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GirlGAF |OT 2| Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Eve?


Rolling Girl
haha okay!
first of all I started to like the hound because fuck the king and all B) then I kinda like this whole sansa/littlefinger thing going on... he's such a creepy asshole but I don't know... also somehow interesting mainly because of that. a bit like a cat, unpredictable and just takes what he wants :3 *meow. but maybe it's just the way he's portrayed in the show, I have no idea.
then last but not least, my girl crush: melisandre. so dark and mysterious. a bit too religious and fanatic for my tastes but hey...dat hair, dat face, dat everything. (also some catlike qualities if I may add that. to repeat myself: *meow.)

you can avoid me now. :D

edit: fiction, if I remember correctly our tastes have been proven somewhat similar in the past... I'm curious now: who do you like? any overlaps here? :D


This post makes the most sense to me.


Best I could do. Searching for "Daario O face gif" was a fruitless endeavor. [-_-]/
I adore the Hound, he's my hero. And Jamie too. The Viper is my main man though, I've crushed on him for the longest time.

Littlefinger though...I've called him Pedofinger since I read the books. Keep in mind Sansa is like, 13 in the books, so it's extra creepy.

The Red Priestess is sorta hot in a way yeah :p

Well, after the first season of the show aired, if I'd been all 'Yeah, my favorite characters are Jamie and the Hound and some chick named Brienne you don't even know yet and this snakey dude...' You know, back when Jamie and the Hound weren't in any way sympathetic characters :p
don't like jamie at all :X he's become more likeable but definitely not someone who I personally would feel attracted to. although I enjoyed the little chemistry between him and brienne :3 hound high-five though!
and littlefinger...yeah you're probably right with that. like I said, I haven't read the books so I can only judge from the show in which it doesnt look THAT improbable or immoral for them to have something going on. someone who reads the books will probably view this differently though, I understand

This post makes the most sense to me.
it comforts me to know that I'm not alone with this

Interesting choices. The Hound is cool, and I really like looking at Melisandre too. What a stunner. Most of the women in the GoT TV series are fascinating to look at, to be honest. They're really pleasing to eye in ways you normally don't get on shows. Not plastic or perfectly shaped/coiffed or conventionally pretty. The variety is a wonderful thing.
totally agree!


Funny thing is that I really dislike book Daario. hah.

Oberyn is great tho. I love him in both.

My favs are different depending on the book/show. The only ones that are static are Arya, Tyrion, Theon, Oberyn, Jaime.. (these are off the top of my head). I like Jon Snow in the books, but he is so meh on the show. He's been getting a bit better this season though.



Egg on my face if he's like dead. I'm behind this season.
I'm not sure why I'm so attached to Gendry. He barely exists on the show. I guess cause he was nice to Arya and he's just some bastard commoner that he will be lucky if he makes it alive.

Funny thing is that I really dislike book Daario. hah.

Oberyn is great tho. I love him in both.

My favs are different depending on the book/show. The only ones that are static are Arya, Tyrion, Theon, Oberyn, Jaime.. (these are off the top of my head). I like Jon Snow in the books, but he is so meh on the show. He's been getting a bit better this season though.

I haven't read the books but yours are the same as mine with Sansa, Cersei, Brienne, and Tywin added. There are so many entertaining characters. I want to list half the cast.
Im with Fiction, Jamie/Brienne is my OTP for GoT

NewDaario > Oberyn > OldJaqen> Jaime > etc

This season's Jaime doesnt do anything for me ;__; where is the well kept facial hair and longish blond hair. ;__;

Also, the following are my list of weirdly attractive men to me: Ser Jorah Mormont (in the old man appeal way), Ramsay (in the shit he's so crazy way), Littlefinger (in the 'this guy's got so much brain way) ...... though suffice to say, I would enjoy their suffering in the story very much. Except for Jorah. He can just sit and have high tea with me.

OK, you all can judgeeeeeeee

OBERYN THOUGH < 33333333


Gendry is cute. :D Yeah, there's a ton of characters that are entertaining to watch.

Yes, Jaime/Brienne are my otp too~

They really upped the attractiveness on a lot of the male characters for the show. haha.
Robb was terrific! I miss him very much. They should have switch Jon's actor with Robb's so I can get to see more of him....

Jon just not my type at all. So tortured soul facey.

I also like Bronn. He's very manly <3

On and Renly was cuuuuuuuute like a button. But Loras' actor and hair just ... idonno, off.


Unconfirmed Member
Yes, Jamie/Brienne is my OTP.

Personally, I prefer New Daario. I appreciated the scene with Dany this week. Plus he's on Orphan Black so I get to see him twice a week.
The old Daario had better scenes and a sexier demeanor. He had a bit of a douche face though. New Daario gets me all hot and bothered :x Someone else mentioned it before but the hair. I like the shorter more scruffy looking hair. I've always had a thing for tall thin guys with scruffy hair.

Jon Snow doesn't do it for me. Have you seen how short he is IRL? I liked Robb best but none of the Starks did much for me. Gendry is easy on the eyes but the m'lady scene ruined him for me because of the God damn Internet.

Jorah too old.

Obyron. Would.

I feel so bad for Sansa. Seriously, she just keeps getting pushed around from one terrible situation to another. She's one of the most ordinary main characters and she's constantly being used as a pawn by people with evil machinations.
He's the kind of guy my mom would swoon over. :p

He just doesn't have the same sex appeal as Daario or Obyron or even Littlefinger (creep though he is). Physically attractive sure, for an older guy, but he can't compete with Obyron, Daario, Jamie, etc when it comes to sexiness.
He's the kind of guy my mom would swoon over. :p

He just doesn't have the same sex appeal as Daario or Obyron or even Littlefinger (creep though he is). Physically attractive sure, for an older guy, but he can't compete with Obyron, Daario, Jamie, etc when it comes to sexiness.

Well we can agree there. I just think that he and Dany would be kind of perfect for each other. He loves her so much and he's good looking, but she's such a teenager when it comes to these things and wants bad boy Daario. :p
miney, i agree. jorah's kinda old OLD. but i've been having old-man-crushes lately. idk why. haha

.... also my mom and me shares the same crush! is it bad??? (we both swooooooon over Hemsthorsworth)

dragi, right right? im glad someone else can see jorah's appeal... it makes me feel less weird... haha


I just googled Iain Glen's (Jorah's actor) age and he's 52. I mean, he's old.. but not that old!

If we're gonna talk about celeb crushes, my new crush is Sebastian Stan (The Winter Soldier). lol
suzu to my rescue! <3 yeeey :>

oh, sebastian stan! he's super cute. *___* when he's got the mask on, he's very bad ass though. but when he has it off, he's so baby face *___*

Egg on my face if he's like dead. I'm behind this season.
I'm not sure why I'm so attached to Gendry. He barely exists on the show. I guess cause he was nice to Arya and he's just some bastard commoner that he will be lucky if he makes it alive.

<3 He's just damn sexy.

As far as characters overall go, Jaime and Oberyn are my favourites.


I just googled Iain Glen's (Jorah's actor) age and he's 52. I mean, he's old.. but not that old!

If we're gonna talk about celeb crushes, my new crush is Sebastian Stan (The Winter Soldier). lol

Mmmmm yep yep.

He was hot with the mask on AND off. Maybe I just have a thing for masks...because Tom Hardy was pretty hot as bane....don't judge!


I haven't read the books, but so far i'm a fan of Tyrion. Humor, charisma, smart and strategic with a heart in the end. Pretty good combination of characteristics imho.

It really is a great series though, lots of awesome(ly casted) characters.
On this note - there's a woman being sexually harassed at her job. Problem is, the company is small, so they don't have an HR department. Furthermore she cares too much about the company and people there to seek any legal recourse. I've got no other ideas - is there anything she could do?
On this note - there's a woman being sexually harassed at her job. Problem is, the company is small, so they don't have an HR department. Furthermore she cares too much about the company and people there to seek any legal recourse. I've got no other ideas - is there anything she could do?

Bring it to a superior.
Oh, right - the boss there takes part in the same sort of behavior, IIRC. And the female higher-ups there seem to just accept it as what it is. From what she's gathered other women have had to leave because of this sort of thing.

Well, that's super shitty :/

Unfortunately I think her only options are either to leave or seek legal action. Just "accepting it" isn't the right choice here, because it's clearly a problem for herself and other women. Plus it's obviously deplorable behavior on the part of her bosses and those who are making her uncomfortable. It shouldn't be tolerated.
Well, that's super shitty :/

Unfortunately I think her only options are either to leave or seek legal action. Just "accepting it" isn't the right choice here, because it's clearly a problem for herself and other women. Plus it's obviously deplorable behavior.

Yeah. I mean, she was just venting as opposed to looking for a real solution, but the fact that there aren't any real solutions (she's not going to leave, either) in her case sucks.
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