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GirlGAF |OT 2| Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Eve?


Omg thanks guys ;____;

Kisaya and her boyfriend took me out to dinner and drinks. It meant so much to me considering my own family hadnt really reached out to me about my birthday and I dont have any family in Chicago either. Im also super introvertive so I dont have a lot of friends :< I wanted to weep out of happiness at dinner tbh. Literally the sweetest thing ever. I was all sad about my birthday the day before too but tonight really made me happy. Im grateful beyond belief.
They are legit the best. I'm glad you had a nice evening! And Happy Birthday! :3
happy birthday Bento!! <3

anyone else turned off by guys that are the same age? :/ like I had boyfriends 5-6 years older than me and they still acted like little shits.


anyone else turned off by guys that are the same age? :/ like I had boyfriends 5-6 years older than me and they still acted like little shits.

My partners have all been older than me, so far. From my experiences, older folks always seem suprised/more appreciative of my sense of maturity.

Thanks everyone ! :')

I dated a guy older than me by 3 years and he was immature as fuck. Terrible in bed and had disgusting hygiene issues.

I met my current boyfriend when he was 2 years younger than me. I normally only dated older, not younger, but this relationship has beaten out all my previous by a long shot. Its pretty hilarious, actually haha

Dealing with people with hygiene issues is the worst @_@ Especially if you run into the type of person who only showers once in a blue moon.
happy birthday Bento!! <3

anyone else turned off by guys that are the same age? :/ like I had boyfriends 5-6 years older than me and they still acted like little shits.

Thanks everyone ! :')

I dated a guy older than me by 3 years and he was immature as fuck. Terrible in bed and had disgusting hygiene issues.

I met my current boyfriend when he was 2 years younger than me. I normally only dated older, not younger, but this relationship has beaten out all my previous by a long shot. Its pretty hilarious, actually haha
Thanks everyone ! :')

I dated a guy older than me by 3 years and he was immature as fuck. Terrible in bed and had disgusting hygiene issues.

I met my current boyfriend when he was 2 years younger than me. I normally only dated older, not younger, but this relationship has beaten out all my previous by a long shot. Its pretty hilarious, actually haha

wow...almost sounds like we had the same bf lol.

hm so I guess younger/same age can actually be better


Kark's eight years older. Not opposed to anything with younger/same age guys but I hope I never get the opportunity. :p
My spouse is about three years younger than I am. In early days there were definitely some problems with a difference in maturity levels. We got through it, but boy... I wouldn't want to live through it again at my current age.

can you give a few examples? only if it's not too private of course


is a goddamn bear
Happy Birthday Bento! &#127881;&#127881;&#127881;&#127881;

I have a trend of attracting guys 3 years older than me but recently one guy was 2 years younger than me.

I can't say age doesn't matter (because it totally does) but I'm willing to give anyone a chance as long as they got a good head on their shoulders. Foolishness knows no age lol


Guys who typically message me are either 10 years younger than me, or 15 years older than me. And if they are my age, they're usually literally tipping their fedoras, or send things like "how big are they &#128527;".



Try getting random come-ons from dudes in their 30s/40s on dating sites. When you're barely 19.

Oh I get you lol. Much older men are the only ones who have ever been interested in me. 40/50s and older, when I started working in customer service at 16 lol.

Never had guys my own age interested in me (and they generally regarded me with a lot of disdain). Older men are the only ones (and now that I'm older, teenagers have joined in on the creepiness...).


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
It really depends on the guy, I'd say. I see some potential with a guy 5 years younger than me currently, but I"m treading it very very carefully. Have to spend more time to "observe", haha.


I don't think people fundamentally change with age. There'll be shitheads and cool people and so on in each bracket.

I've acquired some wisdom + calmed down a bit in certain ways as I've gotten older -- But I'm more or less the same person
I don't think people fundamentally change with age. There'll be shitheads and cool people and so on in each bracket.

I'd agree with this other than from some serious life-altering events. I've known some people that changed big time after they had their first child, or after their parents died, and so on. But yeah, for the most part people stay pretty consistent about most things.


I don't think people fundamentally change with age. There'll be shitheads and cool people and so on in each bracket.

That's been my opinion for a long time.

Maybe instead crappy people are more likely to be single? Though id like to think all the single people in here are cool :p


I can't see how that would be true. Sometimes it's just circumstances, and the right person for you just isn't around where you live at this moment in time or whatever.

It was somewhat a joke but I did say that "crappy people are more likely to be single" instead of "single people more likely to be crappy"

you'd think that would be the case otherwise the cool people in relationships would be in relationships with them.

Of course its a huge oversimplification that wasn't meant to be a real explanation


Maybe instead crappy people are more likely to be single?

What makes someone exciting when you first meet them often leads to them being shitty after the novelty is gone and you are past the pretending phase. So I wouldn't say this is necessarily true.


Maybe instead crappy people are more likely to be single?


But it's true in my case.


Omg thanks guys ;____;

Kisaya and her boyfriend took me out to dinner and drinks. It meant so much to me considering my own family hadnt really reached out to me about my birthday and I dont have any family in Chicago either. Im also super introvertive so I dont have a lot of friends :< I wanted to weep out of happiness at dinner tbh. Literally the sweetest thing ever. I was all sad about my birthday the day before too but tonight really made me happy. Im grateful beyond belief.

:3 we were happy to spend last night with you! Birthdays should always be celebrated to the fullest ^_^

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Trying to put together my list of top 10 OSTs from generation #4 (Genesis/SNES/PC-Engine etc.), and as usual, holy shit it's hard to limit oneself to just 10.

This one still gives me the shivers. So good.
like I already told FakeGAF...some people are too awesome and that's why they're single.

Sure, sounds good! I'm going to keep telling myself this!

You know what I miss? Rhythm games. They got replaced with plastic instruments and "real" dancing games in the western market, but they weren't about that! They were about skill! (and working around input lag..)
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