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GirlGAF |OT 2| Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Eve?


I can't believe it took Deathproof to get you appreciating the Dodge Charger, Stormtrooper.
I liked it way before that Dirty Mary Crazy Larry or the one in Bullitt. I'm more of a fan of a 69 than any of the other models except for maybe a 68. Newer ones don't look as nice too me. I'm more of a Charger fan than any other car except for maybe a 72 Mustang grande or a Dodge Super Bee.
Ship's mast is what you play when you have a death wish. It's a surefire way to end up in a hospital or worse.

That's it! Ship's mast! Haha I just went with whatever word popped in my head ;__;

Yes. It's super scary.... but awesome stunt work in Death Proof by Zoe Bell. She makes it look fun and cool, somehow :x

Oh wow. I had no idea NeoGAF was so proactive about people being dicks O_O. That's actually kinda cool, but I'm sorry he got banned regardless. Sometimes people realize they're being jerks (I know I'm oblivious as fuck a lot).

Ya, agreeeee.... and i was surprised too :x Ah well, at least he'll be back soon enough! :D

The sequence where she's on the bonnet of the Challenger is absolutely electrifying stunt-work. Some of the best I've ever seen.

Zoe Bell is a phenomenal stunt woman. I'm hoping that if I expose my daughter to enough of her and Michèle Mouton, she'll be the first woman to stand atop an F1 podium.

She's amazing!!! Good luck to your daughter :D It would be super awesome to see a woman F1 race winner :D

Generally we consider the ban itself to be the warning--bans for people who have passed junior status are usually not permanent. If someone is on the line, or a thread needs a nudge rather than a sledgehammer, we might give in-thread warnings.

It's nice to think people will realize they're being jerks and learn better, but honestly we don't really have the patience for them to get there on their own. They can figure it out during their ban, or they can keep getting banned until it becomes permanent.

Hobbes is too cute. And yet quite terrifying :x

<3 Thank you for explanation~


Alright, I finished the first game in the Deponia triology and liked it a lot!

I was a bit weary going into it because the main criticism I've heard about the games are that they're extremely misogynistic. I think those claims are a bit unfair, especially when considering all three games in the trilogy.

Rufus, the main character in Deponia, is a total douchebag. You're supposed to hate him to some extent, and one of the main jokes of the game seems to be that Rufus is the only one who doesn't know he's a total tool. The game is very cartoon-y, so stuff like this gets exaggerated tenfold.

I think people we're confusing Rufus's extreme misogyny for the game being mysogynistic. The game isn't exactly innocent, but I think it works because of how outlandishly cartoonish everything is.

The other protagonist is a girl named Goal. Rufus accidentally breaks her brain computer chip thing, so she's unconscious for 90% of the game and Rufus has to lug her around. I could see why people would get mad at the developers for doing this, but the game has an excuse. In the dev commentary, the dev said that all three games were supposed to be one game, but it ended up being way too long and they had to cut it into three. So in that regard, Goal is only unconscious for a little while.

Although it does seem a bit strange that Goal seems to be the only character in the game with a brain disk chip thing for her memories (though it is implied that other characters from her hometown have the same thing; I've only played the first game so maybe you meet some later); it seems to have been that just for the plot, as well as a bit of humor throughout the game. Deponia is really funny!

Goal is definitely not a generic damsal-in-distress character when she wakes up, which I was relived to see! I'm actually surprised at how round of characters both she and Rufus are, with the games being so ridiculously cartoonish. The writing is really good; especially in the way the world is presented to you gradually. The art is also gorgeous!


Lovely! \o/ The animations are gorgeous as well. The entire experience is fun and charming.

Everyone go play Deponia!


New subject:
Would you rather have a male boss, or a female boss?

Doesn't matter to me. I'd feel slightly more comfortable bringing up any issues I had with co-workers if my boss was female, but it wouldn't be enough to actually make a difference in what I'd do.
New subject:
Would you rather have a male boss, or a female boss?

Don't care so long as they're a good boss. I'd rather be my own boss though so I guess female. :p

I've had asshole bosses of both sexes. Friendliest boss I ever had was male though, he was older and gave dad vibe to everyone who worked at the place. He was a good guy.
Everyone go play Deponia!

i have this waiting to play \o/ .... i just have to finish Gabriel Knight first....

@weemadarthur, i prefer female bosses so far because the male bosses i've had were unfortunately douchebaggies.

Edit: my best boss was a dude though. he was a great mentor and a fair boss. coincidentally, he was also my first boss ever. it sort of went down hill after him. maybe he set the standards too high ...somehow. haha ^^;;;


New subject:
Would you rather have a male boss, or a female boss?

I don't really mind either way if the plot and characters in general hold up, though it would be nice to see more female bosses! The only super cool ones I can think of are Ultimecia from FFVIII, Sniper Wolf from Metal Gear, and Bloody Marie from Skullgirls.

Edit: ROFL, I thought you meant video game bosses! For RL bosses, I've only ever had girls, but they've ranged from super intimidating and mean to nice and chill.
I don't really mind either way if the plot and characters in general hold up, though it would be nice to see more female bosses! The only super cool ones I can think of are Ultimecia from FFVIII, Sniper Wolf from Metal Gear, and Bloody Marie from Skullgirls.



I don't really mind either way if the plot and characters in general hold up, though it would be nice to see more female bosses! The only super cool ones I can think of are Ultimecia from FFVIII, Sniper Wolf from Metal Gear, and Bloody Marie from Skullgirls.

Edit: ROFL, I thought you meant video game bosses! For RL bosses, I've only ever had girls, but they've ranged from super intimidating and mean to nice and chill.


You put VIII therefore we'll ignore you posted videogame bosses. :p

I'm fine with both as long as they're nice.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
New subject:
Would you rather have a male boss, or a female boss?
I've had both, makes zero difference to me.

I don't really mind either way if the plot and characters in general hold up, though it would be nice to see more female bosses! The only super cool ones I can think of are Ultimecia from FFVIII, Sniper Wolf from Metal Gear, and Bloody Marie from Skullgirls.

Edit: ROFL, I thought you meant video game bosses! For RL bosses, I've only ever had girls, but they've ranged from super intimidating and mean to nice and chill.
Hahahaha you have no idea how much that cracked me up. Only on NeoGAF!


Ultemecia would probably be a horrifying work boss, LOL

Sorry for the derp, my brain is hardcore video game overdrive mode right now!! \o/

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Favourite female bosses, hmm... Well, see my avatar. :p

Sniper Wolf is cool. I also like Mishaela (Shining Force), Miang (Xenogears -- that fight was a pain though), Myria (BoFIII -- one of the coolest end bosses in a jRPG ever), Priscilla (Dark Souls),
(Dark Souls II), and Executioner Miralda in Demon's Souls (more like a mini-boss though).


Yeah I've been playing a lot of games lately since I'm trying to do the 52 games challenge.

Working on Persona 3 and FF XIV at the moment. I also still need to order Suikoden 2 when I have moneyz. I forgot to do it last time I planned to order it.


I guess I'll post some of my favorite female bosses in video games.

Sniper Wolf (Metal Gear Solid)
The Boss
(Metal Gear Solid 3) She's so awesome that you can play as her in a Monster Hunter game.
Maleficent (Kingdom Hearts)
Priscilla (Dark Souls)
Rathian (Monster Hunter series)


I wanna see more female mooks! Come on Fire Emblem. My army is at least 50% women, yet all the enemy fighters are guys except for one or two special characters?

Best female boss is obviously that woman from Infamous who moans when you fight her. -_-;


I wanna see more female mooks! Come on Fire Emblem. My army is at least 50% women, yet all the enemy fighters are guys except for one or two special characters?

Best female boss is obviously that woman from Infamous who moans when you fight her. -_-;

All-female (well, as much as you can) runs of Fire Emblem 10 are my favourite! There is a weird lack of female enemies in a lot of FE games, though...

Yeah I've been playing a lot of games lately since I'm trying to do the 52 games challenge.

Working on Persona 3 and FF XIV at the moment. I also still need to order Suikoden 2 when I have moneyz. I forgot to do it last time I planned to order it.

What's the 52 games challenge? :O

Persona 3 is long as hell! I'm slowly going through P3P, but I think I'm going to restart. I like it a lot better than SMT!


Lol, it's awesome that your first thought was videogames.

In real life, I had one hideous bitch of a boss who made special rules just for me. But since then, I've had 3 perfectly fine female bosses. I'm still a little leery from that first trauma though.

I kinda like male bosses, because in the industries I happened to work in, they don't seem to micromanage as much.

But for discussing harassment issues, yeah I have only talked to a female boss/been talked to as a supervisor. I think it feels like men won't get it.

I didn't even think about harassment issues! I would feel way more comfortable talking to a lady boss about stuff like that. :X


All-female (well, as much as you can) runs of Fire Emblem 10 are my favourite! There is a weird lack of female enemies in a lot of FE games, though...
Radiant Dawn is the best. Nephenee, Mist, Elincia, Jill, Marcia, Mia, Titania. <3


What's the 52 games challenge? :O

Persona 3 is long as hell! I'm slowly going through P3P, but I think I'm going to restart. I like it a lot better than SMT!


I've only got 6 games down BUT It's because I haven't actually been playing a lot until recently. Now I'm going to get through a few games pretty fast.

P3P is what I'm playing! It's a lot of fun so far. I started a week or so ago and I'm trying to get through it fast. I'm about 28 hours in.


I wanted to make a thread with this question but it is probably not thread worthy.

Question is:
Do people (mainly men) still judge you based on your hair colour?

I ask this because I have had so many hurtful comments in the past because of my hair colour.

My natural hair colour is a mousey blonde that I just find real bland on me, my mom tricked me into dyeing it brown and brown just made me feel ...idk, not like an individual.
I like brown on everybody else not myself.

I dyed it blonde in late highschool and loved it so much, it made me feel better about myself and it made me happier which people responded better to.

My mom and grandparents hate it (not that I care) and my first bf wanted me to dye it brown because he liked brunettes better
Why the hell did you date a blonde in the first place?

I constantly got assumptions that I am stupid, or a 'slut' solely because of my hair, when I added the red now it is only compliments thank god, but I know other girls experience this too.

So even dating is tough because apparently because of light hair it is me saying "I want a one night stand".

What have you all experienced?



I've only got 6 games down BUT It's because I haven't actually been playing a lot until recently. Now I'm going to get through a few games pretty fast.
I thought about doing the challenge but it takes me so long to finish a game. And I'm trying to do the 50 books, 50 movies thing too.

Question is:
Do people (mainly men) still judge you based on your hair colour?

I ask this because I have had so many hurtful comments in the past because of my hair colour.
I don't know why people's shitty-ness continues to astound me. :/ The only shit I've gotten for my hair color is from my mum, who was born with blonde hair and has always been super disappointed that I'm brunette. But it's also a racial thing, because we're Hispanic and it's about looking more white. Otherwise, no one has ever said anything (to my face anyways) about my hair color.
gugi, i think you should go blonde if you like it :> blonde is a very attractive hair colour. i wish i could go blonde, but since I have very black asian hair, i will have to bleach it before i could even dye it in any light colours, and i don't wanna ruin my hair so ... :<

i has wigs though :D i only have a brown one so far, but i want to try the ones with funky colours like blue or silver :D

re: female game bosses, my favourite has to be Shandra Manaya. She's the Queen at Tera Online's hardest dungeon. She was so awesome fun and terrifying <3 Too bad they nerfed her to oblivion. I sad.

but my favourite game bosses have been dudes. Cuz there's so many of them x___x;;; The one that's on the top of my head is Vergil from DMC.


Junior Member
If that's not a sexy car I don't know what is.

Yeah, that car is pretty awesome. However, hear me out. I do feel there are a lot of sexy cars out there...and this be one of them. Toyota MR2 (mk2) with T-tops. :)


New subject:
Would you rather have a male boss, or a female boss?

As far as work goes:
That really, truly depends on how well you do your job, the type of environment, and the kind of person your boss is. Results will vary on my part.

As far as vidya games:
Personally, there needs to be more female protagonists. I think it's pretty cool when it's a boss that's been mutated or some sort of demon or something. That's always fun. No.. I'm not weird.

At work today a kinda skeevy guy told me his name was Charley


lol. jk. (;


I thought about doing the challenge but it takes me so long to finish a game. And I'm trying to do the 50 books, 50 movies thing too.

Oh damn if you're already doing a challenge similar then I wouldn't recommend it. Still, it's been a great push for me to finish a bunch of games in my backlog. Maybe you can use it to beat some games you planned to. :D
Thinking of my jobs... I'd rather have no bosses.

Yasss you went back to your original avatar. I always laugh when I see it. I miss the tag for it. Why was it removed?



I've only got 6 games down BUT It's because I haven't actually been playing a lot until recently. Now I'm going to get through a few games pretty fast.

P3P is what I'm playing! It's a lot of fun so far. I started a week or so ago and I'm trying to get through it fast. I'm about 28 hours in.

Sweet, I totally want to do that next year. Too much backlog!

Awesome! Wow, you really are plowing through it! I need to designate a week or so to marathon P3 so I'll actually finish it.


I don't know why people's shitty-ness continues to astound me. :/ The only shit I've gotten for my hair color is from my mum, who was born with blonde hair and has always been super disappointed that I'm brunette. But it's also a racial thing, because we're Hispanic and it's about looking more white. Otherwise, no one has ever said anything (to my face anyways) about my hair color.
I always thought people looked more for personality than hair, my last thought would be judgment on hair, but apparently not.

Mom's can be such douches about looks.

gugi, i think you should go blonde if you like it :> blonde is a very attractive hair colour. i wish i could go blonde, but since I have very black asian hair, i will have to bleach it before i could even dye it in any light colours, and i don't wanna ruin my hair so ... :<

i has wigs though :D i only have a brown one so far, but i want to try the ones with funky colours like blue or silver :D

I already have a light blonde, did a number on my hair since I went from jet black to blonde, it takes a few dyes to get to a more natural look.
Wigs are so fun.

I was born blonde. I was blonde through my school years. Nobody ever thought I was a dumb blonde, because the nerd stereotype overrode it severely in my case. Something about using big words *sigh*.

Then I dyed my hair red for a decade. Redheads have more fun than anyone. But this may have been a result of my age and not my hair color. Still, I got some attention from it.

Now I quit dyeing my hair and I'm a mousy brunette. Lots of ash color, very grayish looking. Boring as all get getout, but I can't change it cause I can't tolerate the processing.

In all this, I was treated similarly. So, you may want to look into the impression you give rather than the color of your hair :) I hope you can find a way to demand the treatment you want to receive.

Well here is what I mean, I work retail so I interact with people all day, and people would immediately treat me like a dumbass before I could even get past hello, and then as soon as they hear me talk (deep voice, big words) they change their tune and treat me like a normal person. I have had all sorts of things like "Oh you are smarter than you look" or "I would have never thought you were so smart" or even "Oh wow you sound so smart" like they are SHOCKED to find out that I am not an idiot.

I treat everyone with respect and kindness so I don't think my impression when conversing has much to do with it, maybe just my appearance.

Well, I'm Asian so...


.....man, I don't even know. I'm sorry you had to deal with that shit. I don't think anyone ACTUALLY thinks "blondes are stupid and/or slutty," or "gingers are fiery," and the ones that do aren't worth your time.

I honestly don't think anyone that loves you is going to care if you're blonde or brunette.

Well, guys that claimed to love me had problems with it... Always telling me they like girls with dark hair.
Welp, I'm exhausted from the latest thread on womens issues. I can't do any more responses to cyclical reasoning.

Brave fighter! Come and relax hither and let us talk about reasonable things such as hair colour, car pronz, game bosses and fighting sleepiness at 3 in the afternoon at work

Are you in Europe? Or Hawaii? I don't know east from west. Lol.

For cars, I always thought the Dodge Viper was uber sexy.


Aaaah, Dodge Vipers <3 Very nice. For myself, I have a soft spot for the Pontiac GTO ... but the true porn of cars for me are cars that looks like from the 1940s era. They are so adorbs <333 like the ones usuallly seen in olden-time mafia flicks.... :3 I have an old lady's taste :x


Question is:
Do people (mainly men) still judge you based on your hair colour?

I have black hair, but I sometimes dye it light or dark brown. I haven't personally experienced this, but there are some people that think Asians are trying to look more "white" when they dye their hair lighter colors (brown, blonde). lol :/


I was thinking more of demeanor. For example, if your mom also trained you to: not look people, particularly men, in the eye. Be meek. Don't ever say anything rude, etc. Raising you to be a "lady". That can give you a body language that pushy jerks tend to take advantage of.

Of course, just being female probs gives them the impression off the bat lol. Are you petite? I think I have less trouble simply because I'm quite tall.
I am 5'3" but my body is not petite, I think because I have big boobs I don't get taken seriously (apparently that is also a thing). My mom tried to raise me to be a "lady" but I look people in the eye and don't take shit from anyone, which is why all these people's perceptions change when I start talking, suddenly I am personable and funny! ugh.

But, it's also possible they are trying to tell you that they actually like you for who you are. My exes would say things like, "I like girls with small boobs"

Most of them didn't get that I wanted breast implants for ME, not because it was about what they liked. I find that after explaining why it's disrespectful to ignore what I want and try to tell me what THEY want on my body, they usually got it. :)

...yeah sometimes I retreat here and lick my wounds.

Then I watch this- http://thedailyshow.cc.com/videos/z2b627/the-fault-in-our-schools
Lol I would date nice guys if they were a little easier to find, got to sift through the "nice guys" *shudder*

They didn't want me to be who I was they just wanted me to look like "girlfriend material" which means brunette...I had no idea.

I have black hair, but I sometimes dye it light or dark brown. I haven't personally experienced this, but there are some people that think Asians are trying to look more "white" when they dye their hair lighter colors (brown, blonde). lol :/

Lucky that you never experienced anything like that because that is some bullshit right there.


Neo Member
I've had my hair most colours, except red and black, and I haven't been treated any differently because of it. Obviously having unnatural purple or blue for example will be unusual, but I've never been judged as being less intelligent or been told I should change it to something else.


(Hi everyone!)

Alright, I finished the first game in the Deponia triology and liked it a lot!

I was a bit weary going into it because the main criticism I've heard about the games are that they're extremely misogynistic. I think those claims are a bit unfair, especially when considering all three games in the trilogy.

Rufus, the main character in Deponia, is a total douchebag. You're supposed to hate him to some extent, and one of the main jokes of the game seems to be that Rufus is the only one who doesn't know he's a total tool. The game is very cartoon-y, so stuff like this gets exaggerated tenfold.

I think people we're confusing Rufus's extreme misogyny for the game being mysogynistic. The game isn't exactly innocent, but I think it works because of how outlandishly cartoonish everything is.

The other protagonist is a girl named Goal. Rufus accidentally breaks her brain computer chip thing, so she's unconscious for 90% of the game and Rufus has to lug her around. I could see why people would get mad at the developers for doing this, but the game has an excuse. In the dev commentary, the dev said that all three games were supposed to be one game, but it ended up being way too long and they had to cut it into three. So in that regard, Goal is only unconscious for a little while.

Although it does seem a bit strange that Goal seems to be the only character in the game with a brain disk chip thing for her memories (though it is implied that other characters from her hometown have the same thing; I've only played the first game so maybe you meet some later); it seems to have been that just for the plot, as well as a bit of humor throughout the game. Deponia is really funny!

Goal is definitely not a generic damsal-in-distress character when she wakes up, which I was relived to see! I'm actually surprised at how round of characters both she and Rufus are, with the games being so ridiculously cartoonish. The writing is really good; especially in the way the world is presented to you gradually. The art is also gorgeous!

Lovely! \o/ The animations are gorgeous as well. The entire experience is fun and charming.

Everyone go play Deponia!

I'd be interested to know what you think once you've played the second and third games (I just beat the Complete Journey a couple of days ago).
People talking about female bosses and nobody mentions "Jubaleis" from Bayonetta? Bitch was so OP that every other boss would hype the shit out of her after beating them, and with good reason!



Yeah, that car is pretty awesome. However, hear me out. I do feel there are a lot of sexy cars out there...and this be one of them. Toyota MR2 (mk2) with T-tops. :)
To me that's not that sexy too rounded I like something big and blocky like an Oldsmobile 442:

As for being judged by anyone for my hair it's mostly my skin that will be judged. Especially if it's all cracked and open.
I wanted to make a thread with this question but it is probably not thread worthy.

Question is:
Do people (mainly men) still judge you based on your hair colour?

I ask this because I have had so many hurtful comments in the past because of my hair colour.

My natural hair colour is a mousey blonde that I just find real bland on me, my mom tricked me into dyeing it brown and brown just made me feel ...idk, not like an individual.
I like brown on everybody else not myself.

I dyed it blonde in late highschool and loved it so much, it made me feel better about myself and it made me happier which people responded better to.

My mom and grandparents hate it (not that I care) and my first bf wanted me to dye it brown because he liked brunettes better
Why the hell did you date a blonde in the first place?

I constantly got assumptions that I am stupid, or a 'slut' solely because of my hair, when I added the red now it is only compliments thank god, but I know other girls experience this too.

So even dating is tough because apparently because of light hair it is me saying "I want a one night stand".

What have you all experienced?

I'm a dirty blonde but I haven't ever gotten judged for it, no. Occasionally I get the dumb blonde joke but I know it's in good spirits so it doesn't upset me much. I haven't ever dyed it either. Boyfriends have never asked me to do anything with it.


I'm a dirty blonde but I haven't ever gotten judged for it, no. Occasionally I get the dumb blonde joke but I know it's in good spirits so it doesn't upset me much. I haven't ever dyed it either. Boyfriends have never asked me to do anything with it.

I get constantly judged on a lot of things about my appearance.
But I think it comes with culture too, I'm originally from Eastern Europe where that shit is totally acceptable and normal. Moved to the UK where it's a WHOLE NEWW WORRLLDD, as disney would say. Here nobody seems to assume they know shit about you judging on appearance, which is great.

I do get the occasional exceptions though. Stuff like 'oh you look good and have make-up, you must be so generic and boring/dumb'. I just happen to love make up and take care of how I look, does that mean I have to be stupid and shallow?

As for hair colour, it's quite funny, because it's different everywhere I go. In eastern europe they think i'm super weird because I'm a redhead. Almost like there must be something wrong with me. Plenty of blonde jokes there too. Like, far too many. In the UK it's either hot or I have no soul or both.
Do any of you other girls have boobs that grow, well, not forward but more to the side?

My boobs are pretty small, but I think one of the reasons they look small is because they grow more to the side than they do forward. It could also be because I'm underweight and I just need to gain weight (which is extremely difficult for me).
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