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GirlGAF |OT 2| Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Eve?

Hi ladies (and gents?) I have a new youtube channel and I kinda wanted to ask some advice from everyone here about it since women are my demographic (analytics says women 20-30, US > UK > Korea), not sure if it's okay? I won't post the channel link in case it's against the rules but basically, I am a hair stylist and I want to run a youtube channel with a couple main goals:

1. Don't hawk shitty products at every oppurtunity, becuase fuck that.
2. Give as much legit hair stylist knowledge as possible (I'm not actually sure that people want that)

Obviously being a guy I'm not the "big sister" type, so I want to focus on the fact that I'm a trained and experienced stylist instead. The whole channel is kind of trying to find it's voice since it's such a vast subject, I'm not sure what to actually focus on. In the long term, I want to actually focus on professional products and haircut tutorials aimed at other stylists, but I want to use these videos as a sort of 'legitimisation' to back up other videos which are aimed at the wider public. I guess mainly I'm wondering what sort of videos might you be interested in seeing? I'm trying to narrow down what to focus on since right now I'm doing a little of everything and there isn't any real direction, that's kind of okay, since I'm still learning about video editing too, but I wouldn't mind a little advice.

For the record, I'm not interested/deluded into thinking of youtube fame or ad revenue, I'm mainly doing it to gain confidence in an educators role as that's sort of where I see my career headed right now. By doing these videos I'm suprising myself how much junk is in my head and it's helping me to feel like I could do it and that's really my main motivation right now. As for my skillset, I'm a trained womens hair stylist, have experience in salon, fashion, editorial and catwalk work. Avant Garde is probably my love.

Cheers guys, I hope this is all okay by the mods, I don't want to seem like a naff marketer or anything, just being on GAF all this time, it was my first thought to turn too for advice.

EDIT: I'm happy to have a crack at answering anything unrelated about your hair too!

If you could show me how to do a French braid in my own hair without it looking shit that would be awesome


Hi ladies (and gents?) I have a new youtube channel and I kinda wanted to ask some advice from everyone here about it since women are my demographic (analytics says women 20-30, US > UK > Korea), not sure if it's okay? I won't post the channel link in case it's against the rules but basically, I am a hair stylist and I want to run a youtube channel with a couple main goals:

1. Don't hawk shitty products at every oppurtunity, becuase fuck that.
2. Give as much legit hair stylist knowledge as possible (I'm not actually sure that people want that)

Obviously being a guy I'm not the "big sister" type, so I want to focus on the fact that I'm a trained and experienced stylist instead. The whole channel is kind of trying to find it's voice since it's such a vast subject, I'm not sure what to actually focus on. In the long term, I want to actually focus on professional products and haircut tutorials aimed at other stylists, but I want to use these videos as a sort of 'legitimisation' to back up other videos which are aimed at the wider public. I guess mainly I'm wondering what sort of videos might you be interested in seeing? I'm trying to narrow down what to focus on since right now I'm doing a little of everything and there isn't any real direction, that's kind of okay, since I'm still learning about video editing too, but I wouldn't mind a little advice.

For the record, I'm not interested/deluded into thinking of youtube fame or ad revenue, I'm mainly doing it to gain confidence in an educators role as that's sort of where I see my career headed right now. By doing these videos I'm suprising myself how much junk is in my head and it's helping me to feel like I could do it and that's really my main motivation right now. As for my skillset, I'm a trained womens hair stylist, have experience in salon, fashion, editorial and catwalk work. Avant Garde is probably my love.

Cheers guys, I hope this is all okay by the mods, I don't want to seem like a naff marketer or anything, just being on GAF all this time, it was my first thought to turn too for advice.

EDIT: I'm happy to have a crack at answering anything unrelated about your hair too!

I should've ask here before taking 4 box of bleach to my hair in one day. (its all cut off)
My hair was like the Kinky curl, than after the bleach it became like the afro curl. Dry as as sand with no curl definition.

So how do you ombre really dark hair without damage?


I got into FF7 after everyone else. And by that, I just mean later after it had its own release in the late 90s. I remember the commercials for it, "you can always press the reset button," but I didn't bother playing until after I'd seen Advent Children years later. I <3 Sephiroth, Vincent, and Zack so I had several years to enjoy past those because then I also played Dirge of Cerberus and Crisis Core.

I'm actually playing FFXHD now. I started it like 3 times over some years ago over the course of a few years before getting into playing it. I have a much deeper appreciation for it now. Bahamaut in HD. *_*

I write fanfics.


To hairstyle person: My personal suggestion would be to make examples of styles you can do and info about the process. If you have an established channel, you can select a custom thumbnail and so use that to show your intended final thing. Otherwise, I'd suggest go look at other YT stylists for ideas on both what is commonly done and maybe see what you can do to set yourself apart.


Holy shit I can't breathe sdlgkjsldg


For me it was Sephiroth, above all. And maybe a little of Alucard from Castlevania. Then I went through a minor* phase of denying that any other FF could surpass FF7 cuz they didn't have Sephiroth and I was being petty and tiny. I think I went to discussion boards just to bash and hate on FF8 especially.

Clearly, I was the definition of class and taste.


I wonder how Edward Cullen fangirls would feel in a decade or two. Haha.

* interminable

LMAO, you're awesome. xD

The secrets of a reformed animu-kawaii-~^_^~-otaku-teenager. Varied and many.


Pls I need all the help I can get about hair styling!!!

Would love to get link to your channel!

If you could show me how to do a French braid in my own hair without it looking shit that would be awesome

Haha, sure, I could have a go, perhaps I'll actually shift my butt to a britgaf meetup and we'll go Geurilla! Thanks though guys, it seems most people I ask say go with styling :)

I should've ask here before taking 4 box of bleach to my hair in one day. (its all cut off)
My hair was like the Kinky curl, than after the bleach it became like the afro curl. Dry as as sand with no curl definition.

So how do you ombre really dark hair without damage?

Oh ouch okay! Did you get the whole candyfloss/cotton candy thing going on? There's a few ways to do it, you can buy a bleach marketed specifically to be gentle, but honestly the cheaper and probably better way to do it is to buy some powder bleach and some cream peroxide. Proper salon peroxide is rated by Vol or %, 6% or 20 vol is quite low and isn't going to burn your hair to pieces in most cases. Then depending on how gentle you want to be you can either make a mix of 1:3 bleach to peroxide and apply that to dry hair or a little more aggresive would be to mix 4:4:2 bleach:peroxide:warm water to freshly shampoo (no conditioner) towel dried hair. The first will only lift your hair a tiny bit, the second will lift it a bit more. You can repeat both a few times, but as with all bleach, you just need to keep an eye on it. This is still bleaching hair to lighten it after all, it's just a gentler lifting process. You'd mostly use this to lift out artificial colour from hair before recolouring, but you could Ombre with it. One other thing to remember about bleach is it will do most of the lifting in the first 10-15 minutes then slow down dramatically, so that's a good indication on how much lift you're going to get with each application.

Having not seen/felt your hair I wouldn't be able to reccommend which process you want really, some hair is just very resistant to lifting. The other thing is, if it's very dark, you might get 'stuck' at the ginger stage, as red is the predominant undertone of darkest brown/black and red is the toughest pigment to lift, you might end up having to lift it as high as you feel comfortable and then toning out the ginger, rather than trying to lift through it all in one day, then you can return to lifting in 2-3 weeks. If you bought an ash or platinum toner that would reduce the red, if its very gold/yellow then a violet might help you to neutralise that out, this toning wil just turn it less ginger and more towards the whiter end of the spectrum, just make it look less 'bleachy' really, as a nice red is nice, but a bleachy un-toned red isn't quite the same!

Maybe I should do a video on this.. I'm pretty wimpy with bleach though, it scares me still if I'm honest, just because everyone is so different. The safest thing you can probably do is a couple of tests before you start and as you go. Firstly, hold a strand of hair at the tip and feel it with your fingers dragging them up the shaft, back towards the root, if it feels like a rope, you should probably relax with the bleach, the other is to take a strand of wet hair, hold between each thumb and forefinger at the ends and stretch the hair, it should only stretch so far and then when you release it, it should shrink back to its natural length, if it stretches more than half its original length and just keeps going, it's probably not safe to be using any chemicals on it.

Think that's all I can think of off my head!

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
[Obligatory grumpy post about anything vaguely anime related]
If it's any consolation, I can't stand any JRPG released after like, 2005 (and very few released after 1998), and I don't care for most anime (Ghibli being the exception), so I'm a grumpy old woman too! But I just found the masamune 14-year-old self-insert fanfic idea to be awesomely adorable, is all. :D


GirlGAF, I just did the thing. A guy just asked me for my number and I more or less told him that I wasn't taking time out of my busy schedule to hang out with him but he could have it if it made him feel better. except it was really tactful n stuff.

Half of me is patting myself on the back for my ace diplomacy, but the Ron Swanson in me is screaming.


If it's any consolation, I can't stand any JRPG released after like, 2005 (and very few released after 1998), and I don't care for most anime (Ghibli being the exception), so I'm a grumpy old woman too! But I just found the masamune 14-year-old self-insert fanfic idea to be awesomely adorable, is all. :D

It was pretty hilarious in retrospect. I was so into it too, like, oh man, it was my magnum opus at 14 lol. I got like 20 reviews and they were all "omg wow that's beautiful ;____;" and I was so proud. Hahaha.

Now I'm 27, bitter and jaded, don't like any anime except for Ghibli, and FF7 is only okay. ~Everything turn turn turn~.

I do still like some JRPGs though. The super anime ones, no thank you, but I will always be a slave to FF and the Xeno-series.
GirlGAF, I just did the thing. A guy just asked me for my number and I more or less told him that I wasn't taking time out of my busy schedule to hang out with him but he could have it if it made him feel better. except it was really tactful n stuff.

Half of me is patting myself on the back for my ace diplomacy, but the Ron Swanson in me is screaming.

you should've just been honest and say that you're not interested. you could have given him false hopes thus making it more difficult for both of you. but I also never know what to say in these situations, I can totally relate :l
If it's any consolation, I can't stand any JRPG released after like, 2005 (and very few released after 1998), and I don't care for most anime (Ghibli being the exception), so I'm a grumpy old woman too! But I just found the masamune 14-year-old self-insert fanfic idea to be awesomely adorable, is all. :D

I am exactly where you are, RPG and Anime wise.

There has been one jrpg that I have enjoyed enough to finish in the last 10 years.

Can't believe there was a time in the late 90's where I beat all of them as they came out, whenever I could.

It feels like there was a time where you could enjoy jrpgs even if you did not like anime. The sweat drops and tropey stuff was in the background. Now the moe and fanservice is on the covers.

At 33, I am a bitter old woman. I wish that I was born just three years earlier so I could start shitting on Millennials like the rest of my bitter bitter people.

Oh well, maybe I'll get to shit on the next generation. *sigh*


you should've just been honest and say that you're not interested. you could have given him false hopes thus making it more difficult for both of you. but I also never know what to say in these situations, I can totally relate :l
I usually hold a hard no, like once I was backed into a corner and not let out until I gave this dude my number and I still got my way out. So idk what came over me this time and I do half feel bad?? I hope he doesn't get false hopes over it because I did straight up tell him getting my number meant nothing.

idk, like you said, it's hard. I don't wanna be the bad guy but when they put you in that position you have to be at some point. :|

He wasn't half bad company either, it's just that there's 15 people I'd rather hang out with than him and 15 things I'd rather do than hang out with people.


Rolling Girl
Looks like I'm not old and bitter enough to fit in here. ;P

Also thanks for the tips on the Nair stuff! I decided to get a small amount to give it a go since apparently it burned a few of you, so a small test run on an isolated area will be good.

Also lil it sounds like you should have just turned him down there if hanging out was that unlikely!


Yeah i9 you're probs right. I think I have to take this experience and remember the next time this happens that I can't be that person for most of these dudes even if I really want to help them. Now it's more complicated then it's worth.


Hahaha! If only I could have taken a twix moment and asked GirlGAF. Y'all would have set me straight. Ah well, it's probably the kind of mistake you have to make once.


I wouldn't worry about it too much, lil. Like you said, just gotta keep it in mind for next time.

RIP the 90's. I miss when there were an abundant amount of jrpgs.


formerly Oynox Slider
If it's any consolation, I can't stand any JRPG released after like, 2005 (and very few released after 1998), and I don't care for most anime (Ghibli being the exception), so I'm a grumpy old woman too! But I just found the masamune 14-year-old self-insert fanfic idea to be awesomely adorable, is all. :D

You see I don't even know what masamune is.

/too old /too bitter /too dead inside

I am exactly where you are, RPG and Anime wise.

There has been one jrpg that I have enjoyed enough to finish in the last 10 years.

Can't believe there was a time in the late 90's where I beat all of them as they came out, whenever I could.

It feels like there was a time where you could enjoy jrpgs even if you did not like anime. The sweat drops and tropey stuff was in the background. Now the moe and fanservice is on the covers.

At 33, I am a bitter old woman. I wish that I was born just three years earlier so I could start shitting on Millennials like the rest of my bitter bitter people.

Oh well, maybe I'll get to shit on the next generation. *sigh*

Boom. Apart from any anime anything ever. Although I did watch Akira once. It was OK.

More importantly I'm 34 and I know exactly what you mean. Don't worry. Our time will come. I'm gonna be so hateful. It's gonna be great! :D


Haha, sure, I could have a go, perhaps I'll actually shift my butt to a britgaf meetup and we'll go Geurilla! Thanks though guys, it seems most people I ask say go with styling :)

Oh ouch okay! Did you get the whole candyfloss/cotton candy thing going on? There's a few ways to do it, you can buy a bleach marketed specifically to be gentle, but honestly the cheaper and probably better way to do it is to buy some powder bleach and some cream peroxide. Proper salon peroxide is rated by Vol or %, 6% or 20 vol is quite low and isn't going to burn your hair to pieces in most cases. Then depending on how gentle you want to be you can either make a mix of 1:3 bleach to peroxide and apply that to dry hair or a little more aggresive would be to mix 4:4:2 bleach:peroxide:warm water to freshly shampoo (no conditioner) towel dried hair. The first will only lift your hair a tiny bit, the second will lift it a bit more. You can repeat both a few times, but as with all bleach, you just need to keep an eye on it. This is still bleaching hair to lighten it after all, it's just a gentler lifting process. You'd mostly use this to lift out artificial colour from hair before recolouring, but you could Ombre with it. One other thing to remember about bleach is it will do most of the lifting in the first 10-15 minutes then slow down dramatically, so that's a good indication on how much lift you're going to get with each application.

Having not seen/felt your hair I wouldn't be able to reccommend which process you want really, some hair is just very resistant to lifting. The other thing is, if it's very dark, you might get 'stuck' at the ginger stage, as red is the predominant undertone of darkest brown/black and red is the toughest pigment to lift, you might end up having to lift it as high as you feel comfortable and then toning out the ginger, rather than trying to lift through it all in one day, then you can return to lifting in 2-3 weeks. If you bought an ash or platinum toner that would reduce the red, if its very gold/yellow then a violet might help you to neutralise that out, this toning wil just turn it less ginger and more towards the whiter end of the spectrum, just make it look less 'bleachy' really, as a nice red is nice, but a bleachy un-toned red isn't quite the same!

Maybe I should do a video on this.. I'm pretty wimpy with bleach though, it scares me still if I'm honest, just because everyone is so different. The safest thing you can probably do is a couple of tests before you start and as you go. Firstly, hold a strand of hair at the tip and feel it with your fingers dragging them up the shaft, back towards the root, if it feels like a rope, you should probably relax with the bleach, the other is to take a strand of wet hair, hold between each thumb and forefinger at the ends and stretch the hair, it should only stretch so far and then when you release it, it should shrink back to its natural length, if it stretches more than half its original length and just keeps going, it's probably not safe to be using any chemicals on it.

Think that's all I can think of off my head!

Thank you so much for your post.
I wanted to go caramel or a ash brown but my hair color would not move.Its this stupid redish color (which I did not want)
I feel so dumb not asking around, especially here. Would've saved me from almost shaving my whole head. had a cute haircut too


I wouldn't worry about it too much, lil. Like you said, just gotta keep it in mind for next time.

RIP the 90's. I miss when there were an abundant amount of jrpgs.

This dude better have not been named Josh

Hey, don't worry about it. I've given out a fake number to guys I wasn't interested in because they were a bit scary and turning them down seemed dangerous. /shrug

But yeah, best to just say you aren't interested up front.

Thanks Fiction and suzu!! xoxo And no, he wasn't named Josh. :p

Funny thing though, I described him to a friend who works at the mall and apparently this guy is serial. Loiters around the mall doing magic tricks and asking for girls' numbers. Suddenly I don't feel bad anymore lmao.


Haha a friend of mine found an old prom picture of me and my future husband.


God the 90s were weird.

Do you guys have hilarious old pictures?

That doesn't look all that weird. Not like some old early 80s or 70s photos I've seen.

Then again, maybe I'm not the best judge of that since I also went to high school in the early to mid 90s. Standard tux for my prom pics if I remember right.


Shush y'all, I was talking about the awkward clothing. No one else has shitty Glamour Shots? Waaah. :(

We're old fogeys from a time when people went into photo studios to get pictures taken. A relic in today's world of selfies and cellphone cameras. The kids don't understand us I tell ya!


Must be it. No one really knows what Glamour Shots was do they? Cept us old folks :(

All the guys would get excited when the girls went out to do that because then we'd end up getting wallet copies. Some would then negotiate trading if they want a pic of their crush or whatever.



Awwww Fiction you were such a cutie!!

I'm too much of a young'n to remember glamour shots. The last time I had my photo taken in a studio was my baby photos at Sears, hahah.



Got a message on PoF from a guy and it's like "hi this is his fiancé, I'm supposed to be marrying him on Saturday and what is he doing on here? I'm freaking out!!"

Awkward. I feel bad for her.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
I vaguely remember glamour shots but I was just such a tomboy growing up (still am :p) that I was never remotely interested in having my picture taken in that way.

Got a message on PoF from a guy and it's like "hi this is his fiancé, I'm supposed to be marrying him on Saturday and what is he doing on here? I'm freaking out!!"

Awkward. I feel bad for her.
Ouch.... :\


Ouch.... :

I told her to look at his outbox, since "he" and I have a conversation history now so I can't start sending him messages trying to get him to flirt or something without "hi this is his fiancé" messages showing up.

Well... I told her to look at his outbox and haven't heard back, so... :(

Men are scum, girl, it's probably best to learn it before marrying the guy, unfortunately. :/


Oh I was a total outcast, all the guys told me I was the ugliest girl in school and constantly bullied me. I honestly thought I was the ugliest thing to walk the earth.
They must have had some crazy high standards.
On the other hand, teenagers are crazy.
All the guys would get excited when the girls went out to do that because then we'd end up getting wallet copies. Some would then negotiate trading if they want a pic of their crush or whatever.


OMG that's so cute!!! *____*

These days we just snap pics of our crushes discreetly* with our smart phones.

So maybe someone can help me in here.

It's been a while since I had to shop for jeans and I was noticing my old one could use a little replacing. I used to love buy GAP's curvy jeans. 32/32. Now I noticed they only sell curvy skinny jeans online and I'm doing a big WTF because I like more of a boot cut.

Does anyone have any recommendations where I can find jeans that fit for someone with curves that doesn't look like I'm planning on stuffing couch pillows on the side of my legs in the process? I have a hard time with that because a lot of jeans assume I need a ton of room on the side and I don't - but I can't really fit into straight jeans either. I like something that allows me to tailor to length too as I'm 5'8" and so I fall in that... I'm not short nor that tall.

I feel so awkward shopping sometimes. :/
So maybe someone can help me in here.

It's been a while since I had to shop for jeans and I was noticing my old one could use a little replacing. I used to love buy GAP's curvy jeans. 32/32. Now I noticed they only sell curvy skinny jeans online and I'm doing a big WTF because I like more of a boot cut.

Does anyone have any recommendations where I can find jeans that fit for someone with curves that doesn't look like I'm planning on stuffing couch pillows on the side of my legs in the process? I have a hard time with that because a lot of jeans assume I need a ton of room on the side and I don't - but I can't really fit into straight jeans either. I like something that allows me to tailor to length too as I'm 5'8" and so I fall in that... I'm not short nor that tall.

I feel so awkward shopping sometimes. :/

My favourite jeans were always Wranglers slim fit, but I haven't found them anywhere here in years. I bought my last 3 pairs from primark and they're more like jeggings, but surprisingly comfy and fit well considering how cheap they are.

Also 5"8 is pretty tall for a girl. Average height is 5"4.


So maybe someone can help me in here.

It's been a while since I had to shop for jeans and I was noticing my old one could use a little replacing. I used to love buy GAP's curvy jeans. 32/32. Now I noticed they only sell curvy skinny jeans online and I'm doing a big WTF because I like more of a boot cut.

Does anyone have any recommendations where I can find jeans that fit for someone with curves that doesn't look like I'm planning on stuffing couch pillows on the side of my legs in the process? I have a hard time with that because a lot of jeans assume I need a ton of room on the side and I don't - but I can't really fit into straight jeans either. I like something that allows me to tailor to length too as I'm 5'8" and so I fall in that... I'm not short nor that tall.

I feel so awkward shopping sometimes. :/

If you have a Reitmans around, I kind of like the ~super soft~ jeans they have. They're very comfy and stretchy so they may work? I think they're called "original comfort".


I'm cheap so I buy Merona jeans from Target. Dunno about the size range though.

btw, that dude texts me and he wants to go to the movies. I'm so pissed lol, I had this coming. Gotta resharpen my "not interested" skills. :p


Warning. OT thread about 50 Shades. Commence usual circle jerk about how poorly it was written.

But, at least you can enjoy the delicious irony of people with shitty grammar ripping the author for having shitty grammar. Like fine be critical if you want, but at least have something to stand on.
A vast majority of porn is poorly written as a given be it visual or in the aforementioned novel. Erotica not so much as that's generally more high art than porn and has some decent writing in it e.g. "Fanny Hill" or "Justine, or the Misfortunes of Virtue".

However there's not really much irony in pointing out grammatical inconsistencies and poor writing in a published novel, which has most likely had an editor go over it at least once before it's publishing. A forum post doesn't have that at best some may proof read it but it's a vastly different medium to a published novel/novella so it's rather pert comparison.
I remember hearing an older guy from the scene calling 50 Shades of Grey the "Birth of a Nation" of the fetish community few years ago and I never went out of my way to see if the guy was right or wrong because I did not want to erase how funny that sounded.


formerly Oynox Slider
There's good porn and there's good erotica.. but most porn kinda sucks, even popular porn, so the criticism of 50 Shades for being "bad" and how could anyone like it is just silly. People love porn, even bad porn.

The irony I'm referring to is that they are picking apart the grammar in 50 Shades while actually not understanding the grammar they are criticizing. For example, in that thread, people are trying to pick part "she's" because they think it meant "she is," not realizing that "she's" could also mean "she has." Obvs my grammar sucks too when I'm just writing casual forum posts.

Saw that thread.

Saw the whole "it's for stupid housewives" thing.

Left the thread.
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