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GirlGAF |OT 2| Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Eve?


No way, I'm ancient now.

It also doesn't help that last year, I was in Paris for my birthday...this year I'm working, then going to school, then getting home just in time to go to bed...makes me feel older lol.
I just imagine any girl that has the same interest as me. Video games, comics and a love for unhealthy food. Does any one imagine someone that is fat unless that's what they're into? I figure most people just take what their preference in men or women already are and pepper in all the things that qualify as nerdy.
Yeah, I like nerdy guys, but I still want him to be reasonably attractive, funny and clean. I don't think just because a guy is really good at Mario Kart or knows all 151 Pokémon earns him a free pass to slovenly behavior. I mean, if that's what you want, sure, but it's not appealing to most people.


I just imagine any girl that has the same interest as me. Video games, comics and a love for unhealthy food. Does any one imagine someone that is fat unless that's what they're into? I figure most people just take what their preference in men or women already are and pepper in all the things that qualify as nerdy.

This sums it up for me as well.


I think a lot of times when guys talk about women they're really talking about attractive women. And not just in the sense of "I like (non-physical descriptor) girls."
I think it's sort of rings tru, bunbuns

Prettiness is a base must. Other characteristics are the additional perks (e.g. nerdy or sporty or whatever)

Ugh its spring here and the weather is just gorgeous


I still don't get the whole 'gamer/geeky girls can only be ugly' shit.

Like, when I was hot as hell in my teen days, people refused to believe I was actually into the shit I was into. Because I was pretty. The fuck?
People will rationalize girls not being genuine no matter what.

You're pretty and like nerdy things? You must be doing it for male attention because pretty girls are shallow and dumb.

You're ugly and like nerdy things? You must be doing it for male attention because it's the only way you'd ever get guys to acknowledge your existence.


People will rationalize girls not being genuine no matter what.

You're pretty and like nerdy things? You must be doing it for male attention because pretty girls are shallow and dumb.

You're ugly and like nerdy things? You must be doing it for male attention because it's the only way you'd ever get guys to acknowledge your existence.

This is pretty much it.

We're women--we're never genuine, always angling for something, always trying to bring men down lol.
I bet I'm older! :p

Older than me? :D

No way, I'm ancient now.

It also doesn't help that last year, I was in Paris for my birthday...this year I'm working, then going to school, then getting home just in time to go to bed...makes me feel older lol.

Do we share the same birthday? Sept. 8? (hard to tell with the time setting here in Oz vs. GAF settings, etc.) There's no way you're older than me, Leeness. Now get off my lawn. :)

Happy birthday!

(I'm so old that I've yelled at kids to get off the lawn, quite literally)

I haven't had the opportunity to do that, but I soooooo would.


.... I can't help but notice you left me out... >_>

You would have just entered college when I was towards the end of my stint. Everyone else wouldn't have even been in high school yet. So not a baby or a kid. But not an old fogie like me, H.Protag, or Fiction. :D
I guess we should all post our age. Have we done that yet?

I am 33.

Omg, birthday twins! :D September 8.

I turned 28. :p

I turn 37 in less than a month.

I'm 29 and really dig the fact that the major gaming communities that I grew up in seemed to grow up with me.

I'm suddenly feeling very young at a meager twenty-three!

24, but nearing a quarter century. I'm an old soul on the inside.

Still a bit of a baby in this wise and seasoned company, though.

Well, everyone but Xia, then. I turned 34, Leeness. You are just a babe out of the cradle compared to me and Xia. ;) Happy shared birthday~!
What do you mean by any?

Also, ionno, 70% of the people in the US are overweight, so wouldn't you be most likely to find an overweight chick if you were randomly selecting a woman?

The original thing I posted was a response to what was another person saying that a girl simply being into "nerdy" things wasn't enough to land/keep a man.

Although they meant it in a bitchy "look how superior we are because we care about appearance way," it reminded me of how many NiceGuys think.. how they ignore everyone they don't find "hot" and then lament the lack of girls into the same "nerdy" things they are in.
People are attractive for all sorts of reasons. So any girl could be any girl. What are we defining as overweight though? I'm usually perturbed by listening to some of my coworkers describe what they consider overweight, even the women.


Well, everyone but Xia, then. I turned 34, Leeness. You are just a babe out of the cradle compared to me and Xia. ;) Happy shared birthday~!

Happy shared birthday to you too <3

It's weird, I never met people with my birthday growing up, now suddenly I have two (!) other people at work, and a GAFGirl who all shared September 8. :)

I finally broke down and went bra shopping.

I had to put out a bit of money the other day for a new bra. The weight I lost recently made my band size go down, now the cups are all a bit big as well :(


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Do y'all think that is true?

I mean, I feel like it's true.. and I think it applies the other way around, too. & I also feel like, sometimes, this is why we get so many "omigod girls don't like nice guys."

(A chick said this. I read questionable forums but sometimes even they have valid points.)

Speaking only for myself, but when I think of "nerdy chick", I think of someone like this:


Basically a pretty/cute girl who's into gaming or comic books or both, who happens to wear glasses.

For the longest time games were seen specifically as something relegated to young, male losers/geeks/nerds. If you associated with said gamers, you'd most likely be considered a loser/nerd/geek too, and if that was the case, it was probably a good chance that you were ugly too. The pretty/popular girls wouldn't be interested in such things and people who wanted to be part of that crowd would gravitate towards that direction.

Now things have changed quite a bit since the 90s, and as gaming became more acceptable to a wider audience, it makes sense that there would therefore be more attractive people in the mix. Afterall, there's 3 billion women in the world. So it's not unreasonable to think that a few of them might like Dark Souls and be smoking hot.

It's probably not fair, but that's why that stereotype exists.

You're pretty and like nerdy things? You must be doing it for male attention because pretty girls are shallow and dumb.

You're ugly and like nerdy things? You must be doing it for male attention because it's the only way you'd ever get guys to acknowledge your existence.

The first one is definitely quite common, but is the bolded really a thing?


I feel like a child at 21 :O

Anyone have any experience with the Naked2 palette by Urban Decay? Not sure if it's worth the money


Hi Gals!

As I am fairly new to GirlGAF, wouldn't it be a great occasion to present myself today, on my last twentysomething birthday?

I'm sad, but the bf tries everything to make this day as comfortable as possible.


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
Awww haha. That's sweet of him :D.

My bf keeps joking that I'm on the wrong side of 25.

If it's not a joke I think he's going to find all of his whisky at the bottom of his toilet.
Hey hey, don't worry, you'll get there before he knows it.


Hi Gals!

As I am fairly new to GirlGAF, wouldn't it be a great occasion to present myself today, on my last twentysomething birthday?

I'm sad, but the bf tries everything to make this day as comfortable as possible.

It's all cool. IMO, people reach their peak while in their 30's. I know I'm definitely looking forward to mine :>

Happy birthday~
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