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GirlGAF |OT 2| Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Eve?

If it's just you and one other person, you can split it or pay for the whole thing, unless the other person offers. Seems pretty simple regardless of gender. I usually operate under the assumption (when going out with one other person) that wherever we're going, I can afford to pay for both. Otherwise I wouldn't go.

That attitude's commendable, and you'd be a rarity in my town! I've noticed among my friends and acquintances there this stupid expectation for the guy to pay every single time though. My philosophy when it comes to dates is that it's a two-way arrangement, and seeing as both parties have agreed to meet up, that the bill should be halved down the middle, no exceptions, I can be stubborn as hell when the bill comes, I like to show a lot of the guys I date that women can pay their own way when it comes to a date, to try and show them that they shouldn't have to accept the societal norm of men paying for everything. A lot of my friends sadly don't see it that way and it ticks me off a little, they actually express disgust at the concept of a man halving a bill with them, or them paying for their own shit.

I actually embarassed my friend on a double date when the bill arrived and I split the bill three ways with our dates, she didn't throw any money down or say anything but pulled me up over it afterwards. Haha!


I never understood why this is such a big deal either way.

Like... it's just one dinner. Who cares who pays? I went out to dinner last night with seven other people and when the check came, there was so much confusion over how we were going to split it that I was like fuck it and paid for the whole thing. Made it simpler. The money isn't worth the bad vibes. People gave me cash after or covered me at the next place we went.

If it's just you and one other person, you can split it or pay for the whole thing, unless the other person offers. Seems pretty simple regardless of gender. I usually operate under the assumption (when going out with one other person) that wherever we're going, I can afford to pay for both. Otherwise I wouldn't go.

(I mean, I've gone out with enough gaffers that they'll tell you this is true about me.)

Specifically for dating, it really depends on the other person. Sometimes the dude insists he has to do things "the right way," and I'll let them know that I don't think that way, but depending on the circumstances sometimes they'll pay anyway. TBH, I think it's symbolic of an outdated mindset and it's actually a red flag, if I explain to the guy that I'd like to get it next time and they INSIST that they should pay because they're the dude. It's like.. get with the program, it's 2016, women are allowed to learn to read and have jobs now.

That being said, I think it's a sweet gesture when someone treats you to a dinner out sometime, so I don't have a problem if it happens to me.

This is exactly how I operate, as well. The bolded is such an important lesson.


I'd generally pay for dates when I was lucky enough to get them, because it was generally me begging some dude to go out with me. It was the least I could do lol.


Hey, Pau, you were talking about the Hunchback musical earlier. The whole thing happens to be on YouTube :) It's a slightly older production (La Jolla? vs the newer Papermill version) and doesn't quite have the ending in tact and one song is different, but it's better than nothing! And doesn't cost you a trip to Utah.

It's really good, by the way. Just the simple fact that it doesn't have the gargoyles really lifts it up.
ugh i think my new doggie annoyed my neighbours this morning :<

it was her second night ever and she is still crying very loudly whenever i left her to sleep on her own.

im so worried that they'd complain to the council about the barking nowwwww. i've been confining her to her crate so she can learn how to sleep at night but she needs to be let out from time to time to go toilet. i've fallen asleep and she went out to the backyard and barked for like 15 minutes before i realized and woke the hell up.

she's sleeping now under me, but neighbours are probably annoyed because it's 6 in the morning and their sleep was likely disturbed :<

I'm just curious, you don't have to say, but what's your ethnicity and what part of the world are you from?

White, UK, Liverpool. North West of the United Kingdom basically.

The weird part about that thread was all the dudes who complained about having to pay or whatever, and it's like.. can't you just find a girl that shares your values on gender roles? Personally I think a lot of them perhaps value other things (cough, appearance, cough) and then bitch later when it doesn't work out for them and find things they can be "righteously" angry over.

Sadly, that comes down to trial and error, on both sides, haha! I imagine most men don't ask "Hey, how do you feel about halving the bills on dates?" because they're afraid it'd turn a woman off of them and make them think the guys a cheapskate and it'd blow their chance on even getting that first date to begin with, then there's the anxiety of what we might think of them if they suddenly suggest going half on the bill at the END of the date, whoo boy! The way that most people traditionally seem to find out basic information about each other these days is on the first few dates themselves sadly. I notice both genders never seem to probe too much upon their first chance meeting in public before a first date, or over social media or dating websites. I go crazy and bounce questions off of peeps I'm interested in all the time before the first date whether it be in person or through texts/social media! The more I know before delving into the first proper date, the better.

Sadly, appearance will always play a key part in initial attraction, hell, I get a nice good look at a guy and check out the overall package before even considering asking them out. Especially the arse, legs and the arms! Phwoar! Their attitude and mannerisms are the clincher for me though, and what would appeal to me long-term!
she's 7 months old, and medium sized. she's the biggest size doggie i've ever had.


i've thrown two blankets over her crate but she's just upset that she's no longer with her original family.... transitioning takes time. she will accept her new home, (hopefully) but it's barely monday at 6 am and i only got her saturday afternoon.

i just hope neighbours aren't too annoyed :<


i've thrown two blankets over her crate but she's just upset that she's no longer with her original family.... transitioning takes time. she will accept her new home, (hopefully) but it's barely monday at 6 am and i only got her saturday afternoon.

i just hope neighbours aren't too annoyed :<
I would go to each surrounding neighbor with a plate of cookies or something and explain the situation.


Get BB cream from Asia. Missha, Dr. Jart, or Skin79.

Thanks. I would trust makeup from South Korea more than what we get in the US, to be honest.

On the flip side of things, traditional gender roles don't bother me THAT much. My fiance insisted on getting me a (pretty, huge, sparkly, expensive) engagement ring, because he felt like it's the "right" way to do things, even though I told him that I'd be happy with a simple, no stone band (I wanted a tangible ring). The most important part of our engagement was that he sat down and talked to my parents, which he did. He thought it was stupid and outdated, but it was important to me.

Sure, someone could logically say, engagement rings are stupid and a waste of money, and a marriage is about the two people, not the parents/family... but that's just not what we think or believe in.

I am probably going to get shit for this, but here goes:

I always told men (when they asked me, which used to be semi-frequently because I was their boss so automatically I became the authority on womenz, I guess) that they need to ask their girlfriend what she'd like. IF she said she wanted a ring with a rock on it (doesn't matter what kind of rock) the main rock needs to be at least 1 carat or approximately the same size as 1 carat. She will say "I don't care, whatever!" but c'mon now. Anything less than 1 carat is too small. If she doesn't care, her family and friends will care and judge and throw shade on the relationship.

For most women opening the box and seeing a nice rock in there is exciting.

I just checked, a 1 carat diamond solitaire goes for $1,800 - $2,000 not on sale. For me personally if my man didn't get a deal he isn't my man, you know? But that's just me. Also keep in mind that you can get other gems for a lot less than that, or you can just not get a rock.

I agree with you 100%, backslashbunny, a marriage typically involves more than the 2 partners. Like it or not you now have to deal with families and their drama too. My parents liked my husband more when they saw my ring because in their eyes it meant he was able to provide for me which was very important to them. They are very traditional and saw the size as an indication of his love for me. Also much like your man, my husband was determined to get my parents' blessings. And he wanted to get me the best thing he could for our budget.

Even if my parents hated him we would have still gotten married but them liking him makes everything so much easier for everyone.

So that's my long-winded rambling on getting a nice sized engagement stone, if you are going to get a stone at all.

That attitude's commendable, and you'd be a rarity in my town! I've noticed among my friends and acquintances there this stupid expectation for the guy to pay every single time though. My philosophy when it comes to dates is that it's a two-way arrangement, and seeing as both parties have agreed to meet up, that the bill should be halved down the middle, no exceptions, I can be stubborn as hell when the bill comes, I like to show a lot of the guys I date that women can pay their own way when it comes to a date, to try and show them that they shouldn't have to accept the societal norm of men paying for everything. A lot of my friends sadly don't see it that way and it ticks me off a little, they actually express disgust at the concept of a man halving a bill with them, or them paying for their own shit.

I actually embarassed my friend on a double date when the bill arrived and I split the bill three ways with our dates, she didn't throw any money down or say anything but pulled me up over it afterwards. Haha!

Oh, peeps. There is a really easy solution for this, which is to make a homemade dinner for your date, which will probably impress them in this age of no-cooking-skills, and then you can get right down to business.

...maybe this isn't safe to do in this day and age? I've been married for years so I have no idea.


My birthday is on Thursday, and I have zero clue on what I want to do or get myself. Not really working that day, so there's the comfort of sleeping at least. :p

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :D At least assuming you meant this Thursday.

Hope you get loads of cake and presents. Today is your day. :)

Gonna send you a comic-related PM later on in the day, if that's alright. It's almost 1 AM here. xD


HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :D At least assuming you meant this Thursday.

Hope you get loads of cake and presents. Today is your day. :)

Gonna send you a comic-related PM later on in the day, if that's alright. It's almost 1 AM here. xD

Hey, I *did* make it to 22 today. :D

Also, obligatory;



Thanks for all the birthday wishes, everyone. I needed it after yesterday. :)


I hope you have a wonderful day. Did you have anything planned?

Pizza, hard cider and lots of Bloodborne (which I just bought). :D There are some things I'm doing through the weekend as well, but tonight I relax.


Hello everyone, I'd like to ask a question on behalf of my girlfriend.

She was wondering if anyone would recommend using a Diva Cup. One of her friends swears by it but no one else she knows has ever tried it.

For those who don't know what it is:

Hello everyone, I'd like to ask a question on behalf of my girlfriend.

She was wondering if anyone would recommend using a Diva Cup. One of her friends swears by it but no one else she knows has ever tried it.

For those who don't know what it is:


I have heard both good and bad things about it. Apparently it's super convenient and comfortable, it's just messy when you take it out. It's also good because you don't have to buy pads and tampons constantly, but I don't know how leak proof it is.

I'd give it a shot, personally, but I don't know frok experience. Sorry :/

Also.happy belated Nudull <3


Hello everyone, I'd like to ask a question on behalf of my girlfriend.

She was wondering if anyone would recommend using a Diva Cup. One of her friends swears by it but no one else she knows has ever tried it.

For those who don't know what it is:


I've been using a Mooncup for over 15 years and I love it. Yes, it's messy when you take it out, she will get blood on her fingers, but otherwise it's super convenient. I now use only one or two pads per month, one for the first night just in case, and maybe one on the first day if I'm travelling or otherwise really busy. Otherwise I just use pantyliners as a backup on the first day or two. Must have saved me a ton of money over the years, not to mention it's more environmental. And when travelling, I no longer need to pack several packs of pads and/or tampons. Can only recommend giving it a try.


Smells like fresh rosebuds
So i use softcup disposable menstrual cups. They can be messy. But I just change it in the shower. I like it a lot more. Pads are problematic, and I always find tampons uncomfortable. I barely notice it. It feels similar to a cervical cap if you ever use those.
you clean those cups in cooking water right? that's like one thing keeping me from using them. I don't wanna use my pots for period stuff ;S

also changing them in the shower only works if you're at home.


Thanks for all the birthday wishes, everyone. I needed it after yesterday. :)

Pizza, hard cider and lots of Bloodborne (which I just bought). :D There are some things I'm doing through the weekend as well, but tonight I relax.

Anytime. :)

Ah, sounds like you had a blast. :D Still need to play Bloodborne, myself. I heard it can be challenging, but I just loove how the aesthetic looks. @__@

Hello everyone, I'd like to ask a question on behalf of my girlfriend.

She was wondering if anyone would recommend using a Diva Cup. One of her friends swears by it but no one else she knows has ever tried it.

For those who don't know what it is:


I'm afraid I don't have any experience with Diva Cup since I use pads, but I think your girlfriend should try it out. It looks more convenient and affordable compared to tampons and pads.

I've been using a Mooncup for over 15 years and I love it. Yes, it's messy when you take it out, she will get blood on her fingers, but otherwise it's super convenient. I now use only one or two pads per month, one for the first night just in case, and maybe one on the first day if I'm travelling or otherwise really busy. Otherwise I just use pantyliners as a backup on the first day or two. Must have saved me a ton of money over the years, not to mention it's more environmental. And when travelling, I no longer need to pack several packs of pads and/or tampons. Can only recommend giving it a try.

That actually sounds really nice. I use pads, but I'm still always leaking due to heavy periods. A few months ago, I almost wanted to cry due to all the blood stains going through my cute undies. v__v

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Hello everyone, I'd like to ask a question on behalf of my girlfriend.

She was wondering if anyone would recommend using a Diva Cup. One of her friends swears by it but no one else she knows has ever tried it.

For those who don't know what it is:


I've been using a Mooncup for over 15 years and I love it. Yes, it's messy when you take it out, she will get blood on her fingers, but otherwise it's super convenient. I now use only one or two pads per month, one for the first night just in case, and maybe one on the first day if I'm travelling or otherwise really busy. Otherwise I just use pantyliners as a backup on the first day or two. Must have saved me a ton of money over the years, not to mention it's more environmental. And when travelling, I no longer need to pack several packs of pads and/or tampons. Can only recommend giving it a try.
I haven't used them for as long as ricki, but I second what she says, even down to using pantyliners as backup for a day just in case.

For travelling and working out it's awesome, too.


you clean those cups in cooking water right? that's like one thing keeping me from using them. I don't wanna use my pots for period stuff ;S

also changing them in the shower only works if you're at home.

I've never boiled my cup. I just checked the website and was surprised that it does say to boil them occasionally. I had a different cup initially that I'm pretty sure said not to boil, don't know. When I'm at home, I just give it a quick rinse after emptying it. Then after the period, I'll soak it a bit in soapy water and give it a bit of a scrub with a toothbrush before putting it away.
When I'm out and about and need to empty it in a public restroom, I just wipe it down a bit with toiletpaper and then give it a rinse next time I'm at home.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
My electric shaver doesn't work so well anymore. It's relatively new (few months old) and went from working perfectly to barely shaving any hair all of a sudden and I don't know why. I cleaned it and all and take decent care of it but it's like the blades or clipper parts are suddenly all dull. WTF?

And I apparently threw away the receipt. So I haven't shaved in like, two weeks 'cause I'm lazy and don't really know what to do. FML


*just a driveby appreciation post*

carry on : D

I have no idea what prompted this but... thanks YesNO <3 you are greatgreat also! :D


Smells like fresh rosebuds
My electric shaver doesn't work so well anymore. It's relatively new (few months old) and went from working perfectly to barely shaving any hair all of a sudden and I don't know why. I cleaned it and all and take decent care of it but it's like the blades or clipper parts are suddenly all dull. WTF?

And I apparently threw away the receipt. So I haven't shaved in like, two weeks 'cause I'm lazy and don't really know what to do. FML


I have no idea what prompted this but... thanks YesNO <3 you are greatgreat also! :D
Replacement blades are pretty cheap. I know it sucks to have to buy new ones already but without the receipt you can't really try a return :(


Sorry for the super weird first post here.. But since you're kinda already on the subject:

Could someone share their experiences with IUD?
I read that the hormonal IUD might reduce bleeding and pain by up to 90%, so that would be very helpful for my endometriosis.


Sorry for the super weird first post here.. But since you're kinda already on the subject:

Could someone share their experiences with IUD?
I read that the hormonal IUD might reduce bleeding and pain by up to 90%, so that would be very helpful for my endometriosis.

Welcome to GirlGAF!

I'm afraid I have no experience with IUDs, but hopefully someone here can help you out. It sounds like a hormonal IUD would be a real lifesaver for you.
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