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GirlGAF |OT 2| Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Eve?


I wouldn't mind creating a new one. I'm not sure how active it would be, to be honest, given how the previous thread went. But if there is enough interest in one I'll do it. I can't give an exact date on when it will be up (I've never made a thread before, let alone an OT), but I'll try to have it up soon.

Well theres at least initial enthusiasm it seems so hopefully that can last and its not just the few here rn. Also if I keep losing weight I'm going to need a ton new clothes in the next couple months so hopefully I can help keep it busy :)

either way 2 years is probably long enough for a second try :p thanks for being willing to put the effort in :)


Welcome, Ekai. :)

Sorry, didn't mean to ignore your welcome earlier! I was at work and didn't scan through a lot of the past replies thoroughly enough.
Thank you! :)

And thanks to Anastasia as well! I would hope the topic maintains enough interest.


I would love to have a fashion thread. The problem last time was there were people who would want to talk about high fashion and runway looks, and then there would be other people who would put down those posts because it was "unwearable" and just want to kill the conversation. I didn't understand why we couldn't have fun and discuss all forms of fashion.


I would love to have a fashion thread. The problem last time was there were people who would want to talk about high fashion and runway looks, and then there would be other people who would put down those posts because it was "unwearable" and just want to kill the conversation. I didn't understand why we couldn't have fun and discuss all forms of fashion.

Hey Kisaya, don't think I've seen you much around GAF. :)

And I agree, I'd love to just see all fashion get its share.
God, I hate it when GoG has a sale. Just picked up:

Blood 2
Shogo: Armored Force Division
System Shock 2
Riddick: Assault On Dark Athena

I kind of wish "No One Lives Forever" and it's sequel were on GoG though.


I grabbed:
-Chroma Squad (it's a isometric tactical game ala I guess FF Tactics? about setting up your own Power Rangers/sentai show. I watched someone stream some of it, it oozes charm)

-Another World 20th Anniversary (always heard good things)

-Messiah (it looks kinda neat. if a bit janky. about some angel who can possess/become other people I guess)

-Blackwell Epiphany (I got the first 4 in this series for super cheap on a steam bundle so when I saw that the finale was finally on sale for super cheap, I had to get it)

-Dreamfall: Longest Journey (had gotten the first, was waiting for this to go down in price)

-Oddworld: Abe's Exodus (loved Odyssey and never played this one so...)

-Legend of Grimrock 2 (liked what I have played of the first one, heard the sequel was better)

All of those were pretty much 2 to 3 dollars too so it was worth it I think!
what kind of fitness/sport are you girls doing to stay fit at the moment? I definitely prefer an all- or at least mostly-girls environment and already tried a lot of stuff lately (from belly dancing to thai boxing and pole dancing) but I think about picking up something new. dancing is fun but I really wanna get in shape and I feel it's just not reeeally doing the trick or takes more time to be really rewarding/exhausting.

so yeah, let's hear it! :)


Rolling Girl
I've started jogging around my apartment every other day to get in at least 10-15 minutes since I haven't really done anything before, so I need to work my way up quite a bit. :p

Also nice Toriel avatar. :)
i dont exercise at all :<

i should i guess :x

if lazyness was a sport i'd be world champion :>
I'm normally like that too, that's why I feel like I need to change things around a bit :l

I've started jogging around my apartment every other day to get in at least 10-15 minutes since I haven't really done anything before, so I need to work my way up quite a bit. :p

Also nice Toriel avatar. :)

thanks, everything for goat mum <3
I already take my dog out for walks which I kinda count as jogging even though it's probably not completely justified haha.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
The only physical activity I do regularly is kendo.

Actually, November is a big month for kendo. I just came back from a long kendo week-end in the Boston area (Friday night: big joint practice; Saturday: seminar all day + short joint practice; Sunday: competition) and I was absolutely exhausted haha. It was tons of fun and I learned a lot. But next Saturday I have another tournament, the provincial championship (smaller scale than the Boston one but still fun), and the week after, I travel to Toronto for another big competition, immediately followed by grading examination the next day.

So that's three week-ends of kendo events in a row. Phew! I am a bit nervous about the grading in two weeks, since I'm due for the first really difficult one (previous kyu and dan exams were no big deal, this is the first truly "advanced" grading exam and failure rate is pretty high), especially since I'm currently treating a wrist injury. I should be resting, but I'm too dumb and stubborn. xD

Kendo is not an all-girls thing at all, we're a minority really; however, we often do have special women's only practices where we train together, and I have a few female friends I like to go on kendo trips with together and they are a blast. I had two such trips last summer (one to Toronto and one to NYC) and they were the most fun kendo trips I've had. Kendo girls are just awesome. :)


I try to walk more. I injured my knee pretty bad earlier this year so was laid up for most of the Spring, then Summer came around and like any summer in Florida it's hot and humid as all get-up so I couldn't do much. Now that it's cool again I try to walk a couple miles a day. Usually I'll walk to get lunch from work, or even walk home from work (about 4.5 miles) :3

I really gotta do more, though. Office life making me super flabby.


I've started jogging around my apartment every other day to get in at least 10-15 minutes since I haven't really done anything before, so I need to work my way up quite a bit. :p

Also nice Toriel avatar. :)

That's pretty much what I do right now! I took a Body mapping course (it focused on the Alexander technique) and also a movement for the actor/ress class in college. So I do know/have some resources for healthy body alignment and sorta yoga-esque kind of things but I haven't really focused on that in a while. I should again, it really helped me feel a bit more at peace sometimes when I would be stressed. Plus knowing how to use the Alexander technique throughout daily activities will help ensure healthier body posture/combat arthritis and prevent general aches/sores that can happen.

I've love to do more but my free-time is so limited right now that I haven't really researched much. Would love to hear more about what other people do though. :)


Sorry if this ends up being a double-post in advance, just wanted to reply to more people if others were also in the middle of responding to posts or something.

what kind of fitness/sport are you girls doing to stay fit at the moment? I definitely prefer an all- or at least mostly-girls environment and already tried a lot of stuff lately (from belly dancing to thai boxing and pole dancing) but I think about picking up something new. dancing is fun but I really wanna get in shape and I feel it's just not reeeally doing the trick or takes more time to be really rewarding/exhausting.

so yeah, let's hear it! :)

I get the feeling dancing would be pretty fun, trab (is it okay if I shorten your name to this?), but what dancing would you suggest for someone who had two left feet in middle-school gym dances? :p

The only physical activity I do regularly is kendo.

Actually, November is a big month for kendo. I just came back from a long kendo week-end in the Boston area (Friday night: big joint practice; Saturday: seminar all day + short joint practice; Sunday: competition) and I was absolutely exhausted haha. It was tons of fun and I learned a lot. But next Saturday I have another tournament, the provincial championship (smaller scale than the Boston one but still fun), and the week after, I travel to Toronto for another big competition, immediately followed by grading examination the next day.

So that's three week-ends of kendo events in a row. Phew! I am a bit nervous about the grading in two weeks, since I'm due for the first really difficult one (previous kyu and dan exams were no big deal, this is the first truly "advanced" grading exam and failure rate is pretty high), especially since I'm currently treating a wrist injury. I should be resting, but I'm too dumb and stubborn. xD

Kendo is not an all-girls thing at all, we're a minority really; however, we often do have special women's only practices where we train together, and I have a few female friends I like to go on kendo trips with together and they are a blast. I had two such trips last summer (one to Toronto and one to NYC) and they were the most fun kendo trips I've had. Kendo girls are just awesome. :)

I wish you all the best with your Kendo grading! I had a friend who now does karate for a living, different I know, but he always carried around a kendo sword and I played with it a few times. Of course that's vastly different from actually doing it but it still looks and sounds like lots of fun! Does it cost much to get into?

Reading a lot of these posts so far makes me think that physical therapy or maybe even The Alexander technique could be helpful for the aches/pains/injuries some of you have mentioned having. I should see if I can dig up my info. on if any of you are interested.

Edit: I should have just edited my previous post. Is it possible to delete your own posts? Sorry, I'm still pretty new to Gaf.
The only physical activity I do regularly is kendo.

Actually, November is a big month for kendo. I just came back from a long kendo week-end in the Boston area (Friday night: big joint practice; Saturday: seminar all day + short joint practice; Sunday: competition) and I was absolutely exhausted haha. It was tons of fun and I learned a lot. But next Saturday I have another tournament, the provincial championship (smaller scale than the Boston one but still fun), and the week after, I travel to Toronto for another big competition, immediately followed by grading examination the next day.

So that's three week-ends of kendo events in a row. Phew! I am a bit nervous about the grading in two weeks, since I'm due for the first really difficult one (previous kyu and dan exams were no big deal, this is the first truly "advanced" grading exam and failure rate is pretty high), especially since I'm currently treating a wrist injury. I should be resting, but I'm too dumb and stubborn. xD

Kendo is not an all-girls thing at all, we're a minority really; however, we often do have special women's only practices where we train together, and I have a few female friends I like to go on kendo trips with together and they are a blast. I had two such trips last summer (one to Toronto and one to NYC) and they were the most fun kendo trips I've had. Kendo girls are just awesome. :)
Kendo is amazing! always wanted to try it but I always thought all the gear would be too expensive overall :l

I try to walk more. I injured my knee pretty bad earlier this year so was laid up for most of the Spring, then Summer came around and like any summer in Florida it's hot and humid as all get-up so I couldn't do much. Now that it's cool again I try to walk a couple miles a day. Usually I'll walk to get lunch from work, or even walk home from work (about 4.5 miles) :3

I really gotta do more, though. Office life making me super flabby.
definitely planning on doing some hiking too, but that's more something I wanna do on the side
Sorry if this ends up being a double-post in advance, just wanted to reply to more people if others were also in the middle of responding to posts or something.

I get the feeling dancing would be pretty fun, trab (is it okay if I shorten your name to this?), but what dancing would you suggest for someone who had two left feet in middle-school gym dances? :p

sure, trab is fine :>
my tip (as someone with the biggest pair of left feet ever): just try out anything you want, don't worry about looking goofy or out of step at first; that's what gets you screwed up the most. just have fun and you'll get better over time. also try out different styles, maybe you'll find something you enjoy.


double posts is okay, ekai :)

and no, i dont think you can delete posts :3

you girls are all so fit and active :> aaaaahhhh im ashamed~

Okay, sounds good. :)

Thank you! But I wish I was more fit than I am. I'm not super out of shape or anything but I could do with being a bit more fit.

sure, trab is fine :>
my tip (as someone with the biggest pair of left feet ever): just try out anything you want, don't worry about looking goofy or out of step at first; that's what gets you screwed up the most. just have fun and you'll get better over time. also try out different styles, maybe you'll find something you enjoy.

Hehe, first I gotta figure the time to make that work out! But thank you for the advice. :) I'll definitely work on that. I try not to let things that might be embarrassing get to me but it does happen.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
I wish you all the best with your Kendo grading!

I had a friend who now does karate for a living, different I know, but he always carried around a kendo sword and I played with it a few times. Of course that's vastly different from actually doing it but it still looks and sounds like lots of fun! Does it cost much to get into?
Kendo is amazing! always wanted to try it but I always thought all the gear would be too expensive overall :l
Kendo is not cheap, for sure. I think it's not as bad as some sports such as hockey, though? But you always start without equipment (beyond the shinai, the bamboo sword, which can be obtained for around $30 for a beginner's shinai), and if you like it you can eventually buy your uniform and then the armour, but in some dojos that can be up to a year (you can usually borrow armour parts from a dojo to try and see what it feels like). A full set (uniform + shinai + bogu, the armour) on the cheaper end will probably add up to at least $500, I'd say. The higher-quality equipment can cost a lot more, but you don't need those to start with; a starting set can still last several years, at least.

That said, I know plenty of broke-ass students who practice kendo, and somehow manage to make it work, so it's not exclusively for wealthy people. ^^ The price was also daunting for me at first, but when you really get into it, it's so worth it that it basically becomes a non-issue.


I like to do my Jillian Michaels DVDs haha. It's basically circuit training.

Also lifting and yoga.

Except for the past year I haven't done a thiiiiiing lol. Just really cleaned up my diet and lost weight that way.


I used to be fit and active and then I took an autoimmune disease to the knee.

Bad joke. >.<

I am still not over weight but I've lost pretty much all of my muscle power (I used to be able to do things like lift 100 lb bags of onions no problem). I even had to tune my bow down to 28 lbs and I can't use it very often because of how much it hurts my shoulders.

I need to get healthy again, but seriously, should I just...wait until my meds are adjusted enough that I don't feel like hell from the chemo most of the week and hell from from the RA the rest of it? Or just push the fuck through?

Don't hurt yourself! You can do light activity, walking, 5lbs weight routines, etc., without "pushing through", just to keep yourself a bit active but not hurting yourself.

Walk, weights, yoga. Don't stop entirely, but just be careful :)


I used to go for evening walks, not so much anymore. I had some really bad GERD a little over a month ago and in coping with that, I cut down my portions a lot so lost weight without intending to and just haven't really done much physical activity since. I took the 2yo for a little walk the Sunday morning after Halloween, that was fun.


definitely planning on doing some hiking too, but that's more something I wanna do on the side

Ooo, yes, I'd love to do more hiking! I need look up places around here, though (I know there's actually a bunch in my area)... Maybe I'll try and find people to drag along next weekend :3

I've gotten into kickboxing :) it's good cardio and not as boring as running

I forgot about that! I remember doing a fitness course that had some kickboxing in it, it was a lot of fun! Do you have any recommendations on where to start, beginner's wise?

I used to be fit and active and then I took an autoimmune disease to the knee.

Bad joke. >.<

I am still not over weight but I've lost pretty much all of my muscle power (I used to be able to do things like lift 100 lb bags of onions no problem). I even had to tune my bow down to 28 lbs and I can't use it very often because of how much it hurts my shoulders.

I need to get healthy again, but seriously, should I just...wait until my meds are adjusted enough that I don't feel like hell from the chemo most of the week and hell from from the RA the rest of it? Or just push the fuck through?

Chemo kicks the shit out of most people. Don't push yourself too hard! If you want to do exercise and you feel up to it, do some light stuff like Leeness says. Pushing yourself too hard right now might cause complications :(


I used to be fit and active and then I took an autoimmune disease to the knee.

Bad joke. >.<

I am still not over weight but I've lost pretty much all of my muscle power (I used to be able to do things like lift 100 lb bags of onions no problem). I even had to tune my bow down to 28 lbs and I can't use it very often because of how much it hurts my shoulders.

I need to get healthy again, but seriously, should I just...wait until my meds are adjusted enough that I don't feel like hell from the chemo most of the week and hell from from the RA the rest of it? Or just push the fuck through?

Do not push through it. You will end up ruining your joints. :(

I also have an autoimmune disease and bad arthritis in my joints. I tried to do "light" strength training exercises on my own to try and get in shape and messed up my joints really badly. They were already not good but now they're to the point where I should have replacement surgery but am too young to qualify. Had to get a bunch of unpleasant procedures done to get me back into a semi-functional state.

So my point is ask your rheumatologist for a referral to physical therapy. They will teach you how to exercise to do the least amount of damage to your joints.


I forgot about that! I remember doing a fitness course that had some kickboxing in it, it was a lot of fun! Do you have any recommendations on where to start, beginner's wise?

All the classes I've been to were helpful for beginners. Back in NY I started doing it in a small karate school that had kickboxing classes twice a week, then went to a kickboxing franchise called CKO for a harder workout (still good for beginners, just moved a whole lot more). Moving to Chicago I don't really know where to find a place, but thankfully my boyfriend's gym has a kickboxing class once a week.

Pretty much from what I find the classes are the same. I have a pair of beginner gloves from CKO, but I think it's worth investing in better gloves once you get the hang of it.


Well...that thread about the woman writing about her breast woes is going as well as expected. Some good posts, but mostly "she should be happy she gets attention", "they're not that big", "boobs are sexy lol", etc.



Well...that thread about the woman writing about her breast woes is going as well as expected. Some good posts, but mostly "she should be happy she gets attention", "they're not that big", "boobs are sexy lol", etc.


Do I even want to find this topic. Just....wow.

Thank you and everyone else for the advice. Sometimes I feel like such a wuss, but hearing other people going through similar stuff helps a ton. My rheumatologist wants me to do yoga and swimming, but I would have to 'take classes' in order to not injure myself he said. Not financially possible at the moment. Once I get to a better place (like, into a real town) I might yeah.

I hope things go well for you, Fiction!


Do I even want to find this topic. Just....wow.

I went and found it. It was bad, but compared to some of the... other... recent threads it at least had some relevant discussion. Still filled with ignorant people, though.

EDIT: A little late, but thank you for the advice, Kisaya!


I went and found it. It was bad, but compared to some of the... other... recent threads it at least had some relevant discussion. Still filled with ignorant people, though.

EDIT: A little late, but thank you for the advice, Kisaya!

Definitely. It at least had a few people in there who were understanding. And at least it seems to have died quickly. I guess I get salty over boob threads lol

The Game Awards judges over on gaming side on the other hand... Lawd hammercy and I barely only looked at the first page.
Definitely. It at least had a few people in there who were understanding. And at least it seems to have died quickly. I guess I get salty over boob threads lol

The Game Awards judges over on gaming side on the other hand... Lawd hammercy and I barely only looked at the first page.

Yeah, same for me. Took a little peek and noooooope, too much to deal with.


Well...that thread about the woman writing about her breast woes is going as well as expected. Some good posts, but mostly "she should be happy she gets attention", "they're not that big", "boobs are sexy lol", etc.

In my experience guys who are quick to say "they're not that big" get their idea of breast size from porn -_-

Amusingly there was one guy I knew who sorta did the opposite and called even remotely curvy girls fat. Really glad I don't put up with him any more...

With the awards thread there's actually a surprising amount of people drawing the right conclusion (lack of representation in the industry) but a lot of them are either blaming it on women or saying it's not a problem.


Wow, you all sure own a lot of consoles! I think I'll get there soon enough. I guess this is what happens when you play video games as a child, and then re-discover the hobby later on in life as an adult lol.

what kind of fitness/sport are you girls doing to stay fit at the moment? I definitely prefer an all- or at least mostly-girls environment and already tried a lot of stuff lately (from belly dancing to thai boxing and pole dancing) but I think about picking up something new. dancing is fun but I really wanna get in shape and I feel it's just not reeeally doing the trick or takes more time to be really rewarding/exhausting.

so yeah, let's hear it! :)

I definitely do a lot of Group X type of classes - it's a fun way of getting to know people and suffering together! Plus, in my experience the instructors are always really funny and motivating. I tend to do a lot of High Intensity Interval Training and Strength Training. When it comes to cardio, I'm not too fond of the dancey stuff somehow (but it looks like you are, sorry I can't help you there!). I really like step aerobics though, even though it's horribly 'out of fashion'. But whatever, as long as I'm having fun and burning some calories, it's all good to me.

Amusingly there was one guy I knew who sorta did the opposite and called even remotely curvy girls fat. Really glad I don't put up with him any more...

Good riddance! Not really related but kinda: I have really wavy hair and I once straightened it. A guy came up to me and said 'Wow, you brushed your hair, looks amazing!' I laughed about it afterwards, but at the time didn't really know how to reply lol XD


Good riddance! Not really related but kinda: I have really wavy hair and I once straightened it. A guy came up to me and said 'Wow, you brushed your hair, looks amazing!' I laughed about it afterwards, but at the time didn't really know how to reply lol XD

Reminds me of people that always tell me "Oh you look so much better with your glasses off!" Like, I'm sorry I like to see things and contacts utterly terrify me. I'm really not trying to look better for you people. And the glasses hide the terrible bags that are under my eyes 80% of the time. Actually, getting glasses that look good on me helped a lot too (I wasn't wearing bottle cap frames or anything, but this latest pair really frames my face nicely), I get a good amount of compliments for my glasses now :3
Hey all. I've been interested in what I'll call dense media analysis recently. I've read a lot of media analysis otherwise but watching and listening has become more interesting for me. Youtubers like Digibro, Folding Ideas, and PBS Idea Channel are the kind of vein I'm interested in. Obviously, what I've posted are all guys and I'm actually interested to subscribe to more female youtubers with the same MO (on any subject from tv to books to anime). I'm already subscribed to Feminist Frequency and have stumbled upon the sites I've posted so I wouldn't at all know how to start searching for these kinds of channels. I believed that GirlGAF might have an insight into Youtube channels like these with female hosts.


Found that boob thread and the Game Awards thread.....I really hope Gaf isn't like that all the time cause wow. Just wow. Though my experience already in some OTs leads me to believe that's a possibility.

Edit: Posted in that Game Awards thread. Saw a bunch of people posting quite literally or something to the effect of "Girls/Those females only play candy-crush!" and was accused of strawmanning someone who literally said some journalists might be unqualified/incapable to discuss games....which is exactly what I responded to and discussed how absurd it was to believe such a low number of women could be, since you know, that's the topic. Same person who accused me of this then twisted my words while directly quoting me and claimed I said this other person believed all women were incapable of writing about games.

Thanks whoever you are for treating me like that. I appreciate it.
I regret posting there now. All I did was discuss mostly how much of a boy's club mentality exists in gaming still despite the fact that lots of women play games and ugh. I'm not going to bother with it. It's so pointless.

Hey all. I've been interested in what I'll call dense media analysis recently. I've read a lot of media analysis otherwise but watching and listening has become more interesting for me. Youtubers like Digibro, Folding Ideas, and PBS Idea Channel are the kind of vein I'm interested in. Obviously, what I've posted are all guys and I'm actually interested to subscribe to more female youtubers with the same MO (on any subject from tv to books to anime). I'm already subscribed to Feminist Frequency and have stumbled upon the sites I've posted so I wouldn't at all know how to start searching for these kinds of channels. I believed that GirlGAF might have an insight into Youtube channels like these with female hosts.

I'm not sure if it's quite exactly what you're looking for but Voidburger is an LPer who does some pretty in-dept analysis of the Silent Hill series (and has even had devs appear as guests in an episode or two of her lps). She has a good chunk of LPs on the games. There's currently 2 on-going ones of SH2 right now actually. And yes, they are different commentaries-one she labels nerd commentary with her friend Bob that has a lot of the analysis and spoilers if you haven't played SH2 and another that's subtitled and is entirely different. She and Bob also have a thing going on right now based around Silent Hill called The Grate Debate which you can find by searching in yt that discusses the games.

Devious Vacuum also has a series of LPs based around "Girl Games" and discusses social ramifications of the games, who the games are even for, their usefulness, quality as games, etc. etc. It's actually quite well done.


Found that boob thread and the Game Awards thread.....I really hope Gaf isn't like that all the time cause wow. Just wow. Though my experience already in some OTs leads me to believe that's a possibility.

Edit: Posted in that Game Awards thread. Saw a bunch of people posting quite literally or something to the effect of "Girls/Those females only play candy-crush!" and was accused of strawmanning someone who literally said some journalists might be unqualified/incapable to discuss games....which is exactly what I responded to and discussed how absurd it was to believe such a low number of women could be, since you know, that's the topic. Same person who accused me of this then twisted my words while directly quoting me and claimed I said this other person believed all women were incapable of writing about games.

Thanks whoever you are for treating me like that. I appreciate it.
I regret posting there now. All I did was discuss mostly how much of a boy's club mentality exists in gaming still despite the fact that lots of women play games and ugh. I'm not going to bother with it. It's so pointless.

Yeaaaah, I sometimes post in threads like those, and usually regret it, because either the post is ignored (best case scenario lol) or get attacked for some silly reason. I didn't post any in the recent two (I think?) because I really wasn't feeling 100% yesterday and didn't feel like arguing xD


Hey all. I've been interested in what I'll call dense media analysis recently. I've read a lot of media analysis otherwise but watching and listening has become more interesting for me. Youtubers like Digibro, Folding Ideas, and PBS Idea Channel are the kind of vein I'm interested in. Obviously, what I've posted are all guys and I'm actually interested to subscribe to more female youtubers with the same MO (on any subject from tv to books to anime). I'm already subscribed to Feminist Frequency and have stumbled upon the sites I've posted so I wouldn't at all know how to start searching for these kinds of channels. I believed that GirlGAF might have an insight into Youtube channels like these with female hosts.

I follow Laci Green (https://twitter.com/gogreen18) and Foxy Jazzabelle (https://twitter.com/FoxyJazzabelle) on Twitter. Foxy's YT likes feed into her Twitter and so that's how I found one of the channels you mentioned, Folding Ideas. Laci does sex education but has also talked about feminism and her coping with depression. Foxy's talked about respecting and understanding women's choices and feminism, Game of Thrones, and she tweets about fighting games. Not too long ago, she said she was working on a script to talk about "sex shaming and patriarchal BS in the fighting game community," which I am interested in seeing.


Anyone know when I stop being a junior? I thought the requirement was 300 posts/3 months but I hit both of those. Maybe the 3 months happens after the 300 posts?
kinda late but I did read all of the answes, so: thanks for all your sportive input girls! :>
I actually think kick boxing could be something for me too, like thai boxing I really like the overall movement of it aaand it really gives you a chance to get your anger out lol.

decided to try out a Zumba class with my friend as my next potential activity though, I'll make a complete fool of myself but oh well, she says it's a good workout
I just discovered an amazing lotion I want to rave to you about. l'occitane does an almond milk concentrate body lotion about it's freezing AMAZING. The scent is bleh, but it fades... and your skin is left baby soft.

oh neat, still looking for something that supports my skin during the winter months, it's gets sooo dry. I'll definitely check it out. just hope it's not super pricey or aynthing @_@'


I need to get a lotion that dulls out stretch marks =_= I know there's plenty out there, I'm just lazy... and don't like the feel of lotion on my skin too much.

Also I've officially gotten a gym membership (yay!) to the gym closest to my work. I'll start working out with my bf on Tuesday (Monday I can't because there's something I need to go to). Anyone have any tips on upper body workouts to try out? There's a lack of weight training equipment at Planet Fitness, but it has practically everything else I need. I'm sorta intimidated by FitnessGAF so I figured I'd ask here first :D
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