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GirlGAF |OT 2| Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Eve?


formerly Oynox Slider
Hehe. If I didn't have the most conservative job in the world (tax lawyer) I'd have tats and piercings everywhere!

If you do get it let me know! I play with another girl from work and it's fun. My first time playing it.
Just watching one of these Femenist Frequency videos I hear the media making so much fuss about, kinda woeful at times. Her overexaggeration of the strip club scene in Hitman Absolution inparticular was hilarious...

Players are meant to derive a perverse pleasure from desacrating the bodies of unsuspecting virtual female characters, it's a rush streaming from a carefully concocted mix of sexual arousal connected to the act of controlling and punishing representations of female sexuality.

Holy shit. How can somebody get all of that just from one section of a level where you're actively encouraged to sneak past the girls, and penalised for being spotted or knocking out or killing ANY of the innocent NPC's? I wonder if all the videos she does have her cherry picking moments from a game, twisting it about to suit her perogative, rather than looking at the game/subject with a much broader and more objective perspective.

I hope I'm wrong and the other videos are well thought out and have a balanced showing of both the negative aspects of girls in games, and examples of the positives. It'd be a shame if people overfunded a biased, one sided set of videos.


Rolling Girl
Not sure I haven't really bothered watching any of her other videos after I saw the Bayonetta one since almost all the information she provided was false and could be easily corrected by playing through the game entirely even once. I just really couldn't take her seriously if that was the level of research she was putting into her videos since I'd imagine she'd play them to properly cite and use as examples. Her recent videos may or may not be better but that left a bad impression on me.


Serious question...

Does anybody else get huge anxiety / depression when forced to dress up for formal events (e.g. weddings etc). I don't mean a general reluctance, I mean tears, self-loathing (even self-harm) and nervous attacks?

Whenever I'm forced to be 'gendered' or 'be girly' and put myself on show it's just a huge trigger for me. Am I alone on this?

I used to, when it came to going to traditional Yemeni weddings. I had no friends in the community and I assumed a lot of the girls just didn't like me. I just wasn't into partying and dressing up at the time like they were. There was also the fear that hm parents were going to arrange a marriage for me. I knew my mom really wanted me to have something traditional, so the fact that I never will and disappointing her made me very anxious whenever I'd go to these receptions.


Serious question...

Does anybody else get huge anxiety / depression when forced to dress up for formal events (e.g. weddings etc). I don't mean a general reluctance, I mean tears, self-loathing (even self-harm) and nervous attacks?

Whenever I'm forced to be 'gendered' or 'be girly' and put myself on show it's just a huge trigger for me. Am I alone on this?

Not depression, but extreme anxiety. I tend to feel like an imposter when I put on a dress or wear heels and assume that the people around me are talking about how terrible I look. I'm better about it now but I still carry a jacket with me in case I feel too exposed. I'm slowly trying to expand my wardrobe from jeans and a t-shirt but still can't go outside in a dress unless it's to a family event.


I thought the latest Feminist Frequency video was very good actually but don't know enough about Hitman nor know the video well enough to be sure it's the same discussed above, very likely though since it just came out. I haven't watched any since the first, and it wasn't because I thought it was bad, I was just lazy. Anyway, from what I've skimmed in the thread in gaming, "cherry-picking" is a very common criticism of Anita's work. My only issue with that is I would expect her to do pick specific examples since she is trying to focus in on a specific trend and explain why it is bad.

Maybe you know of a specific game where you feel that does not apply, as was stated by many others, but I still feel the overall point is made and made well. I avoid these types of violent games as is because I personally do not care for them. The latest point I gathered from her video was that women are largely used as sexual objects to decorate the background, often differently from men, assuming men suffer the same fate at all (as was in the Hitman advertising images she displayed). I felt the video was strongest during the second half where she explained the very real problem of violence against women by people they know.

I saw many commendations in that thread as well for her bringing up a game where she thought the subject matter (not of violence against women but alcoholism and violence I believe) was treated with respect.

I've also seen developers acknowledge and take note of her points and can say that I think anyone openly listening to issues of the portrayal of women is a good thing. I am glad to see that dialogue being opened.

Unfortunately, she had some very real threats made against her for this latest video. She said she's safe for now.


As for dressing at formal events, no, I never had an anxiety over it. I did not wear dresses often, but I didn't mind dressing up every now and then. Now that I work from home, I actually wear dresses sometimes because I don't worry as much about shaving my legs and can do so casually and comfortably.


formerly Oynox Slider
I used to, when it came to going to traditional Yemeni weddings. I had no friends in the community and I assumed a lot of the girls just didn't like me. I just wasn't into partying and dressing up at the time like they were. There was also the fear that hm parents were going to arrange a marriage for me. I knew my mom really wanted me to have something traditional, so the fact that I never will and disappointing her made me very anxious whenever I'd go to these receptions.

Whoa. That is a completely different situation than I could imagine. That extra pressure must have been a nightmare.

Not depression, but extreme anxiety. I tend to feel like an imposter when I put on a dress or wear heels and assume that the people around me are talking about how terrible I look. I'm better about it now but I still carry a jacket with me in case I feel too exposed. I'm slowly trying to expand my wardrobe from jeans and a t-shirt but still can't go outside in a dress unless it's to a family event.

I do that too - it's like everyone is looking at me and commenting how my shoes are wrong for the dress or some weird thing. I wish I could expand my wardrobe, but I just keep buying gigantic loose jumpers (sweaters) and jeans.


You're just saying that!

Don't be daft! But don't get a big head. I can easily withdraw my compliments. And I will, don't you doubt it!


One problem of societal events or gatherings might be that they are like a dog show among dogs. Like people want just to show the best of themselves and be flawless to impress everybody even if it means that you have to betray your own dignity and self-esteem like dressing up while it makes you feel down or bragging about successes when you are actually tormented inside by your failures or drink to appear more confident and social.

It's no wonder that stuff like dinner parties and balls are often used in social critical works of art to show the hypocrisis of etablished social norms.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
I think the problem is that a pill to remove dysphoria fundamentally cannot work, because in order for it to do that you would have to change more than just factors in the brain; you would have to change sexual characteristics as well. And at that point you have essentially developed a miracle pill that does everything. Actually, even then it wouldn't be enough, because for people who experience dysphoria based on not having a penis or a vagina, you would need more than a pill to change that.

Edit: This is excluding environmental factors that would worsen dysphoria as well.

I would not call it a mental disorder, as that implies that something is wrong in the brain, but there is nothing wrong with the brain; the problem is that the body does not line up with the brain which is causing the dysphoria. The problem isn't to treat the brain, but the body. I think calling it a symptom might work, but I could see that creating a slippery slope of discrimination, as symptom is usually related to an illness of some kind.

I see. I guess I was comparing it too much to something like depression, where the brain wiring isn't quite right, but in this case, where it's a mismatch between brain and body, it's more complicated than that. Anyway, I really appreciate your input on this.

Just watching one of these Femenist Frequency videos I hear the media making so much fuss about, kinda woeful at times. Her overexaggeration of the strip club scene in Hitman Absolution inparticular was hilarious...

Holy shit. How can somebody get all of that just from one section of a level where you're actively encouraged to sneak past the girls, and penalised for being spotted or knocking out or killing ANY of the innocent NPC's? I wonder if all the videos she does have her cherry picking moments from a game, twisting it about to suit her perogative, rather than looking at the game/subject with a much broader and more objective perspective.

I hope I'm wrong and the other videos are well thought out and have a balanced showing of both the negative aspects of girls in games, and examples of the positives. It'd be a shame if people overfunded a biased, one sided set of videos.
I also didn't agree with her Hitman* example, and thought the first part of her "Women as background decoration" video wasn't her best, but the second video is better, and really spot-on.

Sometimes her examples are iffy or open to interpretation, and that's a fair criticism, but for the most part, they bring up very good points. I pretty much agree with what Cat is saying about them. And yes, the horrible misogyny and death and rape threats she's been the recipient of just for daring to talk about sexism in video games is nothing short of astonishing and eye-opening.

* Not that Hitman is particularly good for gender issues... just look at this horribly pathetic trailer. >_< I don't know whether to laugh or cringe at this shit... I mean it was just a trailer, but still, whyyyy


It's generally a bad idea to run to another part of the forum to complain--there's no special protection in Community. Users have been lost over that.


Rolling Girl
:( I take it you already disabled AA in-game? Someone's bound to answer your question in the DSfix thread soon, hopefully. Not me though, I know nothing. :(

Yeah I've been using DSfix since it came out so I know it's quirks, but it completely borked when I changed the rendering resolution today. I just wanted a clearer image and what I got was sharp everything!
RIP awesome smooth cultist knight:

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Yeah I've been using DSfix since it came out so I know it's quirks, but it completely borked when I changed the rendering resolution today. I just wanted a clearer image and what I got was sharp everything!
RIP awesome smooth cultist knight:
Hmm that's really odd. Hopefully Durante or some other tech wiz can help.

Holy shit.

I stay out of those threads because they are infuriating (how dare some woman talk about video games in a less than worshipful way!) but holy shit.
I wish I had the willpower to stay out of these threads, because they're pretty exhausting to begin with. But I can't seem to help myself. xD


Rolling Girl
Holy shit.

I stay out of those threads because they are infuriating (how dare some woman talk about video games in a less than worshipful way!) but holy shit.

Yeah I tend to avoid talking about it in general since it just makes me angry and upset people can be so purposefully obtuse about things. I'd like to do something but my anxiety started creeping onto my online interactions the past few years so hurrah for starting therapy last month!

All about the appearances, though. c'est la vie

*edit* @YesNoYes - dude that dude, or whoever, in the OT abrasiveness thread is being such a <insert adjective here>.

(Thanks Dax)

Hahah, bunbun <3 I think he's hilarious, tbh. Cuz so persecuted ;__; the poor widdle thing. I am a big bulli :x

About FemFreq / Anita, I think some of her examples overshot the marks sometimes but she brings such valuable observations and I enjoy her videos very much. The threats she's receiving is UNREAL. Such hatred of women in traditionally men-owned space. I cannot believe that tweets she was getting. Absolutely terrifying. I wouldn't have her courage to keep speaking so vocally in the issues. So, go Anita! o7

Infinite, that's one hell of an awesome knight :O Hope you can fix your DS somehow :O

..... and now I need to get into DS :x

Morri, your contribution in that abrasive thread is awesome! Wealth of information <3 I will have to read through slowly

Fiction, you are aaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzziiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggg *___*

Chapter 5 pls

(you know I will start nagging you like a pest for this from now on right? just a word of warning!!)


Rolling Girl
Infinite, that's one hell of an awesome knight :O Hope you can fix your DS somehow :O

..... and now I need to get into DS :x

Yeah I wasn't planning on having her that way when I started but it turned out for the best! I probably wasted a bit of time making her look like Claire Redfield from Resident Evil 2 though.
Well whenever you do take your time and learn how enemies act. o: You might not have to with magic but I don't use it since magic is for weaklings.
Yeah I wasn't planning on having her that way when I started but it turned out for the best! I probably wasted a bit of time making her look like Claire Redfield from Resident Evil 2 though.
Well whenever you do take your time and learn how enemies act. o: You might not have to with magic but I don't use it since magic is for weaklings.

I think I will go melee. I love reading tells and reacting to enemy's AI. It's probably the one thing in TERA that hooked me for so long. Well, now they've nerfed their BAMs to oblivion, i think DS would fill in that vacancy very well muhuhahahahaha


I think I will go melee. I love reading tells and reacting to enemy's AI. It's probably the one thing in TERA that hooked me for so long. Well, now they've nerfed their BAMs to oblivion, i think DS would fill in that vacancy very well muhuhahahahaha
With melee you can either go STR or DEX it affects what weapons you're able to use or you can do both and go quality.
With melee you can either go STR or DEX it affects what weapons you're able to use or you can do both and go quality.

DEX for me, I think....

...........aaaaaaaaaaaaaa now i want to get off work and killz som' monstersss already

oh ps: im doing the ice bucket thing today! i came up with brilliant genius idea to just put on my swim suit under the work clothes, so there will not be any bras showing through.


DEX for me, I think....

...........aaaaaaaaaaaaaa now i want to get off work and killz som' monstersss already.
DEX has quite a variety of weapons for it like spears, thrusting swords, katana's, etc. Finding a weapon or weapons that suit you and your playstyle is part of the fun.
Yay I fixed it! Now my cultist looking knight lady can slay some scaleless things!
All fixed: http://i5.minus.com/ij2F0MlC3m6xy.png
When it was borked: http://i4.minus.com/iVncZUmgPaITN.png

I sometimes wonder how she can make such hard footsteps with no shoes on but then I just stab something.

Oh good plan there YesNOno. o: Have fun with it!

HOORAY FOR FIX :D Go bravely and stab at things, Cultist Looking Knight Lady! <333

Stormy, ooooh <333 that sounds so fun :D WAW ..... It aint even lunch time yet and I'm now counting down to home time??? :x


I guess you're doing a STR build Infinite with the greatsword and all? Using havel's ring to up equip load and the ring of the evil eye it looks like.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Yeah you got plenty of things to choose from that all work quite a bit differently. *Is boring and sticks with swords*
Katanas 4 lyfe <3 Here is Miko, a samurai I made a while ago. She looks like she's meditating, hehe:

But the best dex straight sword is probably the Balder Side Sword. Fantastic weapon. For greatswords, I really like the Flamberge, because it looks like the Soul Reaver. So I totally made a Kain build for it. :D Too bad I made that one back on consoles, so I can't take screenshots to show it off.

I did make Melisandre on PC, she was my SL1 run (a pyromancer is fitting for a red priestess!):


Rolling Girl
I guess you're doing a STR build Infinite with the greatsword and all? Using havel's ring to up equip load and the ring of the evil eye it looks like.

That sounds about right! I switch out the evil eye before the boss fights though since it won't do me much good unless some stray clams wander in again for this one.


That sounds about right! I switch out the evil eye before the boss fights though since it won't do me much good unless some stray clams wander in again for this one.
For the wolf ring for added poise? My STR knightess end up as a high poise tank by the end of it.
waaaaaaaaaaaaaw these all seems so fun *___*
It is once you get the hang of the mechanics it's very fun. I wonder how fast you get to Capra?
Yeah he was being so defensive. I wanted to jump in and say something to him but figured I'd probably make it worse, lol. Sorry. You were way more patient with him than I would have been :x.


A dude was being a dick towards YesNoYesNo over a gender issue, and his whole "omigod this one girl boss was such a bitch" story was pretty inappropriate in an OT thread about how female bosses tend to be viewed negatively when they do the same thing male bosses do.

d'awwwwwwwwww bunbun so cute <3 the thought counts :D you are way more fierce than i can ever be, bunni.... <3

storrrrrrrrrrrrmmmmyyyyyy, you making this work day longer than it should beeeee ;__;

What is Capra <3333333 waw so excite :D

Mumei, hahahahahahah those are hilarious omg <3


So I had to put one of my ferrets down today. I'm pretty devastated by it as is Gugi(I had my ferret for 5ish years but was forced to give them to her because of my complex but I took one of them back while the other I visit and was trying to support but anyway she's partially hers as well) and just in shock how fast everything happened.

I hate losing pet's. I feel terrible and I have to work too.
So I had to put one of my ferrets down today. I'm pretty devastated by it as is Gugi(I had my ferret for 5ish years but was forced to give them to her because of my complex but I took one of them back while the other I visit and was trying to support but anyway she's partially hers as well) and just in shock how fast everything happened.

I hate losing pet's. I feel terrible and I have to work too.

Aww wazzy, condolences, gugi too :( that's very hard to go through

All my hugs <3

I dont think I can go to work if one of my pets pass away though. I'd just be destroyed.


Oh no Wazzy :( Massive hugs. I lost my favorite ferret last year (he ate something he shouldn't have, there wasn't even time to put him down, it was horrible). He was such a freaking sweet heart too. His cage mate got depressed so we got her a boyfriend, but he's not as sweet. I miss my Simon :(
Simon and River :(
Thanks Fiction. :(

Which one is Simon? They're both adorable and they actually look exactly like my ferrets. The one I have that is still alive is white like yours while the one I had to put down is brown with a raccoon mask(her name is Coco) and she was so damn energetic. Just loved stealing items, climbing anything she could and never seemed to run out of energy. It was so damn hard seeing her illness effect her the way it did because she couldn't move, was underweight and wouldn't eat and was pooing blood. They said she more than likely had cancer so euthanization was the better way to go.

I think what's making me the most shocked is that this all happened in two days and she was the younger of my ferrets. I just don't want to be at work and only came in because it looked bad if both me and Gugi called in(we work at the same place) so I've decided to suck it up and come in.

I'll see if I can post a picture of mine.
Aww wazzy, condolences, gugi too :( that's very hard to go through

All my hugs <3

I dont think I can go to work if one of my pets pass away though. I'd just be destroyed.
Thanks girl. :(

I really didn't want to but as I said above, we work at the same place and both of us calling in looks bad so I sucked it up and came in.


You might not have to with magic but I don't use it since magic is for weaklings.

Hey I used magic in Dark Souls. ;o

I think melee has been working out really well for you though~

Katanas 4 lyfe <3 Here is Miko, a samurai I made a while ago. She looks like she's meditating, hehe:


But the best dex straight sword is probably the Balder Side Sword. Fantastic weapon. For greatswords, I really like the Flamberge, because it looks like the Soul Reaver. So I totally made a Kain build for it. :D Too bad I made that one back on consoles, so I can't take screenshots to show it off.

I did make Melisandre on PC, she was my SL1 run (a pyromancer is fitting for a red priestess!):

Those characters look great! Love the armor on Miko. I have thought about making Brienne when I can play Dark Souls again one day.

All of this Souls talk is making me wish I had a proper gaming PC. ._.

So I had to put one of my ferrets down today. I'm pretty devastated by it as is Gugi(I had my ferret for 5ish years but was forced to give them to her because of my complex but I took one of them back while the other I visit and was trying to support but anyway she's partially hers as well) and just in shock how fast everything happened.

I hate losing pet's. I feel terrible and I have to work too.

Aw :-( I'm sorry for your loss.

*Hugs Wazzy and Gugi*


is a goddamn bear
I'm so sorry for your loss Wazzy and Gugi. *hugs*


I just saw something on my Tumblr dash and it interested me. It was about how people in college who plagiarize are severely punished for it or even expelled, but commit rape or assault? You're not even getting half the consequences.

That is very disturbing...


So I had to put one of my ferrets down today. I'm pretty devastated by it as is Gugi(I had my ferret for 5ish years but was forced to give them to her because of my complex but I took one of them back while the other I visit and was trying to support but anyway she's partially hers as well) and just in shock how fast everything happened.

I hate losing pet's. I feel terrible and I have to work too.

:( I'm sorry to hear that. Losing a beloved pet is so hard.

This was probably also posted, just like the last thing I posted... but I didn't see it so I'll risk it!
*fake geek*

That is amazing.


So I had to put one of my ferrets down today. I'm pretty devastated by it as is Gugi(I had my ferret for 5ish years but was forced to give them to her because of my complex but I took one of them back while the other I visit and was trying to support but anyway she's partially hers as well) and just in shock how fast everything happened.

I hate losing pet's. I feel terrible and I have to work too.

My condolences. :(

I just made a long, rambling post about losing my dog and some pictures and stuff about her.


Aw :-( I'm sorry for your loss.

*Hugs Wazzy and Gugi*

I'm so sorry for your loss Wazzy and Gugi. *hugs*
:( I'm sorry to hear that. Losing a beloved pet is so hard.

Thanks you guys. <3
River is the white one :(. And that sounds a lot like what happened to Simon. He lost a ton of weight in a very short time, stopped eating, and the blood...he died in my arms :(. We'd made an appointment for the vet for the weight loss but he just went downhill so fast he didn't make it. River loves her new cage mate (Malcom) but I will forever miss my sweet cuddly boy.

I'm sorry you had to see him pass like that. :(

Here's my bb Coco


and my white one Lily:


Thankfully she's adjusting pretty well so far without Coco. I'm just having difficulty knowing they won't see each other again.

My condolences. :(

I just made a long, rambling post about losing my dog and some pictures and stuff about her.

Thank you and I'm sorry about your dog. Losing any pet is the worst but dog's just especially hit hard.
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