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GirlGAF |OT 2| Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Eve?

<3 Last night, my partner and I celebrated two years together. The time really has flown.

Ooh, a quiz thing!

Where are you from?
I grew up in Cuero, TX.
Where do you live?
:3 San Antonio, TX!
What is your age?
I have 30 years.
What are your interests?
<3 I like fighting for liberation, playing a huge spectrum of videogames, spreading sex-positivity and self-love, appreciating and creating music, thinking of creative ways to protest, and snuggling with kitties.
Is there anything else you wish to share with us about you?
A lot of people are surprised to learn that actually I'm shy and introverted. I present an extroverted face in my activism work out of necessity.

My gender identity is female and my gender expression is androgynous. I was assigned male at birth, we are not defined by the circumstances of our birth.
-Cultural heritage
Native/Indigenous American on both sides. Don't know as much as I wish I knew, because the folk who knew are deceased.
-List a few favorite video game characters, games, or movies
<3 eeeeeeeeeeeee. Off the top of my head, in no real order, my favorite games are Super Mario Bros. 3, Final Fantasy VI, Dragon Quest Monsters 2: Tara's Adventure, Art Academy 3DS, Mega Man 3, the Ace Attorney series, Chrono Trigger, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Fuel, and Mana Khemia.
Where are you from?
Wigan, England - home of the World Pie Eating Championship.

Where do you live?
Bristol - just down the road from "the fairest, goodliest and most famous parish church in England". And a dirty great Asda.

What is your age?

What are your interests?
Running and cycling are the main ones. I ran a half marathon this morning but my time was pretty dire because I haven't been training properly (due to stressful times at work). I've got a 10k in a few weeks, then I'm hoping to use the off-season to regain lost fitness. And then some!


Is there anything else you wish to share with us about you?
I got the maximum possible score on the Cattell B IQ test (161) when I was 13. Joined Mensa and everything. I didn't tell anyone that I guessed half the answers and changed a couple at the last second because they didn't make an appealing pattern on the multiple-choice sheet.

I met my husband on a bus when we were 18. We got married in a pretty converted barn last year and had all our friends and family riding a mechanical bull between the ceremony and the wedding breakfast. There's nothing like seeing your best mates putting on pyjama trousers over their dresses so they can ride a bucking bronco without flashing your grandpa.

That's not me in my avatar. I am not a reliable source of advice on moustache-grooming.

Cultural heritage
Not very exciting I'm afraid - I had a great-great grandfather from the Isle of Man, but that's as exotic as it gets.

List a few favorite video game characters, games, or movies
Assassin's Creed (all of 'em)
The Devil Wears Prada
Van Helsing

If you're a parent
Nope - my husband and I aren't ready for any more responsibility than a hamster right now. Her name is Trilby. She's an adorable little sausage.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Is there anything else you wish to share with us about you?
I got the maximum possible score on the Cattell B IQ test (161) when I was 13. Joined Mensa and everything. I didn't tell anyone that I guessed half the answers and changed a couple at the last second because they didn't make an appealing pattern on the multiple-choice sheet.
I actually burst out laughing at this. Awesome.
I actually burst out laughing at this. Awesome.

Instagrammed for your viewing pleasure! In hindsight, I should have concealed my name with concealer rather than Long Lasting Intense Colour Balm.



Hey dudettes,

Imma join in!

Where are you from?
Originally Bulgaria. Been living in London, UK.

Where do you live?

What is your age?

What are your interests?
RPGs in any form, comic books, TV shows, hanging out with other gaming people, social media addict, good fantasy/sci-fi films.

Is there anything else you wish to share with us about you?
I spend most of my days working in games, then coming back home to play games and/or post on my blog and try to make videos for my youtube channel. I am also constantly on twitter and instagram. /addict
I've met 95% of my friends, including my bf, online.


Cultural heritage
Bulgarian. I eat a lot of meat, drink a lot of alcohol and have an iron first ready to stand my ground. /stereotype

If you're a parent
I have a cat. Her name is Cinnamon. Here, have a picture:

It's Monday morning here :( Means beer o'clock is over..... for awhile.

So, here's me! :D

Where are you from?
Melbourne, Australia

Where do you live?
Melbourne, Australia

What is your age?

What are your interests?
Books, tv series, anime, video games, movies, dogs, art, history, food.... errr that sounds very generic now that I've typed it all out... :|

I'm also interested in Feminism and I'm against institutionalised religions.

Is there anything else you wish to share with us about you?
I love drawing and writing. I wanted to go and do art or design at school but my mom was against it and I went on and did a business degree instead. It was a good decision, money-wise. It led me to my HR career and I'm doing extremely well at it. However, I can't say I'm passionate about HR so there are days that I fantasize about properly pursuing what I really am passionate about (writing / drawing). But yeah, the money's nice and I got accustomed to having established a pretty decent rank at my current career...

Favourite stuffs
Books: Kurt Vonnegut's Cat Cradle and Slaughterhouse V, William Faulkner's The Sound and The Fury, William Gibson's Neuromancer and Burning Chrome, Oscar Wilde, Vladimir Nabokov, Stephen King, Margaret Atwood, George Orwell, Franz Kafka, Aldous Huxley, "Lord of the Flies", Tolkien's Silmarillion, Anne Rice's "Interview with a Vampire", and many, many, many more :( I love classical literature.

On the OTHER side of the spectrum, these are the books / authors that I rolled my eyes hard at when I was reading them: Haruki Murakami, Sidney Sheldon, Chuck Palahniuk (cept for Fight Club, which was cute enough), "House of Leaves", Dan Brown.

Games: Deus Ex Human Revolutions, Assassin's Creed 1 and 2, Tomb Raider, Final Fantasy 7,9, 12, 13, Lost Odyssey, Infinite Undiscovery, Magna Carta, Civilisation, Heroes of Might and Magic, Diablo 1 and 2, Lineage 2, Mass Effect 1 and 2, KoToR 1 and 2, Jade Empire, Baldurs Gate 1 and 2, Gabriel Knight 2 and 3, The Last Remnant, The Sims 1, 2, 3, SimCity, SimTower, HALO 3, Reach, ODST, Braid, TERA Online.... to name the ones on the top off my head.... :x

Last year I was practically living in TERA Online .___.


Cultural heritage
Asian mutt (Japanese / Cantonese)

If you're a parent
I have two dogs! :D Their names are Batman and Robin. Batman is a Kleinspitz and Robin is a Pomeranian. I love the spitz family in dog breeds, the huskies are my dream breed, but I have friends who have them and they are high-energy, incredible smart, and quite big. And I think I won't be able to cope with that, cuz I'm fairy low-low-low energy person :x

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Is there anything else you wish to share with us about you?
I love drawing and writing. I wanted to go and do art or design at school but my mom was against it and I went on and did a business degree instead. It was a good decision, money-wise. It led me to my HR career and I'm doing extremely well at it. However, I can't say I'm passionate about HR so there are days that I fantasize about properly pursuing what I really am passionate about (writing / drawing). But yeah, the money's nice and I got accustomed to having established a pretty decent rank at my current career...
Replace HR with IT and that's my life, lol. My mom pushed me into IT because "you're so good with computers" (where all I was doing was knowing how to use the Internet... xD note, this was in the late 90's) and "this is the future" and yadda yadda. And yes, I got useful marketable skills and good paying work out of it, but I don't like it much. Yet it was very hard for me to let go of that career. I quit my job 4 years ago and feel much happier, but I still do contracts every now and then (gotta eat, obviously), so even though I have less money, I still do well enough and now I can play video games all day. Yay!

Not everyone is lucky like me, obviously. I'm glad I can afford this.

Final Fantasy 7
No love for 4-5-6? :( </3
That number skip ...:) <3
.... :( </3

(Stop playing with my emotions like that! xD)


On the OTHER side of the spectrum, these are the books / authors that I rolled my eyes hard at when I was reading them: Haruki Murakami
Everyone around me loves him and I just don't get it. I feel like such a party pooper.

Are you interested in doing illustrations or comics at all?
Replace HR with IT and that's my life, lol. My mom pushed me into IT because "you're so good with computers" (where all I was doing was knowing how to use the Internet... xD note, this was in the late 90's) and "this is the future" and yadda yadda. And yes, I got useful marketable skills and good paying work out of it, but I don't like it much. Yet it was very hard for me to let go of that career. I quit my job 4 years ago and feel much happier, but I still do contracts every now and then (gotta eat, obviously), so even though I have less money, I still do well enough and now I can play video games all day. Yay!

Not everyone is lucky like me, obviously. I'm glad I can afford this.

No love for 4-5-6? :( </3

That number skip ...:) <3

.... :( </3

(Stop playing with my emotions like that! xD)


I did that for you and Wazza specificallyyyyyyyy <333333

I played 4 -6 when was too young and didn't remember most of it :x I remember I liked Terra? But that's about the length of it, so I didn't mention it ...

AAAAH Morri so lucky and brave *____* I want to try and get out of HR eventually, but I think I love having such secured financial circumstances that i probably will do it only when I've got enough savings to do so :x

I'm a scaredy cat when it comes down to taking chances >__<;;;;;

Everyone around me loves him and I just don't get it. I feel like such a party pooper.

Are you interested in doing illustrations or comics at all?

Haruki Murakami is so gross with his female representation. They are always oversexed or sensual creatures of mysterious sensualness *rolls eyes*

I read a few of this books, too, just to be sure. I read After the Quake, Wind Up Bird Chronicle and Norwegian Woods

The more I read, the worse the pattern.

All of his women are so male-gazed products. But he wraps it all up in the cloying, abstract vulnerability of his male protagonists that a lot of people are like whoa, this is deep, etc. ugh

And I was expecting more from him too, cuz I wanted a Japanese author to present something really good to the international audience. Man. Disappointmenttttttttt.

I want to say I'm interested in doing illustrations and comics, but I have tried before in the past and I dont have the commitment or stamina for them. Seems like I'm really mostly suited for sketch works and concept arting. Is Pau writing something ???

I wants to read stuff <3 and Pau's taste seems similar to mine, so if Pau writing something, I'd love to read <3
You guys are brave posting your info. I'm gun shy, having posted here since I was 13. Used to be a lot more open about my personal life etc and it came back to bite me. That was from a rowdier time though I guess. Back when GirlGAF was either barely existent or closeted.

I'll post my own version of the questionnaire. :D

Age: 23 (almost 24... I feel old)
Sex: Female
GAF Member since: 2004
GAF Lurker Since: 2002
Interests: singing/guitar/recording, gaming, sports, science and history
Spend most of my time: Studying, not doing nearly enough of the above except science
Random thing you should know about me: Carl Sagan is pretty much my favorite person. Cosmos the series and his bibliography rekindled a love of science that I'd pretty much lost by the time I'd entered my teens. Changing the direction of my life from cosmetology to cosmology (and oddly enough, geology). I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to end up doing but I love what I'm doing right now. In school again despite having a full time big girl job as my friend calls it.
Favorite books: A Confederacy of Dunces, Pale Blue Dot
Favorite show: Deadwood
Favorite fictional character: Dick Grayson. Not really. Hmmm... hard to choose. Game: Hero<3 or Trode (Dragon Quest 8), Movie: Can't decide: TV Show: Jesse Pinkman (Breaking Bad), Book: Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter. Character from that universe I relate to most. I was a little awkward in high school.)
You guys are brave posting your info. I'm gun shy, having posted here since I was 13. Used to be a lot more open about my personal life etc and it came back to bite me. That was from a rowdier time though I guess. Back when GirlGAF was either barely existent or closeted.

I'll post my own version of the questionnaire. :D

Random thing you should know about me: Carl Sagan is pretty much my favorite person. Cosmos the series and his bibliography rekindled a love of science that I'd pretty much lost by the time I'd entered my teens. Changing the direction of my life from cosmetology to cosmology (and oddly enough, geology). I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to end up doing but I love what I'm doing right now. In school again despite having a full time big girl job as my friend calls it.


I love the sagan toooo <3333333 aaaaaaa

he's just wonderful and he makes me want to be a better, kinder person just by watching him talk about cosmos and everything <3


Haruki Murakami is so gross with his female representation. They are always oversexed or sensual creatures of mysterious sensualness *rolls eyes*

I read a few of this books, too, just to be sure. I read After the Quake, Wind Up Bird Chronicle and Norwegian Woods

The more I read, the worse the pattern.

All of his women are so male-gazed products. But he wraps it all up in the cloying, abstract vulnerability of his male protagonists that a lot of people are like whoa, this is deep, etc. ugh

And I was expecting more from him too, cuz I wanted a Japanese author to present something really good to the international audience. Man. Disappointmenttttttttt.
I only read Wind Up Bird, and it was just a lot of stuff I hated. Including what you said about the female characters. And I know what you mean. I try pretty hard to like Colombian authors but I too am disappointed by 'em. I guess like with Murakami, other people are still impressed so I dunno. :/

I want to say I'm interested in doing illustrations and comics, but I have tried before in the past and I dont have the commitment or stamina for them. Seems like I'm really mostly suited for sketch works and concept arting. Is Pau writing something ???

I wants to read stuff <3 and Pau's taste seems similar to mine, so if Pau writing something, I'd love to read <3
I ask because I'm part of some of my college's publications and we're open to publishing stuff from non-students. Right now we're trying to get a genre fiction magazine started, but we don't have enough submissions. Concept art and sketches would be awesome if you have the time or have anything you want to see in print! We also have a comics magazine and a feminist/woman's magazine.

I've written some short stories, some poetry, some comics. Right now I'm trying to get a comic memoir about my dad published, although I'm kind of on the fence if I want to do it now after a bad experience with a creative writing teacher. (She pretty much accused my dad of lying and was basically like "If your dad was kidnapped by communists he probably deserved it." Which is something people on this forum have said too.) I'm also working on a fairy-tale like comic based on one of my short stories. If any of those sound interesting, let me know and I'll PM them to you! Maybe we can trade writing stuff. :D

You guys are brave posting your info. I'm gun shy, having posted here since I was 13. Used to be a lot more open about my personal life etc and it came back to bite me. That was from a rowdier time though I guess. Back when GirlGAF was either barely existent or closeted.

GAF Member since: 2004
GAF Lurker Since: 2002
Damn you've been here for a while! :O I started lurking in 2006 but didn't post or get an account until much, much later.

Favorite fictional character: Dick Grayson. Not really.
Aww, so you're saying you don't like Dick? I love all of Bruce's kids more than is healthy. ;-;
I only read Wind Up Bird, and it was just a lot of stuff I hated. Including what you said about the female characters. And I know what you mean. I try pretty hard to like Colombian authors but I too am disappointed by 'em. I guess like with Murakami, other people are still impressed so I dunno. :/

I ask because I'm part of some of my college's publications and we're open to publishing stuff from non-students. Right now we're trying to get a genre fiction magazine started, but we don't have enough submissions. Concept art and sketches would be awesome if you have the time or have anything you want to see in print! We also have a comics magazine and a feminist/woman's magazine.

I've written some short stories, some poetry, some comics. Right now I'm trying to get a comic memoir about my dad published, although I'm kind of on the fence if I want to do it now after a bad experience with a creative writing teacher. (She pretty much accused my dad of lying and was basically like "If your dad was kidnapped by communists he probably deserved it." Which is something people on this forum have said too.) I'm also working on a fairy-tale like comic based on one of my short stories. If any of those sound interesting, let me know and I'll PM them to you! Maybe we can trade writing stuff. :D

omg that is so horrible. bolded part makes me raaaaaaaaaaaage

i can understand why you'd feel raw about it, totally

so sorry to hear that, pau!

oh, that sounds so interesting! pls pm me <3 i'd love to find out more!

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Nice to see some Sagan love. Fantastic human being. Anyone watched the new Cosmos with Neil DeGrasse Tyson? It's really beautiful. I never cry in movies or whatever (Grave of the Fireflies being the sole exception), but I actually cried in many Cosmos episodes near the end... It's just so moving and beautiful. ;_; And Neil is awesome.
the wind one

that me :D
Ditto xD

She pretty much accused my dad of lying and was basically like "If your dad was kidnapped by communists he probably deserved it." Which is something people on this forum have said too.
What the fuck :/ I expect that from dumbasses on the internet, but a teacher, urgh...
Nice to see some Sagan love. Fantastic human being. Anyone watched the new Cosmos with Neil DeGrasse Tyson? It's really beautiful. I never cry in movies or whatever (Grave of the Fireflies being the sole exception), but I actually cried in many Cosmos episodes near the end... It's just so moving and beautiful. ;_; And Neil is awesome.

Ditto xD


Neil is awesome. And I love Cosmos! And I also cry like a baby when I watch them cuz I feel simultaneously humbled and awed at the same time ;___;


Also Grave of the Fireflies is totes waterworks fest for me too ;___;

GirlGAF, rather than repost the entire thread in here I want you to read this thread: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=890798

Tell me if I'm crazy. ManGAF has me second guessing my feelings on this whole situation. ManGAF tends to favor the side of other man (GAF or not). I don't think I'm wrong here but if you GAFLadies agree with ManGAF that I overreacted/am a jerkface than I'll give my position some deeper reconsideration.


Honestly, considering the stories I've heard about Craiglist I wouldn't even get a couch from there.

I got my couch off craigslist -- we fell in love, and married two years later. My couch and I have two ottomans together now. I couldn't be happier.
Honestly, considering the stories I've heard about Craiglist I wouldn't even get a couch from there.

And this is pretty much how I feel. To say this was abnormal behavior from me would be an understatement. It is as how I described it though. I didn't feel like it was a craigslist casual encounter interaction. I just thought he was funny which led to all this happening.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
I am glad my hair is straight, because that way I can keep it absurdly long and it's still easy to care for. If it were curly, it could be cool, but it would have to be much shorter....


RPGs are pretty popular among GirlGAF. :D

Your cat is cute! Is that a Usami/Monomi keychain?

Thank you! Yep, it's Usami :D
My bf got a matching Monokuma.

That hair dryer picture is totally me. This is why I stopped drying my hair. Just let it dry naturally lol.


I really don't like JRPGs or anime and I feel like I'm in a minority of 1 on GAF generally!

I really like JRPGs and Anime, but there's also the fact that most people from my generation, just like me grew up on that stuff. I've been watching anime on TV since before I could talk, so I thought it was completely normal to like it.

I can totally see where you're coming from in not liking it. There's a lot of flaws and it's definitely not for everyone, especially if you're not used to it.
If I didn't grew up with that stuff, I don't think I'd like it either. It's quite different than the western stuff.


I used to be really into anime. Like I was a member of a club, went to A-kon (huge anime convention in Texas) 5 years in a row, was manager of that club for 3 years, cosplayed some in between all that. It was a lot of fun, but I guess after graduating college, the interest just started to drop. I resigned from that club, stopped going to A-kon, and only occasionally watch anything new to me these days. I could certainly understand it not being for everyone, especially with what I read about how the market (targeted and production in turn) have changed.

As for JRPGs, I just played Final Fantasy this or that whenever, I don't think I've played many others.
I really don't like JRPGs or anime and I feel like I'm in a minority of 1 on GAF generally!

I used to love jrpgs and rpgs in general, but now I find most of them tiring. Occasionally I'll still watch an anime or read manga, but thats few and far in between. I just don't have the time and most of what I like is due to childhood nostalgia.


i used to like jrpgs and animes more. not so much, these days.


but yeah, i can definitely see where you're coming from, sploatee!

I used to be really into anime. Like I was a member of a club, went to A-kon (huge anime convention in Texas) 5 years in a row, was manager of that club for 3 years, cosplayed some in between all that. It was a lot of fun, but I guess after graduating college, the interest just started to drop. I resigned from that club, stopped going to A-kon, and only occasionally watch anything new to me these days. I could certainly understand it not being for everyone, especially with what I read about how the market (targeted and production in turn) have changed.

As for JRPGs, I just played Final Fantasy this or that whenever, I don't think I've played many others.

I used to love jrpgs and rpgs in general, but now I find most of them tiring. Occasionally I'll still watch an anime or read manga, but thats few and far in between. I just don't have the time and most of what I like is due to childhood nostalgia.

for me, I feel this way, but I think it's mostly because of the 'community'

Like, when someone starts off a conversation with 'I'm a big anime fan' I instantly kind of associate it with something bad. Because the average anime fan at cons or in closed up communities is not a person I see myself hanging out with. They just get so much into anime they get 'japanified' in a way, start talking with random japanese words and talk about fandoms and weird fanfictions with cute looking characters....

It's just all a little bit too much for me, so that really put me off anime in general.
And the fact that you always have stereotype characters. There's always that loser main character who gets dragged into shit way beyond him, there's always that cool dude who doesn't talk much and for some reason people worship him and there's always this chick who worries way too much about shit (no, I'm not describing Naruto, I'm describing a big chunk of animes here :D)


I am glad my hair is straight, because that way I can keep it absurdly long and it's still easy to care for. If it were curly, it could be cool, but it would have to be much shorter....

I hate my curly hair. I have to straighten it twice a day if I want to keep it unruly. I did think about getting it chemically straightened, but I was warned away from doing so when I went to two separate hairdressers recently. Stupid thing is so messy.


formerly Oynox Slider
Re JRPGs/animes - it seems like a common thread is that y'all grew up with them so they're part of your cultural landscape. For me, it's

*makes gesture of something going over the head*

"Eh what?? Who's this talking bear? It's not a bear! What is this MADNESS!"


I used to be massively into JRPGs in the late 90s/early 2000s. Apart from Mistwalker, I just kind of stopped playing them last gen. I guess it doesn't help that I don't do portables.

I really miss the creativity of the 90s though. RPGs in general just feel so stale to me these days.


I used to be really into anime. Like I was a member of a club, went to A-kon (huge anime convention in Texas) 5 years in a row, was manager of that club for 3 years, cosplayed some in between all that. It was a lot of fun, but I guess after graduating college, the interest just started to drop. I resigned from that club, stopped going to A-kon, and only occasionally watch anything new to me these days. I could certainly understand it not being for everyone, especially with what I read about how the market (targeted and production in turn) have changed.

As for JRPGs, I just played Final Fantasy this or that whenever, I don't think I've played many others.

Same here. Joined a club, went to cons, cosplayed.

I lost interest in anime around the Naruto craze. As I was looking for more mature anime and manga, people around me were into Naruto and other Shonen shows so I didn't have very many friends to talk about anime that wasn't Naruto. I started watching more western media, particularly Sci-Fi, but there are some things that I miss about anime. The worlds are more diverse and interesting and there are a lot of shows where women are blowing shit up and kicking ass. I just have a lower tolerance for anime tropes and can't get into anything beyond what I watched when I was younger. My friends keep telling me that Attack on Titan is good but it looks like more of the same Shonen stuff.

I bought a few JRPGs this gen, or should I say last, and they just don't click with me like the ones in the PS2 era. I liked Tales of Vesperia but lost the motivation to finish it halfway through. Too long and the AI is incredibly dumb.


Thank you! Yep, it's Usami :D
My bf got a matching Monokuma.

Ahhh that's adorable. :)


Regarding anime and JRPGs, I also grew up with them. I didn't realize what anime even was until middle school. Before that, they were just Asian cartoons to me, haha. I don't really watch anime anymore though.

My first intro into RPGs was watching my older cousin play FF4. I didn't play too far, because it was in Japanese and I was like 6 or 7 years old at the time, but that lead me to my love of RPGs. :D
GirlGAF, rather than repost the entire thread in here I want you to read this thread: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=890798

Tell me if I'm crazy. ManGAF has me second guessing my feelings on this whole situation. ManGAF tends to favor the side of other man (GAF or not). I don't think I'm wrong here but if you GAFLadies agree with ManGAF that I overreacted/am a jerkface than I'll give my position some deeper reconsideration.

Oh sis. I seen it too don't worry. I was actually betting that male gaf would be less than supportive or rational about it, and funnily enough I was right. Some people came in there on the BS. However...

... I don't know if you seen my post but basically I said, girl if he's out there fishing, so should you. Don't ever give 100% or much less 50% if you don't feel the commitment. I disagree with not texting him because if you need to tell him how you feel, go ahead and don't leave him in the dark. But at the end of the day, you're a free women. Do what you want. Shit, let him be your side piece (chat buddy nothing sexual) and get yourself a main squeeze.


Outside of Chrono Trigger, I have never been super huge into JRPGs; I find I'm more attracted to games with RPG elements, like the Souls games. But I suppose I haven't given them enough of a chance; for example, the only Final Fantasy game I have really sat down and played is IX, which I loved, but I haven't explored more of the series. I think I just have less patience than I care to admit lol.

I watched a lot of anime in the past, but have kind of stopped lately. My interest just hasn't been there for a number of reasons. But some of my favorite films and shows happen to be anime, such as Princess Mononoke and Kino's Journey.


I really don't like JRPGs or anime and I feel like I'm in a minority of 1 on GAF generally!

I haven't really been into either for a long time. I still have a lot of friends that are, but anything about modern anime or JRPGs(or even most video games) is lost on me these days.
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