pretty much just got into it through friends (female friends) who were all nerds.


Thanks for the responses. All of the girls I know that are into games got into them because their brothers/fathers were into them. It's interesting to see that that seems to be the case for the majority here, too.
I got into video games because my aunt was obsessed with them when she was little and gave my sister and me her old NES. Every since then we've received consoles as presents for Christmas. I didn't even know that gaming was considered a male thing until I was much older because almost everyone I knew - boy or girl - liked to play video games. Î only started thinking about when other people would point it out or when the games I played seem to be unaware that girls (and thus I) existed as anything else besides love interests and goals.
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