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GirlGAF |OT 2| Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Eve?


Honestly I think if we had a Tomb Raider, sexism in gaming, false rape accusations or rape culture thread tomorrow I could tell you how it'd go.

Ah well, it's an annoying to notice how almost nobody notices your posts and when they do they don't matter because other women think differently.

I daresay you might be able to tell us who would show up, what they would post, the arguments they would make, and the positions they would take.

Lord knows I can do that by this point :|
I daresay you might be able to tell us who would show up, what they would post, the arguments they would make, and the positions they would take.

Lord knows I can do that by this point :|

When you say these things it makes me realise I spend a lot of time on gaf :S Maybe a little too much time..
The worst people are the ones who wear high pants with those tops, so that there is a big bit of skin visible, but not the belly button.


Ive never seen such pants, are they the next big thing?


Not pure anymore!
Ugh, hate the current fashion especially the neon trend... :\ I'm boring, though. Tees, knitwear tops (in winter) or collared dress shirts with jeans that all I wear. Sometimes dresses when the weather is nice enough or skirts with leggings when I'm in the mood for skirts.
Ugh, hate the current fashion especially the neon trend... :\ I'm boring, though. Tees, knitwear tops (in winter) or collared dress shirts with jeans that all I wear. Sometimes dresses when the weather is nice enough or skirts with leggings when I'm in the mood for skirts.

I hate neon so much! ugh.

Also, Neogaf would be my homepage if not for the fact I keep the same browser open for months.


Those prices makes me love the fact that i'm totaly clueless in a fashion sense and live only with basicaly nerd shirts and jeans =x

Looks like it. :O

Or maybe you'd prefer some Johnny Bravo as a woman?


That is not Johnny Bravo as a woman ... this is

My home page is Twitter but I have my browser restore my last session do it doesn't really matter.

Me too ... if it works, everytime my browser is open I have a tab on gmail, twitter, facebook and gaf .....


Google Chrome just displays your top 8 most visited pages, or something like that, and neogaf occupies two spots - though no1 is actually wikipedia.

But yeah, basically obviates the need to ever make gaffu my home page. Still click over here way too damn much.

Firefox shows 9 pages and all of them are GAF >_>


Saw Pau today at work :3 She's a QT!! We couldn't take a pic but we'll have the chance to the next time we meet :D


hi well, i really dont knwo what to say but i need some girl advice in the matter of my girlfriend, i knew there was an advice thread but i cant find it anywhere. please help me girl gaf.
i also posted this on the dating thread.
Tobe1 said:
so gaf i got a tough one for you, please help me on this one.

im dating this girl for about 2 months and pretty much we are a steady couple now. we dont having a lot of problems in our relationship, but when we do it almost 95% my girlfriends family fault. btw we are both 21, we live in our parents houses, she is a med student and i well business student.

here comes the tough part, she doesnt make people respect her, she usually just lowers her head to anything. and this is the fucking parents fault, her parents are the worst hypocrites ive ever seen in my life. They seriously are full of shit, they constantly lie to each other and to the kids (21 my girlfriend, 20 middle brother and 15 the little sister).

The thing is, since my girlfriend lives with them she has to abide for everything they say, and even tho ive told her to move because that environment is harmful for her mental health she wont listen. In fact she has told me several times she couldnt do that to her family since well its her family(i can understand not wanting to leave the brothers but the parents, GTFO) and i quote her "when i think i dont think about me, i think about five" also one important trait of her is that she is happier about other people stuff than her own happiness. Also money is an issue.

like i said in the beginning i dont mess around stuff that is harmful since ive had my share of bad experiences and i want to protect her as much as i can, but i also want her to learn how to respect herself and stand strong to difficult situations. i want to be her support but i dont want to be a nuisance.

I wish i could sit the parent down and tell them all the shit they are doing but i cant its not my family, also this is the part that makes me just fucking angry/sad/worried ive been told by some friends we have in common this episode she suffered last year, last year her father hit her(i dont know how bad was it) the worst about it is that the bastard didnt apologize for real, his stupid childish way to apologize to everyone is to buy them stuff or to be thoughtful with them (which is a parents regular job). it scares the shit out of me if anything like this would happen again, i probably would go apeshit on his father.

one thing else since ive talked to my therapist about this, he told me that since she has lived in this harmful environment for so long, she accepts this as a normal behavior, and the best way to support her is by showing her other families and making her understand that she needs to change.

i feel incapable of doing anything else than give my opinion and my advise to her. i care about her too much as a friend and as a boyfriend.

has someone dealt with anything like this? help me gaf i seriously dont know how to deal with this.

also im going to ask the same thing on girl gaf they might have some useful advice.


hi well, i really dont knwo what to say but i need some girl advice in the matter of my girlfriend, i knew there was an advice thread but i cant find it anywhere. please help me girl gaf.
i also posted this on the dating thread.

Here is the advice thread: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=445417
It's not very active anymore, but maybe your question will trigger something.

I don't really have good advice about this, and I don't know the true severity of the problem..
In what way does she not stand up for herself? Does she just never say "no"? Does she let everyone take advantage of her without complaint?

Also, can I ask by chance if your girlfriend is Asian?
It just seems like a very likely scenario if that were the case. Family attachment and putting parents and elders on a pedestal and all that.

I FEEL (but I don't know) that the best thing you can do for her is just be there to support her and help her feel like an awesome person deserving of respect... And that one day she will get the gall to defend that respect she feels for herself and push back.

You're right, you absolutely cannot sit the parents down, and as long as she's living with her parents, it's their house, their rules.

I hope your opinions about her folks aren't ones that you continually articulate to her, because that'll just make her feel like she has to choose between them and you. And no matter how supportive you think you're being, in that scenario, you will lose.

One of the children is under 18. Therefore, if you witness or know with confidence that there has been abuse in the household, call the child welfare services offices in your neighbourhood and report it. Many jurisdictions have duty-to-report laws. Officials with the power and authority to step in cannot do so unless they are informed. Calling in a report of abuse is likely to turf the relationship, but you will have done the right thing.

As for your GF, treat her with respect, let her feel that her decisions and opinions are valued and, even if you don't understand them, you will abide her wishes when it comes to her family. Don't disparage her family in front of her, that will only make her feel as though she's alone and not understood. Follow your therapist's recommendation: be the change and demonstrate the positive attributes that you want for her. Don't push her, but let her see what her world can look like with positive change. And, if she wants it, then you can help her get there more explicitly. But until she wants it, there's not much to be done.

Perhaps at some point she will see that in order to "think for five" she has to put her own sanity first. Can't help others if you can't first help yourself, something something. This may mean that she moves out on her own. This may mean that she negotiates greater independence with her parents. It could mean a lot of things - but ultimately, she's gotta want it, and she's got to be the one to handle it.

And on that note, take care of yourself: you're not going to be able to support her much if you're not able to set aside your own frustrations about the situation.
hi well, i really dont knwo what to say but i need some girl advice in the matter of my girlfriend, i knew there was an advice thread but i cant find it anywhere. please help me girl gaf.
i also posted this on the dating thread.
If you two were thinking about moving out together, could you do that? That way you're getting out of the house without explicitly saying anything about it. Everytime you say something it's going to put distance between you. You just can't insult her family, even if she knows it to be true.
The Baguette is Mightier than the Sword

Just a silly event to add to an ever growing list of food's ongoing campaign against humans. Or maybe I'm just fated to be wounded in silly ways by edible products? I was once cut with frosting. I once laughed so hard that ground beef cleared an enchilada, my mouth, my throat and finally my nasal passages. And I have now sawed a baguette with such vigor that it broke the knife and stabbed my hand with its vicious bready edge. Food... the dark enemy. Truly an implacable foe!


Any silly/dangerous food encounters that anyone else would care to share this fine Sunday afternoon?
They do say "the whiter the bread the faster you're dead".



Silly girl, french bread isn't meant to be cut. You're supposed to break it!

I tried! I attempted to snap it in half in the air, but that didn't work, so I tried to bend it over my knee and achieved nothing but a bruise. Finally I figured sawing it in half (to have more insides exposed to the softening force of melted butter) would work, but, well, you see the result. It wasn't super-super old, I swear! I swear...

Well, something broke at least!

I'm now down to two knives. :(
If it did that to a knife imagine what it will do to your teeth. Just toss it.

It already rests in my belly. :p I'd like to to say I won in the end, but it may or may not have cut the roof of my mouth a bit (It was still delicious! I have no regreets!)
OK, maybe a few.


*makes a note to never trust H.Protag when she's drunk and near bread. my life is in danger*

You could use it like a club O:


Neo Member
I sliced my thumb open the other day trying to cut a huge sub into pieces. I'm awful with knifes, though. I'm always afraid that I'm going to...cut myself.
*makes a note to never trust H.Protag when she's drunk and near bread. my life is in danger*

You could use it like a club O:

Especially that baguette. It was stronger than steel.

As long as she doesn't have a witty one-liner, she can't attack with the bread.

All sorts of great lines that may be employed for a bread beat down. :)

I can't speak for food encounters, but I certainly can for silly/dangerous! I broke my leg playing Bomberman 64!

Whaaaaaat? How does that happen? Did you kick the TV or...?

As a child I lost a tooth in a Froot Loop.

See?! There we have another cruel injustice done by edibles! (How the hell did you manage that???)

I sliced my thumb open the other day trying to cut a huge sub into pieces. I'm awful with knifes, though. I'm always afraid that I'm going to...cut myself.

Your fear seems justified, then. :) Dob't feel like you're all alone, though. I don't need knives to cut myself (as demonstrated above), and I've buried a hacksaw into my leg before too. :p
Hey, I need to ask something.

I know this is GirlGAF, but if my boyfriend (who is a crossdresser) wanted me to ask for tips and such here, would that be allowed?


Trespassers get shot. Where else on gaf are posters going to be able to offer make up tips?


Anyways, I think you girls/guys were talking about skin care or something last time I came in here, and I just saw this on bbc feed:

Healthy lifestyle and the science of good skin care:

Looking younger for longer is a popular obsession but what's the scientific truth about younger looking skin, asks plastic surgeon Dr Rozina Ali.

I think it's a preview of the horizon programme on tonight:


More fine wrinkles were detected on the right hand side of Dr Rozina Ali's face

For UK gaf: Dr Rozina Ali presents Horizon: The Truth About Looking Young on BBC Two at 21:00 BST on Monday 23 July

copy paste ftw!


Whaaaaaat? How does that happen? Did you kick the TV or...?

I was in the 7th or 8th grade, playing with my friend and his little brother at their apt. Little brother gets upset because he thinks we're ganging up on him (we probably were) and tackles his brother. I try to get out of the way, but they end up landing on my left leg.

Voila, hairline fractures in foot and leg. It probably didn't help that I didn't want his mom to know I was hurt, and walked on it like I was fine until my dad picked me up. At that point, I KNEW it was hospital time... > < It didn't help matter that it was the beginning of summer, so I spent most of that break stuck in bed watching Pop Up Video on VH1.


Not pure anymore!
I splashed out so much on stuff that I don't need at all. A primer and a highlighter/tinted moisturiser, both extortionately expensive. :| My friends are such enablers!!

I wanted the primer because I heard it can be used as a mask because its a film former and its amazing for dry skin, but the highlighter/tinted moisturiser was really unnecessary. It was sold out everywhere and has been since early this year, I found one in a shade darker and got it because I was worried it was gonna get sold out and I won't be able to get it anywhere if I want it later. Weird logic! XD


Not pure anymore!
I feel the same way, but with steam sales :p

Don't even ask me how much I spent on that. We bought 10 games! Dan had already splurged and bought quite a few games in Gamestation for PS3 and PC earlier this month and this on top of that, waaaaay over our budget for games this month. XD

No more games next month because we already have such a huge backlog!


Neo Member
I looked at my husband's list of bought sales. I almost fainted. All I bought was a Sega collection so I can get my retro geek on. He did buy me quite a few games, though. Not so good on giving "normal" girl gifts, but he sure knows how to give games.
All sorts of great lines that may be employed for a bread beat down. :)
Death by carbs, for one.

See?! There we have another cruel injustice done by edibles! (How the hell did you manage that???)

It was loose and apparently just small enough to get wedged into a loop left untouched by the milk. Baby teeth being what they are, and all.

Since then, I've developed a habit of stirring the cereal and letting it sit in the milk for a minute to soften.
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