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GirlGAF |OT 2| Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Eve?


Every time there is a female squirting thread, I can't help but to SMH at how many men seem to view us as some sort of otherworldly, magical creature.

Someone actually seriously asked if maybe female squirters have a magical, unknown, undiscovered organ in our bodies that holds fluid. It's located somewhere near the bladder, but it's not the bladder.

Ha. I can't really say that I'm surprised.
I have a lot of trouble sleeping that's related to alarm anxiety. If I have an alarm set, I'll always wake up a bit before it, but the absolute worst part is my quality of sleep diminishes too, as my mind feels consumed with getting up early enough in the morning. Setting an earlier alarm just means I wake up even earlier - the situation doesn't change.

This basically means I sleep less and less well during the week(normally 3-5 hours), then the weekend comes and I sleep 10 hours at a time. 4-6 hours is my normal sweet-spot, so 3-5 hours on the weekdays isn't really impacting my day too much, but I'd enjoy more stress-free nights.

Go to sleep much, much earlier. You WILL wake up in the middle of the night, but it will still be quite early and your anxiety wont let you sleep anyway, so do something productive like clean your room or wash dishes or something...these tasks will relieve your stress and give you peace of mind, and you can go to sleep for a few more hours until your alarm goes off. I have an anxiety disorder as it is, but this has worked for me (I have to be at work at 6 am on certain days when I usually go in at 11 on other days)


Go to sleep much, much earlier. You WILL wake up in the middle of the night, but it will still be quite early and your anxiety wont let you sleep anyway, so do something productive like clean your room or wash dishes or something...these tasks will relieve your stress and give you peace of mind, and you can go to sleep for a few more hours until your alarm goes off. I have an anxiety disorder as it is, but this has worked for me (I have to be at work at 6 am on certain days when I usually go in at 11 on other days)

Unfortunately, commute included, I'm away for work from 7:30AM-8PM Mon-Fri. I go to bed within an hour of getting home already, and just give myself enough time to wind down a little before crashing. I normally wake up ~2:30-3 and start my day at that point.


Every time there is a female squirting thread, I can't help but to SMH at how many men seem to view us as some sort of otherworldly, magical creature.

Someone actually seriously asked if maybe female squirters have a magical, unknown, undiscovered organ in our bodies that holds fluid. It's located somewhere near the bladder, but it's not the bladder.

I you are referring to my post I'm afraid you misunderstood. The questions were rhetorical. You seemed to be implying that female ejaculate originates from the bladder yet it's not urine. I wanted to debunk that by showing that it has some absurd implications like a magical unknown organ.

Also I accidentally found this thread because I'm bored, I'm totally not being weird.


Melatonin can be hit or miss, from my experience. I've used it and it works great for me, but I do need a full 7-8 hours rest or else I'll be extremely groggy in the morning. My boyfriend's tried it a few times, but he apparently has really trippy dreams and he doesn't rest well as a result.

It's certainly worth trying, though. It helped me finally get on a semi-normal sleeping schedule when I got a 9-5 job that required me getting up earlier in the morning than I was used to.

(also hi girl gaf)


Melatonin can be hit or miss, from my experience. I've used it and it works great for me, but I do need a full 7-8 hours rest or else I'll be extremely groggy in the morning. My boyfriend's tried it a few times, but he apparently has really trippy dreams and he doesn't rest well as a result.

It's certainly worth trying, though. It helped me finally get on a semi-normal sleeping schedule when I got a 9-5 job that required me getting up earlier in the morning than I was used to.

(also hi girl gaf)

This is what scares me. I love my mornings, and am at my best during them, and I don't necessarily want to trade that for more or better sleep.


This is what scares me. I love my mornings, and am at my best during them, and I don't necessarily want to trade that for more or better sleep.

As someone who has to deal with apnea, never underestimate how much of an impact better sleep can give you in terms of long term health. I was able to do the 3-5 hours of sleep thing in my 20s when I was fine doing a lot of overtime to earn more, but after several years of that it really started to take a toll on me.


This is what scares me. I love my mornings, and am at my best during them, and I don't necessarily want to trade that for more or better sleep.

True, but there's still no harm in trying it a couple nights and see what happens to you if you're already having sleep issues :) And like Xia says, better sleep is really important in both the short and long run.


As someone who has to deal with apnea, never underestimate how much of an impact better sleep can give you in terms of long term health. I was able to do the 3-5 hours of sleep thing in my 20s when I was fine doing a lot of overtime to earn more, but after several years of that it really started to take a toll on me.

True, but there's still no harm in trying it a couple nights and see what happens to you if you're already having sleep issues :) And like Xia says, better sleep is really important in both the short and long run.

Thanks y'all. I also have bipolar II so I need to be careful with anything that might affect my mood(including the huge amounts of caffeine I consume X_X), but some quick Googling shows that melatonin is often recommended to help with sleep for people with bipolar disorder(I'd talk about it with a doctor, but I don't have coverage ATM).


Yeah, I take melatonin sometimes when I'm having trouble sleeping.

I've been drinking chamomile tea before bed and it's nice and relaxing. Honey Vanilla chamomile to be specific, because the regular kind tastes gross. lol


I have a doctor friend who also recommends melatonin pills for sleep troubles at night. Fortunately lack of sleep has never been a big problem with me, but it's comforting to know that there are solutions out there.

I had a student come up to me once and confess that she took nyquil before bed every night in order to get sleep. Now I'm not an expert but...I really don't think that is a good idea lol. Hope she managed to sort out her sleep issues.


I have a doctor friend who also recommends melatonin pills for sleep troubles at night. Fortunately lack of sleep has never been a big problem with me, but it's comforting to know that there are solutions out there.

I had a student come up to me once and confess that she took nyquil before bed every night in order to get sleep. Now I'm not an expert but...I really don't think that is a good idea lol. Hope she managed to sort out her sleep issues.

Now that's what you call a problem D:

Before melatonin, I'd try sleeping pills/Nyquil once in a blue moon (only if I had multiple bad night's sleep in a row, which happens a couple times a year), and it never worked well for me. Either it would take forever to kick in, not letting me get enough sleep for the meds to wear off, or I'd have a ton of trouble waking up due to the pills and be groggy for most of the day. Actually, it was usually both. It was the worst. :(


I had a student come up to me once and confess that she took nyquil before bed every night in order to get sleep. Now I'm not an expert but...I really don't think that is a good idea lol. Hope she managed to sort out her sleep issues.

Well, that usage is common enough that Zzzquil became a thing.


While going through a bad stress and anxiety period of my life my doctor prescribed me amitriptyline for insomnia. I have 2 doses, 10mg and 25mg. The 10mg will get me 8-12 hours of deep sleep. The 25mg one will go well over that, I have to force myself to get up after 12 hours.

I don't normally dream (or remember my dreams) but during periods of high anxiety I have terrible dreams. The amitriptyline quiets my mind so that I can fall asleep and I go back to sweet oblivion during sleep. I will caution that for me it is really hard to wake up when I take the amitriptyline. I just want to sleep and sleep and sleep. Because of this, I only take it when I really need it.

On the topic of curling irons, my hair will not keep a heat-set curl. Like some other posters, the only luck I have with curling my hair is by using rollers when my hair is wet and letting it dry. You will want to get the large/jumbo rollers unless you are going for the Shirley Temple / 1980's look.

Air dry is best but you can speed it up by using a blow dryer on low. Using a blow dryer will introduce some frizz, it's unavoidable (as far as I know). Th best way is by using an air diffuser attachment with your dryer and hanging your head upside-down while you are drying to try and get some volume going. I don't think it looks terrible (the amount of frizz) but if you are going for a super smooth look don't blow dry. The you let it cool, take out the rollers an gentle finger comb the curls but not too much (you will end up with the 1980's hair if you do it too much). You can also soften them by running a brush through them, BUT I caution you that you will either like this look or hate it (the brush look) so it'd be best to experiment on a day where your appearance isn't important.

...that's all I got.



Lol yeah... Saw that and was like.... Welp.

"More women own consoles!"
I just have to laugh at the stupidity of both sides in that thread. There are a small handful of legitimate, non-toxic posts out there from either end of the spectrum that bring up some good points, especially as to how survey's should be a bit more in-depth rather than focusing on a singular aspect of something that could much more broadly covered.

The mix of the "Women buying systems more than men, IMPOSSIBLE" crowd, and the "You have a legitimate concern or doubt about a studies lack of in-depth data, or way of collecting data? YOU MUST HATE WOMEN! RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE!" crowd make for delicious fucking drama I have to admit. Mouth watering!


I actually searched y'all out because of all the awful in that thread.

I just want to drop in and say that y'all are awesome. As that particular thread clearly shows, gaming is often, shall we say, less than welcoming to non male gamers and I think it's cool that y'all are creating space for yourselves. It's needed to be honest and I hope no one ever does anything to drive you away. That's my long winded excessively worded way of saying I got your back. Cheers!

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
I love the comments about there are so few women compared to men in Twitch streaming, Youtube, blah blah blah, as if that was somehow proof of gamer cred or something. I don't connect to this "gamer culture" at all, I couldn't care less about that, because... I'm too busy actually just playing my games. :p


I'm only on page one, but the whole Netflix/youtube thing is ridiculous. So what? That's all I do on my bf XboxOne. As I did on my 360 and Ps3.

Can't I just have fun?
Is it the as a dude I'm afraid to get married thread?

Cuz I didn't click

I was thinking living in that fear may work well both him and for women both


me too

yrael is awesome <3



Aw, shucks!

That thread has made me realise that I own 9 consoles and 6 handhelds, not counting my laptop (or the consoles/handhelds that I've given away or sold). Seems like a lot, but then I remember that they've been collected over a good 20 years.

There is a thread in OT about marriage where someone has decided that women want to get married so we can drop our careers, be taken care of by our husbands, and leech off him as we sit in front of the TV all day.

What. The. Fuck.


I don't even know what to say to this anymore.

I guess I just feel sorry for them in a way, since they only seem to know really shitty people if they think this way.

Eesh. :/


Aw, shucks!

That thread has made me realise that I own 9 consoles and 6 handhelds, not counting my laptop (or the consoles/handhelds that I've given away or sold). Seems like a lot, but then I remember that they've been collected over a good 20 years.

eeeeeeeee doggie so cute *_____* just like yrael <3

haha yeah, i never counted until i got there, and then i was like woh i has stuff. stuff, i has it.

im glad there are sane people on gaf though. i mean some of the comments there were omg-r-u-fo-real but some others are pretty encouraging :D i love all of the girls who came in and put in their experiences and i also love the dudes who are just terrifically decent human beings <3
There is a thread in OT about marriage where someone has decided that women want to get married so we can drop our careers, be taken care of by our husbands, and leech off him as we sit in front of the TV all day.

What. The. Fuck.


I don't even know what to say to this anymore.

I guess I just feel sorry for them in a way, since they only seem to know really shitty people if they think this way.

i knew a guy who got married

he died many many years later of old age

let this be a lesson, men: don't get married


After that thread about women owning more consoles than men, i got kind of curious about how many i owned. Apparently I have 6, soon to be 7 (not including computers). That's CRAZY! I have never thought of video games as my primary hobby, but i might need to rethink that lol.
I have 9 working consoles (plus one dead one), 5 handhelds (soon to be 6).

I think my main problem is I'm a hoarder and find it really hard to get rid of stuff.


Rolling Girl
Let's see...
Super Nintendo
Super Famicom
Sega Genesis
Sega Saturn
Sega Dreamcast
Xbox 360
Wii U
and a Gaming PC.

That's a lot more than I was thinking of really.


I have access to:
Xbox 360

My husband bought most of those, but I bought the PS2 (our second one since our first one partly broke) and PS3. Right now, I'm using the 360 to play Lost Odyssey. I mainly played or play the PS2 and PS3. I will be on the PS4 a lot more, I expect, once I wrap up my backlog since certain games might actually be out by then.


A friend came out as a trans woman today, and I'm so happy for her. She came out to me a few months ago in person.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Oh we're doing this? Okay :D
Consoles I own:

- Sega Genesis
- Sega Saturn
- Playstation 1 (it's kinda dead now though)
- Playstation 3
- Playstation 4

(I also own a decent, but sorta aging, gaming PC. To give you an idea, it can run Borderlands 2 flawlessly at max settings, but it struggles with new-gen games like The Evil Within even with AA turned off.)

Additional household (i.e. my boyfriend's) consoles:
- N64
- Gamecube
- Wii
- Wii U
- Playstation 2
- Xbox 360
- Gameboy, DS, 3DS

Yeah he's the Nintendo fanboy. :p I actually owned my own PS2, but when we moved in, I traded it to my brother in exchange for his Sega Genesis and Sega Saturn since my boyfriend had his own PS2 as well.
Here's the shit I've collected and still own to this day...

Commodore Amiga 600
Mega Drive (With Mega CD II)
Sega Saturn
Nintendo 64
Playstation 2
Xbox 360
Xbox One
Wii U

Game Boy
Game Boy Colour
Game Boy Advance SP
Nintendo DS
New Nintendo 3DS

And my £1600 mega PC rig. PS4 in the near future as well.
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