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GirlGAF |OT 2| Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Eve?

It looks like you had some highlights in previously? That upper layer looks a bit dry/damaged.

My hair tends to get oily quickly, so I try to use a fairly light conditioner that doesn't stick and weigh it down. But curly hair has physical bends in it, and has a flat shaft - due to the shape of the follicles. Weighing it down a little can stop some of the kinks from knotting up so tight. It seems to go along with a tendency to dryness, too, more so depending on a person's ethnic background.

Er...used to work at a salon.

I had some highlights done, yeah. That picture was taken after a full day of driving, so I was pretty tired.


No, oval doesn't clash with anything. But bangs are unnecessary, mean regular haircuts are needed, and tickle. Bangs are good for a woman with a high forehead, so it doesn't seem disproportionate.

Ooh okay! So are oval faces the the O blood types of face structures, where you can pretty much have any kind of hair style work? Or do longer cuts compliment the face better?

I'm sure it will turn out great. Already, people are discovering a bunch of new stuff that other's haven't, the atmosphere is really ominous and *screams* I am just so happy to see the series that (in my opinion) has always done horror very well, make it's epic return ~~ and in such a dynamic way too! :D

I really hope so!! :D I love Silent Hill for not using cheap scare tactics and being legitimately terrifying!!


I am actually NOT trying to intentionally distract from the current discussion though that my be ending on its own soon, but I didn't have a chance to share this from earlier today from being caught up in other things, just kind of put it on hold:

The Women Who Dress Like Men: Shoujo Staples of Anime and Manga — Part 1


This piece mostly covers the anime/manga, The Rose of Versailles. I may check out this series now that I've read more about it. Maybe someone here at GirlGAF can chime in if they've seen it.
I love The Rose of Versailles. It might be outdated but it's just so moving and intense IMO. Also it's about the French revolution.

Well, I do the oil thing when I get a small amount of static. But I don't have curly hair, so it isn't often. Is your shampoo/conditioner specially made for dryish or curly hair? Have you tried specialty products like Frieda's Frizz Ease?
John Frieda product's really helped me to get my hair somewhat to a point I want it to.
I love The Rose of Versailles. It might be outdated but it's just so moving and intense IMO. Also it's about the French revolution.


John Frieda product's really helped me to get my hair somewhat to a point I want it to.

YAY a fellow versailles fan \o/

I also like Utena :D

aaaaaaaaaaaah. silent hill <3 time to draw some pyramid head *___*

Thank you monoooo <3 I really should head over more towards the gaming side... lol

Btw, im like you mono. I have no idea how to hair :x I think I told H Prot once that I cant even braid straight... haha :x

Im appreciating all the hair talk over here. Taking tips etc. Cuz at the moment what I do is that I just ponytail my hair everyday so people can't see how untended it is. I'm smart like that :D


ouwah *___* so pretty! what a collection... <3 did you also used to read Candy Candy? By chance?

Or Miss Modern?

Sadly not, most old shojo series I know from my childhood and were aired with a dub in Germany but those were only few. Even fewer if they were based on a manga and not on a western book*. Since I can't read a lot of Japanese I honestly had to rewatch RoV dubbed on DVD first and take cues from whatever Japanese I can read to understand the story.

I really wish there were translations of showa shojo aviable digitally.

*Like when I complained in first grade when we had to read Heidi because I tought that everybody already saw the anime by Isao Takahata and Hayao Myazaki. That didn't go well with the teacher... &#128576;
Sadly not, most old shojo series I know from my childhood and were aired with a dub in Germany but those were only few. Even fewer if they were based on a manga and not on a western book*. Since I can't read a lot of Japanese I honestly had to rewatch RoV dubbed on DVD first and take cues from whatever Japanese I can read to understand the story.

I really wish there were translations of showa shojo aviable digitally.

*Like when I complained in first grade when we had to read Heidi because I tought that everybody already saw the anime by Isao Takahata and Hayao Myazaki. That didn't go well with the teacher... &#128576;

Aaaah, I see .__. Wow you went through a lot of troubles for RoV! haha... aah i wish there's more good shojo titles these days. Lately everything seems to be filled with moe characters which are basically prepubescent girls created for fan service. They really annoy me.

... hahaha i can imagine your teacher's reaction :>


is a goddamn bear

In the time I went to brush my teeth, did Gamespot beat it? Lol.

I have no idea if they beat it or not because I went to sleep lol

I heard they were at it for hours hahaha I'm gonna drop back in there now and see what I missed.


This has probably been discussed before, but I need help gaining weight. I've always been comfortable being super thin, but I've actually lost more weight than what I normally am and now I'm not feeling too body positive. What can I eat that isn't gross and unhealthy? I'm not that picky so I'm up for anything.


New Scientist: Iranian woman wins maths' top prize, the Fields medal

Mirzakhani, who is Iranian, studies the geometry of moduli space, a complex geometric and algebraic entity that might be described as a universe in which every point is itself a universe. Mirzakhani described the number of ways a beam of light can travel a closed loop in a two-dimensional universe. To answer the question, it turns out, you cannot just stay in your "home" universe &#8211; you have to understand how to navigate the entire multiverse. Mirzakhani has shown mathematicians new ways to navigate these spaces.
"She is very, very well known in Iran, where she is held out as an example for younger students," says Ingrid Daubechies, the president of the International Mathematical Union, which selects the Fields medallists.

Feministing: New report calls on US to address racial discrimination in health care system

-Black women nationwide are nearly four times as likely to die in childbirth as white women, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

-Women without U.S. citizenship are three times as likely as U.S.-born citizens to lack private or public insurance, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.
The advocates identify a number of common sense policy changes that would help: provide health insurance coverage for poor women in the 19 states that have absurdly rejected Medicaid expansion; expand access to comprehensive sex education, maternal health care, and birth control (that last one is particularly important given another recent study found the number of women in need of publicly-funded contraception has skyrocketed); address racial stereotypes that promote stigma; repeal the provisions in Obamacare that exclude many immigrants from coverage; and pass paid parental leave.

Yes, it sounds like a reproductive justice wishlist, but really, it&#8217;s simply what&#8217;s required if the US wants to start protecting the human rights of all its residents.


This has probably been discussed before, but I need help gaining weight. I've always been comfortable being super thin, but I've actually lost more weight than what I normally am and now I'm not feeling too body positive. What can I eat that isn't gross and unhealthy? I'm not that picky so I'm up for anything.

Maybe nuts, assuming you are not allergic.


Woahhhhh just logged into FF XIV this week(I haven't been on for awhile) and I saw Suzu gifted me a bunch of minions and gil for my birthday, Thanks a bunch Suzu!!!! <33333
This has probably been discussed before, but I need help gaining weight. I've always been comfortable being super thin, but I've actually lost more weight than what I normally am and now I'm not feeling too body positive. What can I eat that isn't gross and unhealthy? I'm not that picky so I'm up for anything.

In my move to Los Angeles from Wilmington, NC, I've lost a couple of pounds, and I was already underweight. Currently waiting to get an approval on a lease so I can finally MOVE INTO MY APARTMENT I'VE BEEN LIVING IN HOTELS AND FRIENDS' PLACES FOR THE PAST TWO WEEKS.



This has probably been discussed before, but I need help gaining weight. I've always been comfortable being super thin, but I've actually lost more weight than what I normally am and now I'm not feeling too body positive. What can I eat that isn't gross and unhealthy? I'm not that picky so I'm up for anything.

Whole milk.

Also, fruit smoothies. Plain greek yogurt + frozen fruit + juice or milk. You can add granola and protein powder if you like.

Woahhhhh just logged into FF XIV this week(I haven't been on for awhile) and I saw Suzu gifted me a bunch of minions and gil for my birthday, Thanks a bunch Suzu!!!! <33333

<3 :D


In my move to Los Angeles from Wilmington, NC, I've lost a couple of pounds, and I was already underweight. Currently waiting to get an approval on a lease so I can finally MOVE INTO MY APARTMENT I'VE BEEN LIVING IN HOTELS AND FRIENDS' PLACES FOR THE PAST TWO WEEKS.


I feel ya, I've been couch hopping for the past couple of days and it sucks ass.

Whole milk.

Also, fruit smoothies. Plain greek yogurt + frozen fruit + juice or milk. You can add granola and protein powder if you like.

Parfaits are my go to snack sometimes so that works :) thanks!


This has probably been discussed before, but I need help gaining weight. I've always been comfortable being super thin, but I've actually lost more weight than what I normally am and now I'm not feeling too body positive. What can I eat that isn't gross and unhealthy? I'm not that picky so I'm up for anything.
Can I interest you in a coke (soda) addiction?

Shh it's totally healthy.


Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Omg... the new Silent Hill, I'm so excited I can't handle myself hahaha
I'm kind of afraid that Kojima will screw it up... After the MGS4 fiasco I just don't trust him anymore. :\ At least it's back in Japanese hands, haha. But first-person Silent Hill? Nooooooo

Myself, I'm way more excited for Bloodborne. Gonna have to buy a PS4. Rime looks also pretty intriguing, a mix of ICO and a Ghibli-style feel? I hope the gameplay will be good!

Thanks Yrael! I just saw your post in the Sexual objectification thread and it was fantastic.
I really shouldn't ask, since these threads are always painful, but I must be a masochist so... link?


I'm kind of afraid that Kojima will screw it up... After the MGS4 fiasco I just don't trust him anymore. :\ At least it's back in Japanese hands, haha. But first-person Silent Hill? Nooooooo

Is it all first-person? I figure they wouldn't have some real actor guy play the main character if it was going to be all first-person. It could be that indoors sections become first-person (much like how it was done in SH4: The Room, which I loved).

Also, Kojima is a guy with clever ideas when he's doing something different, so I trust that this could be pretty good.


Okay, I don't know. It's a game series and a game designer that both fell from incredible grace, IMO. This will either be doubly awesome, or doubly terrible.


I'm kind of afraid that Kojima will screw it up... After the MGS4 fiasco I just don't trust him anymore. :\ At least it's back in Japanese hands, haha. But first-person Silent Hill? Nooooooo

Myself, I'm way more excited for Bloodborne. Gonna have to buy a PS4. Rime looks also pretty intriguing, a mix of ICO and a Ghibli-style feel? I hope the gameplay will be good!

I'm really curious to see what Kojima will do with it. I'm not a SH person (just never explored the series), but from what I saw of P.T. while my girlfriend was playing, it looks like a pretty unique take on the horror genre. Of course the final game could be a lot different. It's nice to see Kojima doing something other than Metal Gear as well. MGS4 isn't my favorite (that would go to MGS2), but I think with GZ they're going in a better direction. Ground Zeroes was also the most fun I've had with any MGS title.

I still trust in Kojima. ;o

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Yeah, I'm not dismissing the game out of hand. I just wish I could be hyped for this, but I can't summon that feeling anymore. Hopefully it will be an awesome surprise return to form for Konami and Silent Hill. SH1 is one of my all-time favourites, and I still loved SH2 and 3, though I never finished 3 because I got super lazy and now I don't want to bother with the PS2 anymore... >_>


I'm kind of afraid that Kojima will screw it up... After the MGS4 fiasco I just don't trust him anymore. : At least it's back in Japanese hands, haha. But first-person Silent Hill? Nooooooo

Myself, I'm way more excited for Bloodborne. Gonna have to buy a PS4. Rime looks also pretty intriguing, a mix of ICO and a Ghibli-style feel? I hope the gameplay will be good!

I really shouldn't ask, since these threads are always painful, but I must be a masochist so... link?

Prepare yo self. :p


Honestly I think it's just fine the way it is. Maybe a braid would look good (and you can learn to braid!). I'd also think it would look good cut to your shoulders.

I'd also like to ask: How do I make my hair less frizzy? Or does that come with it getting longer?

I have huge issues with dry hair and frizziness too. I've tried heaps of products / oils to little avail but finally found a pretty good shampoo / conditioner / treatment... It's an Australian product but maybe you can find a wheat based product like this?


Those threads always seem to get so aggressive. Unnecessary and a shame really.
I tend to stay away from them, my English really isn't good enough to be able to get my ideas or point across in a clear manner. But beside the (passive) aggressive stuff there were some truly good posts that really got down to the core of things in there too imo.
Your English sounds fine IMO.


Got my new phone aw yisssss blue iphone5c

Reading. So far it's not as bad as I thought but, eh, some posts are disappointing to say the least.
It's not one of the worst threads or anything. I just didn't like the discussion of both negatives and positives being forgotten in favour of just defending one side.

Those threads always seem to get so aggressive. Unnecessary and a shame really.
I tend to stay away from them, my English really isn't good enough to be able to get my ideas or point across in a clear manner. But beside the (passive) aggressive stuff there were some truly good posts that really got down to the core of things in there too imo.

I just don't like the dismissiveness in them when it comes to such a discussion. We can acknowledge positives while also discussing the negatives. Ah well, it's over now anyway.


Your English sounds fine IMO.
Haha, thanks :). But the thing is, it takes me quite some time just to put a few sentences together. By the time i´m ready to hit submit after typing out my carefully thought out post those threads usually moved pages already, together with the discussion. I'd just always be LTTP and/or make no sense :p. That, plus some people like to nitpick or take things out of context, which is usually not a big deal but if it involves subjects that actually gets people riled up and/or emotional i'd rather not be misunderstood. My wording can be unintentionally off sometimes :p

I do have to say my english improved quite a bit after joining this place though.
I just don't like the dismissiveness in them when it comes to such a discussion. We can acknowledge positives while also discussing the negatives. Ah well, it's over now anyway.
I agree.
Bunni, I've been meaning to ask, is that you usually in your avatars?

Cuz I've always been wanting to say, whoever that girl is, she's beautiful <3
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