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GirlGAF |OT 2| Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Eve?


Well, I do think people who wear certain things are annoying, but that's not exclusive to women. For example, tongue piercing? I find that incredibly stupid and annoying.
Forgive me if I'm interpreting this wrong but isn't this judging and shaming people?


I don't like any sort of summer maxi's for the pure reason that nothing can look good without a bra on someone with a B+ cup. Nothing. The moment you walk out of that door without wearing a bra is the moment you look like you have saggy tits and are +10 years older.

on a side note, girls, I just finished replaying Witcher 2 which reminded me of my biggest game crush:

while on subject of white hair I think there's a spot for Dante too:

Your turn! What's your game crush?


Alistair from DA2.

Zidane from FF9.

ahmigawd. Oddly enough, dating personalities like that never work out for me IRL. Oh well.

<3 Alistair. I think this type totally works for me irl though - the funny guy is always a good one. Not too sure about my crushes irl - if I was feeling a bit more adventurous, maybe :D
But it can also come across as super cheesy player-type, especially when no kicking monster's ass is involved.


I don't like any sort of summer maxi's for the pure reason that nothing can look good without a bra on someone with a B+ cup. Nothing. The moment you walk out of that door without wearing a bra is the moment you look like you have saggy tits and are +10 years older.

on a side note, girls, I just finished replaying Witcher 2 which reminded me of my biggest game crush:

while on subject of white hair I think there's a spot for Dante too:

Your turn! What's your game crush?
100% true on the boob thing, unless you have fake ones or just super perky ones there is no way they don't sag and flippity flop around.

I had a huge crush on Dante he was like my muse for a few months.

I obviously had a thing for adult link, and the splinter cell dude, and baird from GoW...... And...and James from Silent Hill 2.

And Master Chief...

Omg I need a life.


....my first game crush was Sephiroth.


I also crushed hard on Vincent. Shut up.

I was just about to post this. I had so many Sephiroth pictures.

I had a brief crush on Illidan back when I was into WoW.

Edit: It feels like I get the top page every time I post embarrassing stuff.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Forgive me if I'm interpreting this wrong but isn't this judging and shaming people?
A bit, but I find it less objectionable when it's about choices (such as clothing or piercings) than, say, the bodies they were born in. I try not to judge people by what they wear myself, but I'm sure I do it sometimes, and I'm sure people do it to me all the time, and I don't really care.

....my first game crush was Sephiroth.


I also crushed hard on Vincent. Shut up.
Which 15 year old girl didn't? ;) I was 15 when FF7 came out, so, yeah, I did crush on these two a bit, but I got over them quickly enough. My eternal crush will always be Kain from Legacy of Kain (dat voice), but I had the hots for Naked Snake for a while too.
I can't say I really crush on game characters anymore, but I have to admit, Gabriel Belmont is pretty hawt, especially in some of the Lords of Shadow 2 concept art:


When I was younger I had a rather big crush on Eva from Metal Gear Solid 3:

Poison is one of my favorite characters (*points to her avatar*), but that's not a crush; I just think she's a really badass and awesome character. I actually have cosplay ideas with her in mind, but I have to find the right time and convention to do that.

Edit: Morrigan~ I see I'm not the only one here who enjoyed MGS3. ;o
I never really had video game crushes. There were characters I liked and were cool, but I was never really attracted to any of them.

Now Fox Mulder on the other hand... I had such a crush on him.


Video game crushes? The ones that started mine were Squall, Seifer and Link.

Also Gambit but that was more tv show where it started and then continued into Marvel vs Capcom.
Fox Mulder was my first big time celebrity crush. I even had a damned teenage girly 'shrine', tons of pictures cut from a magazines and shit.

Ahh, the birth of my 'hot guys in long coats' obsession.
Oh my god. I had a shrine too. I'm rewathing the show now and he definitely isn't as cute as I remember. He made me have a thing for guys with miles near their jawline, my current partner has one.


I don't like any sort of summer maxi's for the pure reason that nothing can look good without a bra on someone with a B+ cup. Nothing. The moment you walk out of that door without wearing a bra is the moment you look like you have saggy tits and are +10 years older.

on a side note, girls, I just finished replaying Witcher 2 which reminded me of my biggest game crush

while on subject of white hair I think there's a spot for Dante too:

Your turn! What's your game crush?

I've never had a video game crush. Sure there are a lot of attractive characters but their personalities do nothing for me.
*grins* You're adorable, you know that? I don't know why but that line right there cracked me up so much.

Yes, pure tomboy here. Haven't worn a dress since I was 10. The girliest thing about me is my long-ass hair (the ass part is not metaphorical, it's really that long xD but I posted a pic before, I think) and possibly my reaction to seeing cute animals (especially cats) and my severe fondness for chocolate. But yeah, my wardrobe is pretty much exclusively jeans (or capris or shorts in the summer) and t-shirts, 95% of which are metal band shirts. Don't wear make-up ever, don't do my nails, etc etc.

I do have other kinds of clothing, I just never wear it. xD I have a skirt, which I last wore 15 years ago for my mother's funeral (it was even bought just for that, then never worn again... not out of symbolism or anything, I just hate skirts), and some dress shirts, which I wore at past jobs, but yeah. Since I don't need to follow a dress code for work, I just wear what's comfortable to me. Oh, and kendo outfits, of course. This is me:

I'm such a nerd that I'd probably be more into fashion if armours and shit were fashionable. I play Fashion Souls* constantly, and I'd totally wear that if I could get away with it (note, this woman is NOT ME, I just find her outfits to be incredibly awesome!):


* True story: the other day I was trying on different outfits on one of my Dark Souls II characters (a male one, ironically... I always end up creating a bunch of characters in Souls games, though my first is always a female dex build called Morrigan because I'm vain like that >_>), and I actually asked my boyfriend, "Which armour looks cooler? This one, or *switch* that one?". After giving his opinion, he started laughing, and said, "You'd never ask me that question about actual clothing in real life, but you ask me THE question about your Dark Souls character!" XD

Don't worry, isn't that what this thread is for? :)

Good morning thread! o/

oyoyoy <3 that be cool <3

i love the kendo thing, i wish i can has one, but it looks a bit complicated to wear... i used to have yukata and kimono when i was a child, they were very traditional, and the yukata was easy enough to wear but the kimono was hassle. i needed my mom's help to put it on aaaaaaaaaand it was such hassle to move around in, too

not a big fan

but the kendo gear looks awesome <3

i love pants waw

HAHAHAHA you so cuuuuuuute with your bf and your Dark Souls character <3 I usually play dudes on games, but I can relate! ... A little! :D I love dressing up my avatar :>

Yrael, hi hi hi you are a fellow pants-loving girl <3 yay \o/ it so nice to find fellow / similar preferencey people on here <3

as for game crushes

I loved Sephiroth and Vincent and Rufus and Reno. hahaha (just was talking to H Prot about her TURKS fanfic site on the guilty pleasure thread) (timing! :D)

And Dante and Vergil <33333333333333333

And MasterChief <3

And Alucard from Castlevania <33333

Tru story: I got into the Persona genre through Nocturne, and I got into Nocturne cuz I heard Dante was in it. HAHAHA

*hangs head*

For TV personalities: .... mmm Will Graham. And uh, Dr. Lecter.

Okay! Hopefully this topic is a better idea than my last one.

Every time I meet another woman and sense that we're going to become friends, I always like to ask this question: What is your favorite thing about being a girl? Specifically, what is it about being a girl that you don't think men can experience or experience as well?

It's a difficult question, but it's one worth thinking about, I believe. For me, the answer is looking pretty in a way that only a girl can. It's that feminine glow, you know? I love it.
I may not have crushes, but I shamefully shipped so many couples in games and animes:
Jessie and James (pokemon, I actually think they started my obsession with wishing for people to hook up.)
Vincent and tifa (ffvii)
Reno and Yuffie (ffvii)
Zukos and katara (avatar)
Mai and Ty lee (avatar)
Korra and asami (avatar)
Kagome and seishomaru (inuyasha, which I don't even watch but youkai yumes art turned me onto the couple)
Umi and clef (rayearth)
Umi and ascot (rayearth)
Mulder and scully
Eric and sookie (true blood)
Pam and tara (true blood)
Clarice and hannibal (hannibal book series)
There are so many more....
Omg don't get me started on shipping. I have a current OTP... *screaming*
I don't even know what my otp is. I've been having a really boring summer so I've been going back to my childhood ships to read fanfics. It's impossible to find good fanfiction for ships from your childhood.
Omg I forgot to add a ship I love but don't watch the show... Kakashi and olderSakura from naruto. I love the grey and pink combo
What is your favorite thing about being a girl?

May sound funny, but one of my favourite things is just how people underestimate you because of your gender. I'm a shorty too, so that adds even more to the stigma. Makes proving people wrong all the more satisfying. Especially when it comes to outdrinking the fellas in my social circle. Reactions are priceless.


is a goddamn bear
Okay! Hopefully this topic is a better idea than my last one.

Every time I meet another woman and sense that we're going to become friends, I always like to ask this question: What is your favorite thing about being a girl? Specifically, what is it about being a girl that you don't think men can experience or experience as well?

It's a difficult question, but it's one worth thinking about, I believe. For me, the answer is looking pretty in a way that only a girl can. It's that feminine glow, you know? I love it.

I like to be feminine and let my power in it flourish. That's probably what I love most about being a girl.

I don't even know what my otp is. I've been having a really boring summer so I've been going back to my childhood ships to read fanfics. It's impossible to find good fanfiction for ships from your childhood.
Omg I forgot to add a ship I love but don't watch the show... Kakashi and olderSakura from naruto. I love the grey and pink combo

Life is not worth living without fanfics! I am nothing without them LOL




I ship so hard y'all.

I think my first ship was Mulder and Scully.

Then Spike and Buffy.
Then Doctor/Anyonebutrose

Now my current obsession is JohnLock and my OtP is Destiel. >.<

I'm the opposite, I crushed hard on Vegeta and had moments of Trunks :p
I used to ship so much too. I was a huge fan of Buffy/Spike and Angel/Cordelia even though I preferred Angel over Buffy. Harry Potter shipping is where ti got big for me.

Vegeta did things for me in GT even though GT sucks ass.


I don't even know what my otp is. I've been having a really boring summer so I've been going back to my childhood ships to read fanfics. It's impossible to find good fanfiction for ships from your childhood.

Yep, when I get into the fanfic mood, I have a hard time finding new stories of old fandoms. I just end up re-reading the same fics but very few hold up. I still have access to my Fanfiction.net account that I registered when I was 12 and I favorited so many terrible stories.

May sound funny, but one of my favourite things is just how people underestimate you because of your gender. I'm a shorty too, so that adds even more to the stigma. Makes proving people wrong all the more satisfying. Especially when it comes to outdrinking the fellas in my social circle. Reactions are priceless.

Somewhat on that note, surprising people when I am crude or when it doesn't phase me when other are. I think pervy jokes are entertaining and boys self-censor themselves around me even when I tell them don't mind. It's always funny when boys are astonished when I or other women get just as vulgar as them. Especially anything pertaining to menstrual cycles.
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