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GirlGAF |OT 2| Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Eve?

When I was 13 I started working in an onion factory. Basically, onions were loaded from trucks on to a belt type sorting machine. They were sorted by size and grade; most of the sorting was done by hand. At end of each station, a bag was filled, removed, and stacked on a pallet for shipping.

The women did the sorting. That's just the way it was. The men did the lifting of the bags and putting them on pallets.

The sorting was shit because you basically had to stand on a little box for hours at a time only moving your arms. We got hurt a lot (I broke a finger and ripped out a finger nail on the machine, another woman was scalped when her hair got caught in it). A few of us wanted to try the bagging sometimes.

"No, that's men's work, women can lift the 50 lb bags."

We begged for months, and finally, one day, acting like it was a joke, the forman let us switch spots. The men sorted and the women bagged.

We had a blast. We could move around, we could use our muscles, it was awesome.

The men started complaining an hour in and lasted two. We were put back on the sorting and they never let us bag again :(

I want to tell you a story.

I recently worked a few summers ago at a fish processing plant in Alaska. Basically, ships would come dump their fish, and we would process them on an assembly line to prepare them to be shipped to your nearest Costco.

To my surprise, a lot of girls had signed up for this as well. Mostly college aged like myself (I am male). Our supervisors were mostly Filipino, and misogynistic as all hell. We worked on an assembly line, and pretty early they established that there were "womens jobs" and "mens jobs". The women, unsurprisingly, had the most monotonous jobs. Now, keep in mind that we were working 16 hour days, 4 hours at a time with two 15 minute breaks for coffee and two 30 minute breaks for meals. The "women jobs" involved using tweezers to pick whatever tiny bones out of the fish that were missed with the other equipment. I felt so bad for them, because that job sucked.

Anyway, over the course of the 6 weeks I worked there I made friends with a group of women that had come together from an all women's college on the west coast. There were about 6 of them, and they were super cool. These girls were tired of the sexists bosses shit and frankly I was too. One day at lunch I conspired with them to get back to the shift early and just take over the "men's jobs". We all got there about 10 minutes early and I quickly trained them at what to do. This was the part of the assembly line that slid the fileted fish off the racks and onto trays which were stacked on rolling pallets about 30 trays high. It consisted of 7 people working together, with everyone responsible for making sure that no fish made it all the way down the line without being racked (at which point they just fell on the floor and were thrown away).

The bosses came back from break and were noticeably stunned. Most of the other men applauded our stunt and were supportive. The bosses couldn't and didn't have time to tell these women that they "didn't belong there", so the shift started. They were all nervous at first but I kept assuring them that it wasn't hard like they were led to believe, and just encouraged them.

After about an hour, these girls were killing it. They were all working together so well and were so enthusiastic about doing something that actually required them to use their brains that they proved to be the best line crew that place had all summer after that. Even the bosses were impressed.

Your story just reminded me of that incident in my life and I thought it might make you feel good that a few women in some random muckhole in Alaska broke free of that "women's job" mentality and kicked some ass.


Any otome fangirls out here? :D
Can't seem to find if there's an OtomeGAF.

Interesting trivia:
The first Otome game was created by an odd experiment, where in their hope to get more women into the industry (in the 80s), Koei recruited a full team of women who didn't have the skills to create games, but were enthusiastic about stories and writing. So after hearing their ideas, Koei decided to make a Visual Novel with the story they want to write and that's how otome was born. No one saw it becomign popular, yet it was a huge hit in Japan, now almost every girl in their teen years to late 20s plays otome games.

I really wish the western studios would initiate something like that as well. It may end up being a waste of time, but it'll most certainly help the overall male to female ratio in the industry.


Rolling Girl
Well I play Otome titles sometimes but I'm more of a general VN fan. I'll read/play whatever as long as it's premise interesting really! (And if it isn't horrible.)
I'm wondering if building an Otome title community would generate enough interest.
We probably reside in a veritable bastion of perfect-looking men, ladies, where women are forever going to come up short (too thin, too thick, too whatever) in their judgmental standards


On another note, YAY FRIDAY \o/


Women just aren't funny, mmmkay? Especially when they make jokes about men /s.

Also, the way that OT shits on thin (and thick) women is just so disgusting. I think I better stay out of any topics regarding a woman's appearance.

OT shits on all women, mostly. I generally don't bother going into any topics like that anymore unless I want to be annoyed.

On the topic of body, though, I've officially lost 30lbs! :) Feeling good.
Probably my favorite posts in that thread are the ones to the effect of "I don't care about height, I even am really hoping for a super short (or super tall in some cases
) girl!" It'd be funny if it weren't so sad.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
I know a dude in his mid-50's who's shorter than me and skinnier than a toothpick and he routinely dates women that are barely more than half his age.

Of course, he's kind, confident, a bit eccentric and extremely charismatic. I bet he didn't whine about his height all the time... ^^

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Haha, why? I mean I could understand in cases of trophy wives or that kind of thing, but this isn't anything like it. He's about 57 and she's 31 or 32 I think, and it's not a situation of power imbalance or anything like that. They seem to get along great, I don't know the girl so well but she's not an empty-headed trophy (and before anyone asks no, he's not even particularly rich). Honestly I find them kind of adorable. :p
I wish I could say why. Then I might have more success in stifling the feelings.

My boyfriend's (widowered) dad is 52, and he's been seeing a 27yo woman for about a year now, and I can't stand being around them when they're together.

It's probably projecting. I feel like I could only ever date someone who has gone through roughly the same amount of life experience and has the same level of maturity as me, so it feels like people who aren't in that constraint automatically have ulterior motives.

And it's also depressing. I don't want to stop being desirable when I'm older.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Hmm, I can't say that you aren't making some sense. Although I feel that there are diminishing returns about life experience and maturity; hypothetically (since I'm in a relationship :p) I couldn't ever date someone 10 years my junior now, but when I'm in my 40's, I would probably not say no to a man in his 30's or maybe even his late 20's. Also, I've met people in their 20's who've travelled and accomplished things and have more maturity and perspective than some older folks I know, so there is that to consider.

I understand the last part 100% though. The world is extremely cruel against aging women.
Sure. And at only 23, I'll admit there are a lot of things I'm very naive to. But, at present, I just can't see myself with someone significantly older.
okay so i just found out about mgsv's quiet's bikini fiasco's ~reasoning~ and it is making me laugh over and over again XD

O.M.G. spoiler:
it's photosynthesis

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Yup, same powers as... The End. Who wasn't naked obviously, being a centenarian male. xD

It's so fucking stupid. Just say "I wanted a stripper costume because BEWBS" already, Kojima, c'mon.
okay so i just found out about mgsv's quiet's bikini fiasco's ~reasoning~ and it is making me laugh over and over again XD

O.M.G. spoiler:
it's photosynthesis

Yup, same powers as... The End. Who wasn't naked obviously, being a centenarian male. xD

It's so fucking stupid. Just say "I wanted a stripper costume because BEWBS" already, Kojima, c'mon.

Yeah, that sounds dumb and I also heard because he wanted women to cosplay her which is also as dumb considering people had no problems cosplaying Meryl and The Boss.


Yup, same powers as... The End. Who wasn't naked obviously, being a centenarian male. xD

It's so fucking stupid. Just say "I wanted a stripper costume because BEWBS" already, Kojima, c'mon.

Lol, basically, just be honest about your intentions.

If Kojima had just said "I wanted her to wear a stripper outfit because of the boobs and girls would cosplay her", there would have been some outrage and then most people would have stopped talking about it.

But the "you will be ashamed of your words and deeds" just kept the conversation going and "maybe Kojima really made a real story to it", etc etc. And now it's just stupid.

Kind of the same thing with Cidney from FFXV. Cmon, just say you want the one female mechanic in a stripper outfit because you think she's hot. It's insulting that they keep talking about it like she's not offensively dressed. :/ Just own it.


Rolling Girl
She is a tank though! I sent her to scout and attack an area while I was traveling towards it and she killed everyone before I got there, so I'll probably refrain from sending her ahead and give her a tranq sniper rifle from now on.
It's just so contrived and stupid that I had to laugh XD

.... and uh, there's already sooooooooooooooooooo many fanservicey girl characters out there that pander into the "hardly wearing anything" bunch that i think quiet ended up as just another blow-up-sex-doll for me

oh i only ever played one MGS. the one with merryll and hal emmerich. dont remember which number that was, but i enjoyed that one. i didn't know that there was another photosynthesis character...... which is a guy....... which is fully clothed

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
oh i only ever played one MGS. the one with merryll and hal emmerich. dont remember which number that was, but i enjoyed that one.
That's the first Metal Gear Solid, on PSX. It was remade in higher def on Gamecube.
i didn't know that there was another photosynthesis character...... which is a guy....... which is fully clothed
Yup that's in MGS3. His name was The End:

I remember laughing so hard at the photosynthesis thing. One of the many silly WTF moments of MGS in general, but Quiet takes the cake in how obnoxious it is.
anyone asked kojima why the end is fully clothed then?????


oh yeah, friend told me snake also has a 'naked' variation of his costume, but does quiet has a 'clothed' variation of her costume? mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?


Honestly, if the explanation is that she's
photosynthetic, I'd rather just have her naked then wearing an outfit that's obviously meant to be sexy. It's why I really like Mystique in the X-Men movies.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
anyone asked kojima why the end is fully clothed then?????

Probably not. Or if they did he'd ignore them. Kojima is a geniuuuus who can do no wrong, doncha know? xD

oh yeah, friend told me snake also has a 'naked' variation of his costume, but does quiet has a 'clothed' variation of her costume? mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?
Yeah apparently so...
after you beat the game LOL

Honestly, if the explanation is that she's
photosynthetic, I'd rather just have her naked then wearing an outfit that's obviously meant to be sexy. It's why I really like Mystique in the X-Men movies.
Exactly. Even with the "explanation" the stripper outfit makes zero sense.
Honestly, if the explanation is that she's
photosynthetic, I'd rather just have her naked then wearing an outfit that's obviously meant to be sexy. It's why I really like Mystique in the X-Men movies.

yea. also
hairless, to maximise the photosynthetic utility of her skin.

mystique is BOSS <3 i loooooooooove her. i lovelovelove her <3
Hair and sexuality can be very empowering. Also, personally, I like having a buffer between my ass and what I'm sitting on, and like a little support for my breasts. Maybe the trade off of full nudity isn't worth it.

lol, I don't know why I'm defending this crap. I guess I just don't take MGS seriously enough to take any of its characters seriously.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Believe me, I stopped taking MGS seriously the moment I saw stuff like Psycho Mantis and Vulcan Raven. But it doesn't make it any less obnoxious. There's nothing empowering about a soldier being dressed like a stripper.

Besides which, MGS constantly wants to be taken seriously with its subject matter of nuclear disarmament, war economies, government surveillance and propaganda, child soldiers, and so on. Yet it also throws in stupid shit like a man who control bees and voyeurism of PTSD female soldiers dancing sensually for you, 'cause Kojima has the emotional maturity of a teenager or something.
i just like the laugh really :>

mostly cuz it reminds me of an episode of Wife Swap where the wife thinks shes photosynthetic and that she doesnt have to eat very much but needs to sit out under the sun to get her energies straight from the sun like superman

....then Quiet's photosynthetic reason is revealed


Right. I'm not excusing Kojima, just not expecting any better of him. He's kind of a lost cause, as it were. I prefer positive reinforcement where possible, so I'll support games like The Last of Us or the upcoming Horizons: Zero Dawn rather than complaining about Kojima still being a thing. That's just a personal preference.
That's only a small part of the things Quiet does she
breathes and drinks through her skin.
The End doesn't do that.

then should go completely naked and hairless?

srsly, why even logickify it~


.... are you having issues with people having a laugh at the ridiculousness? or? cuz i think most of us aren't really 'complaining' just lolling :>

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Right. I'm not excusing Kojima, just not expecting any better of him. He's kind of a lost cause, as it were. I prefer positive reinforcement where possible, so I'll support games like The Last of Us or the upcoming Horizons: Zero Dawn rather than complaining about Kojima still being a thing. That's just a personal preference.
Sure, that's fair. However, positive examples like The Last of Us also came to happen because feminist critics have pointed out shitty sexist tropes in games, so I think criticism is important too.


then should go completely naked and hairless?

srsly, why even logickify it~


.... are you having issues with people having a laugh at the ridiculousness? or? cuz i think most of us aren't really 'complaining' just lolling :>
Probably as that would be sort of weird. Although there's a lot more to Quiet which does some what explain her and the way she dresses, as it's Metal Gear there's a lot to explain, a skirt or something wouldn't hurt though.

Why'd I have issues with that (adding information certainly doesn't mean I've got an issue)? It's Metal Gear course it's not really meant to be taken that seriously.
Lol, basically, just be honest about your intentions.

If Kojima had just said "I wanted her to wear a stripper outfit because of the boobs and girls would cosplay her", there would have been some outrage and then most people would have stopped talking about it.

But the "you will be ashamed of your words and deeds" just kept the conversation going and "maybe Kojima really made a real story to it", etc etc. And now it's just stupid.

Kind of the same thing with Cidney from FFXV. Cmon, just say you want the one female mechanic in a stripper outfit because you think she's hot. It's insulting that they keep talking about it like she's not offensively dressed. :/ Just own it.

I think I vaguely remember the "you will be ashamed of your words and deeds", but I wasn't sure if that was real and if it was he couldn't have been serious, or at least I wouldn't take that seriously, that's so over serious that I find it funny. In the case of Cidney I don't think it has to be entirely offensive. Someone like backslashbunny shouldn't feel ashamed for liking something like Quiet's outfit for instance.
Probably as that would be sort of weird. Although there's a lot more to Quiet which does some what explain her and the way she dresses, as it's Metal Gear there's a lot to explain, a skirt or something wouldn't hurt though.

Why'd I have issues with that (adding information certainly doesn't mean I've got an issue)? It's Metal Gear course it's not really meant to be taken that seriously.

sure there's ~a lot more~ to quiet

.......... on top of her ridiculous char design

but base format is super lolworthy for me XD

gahah i just won my GAFia game. feels good man ^___________^


I think I vaguely remember the "you will be ashamed of your words and deeds", but I wasn't sure if that was real and if it was he couldn't have been serious, or at least I wouldn't take that seriously, that's so over serious that I find it funny. In the case of Cidney I don't think it has to be entirely offensive. Someone like backslashbunny shouldn't feel ashamed for liking something like Quiet's outfit for instance.

It was totally real lol. I think it was after the design came out and everyone was like "wtf", Kojima was all "when you know why she dresses like that, you will all be ashamed of your words and deeds". Okay, Kojima.

I don't think there's a problem with liking the designs! I just think the creators should be upfront about it instead of creating some stupid "explanation" for why your mechanic needs to service cars in her short shorts, or why your badass sniper needs to wear a bikini top that just barely covers her nipples.

This is me, except I'd never wear a bathing suit lol. But I'm always saying, I can't go outside otherwise I'll set on fire and that I need to maintain my vampiresque complexion.


i just like the laugh really :>

mostly cuz it reminds me of an episode of Wife Swap where the wife thinks shes photosynthetic and that she doesnt have to eat very much but needs to sit out under the sun to get her energies straight from the sun like superman

....then Quiet's photosynthetic reason is revealed


Did that really happen? Omg, and I thought the possessed woman couldn't be beat.
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