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GirlGAF |OT 2| Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Eve?

I am going to share this gif for no other reason than the fact that it's a glorious gif.


That is outstanding.


Heyo Ladies,

I have a question for everyone in here (or anyone who cares to answer it).
I was thinking of posting this in DatingAge or whatever, but I wanted a female opinion before going in since I value all of your opinions...I may have already asked this who knows.

So my question is:
When you are in the dating scene have any of you ever experienced guys flaking right the fuck out of nowhere?
Because for me I will meet these guys and they seem extremely interested and request a date and what not, but then as soon as the day comes up when we are supposed to meet, they don't message me with any of the details and then never talk to me again. I keep trying to think if I do anything wrong, maybe I am not flirty? Maybe they found someone hotter? maybe they are just weird?

It never used to happen to me before when I was doing the whole interwebz dating, but it is so frequent now and I find it really weird. I wonder if I am alone in this. (I know guys get flaked on too).

I miss my Godzilla toy so bad you don't even know. He was so cool.


So you hit it off then just they just get out of Dodge like that? That seems a bit weird to me personally I'd at least go on the first date.


Well they are usually the ones to give me their number and set up a date add me on fb/insta/whatever and then all of the sudden out of nowhere they flake. I wish I knew why.

And if I was really annoying or acted not interested I would say so, but I am pretty normal to these guys.

It is bothering me, not because 'oh boo I am missing out on a dude' but because it is frequent enough for me to be confused as all hell.

And I don't think it is my looks, I have all up to date pictures of my face and my body and everything so there are no surprises.


Yeah me too haha.

I will obviously be asking Onlinedatinggaf and what not, but I still want all the girlgaffers opinions on this.


That's the only thing I experience with online dating too, don't worry.

"What kind of things do you like? I'm so interested!
"This and this"
-blocks and deletes-



Yeah I will tell them my interests, and maybe they don't like an interest that I have..but this is not the case because I will have so much in common with them and then they set up a date and then poof.

It's fucking rude, at least tell me that you don't want to go on the date anymore so I don't have to get ready and then wait around for a text I will never get. I won't get mad at them if I am told that they do not want to go out anymore...I am not that invested in them in the first place.

As for confrontation, I make myself the least confrontational person ever because these guys are like ...like Abra, when Abra appears you have to be quick, one wrong move and it runs away. Fuck I need some masterballs.

I am not the harassey type...most unprovoked msgs I will send is two, and as soon as they don't msg me back I do not bother to talk to them anymore because I will not waste my time on someone that doesn't know what they want lol.


Do you mind sharing which online dating site you're using? That might have something to do with the expectations and protocol of the people on the site.


Do you mind sharing which online dating site you're using? That might have something to do with the expectations and protocol of the people on the site.

I am currently on Tinder which yes, I know is basically stigmatized as a hook up site, but I am starting back in the dating scene casually and Tinder is pretty casual. I got a date that flaked from it, then I got another date immediately after and it went well (to me at least). And I will see what happens with him.

I usually go on Plenty of Fish because pay sites are really greasy with how they charge you and you can get snared into an automatic pay type thing and that just pisses me off.

Yet even on POF I get the ridiculous flakes. Maybe it is because I am not 18 anymore and 22 is just too old to the 23-30 year old men of this world. :/

But I wonder, is it possible they're shy? Some people are really hesitant to make a big move after their initial contact because shyness kicks in.

Makes sense. I know I was shocked when I first tried online dating and I got a reply. It could be a general confidence issue, too. Maybe they think that online dating is all they have left or something, and they see the person who replied and they immediately think "eh she'd never go for me anyways, she's too pretty/cool/etc." *shrug*

In either case, it's a shame you had to deal with that rudeness gugi.


I am currently on Tinder which yes, I know is basically stigmatized as a hook up site, but I am starting back in the dating scene casually and Tinder is pretty casual. I got a date that flaked from it, then I got another date immediately after and it went well (to me at least). And I will see what happens with him.

I usually go on Plenty of Fish because pay sites are really greasy with how they charge you and you can get snared into an automatic pay type thing and that just pisses me off.

Yet even on POF I get the ridiculous flakes. Maybe it is because I am not 18 anymore and 22 is just too old to the 23-30 year old men of this world. :/

Lmao, I am on tinder too and it's pretty dumb. The one guy I told my interests to just unmatched me, when we were having a pretty good conversation and shared interests before. Whatever dude.

I'm a weirdo though, so I went and found him on Facebook (don't judge me, it was so easy, it wasn't even stalking) and just said "good luck on tinder and good luck with your audition you told me about". Lol.

srsly don't judge my stalking, dude was an actor, told me the play he was in and what he played. Found his actor profile, full name, looked for on FB <_<



But I wonder, is it possible they're shy? Some people are really hesitant to make a big move after their initial contact because shyness kicks in.
If it was shyness why would they ask to go on a date though? Like maybe they are so scared that it might go poorly, I know I get anxiety bedore every date.
Makes sense. I know I was shocked when I first tried online dating and I got a reply. It could be a general confidence issue, too. Maybe they think that online dating is all they have left or something, and they see the person who replied and they immediately think "eh she'd never go for me anyways, she's too pretty/cool/etc." *shrug*

In either case, it's a shame you had to deal with that rudeness gugi.
That is a possibility. I actually never thought o that before.

Lmao, I am on tinder too and it's pretty dumb. The one guy I told my interests to just unmatched me, when we were having a pretty good conversation and shared interests before. Whatever dude.

I'm a weirdo though, so I went and found him on Facebook (don't judge me, it was so easy, it wasn't even stalking) and just said "good luck on tinder and good luck with your audition you told me about". Lol.

srsly don't judge my stalking, dude was an actor, told me the play he was in and what he played. Found his actor profile, full name, looked for on FB <_<

Lol no judgment, I asked a guy why he stopped talking to me like several months after he flaked. It was probably really creepy to him.

At least you didnt harass him or say mean things.
That happened to me a few years ago. Met a guy at my university, we really hit it off, and then I was like "Wanna go out? I'll treat." He seemed pretty excited about it, and then called me the day of and told me he couldn't make it.

He never messaged me again, but I still saw him from time to time around campus. He was actually in one of my classes and I had to sit next to him. Was weird.
Hey, I know some of us talked about maybe meeting up at NYCC, but I was wondering if any of you girls are gonna be at Dragon*Con in a couple weeks? I still haven't gotten to hang out with any of you irl.

Aside from a couple of you, I realized I really don't know where all the girl-gaffers live.


I'm not sure, to be honest. I've dated a little online, but once you set up the date, you just meet them there, right?

Do you show up and they flake out? Or is an actual date not set yet, and it's more of a "what are you doing next week?"
No it is like them saying "so lets go to 'x' bar on 'x' day" and then I ask what time and they say anytime after blah blah blah. On the day they set up i ask where are we meeting eachother and then never get a response.

That happened to me a few years ago. Met a guy at my university, we really hit it off, and then I was like "Wanna go out? I'll treat." He seemed pretty excited about it, and then called me the day of and told me he couldn't make it.

He never messaged me again, but I still saw him from time to time around campus. He was actually in one of my classes and I had to sit next to him. Was weird.

At least he told you he couldnt make it instead of leving you hanging.
No it is like them saying "so lets go to 'x' bar on 'x' day" and then I ask what time and they say anytime after blah blah blah. On the day they set up i ask where are we meeting eachother and then never get a response.

It may not be you at all.... a lot of guys are just incredibly lazy and online meetings are the most dispensable interactions because they never really have to face them before they make these plans.


I don't really have experience with meeting up at datingsites, so i can't really share experiences with you. But you said it started happening recently and after they added you on fb or similar sites. Did you maybe change something on your profiles there recently?

That's a really rude thing to do though. They could at least mention that they won't be able to make it or something.


It may not be you at all.... a lot of guys are just incredibly lazy and online meetings are the most dispensable interactions because they never really have to face them before they make these plans.

Yeah and I can understand that but why bother giving out your number and making a date? Its really weird.
I don't really have experience with meeting up at datingsites, so i can't really share experiences with you. But you said it started happening recently and after they added you on fb or similar sites. Did you maybe change something on your profiles there recently?

That's a really rude thing to do though. They could at least mention that they won't be able to make it or something.
All my stuff is the same, I am honest with all my descriptions and pictures so there is never any surprises. Even if they dont add my fb profile they still flake. I just wonder if maybe it is just them? I hope its not me.
You have to remember that tinder works the same for everyone. It's very fast paced. Getting lots of matches and talking to different girls means you often just move onto the next one soon enough.

Me and my boys have been using tinder for the last few weeks so this is just my experience of course. Flaking at the last minute usually means that a different convo is poppin and all attention goes there.

Trying to juggle 20+ conversations on there is a nightmare, I often have to read back to figure out who I'm actually talking to. That's just the nature of the game.

Tinder is the same as approaching girls in clubs, it's very fast paced. Just without the actual approaching girls part.

Also 99% of guys on tinder are there just for casual meetups. The other 1% are looking to date and find relationships. That stigma exists for a reason I'm afraid.


In my personal experience with online dating (this was about 4 years ago,though), I think one of the bitter pills I had to swallow was that people you might like to meet are not necessarily equipped to communicate with strangers.

Doubly so if the website just has unusual ways of getting people to talk to each other. I mean, just sending someone a message on OKCupid felt like the most complex mind game. It's easy to get rubbed the wrong way by things not going as you would have hoped.

I haven't used Tinder (and hopefully won't ever have to), but it seems to me like despite the 'casual sex' reputation, the way it connects people rightfully cuts through some of that crap. But it seems to have its own problems, as guys are probably swiping left (or right? Whatever the approval one is) on tons of people (the 'numbers game'). You are most likely just another face, unfortunately...but I don't think that's on you. It's basically the wind blowing leaves in another direction.
In my personal experience with online dating (this was about 4 years ago,though), I think one of the bitter pills I had to swallow was that people you might like to meet are not necessarily equipped to communicate with strangers
Depends on the kinda online dating you do. I think those kinds of people are more inclined to go on actual dating websites.

Nowadays apps like tinder tend to have more socially capable
don't want to say normal but you get what I mean
people as that's seen with less of the online dating stigma.


Depends on the kinda online dating you do. I think those kinds of people are more inclined to go on actual dating websites.

Nowadays apps like tinder tend to have more socially capable
don't want to say normal but you get what I mean
people as that's seen with less of the online dating stigma.

But I mean that as for like, being a polite, considerate, and transparent person? No one owes you anything, of course, but it's easy for people to set up dates you never go to when you're lining up 10 of them at a time and everyone is basically a number. I think its easy for more well-intentioned people like gugi to get hurt by this.


All my stuff is the same, I am honest with all my descriptions and pictures so there is never any surprises. Even if they dont add my fb profile they still flake. I just wonder if maybe it is just them? I hope its not me.
Oh, i wouldn't worry about that. You did/do nothing wrong either way, so of course it's not you.
Seems like Enter The 36 Chambers and clearacell have a pretty good explanation of what's going on. Maybe tinder isn't the best tool to find what you are looking for atm.


To be totally honest, that's why I've always avoided Tinder.

Seems like it's just one of those casual hook-up sites, and you know how that is in college. Convenience & who's the closest hottie.

I was never into that in college, and definitely not into that now. I guess it really depends what you're looking for.

Beyond the stigma, though - it seems to theoretically work better than blind PMing on OKC. I would expect Tinder to work better for women, too. By many accounts, women on OKC get mountains of unsolicited messages from guys - everything from harassment to lazy pickup lines and straight-up boring stuff. Since you only talk to guys on Tinder you marked as interesting, it would seem to me that it makes it a lot more usable.

That's my suspicion, anyway. I'd like to hear what women using Tinder have to say about it.


I totally agree that dating in general is a numbers game and I was already assuming that the main reason they go poof is because of greener grasses or whatever, but I am still wondering, why set up a date then if you want to play the numbers game?

Of course I do understand that Tinder is a sleazy app for good reason but for me, I only started using it because I wanted to casually put myself back into the game...I dont like coming back in when its summer because summer means flings for a fuckton of people. Fall and winter usually have more luck for me.

It is basically just a really weirs occurence that is on every site.

And boy I tried OKC and I never liked it, tried it twice and I have been sent harassing comments and really cruel messages for no reason. That site, at least in my area has way too many 'fedora neckbeard' types and the whole MRA thing does not make me wet sorry to say lol.


I get nervous doing the whole date every guy possible and pick the best one because so often I will like two guys equally and have to pick between the two and that is the worst.

I live in the lower mainland of Vancouver, and for whatever reason OKC has been either Misogynists or greasebags. "Um girls don't play video games so you must be a man" is OKC style "hy grl u want 2 c my dik?" Is more POF style. And those are actual quotes.


And boy I tried OKC and I never liked it, tried it twice and I have been sent harassing comments and really cruel messages for no reason. That site, at least in my area has way too many 'fedora neckbeard' types and the whole MRA thing does not make me wet sorry to say lol.

Looool yep, I hate OKC. It was the worst of the three "main" ones (POF/OKC/Tinder).

Edit: you live in Vancouver too? Apparently Vancouver is the worst for OKC. Vancouver is just the worst anyway, for me. Vancouver = supermodels, so I'm basically the least desirable woman in all of the lower mainland.


Looool yep, I hate OKC. It was the worst of the three "main" ones (POF/OKC/Tinder).

Edit: you live in Vancouver too? Apparently Vancouver is the worst for OKC. Vancouver is just the worst anyway, for me. Vancouver = supermodels, so I'm basically the least desirable woman in all of the lower mainland.
I would say Vancouver is the worst at all dating, I have the worst time meeting guys IRL soce the furthest they go is a smile. Boo.
Im not a supermodel either, lets hang out.
If you're bored, come read about me complaining about boy stares:

I enjoy this.


I would say Vancouver is the worst at all dating, I have the worst time meeting guys IRL soce the furthest they go is a smile. Boo.
Im not a supermodel either, lets hang out.

I enjoy this.

Lol totally, the non-supermodel hangout group. I'd be down for that sometime.

Wazzy should come and be the supermodel in the non-supermodel group, tho. :)
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