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GirlGAF |OT 2| Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Eve?

me and bae when i'm sad:








Sorry Bento. It could be worse, what if you got turned down and ran into a truck of manure?
But still, try to stay positive, opportunity is always knocking!! GirlGaf Sailor Scouts (i.e., all of us) will always be rooting for you!
Awww bento! That be sad :(

Those gifs are super cute though haha...

Hope you feel better soon. And nail a fab job!!! We're all here to cheer you on!


I guess the universe doesn't want me to play Overwatch. For some reason Sony won't accept my Paypal despite me using it to purchase things on PS3 & 4 for years so I decided to walk to a local convenient store that I knew sold PSN cards. When I got there after braving the army of June bugs I see that they don't sell them anymore. Of course walking into a convenience store after 10PM and then walking out without buying anything is suspicious AF so I ended up buying some pringles. I suppose I should be grateful that I won't hate myself tomorrow for making a $100 binge purchase, but now I hate myself for buying junk food.

Something happened today that pissed me off a bit. I was walking through my local shopping centre and there were a couple of charity organision reps standing about, the one I passed was a charity raising money for guide dogs, I was stopped and asked if I wanted to donate. I said "sure" and got my wallet out to give them a couple of quid that I had hanging about to donate, every little helps right? But then I was told they only took a monthly donation of a fixed amount every month using a direct debit. That took me completely by surprise, whatever happened to charities taking what people could afford to give them? Now there's a stipulation that you've got to donate a fixed amount every month and give them your personal details? Of course I politely refused after I heard that, and explained I wouldn't give personal details and would happily donate a few quid anonymously right there and then, she refused that option and as I thanked her for her time and went to walk off, she gave me the stink eye, horrid woman.

I knew that some organisations could post leaflets through your door and could ask for a monthly donation that way (I had to stop my great uncle suffering from Alzheimers from giving away his pension money monthly when he was alive because all these organisations wouldn't stop bombarding his letter box with that shit) but refusing to take actual direct cash donations in person? Christ, that's depressing.

I would have refused too. If someone was taking donations and then said they don't accept cash I would have assumed it was a scam.

Andddddd I called it. I didnt get the job.

Time to go cry myself into oblivion like the sad piece of shit I am.

You're not a sad piece of shit. I'm sure you'll find a job in no time.
I'm sorry Bento. You're not a piece of shit. *internet hugs*

I guess the universe doesn't want me to play Overwatch. For some reason Sony won't accept my Paypal despite me using it to purchase things on PS3 & 4 for years so I decided to walk to a local convenient store that I knew sold PSN cards.

No, the universe just wants you to get the PC version so you can play with me :D


Bento, I know you've got this. <3

That "What do you hate about your face" thread resulted in me look up plastic surgery stuff. :( Hate bodies.


That "What do you hate about your face" thread resulted in me look up plastic surgery stuff. :( Hate bodies.

I'd like to do a sort of two-in-one deal. Go to South Korea, get plastic surgery AND do some travelling. :D
Beats recovering at home!

I'd definitely go under the knife if I had the money.


I'd like to do a sort of two-in-one deal. Go to South Korea, get plastic surgery AND do some travelling. :D
Beats recovering at home!

I'd definitely go under the knife if I had the money.

Medical tourism is huge, though I think it's more popular in Bangkok due to cheapness, Would probably recommend S Korea for most facial stuff, and Thailand for most body stuff (transgender is not a slur there).

What would you want to change?
If I ever get plastic surgery again, I'd probably do it in Colombia since I have family there and it's cheap and easier to get to. Unfortunately I had a really bad experience with my nose job. From the family bullying to the actual surgery complications.

I've gained some weight and most of it has gone to my neck and face. I'm not even overweight but it just looks terrible. I have a really weak jaw and it looked bad even when I was underweight. Actual jaw surgery sounds absolutely terrible, but if I could get rid of that extra fat it'd be nice. :(

I'm trying to lose weight this summer, but losing weight also means losing boob fat.

WTF, guys


I never said I was a role model.

Seriously the worst part about getting plastic surgery was having my 11-year-old cousin at the time comment how she wanted to do the same for her nose. :/

Constantly torn between how it perpetuates shit and how much I just want to not be a shitty excuse for a Colombian woman.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
There is so much I'd like to change about my look. But I am just not brave enough to do it :( Jaws, nose, eyes... Etc you name it, I want it all changed. That's just the face too. Let's not even begin about how I feel about my body ha!


Ah, okay.

Well, just saying, S Korea has world class facilities, so if you want the best results / safest procedures, it's probably a bit better there.

I thought to fix a weak jaw most people go with a chin implant and neck fat suction, though I hear some people also shave down their jaw bones, though it's supposed to be SUPER painful. There's also jaw realignment apparently, but you basically redo your entire jaw. jsljdgsdlkgs. That honestly sounds super painful.

Does contouring help at all :<? Sometimes when I am like omigod my hairline I use a bit of dark brown powder the color of my hair and "soften" up the outline. I think makeup does wonders when it comes to face shaping.
Colombia's facilities aren't what you'd expect from a third world country. :p Nose surgeries in general just have easy complications. Although I imagine that they might specialize in different techniques or surgeries or just have different experience trying to get a particular look. I don't know what the expense is like in South Korea, but it'd probably be so much closer to something I can afford if I did it in my home country.

Shaving down the jaw bone sounds like the absolute fucking worst. Nope nope nope.

I don't know how to do contouring but I want to learn and see if it does anything. Problem is every time I try to learn how to do a new make up style, it just ends in tears. :p

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
You guys are seriously depressing me right now.

Y'all super pretty girls who don't need anything changed. What's with the low self-esteem? It pains me to see people cave in to this absurd social pressure.


You guys are seriously depressing me right now.

Y'all super pretty girls who don't need anything changed. What's with the low self-esteem? It pains me to see people cave in to this absurd social pressure.

My family, at one point, did try to force me under the knife to change my appearance, which makes surgery a bit of a touchy subject for me. Still, I do get pretty conscious about how I look at times, especially with the crap I've had to put up with for most of my own life.


No one has ever said my nose was ugly to me, but I wouldn't mind a nose job if I had the money. I just don't like mine. Contouring is too much extra work for me. *shrug*
i wanna change nothing :>

not that im a looker, but i am afraid of the sharp thingies, scalpel and going under anaesthesia and all that

im a huge scaredy cat!



Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
I'm pretty plain looking myself. My teeth are very imperfect, I have bags under my eyes, mediocre and sensitive skin, too much hair where I don't want it.

But I'm never ever having surgery. Fuck that noise. I'd rather be homely than a slave to beauty standards.

I'm even too lazy to wear make-up!
I'm pretty plain looking myself. My teeth are very imperfect, I have bags under my eyes, mediocre and sensitive skin, too much hair where I don't want it.

But I'm never ever having surgery. Fuck that noise. I'd rather be homely than a slave to beauty standards.

I'm even too lazy to wear make-up!

im same

im too lazy to make up

and to do anything productive



But I'm never ever having surgery. Fuck that noise. I'd rather be homely than a slave to beauty standards.

Even though I said I shouldn't personally be a role model to people, Morrigan certainly qualifies closely as one of mine here for sure. Her "fuck that" no-bullshit attitude is curt but actually something worth admiring given some of the true BS you can hear here or out there.


Smells like fresh rosebuds
I'm pretty plain looking myself. My teeth are very imperfect, I have bags under my eyes, mediocre and sensitive skin, too much hair where I don't want it.

But I'm never ever having surgery. Fuck that noise. I'd rather be homely than a slave to beauty standards.

I'm even too lazy to wear make-up!

For me, it isn't about being a slave to standards, just what makes me personally happy. I love makeup and I hated my body hair so I zapped it.


I'm pretty plain looking myself. My teeth are very imperfect, I have bags under my eyes, mediocre and sensitive skin, too much hair where I don't want it.

But I'm never ever having surgery. Fuck that noise. I'd rather be homely than a slave to beauty standards.

I'm even too lazy to wear make-up!

That's about where I am. I have a huge forehead, terrible hairline, bags under my eyes, and small boobs, but as long as I'm healthy, I'm good. Everyone should live to whatever beauty standards makes them happy, but I've come to realize that I'm not doing anything that risks my health(surgery), and that means just owning and loving who I am right now.


I'd just pull a Kylie Jenner and get temporary lip fillers. Also have considered getting a tummy tuck, but I've been less insecure since I lost all the weight (20!) that I wanted to get rid of.
I'd just pull a Kylie Jenner and get temporary lip fillers. Also have considered getting a tummy tuck, but I've been less insecure since I lost all the weight (20!) that I wanted to get rid of.

You could always try out lip masks with collagen if you want fuller lips without having to pay tons for surgery. They last 3 days at a time but you can just use them when you want to.
Oh also, random note, I just bought my first wig today ;O;

I've never tried out wigs before but I wanted to give it a shot since the industry I work in doesn't really permit different kinds of hair color . It was only $8 and I got it from a china importing site I use for cheap stuff. Had over 1000 orders and reviews so it seemed solid enough to try it out.


I'm pretty plain looking myself. My teeth are very imperfect, I have bags under my eyes, mediocre and sensitive skin, too much hair where I don't want it.

But I'm never ever having surgery. Fuck that noise. I'd rather be homely than a slave to beauty standards.

I'm even too lazy to wear make-up!

I miss having that attitude. I used to not care, but as I get older I find myself getting annoyed with my imperfections. Although caring does have its benefits since I am healthier than I have ever been and wear clothing that fits, I hate that I occasionally get upset about small things like my breast size or facial blemishes.
a lot of you girlgaf are legit cute / good looking / goddesses though


i mean, a given person can look like aphrodite/narcissus for awhile i guess, but we all age and then what? might as well be wrinkly AND rocking quirky personalities than just wrinkly AND vapid, I say!!! And even.... if maybe some of us are just idealistic enough to want to be both aphrodites AND not vapid, but it still doesnt circumvent ageing. Beauty is not only skin deep, it also only lasts a brief while~

i think it's a bit tiring to buy into the image-oriented society but that's a personal call and so if you like make up and plastic surgery because of reasons and they make you feel more like you, you do you \o/

and if you dont like image oriented stuff, that's cool too \o/

what i find slightly sad is when girls tear into other girls for not being girls the right way or for not upholding the girls ideals in the way that they want

its like girls telling other girls that they are girling wrong or something and i find that a bit sad. that's all.

sorry for unintelligible gibberish.

i love y'all girlgaffffffffs


But I'm never ever having surgery. Fuck that noise. I'd rather be homely than a slave to beauty standards.

I'm even too lazy to wear make-up!

I had to start wearing makeup for my new career and I have no clue what I am doing. What I do know is wearing makeup every day is ruining my skin, probably because I have no clue what I am doing. Also I am broke so I can only use drugstore stuff. I started using the Olay Regenerist Regenerating Serum at night after showering and the SPF 50 version in the morning before my makeup to try and help my skin. I picked that one because it got 5 stars from Paula's Beautypedia and while I thought it was expensive, apparently it's cheap for face serums?

The one thing I don't like about makeup is that even with my low skill level I still look so much better with it on that I am starting to not like my plain makeup-less face. :(

As far as having surgery... I think my face is fine but my body needs work. If I was going to get it done I'd go to South Korea. In my previous career I worked with lots of South Korean ladies and every single one of them had perfect faces.


My birthday is on Thursday, and I have zero clue on what I want to do or get myself. Not really working that day, so there's the comfort of sleeping at least. :p


Rolling Girl
Well lady that does my hair no longer works at the Salon so trying someone else from there. Hopefully my hair doesn't explode or something I just want it to not be black and out of control again.
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