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GirlGAF |OT 2| Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Eve?

I had this older guy who would always sit opposite to me on the bus. He would always clench his knees around one of mine and then start rubbing it with them. It got more intense till we came to his stop. Every time. It was so scary and awkward but I really didn't know what to do.
...the fuck am I reading




I had this older guy who would always sit opposite to me on the bus. He would always clench his knees around one of mine and then start rubbing it with them. It got more intense till we came to his stop. Every time. It was so scary and awkward but I really didn't know what to do.

Ugh. Really, every story on this page is just awful. And I thought we hit maximum creepiness yesterday.
I had this older guy who would always sit opposite to me on the bus. He would always clench his knees around one of mine and then start rubbing it with them. It got more intense till we came to his stop. Every time. It was so scary and awkward but I really didn't know what to do.

;______________________________; That's terrible. Sorry that happened to you.


Did I mention that he stared at me the whole time?
Honestly I hadn't seen him for months, luckily, and almost completely surpressed the memories until the whole harrassment stories in this thread made me remember everything. Man, now I really hope I won't ever meet him again. Especially not at night.
I haven't cried in a good long time. Prozac. Eeeeeeyyyyyy.

But yeah, I used to anger cry a LOT when I was younger. I think it's because I felt so powerless in a lot of situations and I didn't know what else to do with myself. I cried enough in middle and high school to last the rest of my lifetime.

I used to have to walk to school in Chicago. I had some pretty scary run ins with men back then up through 10th grade when I started getting driven and eventually could drive myself. Nobody ever whipped it out in front of me or anything but I'd get hollered at by dudes old twice my age and then some. This is when I was in late middle/early high school mind you.

Nowadays I'm pretty much a home body when I'm not at school or work. I've never really had anything too creepy happen to me at either place. It's funny though, the people I'm interested seem to never outright approach me. It's always alpha-swag frat boy man-child douche bag assholes who think they can neg their way into my pants. I think that's pretty much par for the course.

I was in a relationship for the longest time. Throughout pretty much my entire later adolescence. It's been almost a year since that ended and I feel like I'm finally in a place where I want to be in a relationship with someone again. I've been with a couple people in the interim but they weren't anything serious. Now that I'm open to the possibility of a real relationship though I don't have a clue where to begin. I'm not actively looking and if I was I don't know where to even start. I don't get approached by the types of guys I wish would approach me and I don't as a general rule put myself out there. I think my shyness gets mistaken by some folks as being unapproachable.

:[ *sigh*

All I know is that I miss being cuddled.
:lol a dollar? DA Fuck. I think weirdest from my friend was some dude in the gym said he had some shampoo she should try when they shower after the work out. She had never seen him before when he said that. Awkward.
That reminds me of a friend of a friend of mine. He was walking along a path in this park around dusk and found fox foot prints. This jogging women comes round the corner and says hi, and he responds "I think I've found a fox". So of course she legs it as fast as possible the other way because it sounded like a creepy pick up line.

This thread must be putting out vibes. Just got yelled at from a car. Nothing mean but like dude, come on, and while I'm walking away from the store.
Ugh. UGH.
I seriously don't understand it. Like, what is the thought process that goes on where you think it's a good idea to yell out the window at some stranger's back?


Speaking of scarring encounters,

The occurrence of this ......event happened when I was still 17 years old.

I lived in a townhouse complex that had connected backyards separated by fences which were all along the outside of a big fire lane. The fence door to my backyard could be opened from the outside if you knew where the little metal lever was and most strangers would not have guessed easily.

One night I was downstairs watching tv right beside the window that faced the backyard (blinds closed thank god) when I hear the back gate open, I think nothing of it because my dad usually came home late and would enter through the back. I waited for him to knock on the sliding door for me to open it but I didn't hear a knock so I thought he might have parked in the fire lane to bring things inside and just left the gate open to make it easier. I waited about 4 minutes but I couldn't hear anything except for some footsteps, so being a little scared I go upstairs to my room which overlooks the entire backyard area including the fire lane and I peek through the blinds a little bit. I did not see a car nor did I see my dad, but there was some guy in black clothes and a hoodie with his face covered wandering around aimlessly. I get really nervous so I tell my sister who is in the same room as me "hey don't scream or anything but there is a strange man in our backyard walking around" she replies "what are you talking about it's probably dad" I say "no no no this is no one we know he is a stranger"...my idiot sister decides to rip open the blinds all the way and stares down at her worst fear, she freaks out and backs away as I shut the blinds again. I look down through the blinds and I notice he is touching his crotch so I keep watching to see what the hell he is doing and he looks up directly at me and whips his dick out and starts to stroke it!

I am pissed as hell by now and all fear has left me so I yell down to him "GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE OR I'M COMING DOWN AND CUTTING YOUR DICK OFF!" he just stares blankly and keeps stroking, so I tell my mom and she's all calm about it and starts walking down there, I run down and start selecting the sharpest biggest knife I can find, what I would do with said knife I do not know. By the time I am ready to go cut this jerk I hear my mom say with her nasal voice "Can you please leave"...... UGH! I yell at her "mom what the fuck! I was going to stab him!" and I look out there only to see he had left.

My poor dad came home 10 minutes after the event and we tell him and he goes on a rampage trying to find this guy but he never found him.

We told the police and it was all fine after that until a few days later at BlueBadger's house, his dad told me at dinner that two days prior to the event the Hospital for the mentally ill in a nearby city shut down, so I am scarred for life. Ask Wazzy she lived a block away from me.

I am really glad I didn't have to hurt anyone, I just remember feeling so exposed and unsafe ugh.
Well, this thread didn't help my fear for female friends when they go to parties and stuff alone. I needlessly worry enough as it is, this seems worse than I ever thought. :/ I really wish people didn't suck. Thought I finally got to worry less...
FGC footsies has been around since 92.

Flirty footsies, I do not know. I remember doing that back in like 5th grade so that was 96 or so? I was so happy too lol.



Gugi does your very well drawn dinosaur equal one of these:

Deviljho? Who is a right pain when you are capturing something and it decides to eat it.

Footsies is even older than I am. Still works though.


Drop rate for rare equipment? I never played any Monster hunter games :( Should I play?
I should play.
The drop rates are alright you need to farm for materials to upgrade things but you get some as quest rewards so... It's a chore sometimes for high level stuff but it's worth it. You should totally play it.

I see your silent hill boss and raise you:

And just because it's cute the Barroth:


Well we can't be having that can we, get a nice greatsword and go murder it or just use a lance if you struggle. I think I killed about 478 Deviljho online in Tri. I'm going to get 4 ultimate when it comes out.

SnS user. It's not that I can't damage it, it's just that when it rages its dragon breath is instant faint. Working on a G. Agnaktor armor atm.


SnS user. It's not that I can't damage it, it's just that when it rages its dragon breath is instant faint. Working on a G. Agnaktor armor atm.
I assume your using the Nether SnS for the lightning damage which it's weakest to but why Agnaktor armor instead of say Rathian for the health boost or Rathlos for attack up M?

Bare in mind though that I use greatswords, hammers, dual swords and lances so the playstyles are vastly different. I go for the stuff that maximize my damage like punishing draw or attack up L.


The drop rates are alright you need to farm for materials to upgrade things but you get some as quest rewards so... It's a chore sometimes for high level stuff but it's worth it. You should totally play it.

I see your silent hill boss and raise you:

And just because it's cute the Barroth:

Woah ok big guns eh?

Wellllllllll.....My own creation gets thrown in for a round!

I think I lost...


I assume your using the Nether SnS for the lightning damage which it's weakest to but why Agnaktor armor instead of say Rathian for the health boost or Rathlos for attack up M?

Bare in mind though that I use greatswords, hammers, dual swords and lances so the playstyles are vastly different. I go for the stuff that maximize my damage like punishing draw or attack up L.

I use blocking a lot and rarely sheath. Still trying to level up my lightning SnS.

Edit: I think one of the reasons I love Monhun so much is because the fun making armor sets I like that it's not a bunch of binkini armor (what drew me to the first psp game). Ideally, I'd like element, crit, guard and sharpness. Willing to sacrifice on the guard since I regularly farm R. Ludroths for dash extract and have an arsenal of Mega Dash.


That's pretty much the best lancing set there is that's why I asked. If you're riding hard on block try a lance?

Lance is a little slow for my play style (I started out with dual blades). I pretty much spam the same few combos and only mix it up for special circumstances.


Lance is a little slow for my play style (I started out with dual blades). I pretty much spam the same few combos and only mix it up for special circumstances.
Even still once you know what your doing... If your spamming combos greatswords have an infinite one you can do to.


It's a cool little space.

I remember this guy slow rolled past and asked if I liked big dicks...Also I've been flashed.
Ugh that would have creeped me out like crazy. Did he drive away immediately after saying it?
That's pretty great lol
Haha. I didn't even know you were a girl until the RP thread back in Jan. There seem to be a few new juniors who are ladies as well. Always good to have more.

As for harassment stuff, eeeeeewwwww for that old dude at your work. That's so gross.
I used to get nasty stuff working E3 or the GameStop show, but to have to deal with it everyday? My condolences.
Heh, you weren't the only one surprised I'm a girl in that thread. :p

I can't even imagine how bad it would be working at a GameStop. It does suck having to hear shitty comments from people a lot and even worse you just get used to it.

Though my life could go with never hearing an older man start talking about his love of licking vagina while I'm trying to explain the difference between Quickstrip and standard envelopes.

That comic will always make me laugh.
Speaking of scarring encounters,

The occurrence of this ......event happened when I was still 17 years old.

I lived in a townhouse complex that had connected backyards separated by fences which were all along the outside of a big fire lane. The fence door to my backyard could be opened from the outside if you knew where the little metal lever was and most strangers would not have guessed easily.

One night I was downstairs watching tv right beside the window that faced the backyard (blinds closed thank god) when I hear the back gate open, I think nothing of it because my dad usually came home late and would enter through the back. I waited for him to knock on the sliding door for me to open it but I didn't hear a knock so I thought he might have parked in the fire lane to bring things inside and just left the gate open to make it easier. I waited about 4 minutes but I couldn't hear anything except for some footsteps, so being a little scared I go upstairs to my room which overlooks the entire backyard area including the fire lane and I peek through the blinds a little bit. I did not see a car nor did I see my dad, but there was some guy in black clothes and a hoodie with his face covered wandering around aimlessly. I get really nervous so I tell my sister who is in the same room as me "hey don't scream or anything but there is a strange man in our backyard walking around" she replies "what are you talking about it's probably dad" I say "no no no this is no one we know he is a stranger"...my idiot sister decides to rip open the blinds all the way and stares down at her worst fear, she freaks out and backs away as I shut the blinds again. I look down through the blinds and I notice he is touching his crotch so I keep watching to see what the hell he is doing and he looks up directly at me and whips his dick out and starts to stroke it!

I am pissed as hell by now and all fear has left me so I yell down to him "GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE OR I'M COMING DOWN AND CUTTING YOUR DICK OFF!" he just stares blankly and keeps stroking, so I tell my mom and she's all calm about it and starts walking down there, I run down and start selecting the sharpest biggest knife I can find, what I would do with said knife I do not know. By the time I am ready to go cut this jerk I hear my mom say with her nasal voice "Can you please leave"...... UGH! I yell at her "mom what the fuck! I was going to stab him!" and I look out there only to see he had left.

My poor dad came home 10 minutes after the event and we tell him and he goes on a rampage trying to find this guy but he never found him.

We told the police and it was all fine after that until a few days later at BlueBadger's house, his dad told me at dinner that two days prior to the event the Hospital for the mentally ill in a nearby city shut down, so I am scarred for life. Ask Wazzy she lived a block away from me.

I am really glad I didn't have to hurt anyone, I just remember feeling so exposed and unsafe ugh.
I can vouch for this awful story ;______;


Edit: I think one of the reasons I love Monhun so much is because the fun making armor sets I like that it's not a bunch of binkini armor (what drew me to the first psp game). Ideally, I'd like element, crit, guard and sharpness. Willing to sacrifice on the guard since I regularly farm R. Ludroths for dash extract and have an arsenal of Mega Dash.
Have you looked here? I'm sure there will be a set that meets your requirements or close to them.

The armor is really nice it's a shame you can't use the male helmets though most of them look so much better like the Rathian set:

:> tee hee
Well get along fine I think.


Ugh that would have creeped me out like crazy. Did he drive away immediately after saying it?

No he slow rolled by me. :-/

Have you looked here? I'm sure there will be a set that meets your requirements or close to them.

The armor is really nice it's a shame you can't use the male helmets though most of them look so much better like the Rathian set:

thanks I'm going to use that. So far I think I'm going to take expert over element. Rath Soul, G. Agnaktor and Barroth all look good. I'll work on sets for those.


thanks I'm going to use that. So far I think I'm going to take expert over element. Rath Soul, G. Agnaktor and Barroth all look good. I'll work on sets for those.
That's alright I though it might be easier I'm surprised you didn't know about it. Work on getting that armor and you can harvest the Deviljho's corpse in no time at all.
wherearemahdragonz, that was rage-inducing :< im so sorry you had to suffer through that misogyny bs. ggraaaahhh

i play a dude character online on tera, so i managed to bypass a whole slew of disgusting shit. but i shouldnt have toooooo geez
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