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GirlGAF |OT 2| Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Eve?

Indeed, they're the most adorable couple ever. <3

Awwww. :( Yeah I know the feeling, some people just know us too well and know exactly which buttons to push. Stay strong, YesNO. *hugs*


tell your friends im so happy for them (and jealous too) (mostly jealous)


thanks mooorrrriiiii, you are super nice *____* helps me feel better ! really, really appreciated <3


I'm 5'4" morrirri ;__; and currently at 110 lbs but urrr summer is coming and my mom is coming over to visit (she doesnt like Australian winter) and she always comments on my weight when she's here

I just wanna wear short shorts without getting any comments from her and the last time that happened was when I was 98 lbs :<

I'll just aim for 100 or 105 at this stage though cuz I can't stop eating and though my metabolism is super fast, I have been stable at 110.... which, according to most of my friends are an OKAY weight but ya. moms can be monsters when it comes down to self esteem .___.

Mum's can be really tough. :( If it helps to just rant about it, feel free to PM me! We're here for you. :3

I'm 5'2" and at 120 lbs I way more than I ever have. I gained about 20 pounds since my surgery last summer but before that I tended to be between 105 and 115. But people would call me too skinny before so I dunno. :/ Why can't all the fat just go to my breasts and butt. ;-;


I've been on a strict 1500 calorie diet for the past 10 weeks or so, and my weight has dropped from 78.6 kg to 67.5 kg (that's about 173 pounds to 149 pounds, for Americans). My personal ideal weight is 65 kg (143 pounds), so I'm not too far off now. I actually feel pretty healthy, even though by many standards I'd still be considered overweight.

Just remember, at your height and weight, you probably eat around 1500 calories a day. It can be healthy or unhealthy, but that doesn't really affect your weight, more like how your blood/body is.

When I was in college I ate like shit- McD, KFC (I love their gravy and taters), soda, alcohol, etc. I was 5'5" and 93 pounds... because I was still not eating more calories than I used.

The problem with "bad" food is that it is processed, so usually it isn't very healthy for you. It also tends to be calorie dense for the nutritional content, and oh my what it does to your heart and organs eventually is not good.

I mean, not to derail into health again, since we can all do our own research, but if people here care about their weight and want to change it, my advice is keep a true and accurate good log.

If you only eat 2/3rds of a bag of chips, for example, only record calories of bag * 2/3. If you have 5/6th of a can of soda...take those calories and multiple it by 5/6. If you really wanna be hardcore, you can also track the ratio of carbs/fats/protein you eat.

I'm starting to think I should eat more now. For the past week, I've been on a 1200 calorie diet but I don't feel hungry at the end of the day depending on what I eat. /shrug

I'm 5'6 and 145lbs. I was 150lbs a few months ago but somehow lost that (yay!). My ideal weight would be at 120, but I'll be fine if I can get back to 130. This is the biggest I've ever been and I just want to go back to feeling normal.


As long as you feel healthy and comfortable with yourself, that's the most important thing.

I tried a 1200 calorie diet, but it didn't work for me at all. I wasn't losing weight any faster, and I just felt hungry and tired at the end of every day. I bumped my intake back up to 1500 calories, and felt much better for it. My daily intake was probably 2500 calories or so before this diet…mind you, I never kept track, so that's just an estimate. In any case, it was a little too much considering I don't exercise much.

(Heaviest I've ever been was well over 80 kg. Fun times. :|)

By the way, here's a rough DIS calculator that takes into account your age, weight, sex and activity level. This is another that uses height instead of weight.
Mum's can be really tough. :( If it helps to just rant about it, feel free to PM me! We're here for you. :3

I'm 5'2" and at 120 lbs I way more than I ever have. I gained about 20 pounds since my surgery last summer but before that I tended to be between 105 and 115. But people would call me too skinny before so I dunno. :/ Why can't all the fat just go to my breasts and butt. ;-;

Thank you Pau ! <3 You're so nice too

Actually, hearing everyone's weights and circumstances have helped a lot <3 I feel less guilty about my body now.... like I feel more normal :x I know that .... probably sounds ridiculous, too, but yeah. Thanks, you girls! You don't know how much you gafsis means to me :> You're like my e-family ;___;

I wanna make chibi versions of all y'all now XD so I can hug them with my own chibi representation (selfish reasons seeeee?)

Also, bolded parts: YES. WHY WHY. why does all the fat goes to my thighs and belly ;__; I have teeny tiny boobs that could have used all that extra paddingz ;__;

Nice to know I'm not the only semi-weight obsessed person here. :p And I mean more 'aware' of it than actual obsession. I'd say it's a mindset after you lose a bunch of weight, but women in general seem to track it almost religiously. Blargh.

At any rate, I'm usually in the 100-105lbs range (at 5'4"), but I've been a bit under the weather and dropped to <100 this past week. I've heard the metabolism thing about it being neither fast or slow, but I certainly seem to lose weight like lightning since I've been in the 100-105 range whereas at 148 I couldn't drop 5lbs to save my life. I think I eat far worse (though maybe more diverse) now than I did then, so who the hell knows.

I also echo everyone's lamentations that weight can't be redistributed to more... desirable areas. Why must it always party in the thighs? :(
Nice to know I'm not the only semi-weight obsessed person here. :p And I mean more 'aware' of it than actual obsession. I'd say it's a mindset after you lose a bunch of weight, but women in general seem to track it almost religiously. Blargh.

At any rate, I'm usually in the 100-105lbs range (at 5'4"), but I've been a bit under the weather and dropped to <100 this past week. I've heard the metabolism thing about it being neither fast or slow, but I certainly seem to lose weight like lightning since I've been in the 100-105 range whereas at 148 I couldn't drop 5lbs to save my life. I think I eat far worse (though maybe more diverse) now than I did then, so who the hell knows.

I also echo everyone's lamentations that weight can't be redistributed to more... desirable areas. Why must it always party in the thighs? :(


You're in that zone that I wanna be in ;___;

And ya, thigh-fats makes me sad. I HATE not fitting into my favourite jeans :< HATE hate HATE
As long as you feel healthy and comfortable with yourself, that's the most important thing.

I tried a 1200 calorie diet, but it didn't work for me at all. I wasn't losing weight any faster, and I just felt hungry and tired at the end of every day. I bumped my intake back up to 1500 calories, and felt much better for it. My daily intake was probably 2500 calories or so before this diet&#8230;mind you, I never kept track, so that's just an estimate. In any case, it was a little too much considering I don't exercise much.

(Heaviest I've ever been was well over 80 kg. Fun times. :|)

By the way, here's a rough DIS calculator that takes into account your age, weight, sex and activity level. This is another that uses height instead of weight.

DIS Calculator fail. I do run just fine on two cups of coffee, though. :p

Congrats on your weight loss progress, btw. Having failed at it consistently on my own dime I really admire those that stick to it and meet their goals. Good luck on the rest!


You're in that zone that I wanna be in ;___;

And ya, thigh-fats makes me sad. I HATE not fitting into my favourite jeans :< HATE hate HATE

The thigh weight is/was the hardest area to lose chub (for me anyway). I never ever thought I'd lose my thunder thighs. All the sports in the world and I was like a powerful stout ham. ;_;


formerly Oynox Slider
Every part of this post is truth.

I'd be more excited for Destiny if I had a PS4. Diablo 3 has eaten up a huge amount of my last week, though.

It's insane, isn't it!? I'm sure they must have psychologists there who make their games as emptily addictive as possible. Congrats on the job btw :)

I'm still waiting for my copy of Destiny to arrive. ;_;

It should arrive tomorrow, and then I expect that to consume my life for a while.

If you see me online (or in the tower, which is unlikely stupid game) say hallo!

Aaaa thanks Morri <3 you're so sweet <3

I can't with my mom ;___; she goes through my defences like knife through butter ;___; and she cant help herself kind of a mom. Just keep commenting on things. Weight, hair, what clothes I wear, etc.

I love her to bits, but that side of her is very detrimental to my body-acceptance. She comes from where my cousins and her friends' daughters are all svelte and very weight-watching type of people though so idk. I think in her head, it's normal to want the 'best' for your own daughter. But ya. I get super anxious about my physical self when she's visiting .____.

She also usually brings me stuff from home when she visits. Like she'd shop for me cuz we're the 'same' size. And when she makes me try them on and I struggle into the new pair of jeans, she'd be like doing her faces and making those comments.

>___> I just dont want to deal with thaaaaaaaat aaaaaa

That's rubbish :-( When family say things it just cuts through, I know exactly what you mean.


Sort of blogging here and crossposting a little but I'm at home again ill and I feel so guilty! I shouldn't, I mean, I'm not well, but I feel like I should be dragging myself to work and start worrying about what people will think, that I'm a filthy skiver and all sorts. I hate having this stupid work ethic.


You skinny mofos. :(

I don't think I've been less than 130 since I was 12. :/ I'm almost 160 right now. Sigh. And that's after "losing" 10lbs (a pathetic result after five months of eating very well and exercising 5 hours a week).

Weight makes me so stressed out, I just want to cry all the time about it.


I just gained 4 kilo's in 4 weeks time :x. Pretty sure it's time to slow down on the chocolate :x

Edit: Actually, does anyone know an easy way to count calories? I would like to keep my weight in check somewhat but it seems like such a hassle to weigh all the food you eat. It also seems pretty impossible to do so when you eat out? How do you do it?


You skinny mofos. :(

I don't think I've been less than 130 since I was 12. :/ I'm almost 160 right now. Sigh. And that's after "losing" 10lbs (a pathetic result after five months of eating very well and exercising 5 hours a week).

Weight makes me so stressed out, I just want to cry all the time about it.

I'm somewhat similar to you - I haven't weighed less than 60 kg since I was 13 years old.

Sorry to hear you're having trouble with losing the weight. :( For me personally, following a diet with meals delivered to my door every week has seemed to work. Have you tried something like this?


I'm somewhat similar to you - I haven't weighed less than 60 kg since I was 13 years old.

Sorry to hear you're having trouble with losing the weight. :( For me personally, following a diet with meals delivered to my door every week has seemed to work. Have you tried something like this?

I wish there was an option like this in the UK that doesn't cost 100x more than actually cooking it yourself and wasn't generally extremely unhealthy food. :(
OK I could really use your help as Im an emotional wreck right now. I have this female friend with benefits that I have been seeing for about a year now. She sees other people and I have seen other girls, but now I developing very strong feelings for her and I cannot stop thinking about her. I get extremely jealous when she talks about other people. Im not really interested in anyone else anymore and I know she does not want to get serious with me.

The question is not whether or not I can pursue a serious relationship but rather should I stop seeing her or is it possible to get over her while still continuing to 'see' her?


I'm somewhat similar to you - I haven't weighed less than 60 kg since I was 13 years old.

Sorry to hear you're having trouble with losing the weight. :( For me personally, following a diet with meals delivered to my door every week has seemed to work. Have you tried something like this?

I haven't tried anything like that, but it wouldn't matter. I count and weigh everything that enters my mouth. I could eat nothing but lettuce and it wouldn't make a difference :( The only thing that helps me lose weight is exercising till I drop.

Whatever, I'm in Rome right now and eating pizza and pasta and gelato. #nofucksgiven


Paging kisaya:





formerly Oynox Slider
Hope you're having an awesome holiday! Take lots of pictures! :-D

Oh god, that's such a perfect description! I'm 5'10" and 158lb, and it feels like all the extra is on my thighs. I run a lot (personal best for 10k is 50 minutes - hoping to break it next summer) and cycle regularly, so yes, powerful but... sturdy. It's very cheering to know that it is possible to lose it.

I have a broad frame, so I don't look as heavy as I am, but those thighs could definitely stand to loose some chubbage. I'm the same weight I was at my wedding last year, but those hips - I look much thinner from the side! LOL!

Much as I enjoy cycling and running (and I do), I also enjoy baking. I'm thinking I shouldn't eat it myself, and instead carve myself a nice comfortable niche as an office feeder.

Gorgeous photo!

And do it (re office feeder). I wouldn't be able to function without daily cake, cookie or mini chocolate thing.


I'm all bout that Reese's Oreo life.


If you see me online (or in the tower, which is unlikely stupid game) say hallo!

Will do! The Tower is definitely very wonky; people on my friends list will be there, but then when I go to the Tower it's just random people. I wish Bungie would fix that.

It's great to be playing again though since the beta!
Hope you're having an awesome holiday! Take lots of pictures! :-D

Much as I enjoy cycling and running (and I do), I also enjoy baking. I'm thinking I shouldn't eat it myself, and instead carve myself a nice comfortable niche as an office feeder.

BRS, that's a very beautiful photo! You both look so in love <33333333333 aaaaah <3

Leeness, fffffffffffffff yeah gelato and pizza \o/

I had lamb chops last night with ice cream dessert and currently having tim tam choccy biscuits :D

I feel better after thread and I dont really care about losing that much weight anymore XD



I fell down some stairs today. Thank god nothings broken.

Hope you're having an awesome holiday! Take lots of pictures! :-D

Oh god, that's such a perfect description! I'm 5'10" and 158lb, and it feels like all the extra is on my thighs. I run a lot (personal best for 10k is 50 minutes - hoping to break it next summer) and cycle regularly, so yes, powerful but... sturdy. It's very cheering to know that it is possible to lose it.

I have a broad frame, so I don't look as heavy as I am, but those thighs could definitely stand to loose some chubbage. I'm the same weight I was at my wedding last year, but those hips - I look much thinner from the side! LOL!

Much as I enjoy cycling and running (and I do), I also enjoy baking. I'm thinking I shouldn't eat it myself, and instead carve myself a nice comfortable niche as an office feeder.

You look great in that photo.
I haven't tried anything like that, but it wouldn't matter. I count and weigh everything that enters my mouth. I could eat nothing but lettuce and it wouldn't make a difference :( The only thing that helps me lose weight is exercising till I drop.

Whatever, I'm in Rome right now and eating pizza and pasta and gelato. #nofucksgiven

Enjoy your vacation and don't think about this kind of stuff!

I fell down some stairs today. Thank god nothings broken.

You look great in that photo.

Glad nothing snapped. Stairs are the devil. I fall up them a couple times a week.


I like this program/app for a food diary. It has a database from all its users, so even when you eat out at chain restaurants, the nutritional data may have been entered by somebody to save you the trouble. If not, you learn to estimate portion sizes by visuals.


I am still trying to improve my health and general diet, and get back to exercising regularly. What worked for me was cooking my own meals. I have all the necessary ingredients for one dish....I need to go cook, ugh.
That does make it seem manageable, I think i´ll try it out. Thanks!

I used to be quite busy physically so i never really had to watch what i ate that much. But I had to cut down on that recently so i burned less calories with activities while i had more time to eat. Not a great combination :D. It's not that bad yet, but better to keep it in check now then having to deal with a much worse situation later on. Thinking of starting to swim regularly too. I always quite enjoyed that.

Good luck with improving your heath! It's always the first steps that seem the hardest.
Feel so lonely and hated :'( sucks having low self esteem. :-(

*hugs* You're wonderful.

I completely feel your pain, though. All that running and exercise and they don't seem to change, right? Like, not even tone! It's not fair. I usedto run 8 miles a day in track and do Lacrosse and had endless stamina, but also these... thighs. Anyway, for me it was definitely more a weight than fitness thing, so maybe a combo diet and keep doing what you're doing?

Yes, I think a bit of a diet change is going to be necessary. I'm not too sure how many calories I'm taking on at the moment, do that would be a good starting point. Time to break out My Fitness Pal!

Speaking of wedding photos, I finally got the professional batch in from mine. As expected 699/700 were derp face, but a few came out OK. Might put up a few later.

Nothing wrong with a bit of derp face! I'm sure they're lovely, and it would be brilliant to see some! Are you having an album made up?
Thanks :) had a little cry. Feel a little better. Ah life. Sigh.

If you can find a patch of sunlight to sit in, I find that helps a lot too. Or
watching videos of small children being attacked by cats.

Kinsei, glad you didn't break anything ! :O

H.Pro, I'd love to see more of your wedding piccas <3 Pls share once you've got them up <3

Picked a few&#8230;

*hugs* You're wonderful.

Yes, I think a bit of a diet change is going to be necessary. I'm not too sure how many calories I'm taking on at the moment, do that would be a good starting point. Time to break out My Fitness Pal!

Nothing wrong with a bit of derp face! I'm sure they're lovely, and it would be brilliant to see some! Are you having an album made up?

Good luck with it! Easiest way to cut without really changing much is cut out the liquid sugars. Do you drink soda at all or pre-sweetened tea, etc.? Or the GAF fitness thread? I think Leeness found some good advice there.

As for the derp face, well, we're talking about fantastic derp here for a lot of the photos. :D (both my husband and are have smiling issues. We look like serial killers. No lie.) I guess that's why they take 700+, right? And, I don't know about you, but I felt like we were at a prom shoot sometimes which probably contributed to the awkward feeling. Ah, well...

There are enough OK ones for an album, though. Might put it together&#8230; this century. Haha.

EDIT: Sorry so big on the chair one. It's my favorite. :D






Sploatee, I hope you feel better!!


H.pro, lovely pictures. The cake... the Hand of the King pins(?)... awesome, haha. :)


If you can find a patch of sunlight to sit in, I find that helps a lot too. Or
watching videos of small children being attacked by cats.

Picked a few&#8230;

Good luck with it! Easiest way to cut without really changing much is cut out the liquid sugars. Do you drink soda at all or pre-sweetened tea, etc.? Or the GAF fitness thread? I think Leeness found some good advice there.

As for the derp face, well, we're talking about fantastic derp here for a lot of the photos. :D (both my husband and are have smiling issues. We look like serial killers. No lie.) I guess that's why they take 700+, right? And, I don't know about you, but I felt like we were at a prom shoot sometimes which probably contributed to the awkward feeling. Ah, well...

There are enough OK ones for an album, though. Might put it together&#8230; this century. Haha.

EDIT: Sorry so big on the chair one. It's my favorite. :D

Tons of awesome pics.

Wow, those are so beautiful. You, your husband, and the venue look amazing.
h.Pro, beautiful pictures!!! i love the details that went through into your wedding *___* seems like such a special, meaningful day for the both of you, thank you for sharing these gorgeous pics <3

that dress is just fairytale-like aaaah i love the bodice and the long, black ribbon *___*

ugh wedding pics are my weakness <3 that momentous occassion where, despite all the odds, a couple found each other and decided to proclaim their love for each other publicly..... gaaaah i melt, everytime :D


that hand of the king pins *____* that cake *____*
Sploatee, I hope you feel better!!


H.pro, lovely pictures. The cake... the Hand of the King pins(?)... awesome, haha. :)

Thank ya~ Didn't come out too bad overall for a rather, uh, ghetto/rushed approach. It might look all together, but we literally did our vows at 2 am the night before, my dress was second hand, got mah shoes for $19.99, I made the bouquets in the car on the way to getting my hair and make-up done, and I made the cake swords out of molding clay*. The rose petals I shredded off my bouquets and the black sash was from Walmart's classy do-it-yourself section. :D

The Hand of the Kind pins and decorative boxes my husband had plenty of time to hand-make because I got saddled with organizing the damn wedding. He looked so cool and his groomsmens' gift was cool. My poor bridesmaids only got booze and hangover kits. :(

*After I baked them the white clay turned yellow and I had to paint them the night before the wedding and hope sticking them in the cake wouldn't poison anyone. Heeheehee.

It was a very pretty venue. The only thing I spent real money on was the location/food package. In the end they were the only venue that would take such a small wedding, and only because I did mine on a Thursday, but I was very happy with it. Thanks for building a castle, random rich people from the '30s!

Wow, those are so beautiful. You, your husband, and the venue look amazing.

Thanks, Kinsei. It had stormed the two days before, so we were super lucky on the weather. Husband cleaned up pretty good, too. ;)

h.Pro, beautiful pictures!!! i love the details that went through into your wedding *___* seems like such a special, meaningful day for the both of you, thank you for sharing these gorgeous pics <3

that dress is just fairytale-like aaaah i love the bodice and the long, black ribbon *___*

ugh wedding pics are my weakness <3 that momentous occassion where, despite all the odds, a couple found each other and decided to proclaim their love for each other publicly..... gaaaah i melt, everytime :D


that hand of the king pins *____* that cake *____*

Cheers~ :D It was a fun day and we tried to make it as simple as possible. The ceremony part literally lasted less than 4 mins because all we did was walk up, promise each other gifts of chicken and backrubs, then walk off. You should have seen everyone's faces! Hahaha.

We did try to have a very slight GoT theme. I'm not sure you were here back in Dec of 2012 when my husband proposed, but he made me dragon eggs to hold the engagement ring when he proposed, so we were kind of continuing that theme. Wasn't too cheesy, I hope... #-_-#
Cheers~ :D It was a fun day and we tried to make it as simple as possible. The ceremony part literally lasted less than 4 mins because all we did was walk up, promise each other gifts of chicken and backrubs, then walk off. You should have seen everyone's faces! Hahaha.

We did try to have a very slight GoT theme. I'm not sure you were here back in Dec of 2012 when my husband proposed, but he made me dragon eggs to hold the engagement ring when he proposed, so we were kind of continuing that theme. Wasn't too cheesy, I hope... #-_-#

Chickens and backrubs XD What an adorable vow <333333333

OMG no i wasn't here, GAF suspended my account at that time cuz I changed jobs and I changed my email address to this account and it took forever for them to remember me :<

But that's not too cheesy! >___< I love that! Do you have photo of the egg and engagement ring??? omg that's super adorbs <3333333333


formerly Oynox Slider
Thanks everyone. It does help. I'm an up and down kind of person. Really high highs, really low lows, not much in between. But thanks :D

H.Pro - your pictures......your wedding.....your dress!...wow. Too much gorgeousness!


Guys, your weddings pics are so amazing, im tearing up. You all got your happy ending .

H. I love the black belt combo, very daring.


Thanks everyone. It does help. I'm an up and down kind of person. Really high highs, really low lows, not much in between. But thanks :D

H.Pro - your pictures......your wedding.....your dress!...wow. Too much gorgeousness!

Hey, I get that completely. I have bipolar II disorder, so I normally fluctuate between feelings of hopelessness and nigh-invincibility. I used to get really frustrated even during the highs because I knew I'd come down, but recently I've gotten better at instead remembering during the lows that I will come back up.

You're awesome, though. Just try to keep that in mind. =)


formerly Oynox Slider
Hey, I get that completely. I have bipolar II disorder, so I normally fluctuate between feelings of hopelessness and nigh-invincibility. I used to get really frustrated even during the highs because I knew I'd come down, but recently I've gotten better at instead remembering during the lows that I will come back up.

You're awesome, though. Just try to keep that in mind. =)

Thanks. Yeah. I grew up with a bipolar father, it's rough. I've been diagnosed with clinical depression and have had my fair share of really, really rough mental health patches. I take meds, they help mostly, but I still have the odd dip here. It always seems to be extremes and the lows are mighty scary. Sucks tbh. Would love to be a bit more "even", but hey. Massive hugs to you.


Sorry to hear you're feeling down sploatee. :( And those are some fantastic photographs, H. Protagonist!

Fuuuuu...Richard Dawkins is being such an ass. Sorry, I need to rant about it.

(Warning ahead - he's talking about rape again on Twitter and being incredibly obtuse. He's like an American republican; it's like he just can't help himself.)


Richard Dawkins @RichardDawkins · Sep 12
"Officer, it's not my fault I was drunk driving. You see, somebody got me drunk."

Richard Dawkins @RichardDawkins · Sep 12
.@MhaskarChief With a certain kind of feminist, of course. Not with feminists who truly respect women instead of patronising them as victims

Retweeted by Richard Dawkins
Miranda Celeste Hale @mirandachale · Sep 12
@MhaskarChief @SetagayaGirl @RichardDawkins But radical feminism is now mainstream feminism.And so many ppl are afraid to confront it, sadly

Richard Dawkins @RichardDawkins · Sep 13
.@Jachra No, she MAY have been raped. If so, totally appalling. But it's her word against his and she admits she was too drunk to REMEMBER.

Richard Dawkins @RichardDawkins · 23h
.@dashcroftGIS It's still her word against his. Drunk in charge of competence to testify against him is like drunk in charge of a car.

Retweeted by Richard Dawkins
Tina @TinaWillows · 23h
@lemoncayke @RichardDawkins If you can't remember you can't testify: Fact. Blame is neither here nor there, simple fact.

Richard Dawkins @RichardDawkins · 23h
.@mrgregariously Exactly. If you want to drive, don't get drunk. If you want to be in a position to testify & jail a man, don't get drunk.

Retweeted by Richard Dawkins
rabiesbun @rabiesbun · 22h
Poor @RichardDawkins having to deal with "feelies" instead of reasonable arguments.

Richard Dawkins @RichardDawkins · 22h
Raping a drunk woman is appalling. So is jailing a man when the sole prosecution evidence is "I was too drunk to remember what happened."

Richard Dawkins @RichardDawkins · 21h
Don't EVER rape anyone, drunk or sober. But also, don't accuse anyone of a crime if you can't remember what happened (& no other evidence).

*sigh*. Guess what, Dawkins?

1) It's not the onus of the victim to decide whether or not there's enough evidence for a conviction - he or she has every damned right to report if they believe they've been assaulted (since it's up to the police/detective team/prosecution/judge/+ to gather the evidence and decide whether there's enough for a conviction).

2) Being too drunk to remember is also being too drunk to consent to sex. Fancy that.

3) Using alcohol as a tool to make their victims vulnerable is precisely how serial predators tend to behave - Dawkins is completely removing that culpability and putting all of the blame on the victims. In fact, discouraging women from coming forward because they were "too drunk to remember," and shaming them for being drunk, is a great way to make sure that serial rapists can keep hurting other people!

4) The idea that women can always just jail a man (FFS, it wouldn't even be them doing the jailing - again, that's the legal system) on a whim is laughable. The probability of this happening is tiny compared to the converse (ie. that rapists get away with their crimes, time and time again).

Why the hell do people keep holding this guy up as a bastion of logic? I used to have a lot of respect for him as a scientific thinker, having read many of his books on evolution and genetics. But every new thing I hear from him these days on anything not to do with science is dismissive, shoddily reasoned and obtuse as hell. And when people call him out on his crap, he defaults to this horribly smug attitude: "What I said was stupid and hurtful? But, but, but I'm so logical - you fuzzy-brained ladies (and gents) are obviously thinking with your feelings!"
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