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GirlGAF |OT 2| Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Eve?


Will respond to the "ice breaker" questions when I'm back from my vacation, but just wanted to say hi, not-stealth-brag about having my birthday in Paris today, and to tell you all that you are lovely.


Also, lmao, for the first time in 27 years, a man randomly approached me in the streets and asked if I wanted to have coffee. Said no because...probably shouldn't go out with strange men in Paris. But that was interesting and strange. So that's what it's like to have someone talk to you out of the blue...


Will respond to the "ice breaker" questions when I'm back from my vacation, but just wanted to say hi, not-stealth-brag about having my birthday in Paris today, and to tell you all that you are lovely.


Also, lmao, for the first time in 27 years, a man randomly approached me in the streets and asked if I wanted to have coffee. Said no because...probably shouldn't go out with strange men in Paris. But that was interesting and strange. So that's what it's like to have someone talk to you out of the blue...

Birthday in Paris? Someone's fancy lol. hope you had fun.

I have to delay cutting all my hair off until January because I need it for my Ohayocon cosplay.
Will respond to the "ice breaker" questions when I'm back from my vacation, but just wanted to say hi, not-stealth-brag about having my birthday in Paris today, and to tell you all that you are lovely.


Also, lmao, for the first time in 27 years, a man randomly approached me in the streets and asked if I wanted to have coffee. Said no because...probably shouldn't go out with strange men in Paris. But that was interesting and strange. So that's what it's like to have someone talk to you out of the blue...

Happy birthday!



Will respond to the "ice breaker" questions when I'm back from my vacation, but just wanted to say hi, not-stealth-brag about having my birthday in Paris today, and to tell you all that you are lovely.


Also, lmao, for the first time in 27 years, a man randomly approached me in the streets and asked if I wanted to have coffee. Said no because...probably shouldn't go out with strange men in Paris. But that was interesting and strange. So that's what it's like to have someone talk to you out of the blue...

Happy Birthday! It's one of my dreams to visit Paris one day. *Is not super jelly at all*

I hate that summer is almost over. :/

I can't wait for summer to be over. Bring on autumn and all the pretty colors, and long sleeves and layered outfits!


I hate that summer is almost over. :/
I still haven't gone swimming yet.

Will respond to the "ice breaker" questions when I'm back from my vacation, but just wanted to say hi, not-stealth-brag about having my birthday in Paris today, and to tell you all that you are lovely.


Also, lmao, for the first time in 27 years, a man randomly approached me in the streets and asked if I wanted to have coffee. Said no because...probably shouldn't go out with strange men in Paris. But that was interesting and strange. So that's what it's like to have someone talk to you out of the blue...

Happy Birthday!

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Happy birthday Leeness!

Hmm, Lime got banned, that sucks. I hope it's not permanent.
I used to be massively into JRPGs in the late 90s/early 2000s. Apart from Mistwalker, I just kind of stopped playing them last gen. I guess it doesn't help that I don't do portables.

I really miss the creativity of the 90s though. RPGs in general just feel so stale to me these days.
I never played Mistwalker, but other than this detail, it's exactly how I feel. JRPGs from the 16- and 32-bit era really appeal to me, I loved so many of them (and still do, didn't "outgrow them" or anything), but that petered out in the early 2000's and the most modern one I played is probably Suikoden V. I tried Suikoden Tierkreis on the DS but I got bored with it really fast.

I'm still excited in Cosmic Star Heroine, though. It's being made by a GAF member who has experience in making such games, and feels very reminiscent of the good ol' jRPGs that I used to love. The art direction looks amazing and the gameplay seems solid. And the protagonist looks cool as hell. :)


I can't wait to play Destiny tomorrow!

I'm a little bit worried about the voice chat though.
It's been a very long time since I've touched a console with a voice chat, the last time being Fable on xbox and needless to say the amount of comments 'It's a guuurrrllll' were disturbing. I've never been much of a console player, but I hope that's all changed now and people are more mature about it :D



I very much doubt I'll have kids. I like to joke about how I'm going to wind up as one of those crazy cat ladies with 47 cats, all wearing an individually hand-knitted jumper.

When I first said that to my mum, she said:

"Don't be ridiculous. You can't knit."


Is there anything else you wish to share with us about you?
I got the maximum possible score on the Cattell B IQ test (161) when I was 13. Joined Mensa and everything. I didn't tell anyone that I guessed half the answers and changed a couple at the last second because they didn't make an appealing pattern on the multiple-choice sheet.
I was camping for the weekend and just now wanted to say that these two posts had me laughing out loud.

I can't wait to play Destiny tomorrow!

I'm a little bit worried about the voice chat though.
It's been a very long time since I've touched a console with a voice chat, the last time being Fable on xbox and needless to say the amount of comments 'It's a guuurrrllll' were disturbing. I've never been much of a console player, but I hope that's all changed now and people are more mature about it :D

Destiny doesn't have proximity chat or anything so you don't have to worry. The only people that will hear you are people in your fireteams and you mostly choose them. The only matchmaking is for strikes and the crucible (pvp) and even then unless you choose to add them, I'm almost positive there is no chat.


formerly Oynox Slider
Will respond to the "ice breaker" questions when I'm back from my vacation, but just wanted to say hi, not-stealth-brag about having my birthday in Paris today, and to tell you all that you are lovely.


Also, lmao, for the first time in 27 years, a man randomly approached me in the streets and asked if I wanted to have coffee. Said no because...probably shouldn't go out with strange men in Paris. But that was interesting and strange. So that's what it's like to have someone talk to you out of the blue...

Ooo! Nice not-stealth-brag! Happy birthday, hottie!

On Destiny, there is a solution. Play with good gaffers :) I did this over the Beta and Alpha and it was a really lovely community. No "ITS A GURL" comments at all.

Random question - can anybody recommend any "literary classics" from the 20th century, preferably not in translation, that don't have terrible female characters? I'm reading Hemingway's A Farewell To Arms and while I like his style of writing and the general feel of the book, the female characters are just...hate-inducing. I have to skim read it. I've got Tolstoy's the Death of Ivan Ilyich next (I'm trying to do things other than play videogames!).

Please recommend me! I'm not massive on genre fiction but I will try it if you can convince me :)

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Random question - can anybody recommend any "literary classics" from the 20th century, preferably not in translation, that don't have terrible female characters?
Maybe some stuff by Margaret Atwood? Though I admit I never read a full novel of hers, nor do I know if it counts as a "classic" yet.

Please recommend me! I'm not massive on genre fiction but I will try it if you can convince me :)
I heard good things about Ursula LeGuin, and I guess her work can be considered a "literary classic" of genre fiction... maybe? I've not actually read it though. >.>

Yeah, I'm not very helpful, sorry. Most older fiction is a product of its era, an era where women were barely seen (if at all) as people, so unless you read stuff actually written by women (from that period) you'll probably rarely see any stellar female characterization, I'm afraid.

Oh wait, I thought of it as I'm writing this... how about Dune? It's sci-fi, but very good stuff (avoid the prequels written by his son though, ewwww). I hated book 4 and found it to be self-indulgent boring tripe, but unlike most people, I actually enjoyed books 5 and 6, though the first one is still the best.
It was written in the 60's, and it focuses on a male protagonist but the female characters, while not that developed, are at least not "rage inducing" and usually interesting and not relegated to shitty roles of sex toys or weak damsels. :) At least, from what I remember, it's been 10+ years since I read them. >.> Still, other than Hyperion/Fall of Hyperion, it's probably the best and most epic sci-fi I've read.


for me, I feel this way, but I think it's mostly because of the 'community'

Like, when someone starts off a conversation with 'I'm a big anime fan' I instantly kind of associate it with something bad. Because the average anime fan at cons or in closed up communities is not a person I see myself hanging out with. They just get so much into anime they get 'japanified' in a way, start talking with random japanese words and talk about fandoms and weird fanfictions with cute looking characters....

It's just all a little bit too much for me, so that really put me off anime in general.
And the fact that you always have stereotype characters. There's always that loser main character who gets dragged into shit way beyond him, there's always that cool dude who doesn't talk much and for some reason people worship him and there's always this chick who worries way too much about shit (no, I'm not describing Naruto, I'm describing a big chunk of animes here :D)

I have met some wonderful people and friends within that community, as some still go to conventions for instance, with the pursuit of similar interests. Maybe we don't talk as much as we used to meet up to watch anime anymore, but I'm glad to have met them. I keep in touch with some through Facebook and others through a member that's generous enough to still invite us to his house for friendly gatherings even if it's not under the "anime club" umbrella. As of late, I have also been inviting this group to my house for Halloween and intend to do the same this year.

It's understandable to be perplexed by things like random Japanese words or references that you might not get, but I wouldn't suggest associating it as something bad. There are some really great people that are big anime fans.

Same here. Joined a club, went to cons, cosplayed.

I lost interest in anime around the Naruto craze. As I was looking for more mature anime and manga, people around me were into Naruto and other Shonen shows so I didn't have very many friends to talk about anime that wasn't Naruto. I started watching more western media, particularly Sci-Fi, but there are some things that I miss about anime. The worlds are more diverse and interesting and there are a lot of shows where women are blowing shit up and kicking ass. I just have a lower tolerance for anime tropes and can't get into anything beyond what I watched when I was younger. My friends keep telling me that Attack on Titan is good but it looks like more of the same Shonen stuff.

I loved Naruto at first but a certain point, the creator's handling of Sasuke annoyed me enough to just give up. Sasuke was my least favorite, and I just noted in some random LJ post that if anyone wanted to let me know when he stopped being a dumbass, I'd be happy to get back into the series.

My latest interest anime is the new Sailor Moon series, which I'm a few episodes behind on now but want to watch them sometime.

Maybe some stuff by Margaret Atwood? Though I admit I never read a full novel of hers, nor do I know if it counts as a "classic" yet.

I've read Margaret Atwood's "The Handmaid's Tale" as I saw the title thrown around during discussions about women's reproductive rights and the government. I think I had a small review on my Tumblr, will dig it up. Here it is. I've copied the non-spoiler part:

Cat's Tumblr said:
I’m not a big fan of dystopian novels, but this title, The Handmaid’s Tale, caught my eye a few months ago when during a contraception debacle here in the U.S. (which I even hear is coming back now) a few people mentioned this book in discussions I browsed online.

I had even forogtten the title until Saturday evening when I was asked if I’d read anything good lately. I had not though I have been in the mood for reading a good book lately.

So, I read the first part of through a sample on Amazon and took the plunge for my first digital-book purchase ever. It was cheaper and faster since Half-Price books didn’t have it and if Barnes and Noble did, it was sure to cost more.

The book is about handmaid in a dystopian future. We never know her real name, only Offred. That being “of” and “Fred” to indicate who she belongs to. Other names in the book are “Ofglen” or “Ofwarren.” Her role is to try and get pregnant and have a baby by her Commander. She’s basically his property. The Commander has a Wife, but Handmaids are brought in once a Commander and Wife are unable to bear children. Bearing children has become difficult in this age. It’s all very dreary and totalitarian. A lot of it reminded me of 1984 but with a gender-focused twist.

This book was compelling. Despite the main character’s drawn out day-to-day lifestyle, I kept wanting to know “How did it come to this?” It becomes evident that there was a “time before” when women shared the freedoms we do now. And I wanted to know “What happens to her?” Bit by bit, she goes a little further in seeing who will bend or break which rules while taking her along with them.


What is a straight perm?

It's just permanently straightening your hair. They slathered stuff in my hair, stuck me under a dryer for awhile, then washed it out and flat ironed it. The whole process took a few hours and was expensive (I don't remember the exact cost).

I have thick hair (straight black Asian hair) but it was really poofy (whether it was air-dried or blow-dried). After the perm it became pin-straight and soft/shiny. My hair looked more natural after I grew it out a bit. I got the perm years ago and my hair has never returned to my original poofy-ness, which is nice. I think that depends on your hair type though.


Will respond to the "ice breaker" questions when I'm back from my vacation, but just wanted to say hi, not-stealth-brag about having my birthday in Paris today, and to tell you all that you are lovely.


Also, lmao, for the first time in 27 years, a man randomly approached me in the streets and asked if I wanted to have coffee. Said no because...probably shouldn't go out with strange men in Paris. But that was interesting and strange. So that's what it's like to have someone talk to you out of the blue...

Happy Birthday!

I really don't like JRPGs or anime and I feel like I'm in a minority of 1 on GAF generally!

Outside of Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, and Xenoblade I'm not really a fan of JRPG's either. I also don't really like very many anime. If the anime doesn't get a theatrical release outside of Japan, then the chance of me liking it is practically nonexistent.
It's just permanently straightening your hair. They slathered stuff in my hair, stuck me under a dryer for awhile, then washed it out and flat ironed it. The whole process took a few hours and was expensive (I don't remember the exact cost).

I have thick hair (straight black Asian hair) but it was really poofy (whether it was air-dried or blow-dried). After the perm it became pin-straight and soft/shiny. My hair looked more natural after I grew it out a bit. I got the perm years ago and my hair has never returned to my original poofy-ness, which is nice. I think that depends on your hair type though.
Hm. May consider this.
Wow this thread is so active and full with wonderful liveliness lately <3 ilu all my gafsistahz <3

(warning, this might be a bit long cuz i has a mild case of wanting to answer everything ever :x)

re: anime and jprg. yeah, for me, those things were my childhood. i was surrounded by them! my childhood development cartoon was not sesame street, it was doraemon so anime and jrpg were everything i knew when i was young. when i migrated to australia, i sort of realised the other side of the spectrum and has not been able to return to childhood-level enjoyment of anime and jrpg (and mangas, too). these days, im more of a bookworm and i devour western tv series like an addict ....haha :s

Kimaka, Attack on Titan has Mikasa :> She's awesome. My favourite char in the series, but yeah, other than that, it's becoming quite a let down, in terms of plotting and story development. I'd recommend the manga than the anime. The anime's pacing and how it captures Mikasa is a bit off for me.

Miney, I'm so sorry that thread devolved into mean-spirited jabs at you... :< Maybe GAF is not the best place for raw dating failure stories :< but I just also want to apologise for my silly posts there. I was just faffing around, but if I had contributed to your general bad-day-ness, I am very sorry.

Leeness, Happy Birthday! Bonne Anniversaire! Ooh lala, Birthday in Paris! Sounds so fab <3 Hope you are enjoying your belated level-up day <3..... And, aaaah, first time for everything! You can now check the "coffee invitation by stranger" box XD

Re: summer..... It's going to be summer here soon :< I dislike Australian summer cuz its so hot and dry and makes me sleepy all the time :<

LIME! Oh no! How did Lime got banned? :< I love Lime's posts :<

Morri, thanks for link to Cosmic Star Heroine! It sounds like my kind of game :D

Sploatee, I love literary classics ! I'd recommend Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys, tis so so so beautiful. It's one of my favourite prose <3

Margaret Atwood's Handmaid Tale was also very interesting, as Cat pointed out :>

William Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury was also beautiful but it has a problematic representation of a female character. But it made up in a very strange, haunting style of writing. I found it incredibly hard to read and incredibly rewarding :D

I'll come back with a few more later, I think. I cant really remember everything I've read on the top off my head XD

Gosh I love reading.

re: hair. i have very black, strong, straight asian hair. but it never looks shiney and silky like the hair on those sc2 casters i see on GomTV and I waaaaaaaaaants shiney and silkiness (without effort)

:3 (is an unreasonable woman)


Rolling Girl
I have the keratin treatment from a few months back and it's taken care of my poof and makes looking nice easier than it has been for a while. This reminds me I should set an appointment to get my hair about mid-height since the sun is still beating on me down here. orz

On the subject of JRPGs and Anime I intake a bit less but I'm still actively involved in ingesting them since I know what I like and can pick things out pretty simply by who made the content or a little research. JRPG-wise I prefer action-types with great battle systems (Tales of Graces f, SO4, Resonance of Fate, Tales of Vesperia kinda) since the thing that got me into JRPGs in the first place was Star Ocean 3, and Anime-wise I follow the directors and staff involved to see the content I like which may a bit odd since one of my favorite studio's staff likes to go nuts quite often but the liveliness of their animation just enhances those elements to me.

I'm usually watch Western TV shows now and my favorite show I'm following at the moment is Hannibal. <3 (WillxHannibal OTP) I do watch out for Anime I'd be interested in though which is pretty easy since you can rule out deceptively good looking ones pretty quickly if you know what to look for.

Games-wise JRPGs aren't my favorite I love character action games with nice tight mechanics though. (Bayonetta, Devil May Cry 1,2,4, and Ninja Gaiden.) Bayonetta was actually my favorite game of the HD generation with how much pure joy I got out of playing it. <3
If I had to rank my favorite game genres it'd be 1. Character Action, 2. Horror, 3. Rhythm games, 4. Shoot 'Em Ups (DeathSmiles, Ikaruga.) 5. JRPGs.


Has anyone tried Yuko hair straightening here? It's supposed to last a few months longer than Brazilian Keratin treatment.


Hrmm I haven't actually heard of that before but it might be worth looking into.

I was going to try it but was talked out of it by the hairdresser selling its services. I got the sense it was less that it would be bad for my hair (so tired of using my straighteners all the time), and more that they didn't have the people trained to do it. It's much more expensive than keratin though.


Rolling Girl
I was going to try it but was talked out of it by the hairdresser selling its services. I got the sense it was less that it would be bad for my hair (so tired of using my straighteners all the time), and more that they didn't have the people trained to do it. It's much more expensive than keratin though.
Well I spent a lot on Keratin so that kinda irks me. x:


Work and school and school and work and school and school and work and work and...

This semester is going to be a wild one, I think.


I have met some wonderful people and friends within that community, as some still go to conventions for instance, with the pursuit of similar interests. Maybe we don't talk as much as we used to meet up to watch anime anymore, but I'm glad to have met them. I keep in touch with some through Facebook and others through a member that's generous enough to still invite us to his house for friendly gatherings even if it's not under the "anime club" umbrella. As of late, I have also been inviting this group to my house for Halloween and intend to do the same this year.

It's understandable to be perplexed by things like random Japanese words or references that you might not get, but I wouldn't suggest associating it as something bad. There are some really great people that are big anime fans.

Yeah, I know what you mean. I generally love cosplay and have a few friends who are into those 'anime societies'. I've just had bad experience with them in general that is. A lot of 'creepers' and weird sex stories. :(

@Sevarus - man I am SO GLAD I'm not in school/uni anymore. I do have bad days at work, but nothing quite like this nightmare.

On a side note: I lol'd so bad at this thread - http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=891650 "No girls allowed"


Rolling Girl
Yeah, I know what you mean. I generally love cosplay and have a few friends who are into those 'anime societies'. I've just had bad experience with them in general that is. A lot of 'creepers' and weird sex stories. :(

Yeah I feel awkward when I go to cons sometimes because of that since I like cosplaying when I go. Got some ick remarks last time I cosplayed Kurisu and was going back to the subway with friends, but overall staying with my buddies made it a pretty pleasant experience! I met a few people from GAF through this which is nice.


Work and school and school and work and school and school and work and work and...

This semester is going to be a wild one, I think.
My school year for this year if the last one is anything to go by is going to me doing all the course work as soon as I get it. Then having nothing else to do and spend whole year by myself during free time.


I like to tell people I don't like anime becauase it's easier than insulting their taste. When I was little I was a big fan of the old 70s and 80s scifi anime. I think the most popular anime's that I've enjoyed are Ghost in the Shell and Dragon Ball (but I don't know anyone who prefers Dragon Ball to the others).


formerly Oynox Slider
So destiny is out then. If anybody fancies a game just invite or join. No need to stand on ceremony :)

That being said I am going to bed now :p


I watched Dragon Ball alongside Sailor Moon with my younger brother and cousins growing up, so these two shows have a special place in my heart. lol

Edit: Also Doraemon, Yu Yu Hakusho, Ranma 1/2, and Saint Seiya... there's more I can't think of right now.


I think I'm pretty much done with my VIII anniversary thread. I've updated and added as much as I can.

<3 love this game.

Of course Dragonball is better! People who say otherwise are weird.

I prefer DBZ. :p

Most of my favourties came from DBZ and while DB was really good, I found DBZ to be more interesting.
Fiction, hahaha ok I will :D Thanks for the tip!

suzuuuu, you are like meeeee <3 but i missed out on ranma :< i was in Candy Candy and some other magical girl anime instead... haha. Oh and some Mecha ones. And some live action ones. I think I grew up on Megaloman series and the like. ALL Japanese shows of nostalgiaaaaaaaa :>

I love Doraemon so much when I was a kid that I kept checking my study's drawer to see if he'd come out one day :x But now looking back I see that it's a very problematic show with a lot of sexist undertones :<

Some things you can't go back into, I guess :<


Paging kisaya:



Rolling Girl
I prefer DBZ. :p

Most of my favourties came from DBZ and while DB was really good, I found DBZ to be more interesting.

Wazzotrons confirmed for weirdo!

Also my current anime collection which is mostly comprised of what everyone else mentioned. lol

I'm probably going to re-buy Utena when the BDs get released here. orz


My school year for this year if the last one is anything to go by is going to me doing all the course work as soon as I get it. Then having nothing else to do and spend whole year by myself during free time.

I get it done as soon as possible, too, but only because I don't have a choice due to work eating up so much of my time (and like, sleep sometimes, too). But there's always more to do... I might have to tell my job to actually listen to the amount of hours I told them to give me if I can't keep this pace up.


I was the biggest DBZ fan back in the day. If people knew the depths of my fandom, well I would be a little embarrassed.


Wazzotrons confirmed for weirdo!

Also my current anime collection which is mostly comprised of what everyone else mentioned. lol

I'm probably going to re-buy Utena when the BDs get released here. orz

Hey I have part of the Utena set too. :eek:

I just have the first one though. I have been wanting to get the others eventually.
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