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GirlGAF |OT 2| Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Eve?


300chf ain't shit to me
Lisa mostly only uses a primer that has has primer/sunscreen/moisturiser qualities all in one and then a tiny bit of thin layer of very sheer foundation on her chin and very very little powder on the T-zone.

yeah that's basically how i do my makeup (except i use bb cream). and how most people probably should, especially those who walk around with cakeface.

i watch michelle's videos mostly to get ideas. i don't apply my makeup the same way she does, but i like some of the looks she's come up with, and i think she has a good eye for colour (probably due to her art backgound). she's made some really fun colourful eye makeup looks.

Is there any suggestion that any of those creams have any long term benefit? That's an honest question. I was under the impression that serious scientific studies concluded that skin creams had superficial value and no long term benefit.

as far as long term benefits go, i think you're better off with drinking lots of water + sunscreen + eating healthy than with any anti-aging cream.

as for me, i just try to treat my skin as well as i can. i just... um, listen to it? i can kinda tell what it needs. sometimes that means going all out and exfoliating + mask + moisturizer and sometimes it means going bare faced to let my skin breathe. i like trying lots of different skincare, but i'm not obsessed with fighting wrinkles or layering my face with preventative gunk. i just like my skin to look healthy.


Not pure anymore!
For me I only use a good moisturiser and that's probably all you really need, and if you use make-up than a good cleanser to take it off before bed. Toners don't do anything, antiwrinkle creams don't do anything at all either.

I've never used face masks though, maybe I should start using the hydrating ones but its just another unnecessary thing to do and I'm lazy! :p


300chf ain't shit to me
i use masks mainly when my skin is stressed haha... the body shop has a good aloe one i keep going back to because it's made for lazy people... it goes on like a moisturizer, you leave it on, then rub in as much as you can after 15 minutes. the rest is easily removed with a splash of cold water. it's a lifesaver if my skin is screwed up by being around smokers, or being dehydrated, or having had too much alcohol, etc :p


Neo Member
You can use a mix of sugar & almond oil as an exfoliater for your face. So much cheaper and less toxic than most beauty products.


Neo Member
You can use a mix of sugar & almond oil as an exfoliater for your face. So much cheaper and less toxic than most beauty products.

Not that I want to come across as one of those "oh I only use natural cleansers and moisturizers and no makeup" snobby people....

But I use natural homemade recipes for cleansers and facial masks, use witch hazel for toner and a simple drug store moisturizer with spf for days. Coconut oil for face and body at night. I wear minimal makeup, maybe a concealer if I really need it, some mascara and that's it, good to go.

When I think about how much time I spent on layering makeup, feeling bad if it wasn't just right, feeling like I needed to touch up throughout the day...

My skin is in way better condition then it was when I wore gobs of makeup and I feel better about the way I look too and feel better about my environmental/animal impact. Can point folks to some good recipes if wanted.


Neo Member
I'm always afraid of homemade recipes because my skin has a tendency towards oiliness. But if you know of any skincare recipes that are good for oily skin I'd love to hear them.


Not pure anymore!
You can use a mix of sugar & almond oil as an exfoliater for your face. So much cheaper and less toxic than most beauty products.

This is what I was talking about, sugar is much too harsh and has cause broken capillaries and scratches on my skin around the cheek area. It is the same with most harsh scrubs, I have a very sensitive skin so I need non scruby exfoliators. I'd much rather put on a cream like a mask and take it of after 15 minutes, no rubbing and scrubbing required at all, and the dead skin is gone. It not only helps get rid of those but also helps with clogged pores, and closes pores and makes skin appear much much smoother and softer. Its got hydroxy acid which is amazing for the skin. I don't have big pores because I don't have oily skin but its done wonders for my sister's oily skin, she used to have GIGATIC pores!

I'm not too into homemade stuff myself but my sister makes them sometimes. They are good but dry out my skin like no other! Most masks tend to do that as there are more for oily skin than there are hydrating ones for dry skin like mine. I dunno what she puts in them though.


300chf ain't shit to me
You can use a mix of sugar & almond oil as an exfoliater for your face. So much cheaper and less toxic than most beauty products.

i have a bunch of organic raw sugar left over because my husband doesn't really like it too much, so i made a scrub with it and some organic olive oil. worked like a charm. since the sugar's raw and hasn't been turned into crystals it's sorta round and less harsh on the skin, too.

i'm also beginning to see the benefit of olive oil for your skin after using it. i know a few people who keep a bottle in the bathroom and use it for everything from makeup remover to face mask. never tried almond oil... going to have to check that out.


Neo Member
My skin's always been oily but I find that using almond oil helps. Putting oil on actually helps stop production of oil. It's weird but I swear it works.

I like almond oil more than olive oil because it's less...oily. I can put it on without washing it off and it feels natural. I bought a little bottle from Target for like, $2 and keep it in the bathroom. Just put a dab on my fingertips then massage it in and go from there.

I'm totally not a "OMG everything needs to be natural" either, but I have been leaning that way. I hated spending a ton of $$ trying to find products that got rid of pimples, for them to just cause more so I tried my sister's suggestions about oils and it helped me. So I slowly try new things here and there.


I'm always afraid of homemade recipes because my skin has a tendency towards oiliness. But if you know of any skincare recipes that are good for oily skin I'd love to hear them.

Multani is great, leaves your sking baby smooth I swear. Masoria is right too, I think the method is called http://www.crunchybetty.com/nitty-gritty-on-the-oil-cleansing-method


"Some suggestions in creating your blend of deep cleansing oil:

Oily Skin: Try a blend of 30% Castor Oil to 70% Sunflower Seed Oil.
Balanced Skin: Try a blend of 20% Castor Oil to 80% Sunflower Seed Oil.
Dry Skin: Try a blend of 10% Castor Oil to 90% Sunflower Seed Oil."

Or you always try LUSH's COAL facial scrub. Ask for freebies, and try it at home
I think as a birthday present to myself I am going to go to a spa and get a facial (among other things). The aesthetician will undoubtedly try to sell me a bunch of products I don't need (and most that I can't afford) but it will be worth it just to sit in a robe and drink tea for three hours.
I think as a birthday present to myself I am going to go to a spa and get a facial (among other things). The aesthetician will undoubtedly try to sell me a bunch of products I don't need (and most that I can't afford) but it will be worth it just to sit in a robe and drink tea for three hours.

Spa is the BEST thing ever. :D I used to go once a month to the nekkid Korean spa for the tea bath and massage, and boy do I miss it. A real treat and it does wonders to have your skin sloughed off.

BW, if you can find a traditional Japanese or Korean spa you can have all those lovely things and no one will try to sell you anything.
Better take this thread down as you gals apparently don't represent 99% of girls out there :p
I have no idea how some of you stomach participating in some of the OT-threads.
Better take this thread down as you gals apparently don't represent 99% of girls out there :p
I have no idea how some of you stomach participating in some of the OT-threads.

We don't represent the 99% but some random dude on GAF does.

Better take this thread down as you gals apparently don't represent 99% of girls out there :p
I have no idea how some of you stomach participating in some of the OT-threads.

What fresh new OT drama are you alluding to? I mean, new-new-new since there's something fresh and horrible all the time. :)

Very good post.

Simply reading these threads can get aggravating... I don't know how some of you guys do it

Haha, this has to be sarcasm.

What fresh new OT drama are you alluding to? I mean, new-new-new since there's something fresh and horrible all the time. :)

It's a wonderful mess, so crazy it's almost funny but then you realize that a lot of people think this way and it's no longer funny.


No one's gonna ass grab me without permission, nuh uh~

edit: And uh, I don't think it's best to quote anything from that thread in here btw :x


If people touch my shoulders or neck I freak out and start yelling ._.

Don't touch me without permission, it's not that hard...
Also, after a short while at gaffu one also develops an intuitive sense, based on title alone, of which gender/sexuality-related threads will start immediately heading south likely never to recover.

Some are worth it, many are not. I deem ass-grabbing discussion to not be worth my bother.

I feel like this thread already happened, and recently (I only skimmed the first page). :/ There are so many these days that they tend to blur. I might jump in tomorrow (is it worth it or has it already run its course?), but I am to bed in 5.


Also, after a short while at gaffu one also develops an intuitive sense, based on title alone, of which gender/sexuality-related threads will start immediately heading south likely never to recover.

Some are worth it, many are not. I deem ass-grabbing discussion to not be worth my bother.

Yep. I rather just spectate than contribute in this case :l
I feel like this thread already happened, and recently (I only skimmed the first page). :/ There are so many these days that they tend to blur. I might jump in tomorrow (is it worth it or has it already run its course?), but I am to bed in 5.

Don't worry, I think the thread has almost reached its end anyway. Its hard to argue when most people now are just saying "I guess it sucks but what are you gonna do?".
Don't worry, I think the thread has almost reached its end anyway. Its hard to argue when most people now are just saying "I guess it sucks but what are you gonna do?".

We seem to always reach that conclusion. "Boys are gonna be boys" kind of shit or it's up to girls to be vigilant about this kind of stuff. I'll admit I see no clear solution and can only think more education about this kind of stuff at an early age might help (or Devo's 'Loud and Clear Enthusiasm' policy), but it's easier for people to just say that women should do more to prevent this kind of stuff instead of addressing the source of the problem. The least they could do is not glorify that kind of behavior, though. I need to read more of the thread, but if I have the gist right, I imagine it's the usual. :p
We seem to always reach that conclusion. "Boys are gonna be boys" kind of shit or it's up to girls to be vigilant about this kind of stuff. I'll admit I see no clear solution and can only think more education about this kind of stuff at an early age might help (or Devo's 'Loud and Clear Enthusiasm' policy), but it's easier for people to just say that women should do more to prevent this kind of stuff instead of addressing the source of the problem. The least they could do is not glorify that kind of behavior, though. I need to read more of the thread, but if I have the gist right, I imagine it's the usual. :p

wow, I can't believe you haven't read the thread. You pretty much covered everything :p
wow, I can't believe you haven't read the thread. You pretty much covered everything :p

Haha. Billie said it was about ass-grabbing by strangers and icarus provided the thread title (which was suggestive), so I just extrapolated from there. That's how those threads usually go right? ;)

Anyway, I probably shouldn't start off so pessimistically about the thread before going through it, but I feel like we've done this dance before.
Haha. Billie said it was about ass-grabbing by strangers and icarus provided the thread title (which was suggestive), so I just extrapolated from there. That's how those threads usually go right? ;)

Anyway, I probably shouldn't start off so pessimistically about the thread before going through it, but I feel like we've done this dance before.

Did you say... dance?

wow, I can't believe you haven't read the thread. You pretty much covered everything :p
Honestly I think if we had a Tomb Raider, sexism in gaming, false rape accusations or rape culture thread tomorrow I could tell you how it'd go.

Ah well, it's an annoying to notice how almost nobody notices your posts and when they do they don't matter because other women think differently.
Honestly I think if we had a Tomb Raider, sexism in gaming, false rape accusations or rape culture thread tomorrow I could tell you how it'd go.

Ah well, it's an annoying to notice how almost nobody notices your posts and when they do they don't matter because other women think differently.

Damn those mysterious and unassailable "most women" or "typical women"! They are a shadowy foe that we cannot hope to overcome.
Honestly I think if we had a Tomb Raider, sexism in gaming, false rape accusations or rape culture thread tomorrow I could tell you how it'd go.

Ah well, it's an annoying to notice how almost nobody notices your posts and when they do they don't matter because other women think differently.

Once upon a time on the internets, there were no women. It was a meme. You're a girl? Impossible. There are no girls on the internets.

So, we've at least come this far.

Beyond that? It's my policy to avoid threads that are likely to be bad for my blood pressure.


Neo Member
Yeah I opened that thread and promptly closed it. There's nothing I can say to change anyone's mind who already thinks ass-grabbing is ok.

...oh thread got locked, took a while.


Reluctant Member
I used to read every single page of those threads.

Then I started reading just the first page and the last page.

Then I just read the OP.

Now I won't even open them. I look at the title and just say, "Yeah, nope."

So I've been shopping around for new clothes and damn is it hard. I've never really been a summer fashions girl so I usually avoid going to most shops around this time (sadly enough for me. At least spring sales are nice.) But I've got a part time office job and I want to get some nice things in classic designs (which is typically what I enjoy wearing anyway, so these clothes get to do double duty!) But because of the season it's nearly impossible to find things that won't make me look like a rag bag. So far the best stuff I've found has come from Shabby Apple.

And I can't figure out for the life of me where this fits on the shirt to blouse continuum:



So I've been shopping around for new clothes and damn is it hard. I've never really been a summer fashions girl so I usually avoid going to most shops around this time (sadly enough for me. At least spring sales are nice.) But I've got a part time office job and I want to get some nice things in classic designs (which is typically what I enjoy wearing anyway, so these clothes get to do double duty!) But because of the season it's nearly impossible to find things that won't make me look like a rag bag. So far the best stuff I've found has come from Shabby Apple.

And I can't figure out for the life of me where this fits on the shirt to blouse continuum:


That model is a QT, wow <3

This reminds me, I need to make a trip to SoHo and do some shoppin'~
The worst people are the ones who wear high pants with those tops, so that there is a big bit of skin visible, but not the belly button.



Reluctant Member
I think I'm going to get into Mormon fashion.


Well at least the clothes on Shabby Apple are pretty cute all around.

Shan: that IS pretty hideous.

But dresses are expensive too. We're screwed either way! :x

This is true. But I guess it depends on how much you actually care about fashion. Nice clothes for work are usually about the same as a suit for men so everyone gets equally screwed there. Otherwise most people can get away with jeans and t-shirts.


You are paying more attention to the model than either Billie or me. Are you sure you aren't a lesbian? ;)

Hey I can't help it when I see cute/gorgeous girls, okay?? >3<

If you thought the last thing I posted was weird:


*gets weird look on her face*

This is one reason I usually don't go in for the high end fashion. I don't understand what they're thinking.

This is kinda cute.
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