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GirlGAF |OT 2| Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Eve?

Happy Friday.

My plans: move in with boyfriend, giving dog away to shelter, working out, and doing art. Moving in will take most of my time. Can't wait to give my dog away, not sure if I want a pet ever again. Oh, and making a big dinner to celebrate our new living arrangements. Wish I could go out and buy new records this weekend but it is what it is. Maybe on Tuesday.

Been listening to house music non-stop today while I do art. My fave today though is just a disco joint:



Happy Friday!

I have my monthly D&D game tomorrow, which is later this month than usual, so I think we're all extra excited to get together for it. More importantly, I just got my first job interview in 3 months set for Monday, so I'll be prepping for that! My current living situation is shaky and temporary, so I really need to ace this and have stable employment again. It's an insurance credentialing position - I wanted something in restaurant management, but the pay is right and 9-5 office jobs certainly have their perks, even if I'd rather be on my feet than at a desk.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
Happy Friday =)

Plans for me include not too much. Probably just hanging out with my SO tonight since she has been working every night since like last Friday. Tomorrow, studying and then having a birthday for my SO at her parents house. Since we are visiting her's on Saturday, we are visiting mine on Sunday before the hour and a half drive back home. Hope everybody has fun and be's safe!
Gonna watch stuffs, cook for /and with SO, take doggies to the park, .... clean house a bit ( ;___; ) (necessary evil), and play MMO with SO


and maybe draw/write somewhere in the middle

aww yeah weekend \o/

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
The SO just started a Ludum Dare, so I won't get laid all week-end now xD
(it's OK I'm on my period anyway >_<)

I wish I weren't so useless with game development stuff, that way I could help him at least... now I'm just bored.
The SO just started a Ludum Dare, so I won't get laid all week-end now xD
(it's OK I'm on my period anyway >_<)

I wish I weren't so useless with game development stuff, that way I could help him at least... now I'm just bored.
That's bullshit. I've participated in almost a dozen game jams, and it always goes better when you break up the session with something that's completely not game dev. Go out to a nice dinner. Watch a movie with your partner. Something! Just working working working is so strenuous that it's counter productive


That's bullshit. I've participated in almost a dozen game jams, and it always goes better when you break up the session with something that's completely not game dev. Go out to a nice dinner. Watch a movie with your partner. Something! Just working working working is so strenuous that it's counter productive

Yeah this. It hurts productivity overall.

My weekend plans are studying studying studying. My chemistry professor is awful at teaching, so I'm pretty much going to have to teach myself. And we're gonna read the whole chemistry book this semester. The whole thing ;-;

Luckily I find chemistry interesting, but I dunno I'll get a good grade in the class. Her rate my professor reviews are quite bad and she gives quizzes every week.
Rawr this is how I feel. Cuddling in the tub is A++. I can't bang in a tub though. Though I haven't really tried it yet and your description does sound worth a try...

Best position in the tub is a variation of the hot seat. You can make some good macaroni and cheese with that position. Bounce on that dick/dildo.

All this talk about watery shenanigans, try giving a handjob underwater, that shit's a good workout for your arm! Given them out quite a few time in my friend's jaccuzi, You'd become the queen of the iron wrist in no time!

Don't even get me started on Dunkjobs!
Yeah this. It hurts productivity overall.

My weekend plans are studying studying studying. My chemistry professor is awful at teaching, so I'm pretty much going to have to teach myself. And we're gonna read the whole chemistry book this semester. The whole thing ;-;

Luckily I find chemistry interesting, but I dunno I'll get a good grade in the class. Her rate my professor reviews are quite bad and she gives quizzes every week.

Just want to point out it's quite possible that she's better at teaching chemistry than Rate My Professor is at indicating whether she can teach chemistry.

I say this as someone who's on RMP.


I'm spending my weekend mostly doing homework. I want to a fitness group yoga thing though, that was fun! Even if I have the grace of a whale. There's a chair dancing group there too, now *that* is a damn blast. Gonna go to that again next Friday :D

Might try to beat Metal Gear Solid in all that, but this online class is... strenuous so who knows how much free time I'll have D: I can't fall behind or I'm super screwed.


Job thing didn't turn out. Apparently the lady that was going to hire me found out I'm disabled, and didn't want to risk it. She said she'll ask me for help occasionally but I don't expect to hear from her again.

That was interesting for awhile.
Job thing didn't turn out. Apparently the lady that was going to hire me found out I'm disabled, and didn't want to risk it. She said she'll ask me for help occasionally but I don't expect to hear from her again.

That was interesting for awhile.

That's shitty. Any legal protection where you live for this?

It sounds like discrimination, the way you wrote it here.


Not worth fighting. Small ass community, 'she's only doing it because she worries', I'd end up ostracized.

I don't even mention my own disability, for pretty much the same reasons. Companies have a tendency to stop being so progressive once you start mentioning them.


I don't even mention my own disability, for pretty much the same reasons. Companies have a tendency to stop being so progressive once you start mentioning them.

My last job was really awesome, the boss's mom had lupus too, so she made it official policy for me to sit for five minutes every hour, and always told me to stop working so hard. She said I was the hardest working employee she had, even though the others were young and not disabled lol

Thanks for the condolences guys, I was really looking forward to those tips lol.

She said 'I wish I could use you cause you are such a cute little girl!' I'm 34 lmao
sorry job didnt work out, medi :<

on the other hand, at least you found out before you started there that the boss is that kind of a person .___.

hope you will find something good soon

and your ex boss sounds awesome! :> love how they approached your situation and how he recognized that you're a hardworker <3 awesome bosses are awesome :>
I love my cat but why does she have to come over and rub on me when I'm painting my nails.

or playing CSGO

or napping on the couch

or reading a book

or using my laptop


My cat blocks my TV and knocks stuff over when she wants attention. So I am jealous of people with affectionate cats. lol
Oh she does that too. :p

She's got nail polish on her forehead now because I had to leave for work and couldn't clean her before I left.

I also couldn't touch up my nails :[ so it's a closed toe shoe day.


Got my oldest son a kitten in October, and the damn thing fell in love with me. I love her too, but I feel so bad. Every time I sit down, she's in my lap. My son is like 'Why doesn't she do that with me?' I tell him it's cause I have body fat (he's in that bean pole teenage stage) so I'm just a comfy pillow to her lol

I have no freaking clue, I try to play it off as 'she's annoying me, come get your cat!' but sometimes when he forgets to lock her in his room at night I steal her and let her be a warm purr box for me lol
Got my oldest son a kitten in October, and the damn thing fell in love with me. I love her too, but I feel so bad. Every time I sit down, she's in my lap. My son is like 'Why doesn't she do that with me?' I tell him it's cause I have body fat (he's in that bean pole teenage stage) so I'm just a comfy pillow to her lol

I have no freaking clue, I try to play it off as 'she's annoying me, come get your cat!' but sometimes when he forgets to lock her in his room at night I steal her and let her be a warm purr box for me lol

cats are weird like that. the cat I once got would always cuddle with my little brother - and ONLY with him ;_;


Sorry to hear about the job, Media. That sucks :( You will find something better though!

If my cat wants cuddles, she will come and sit next to me and meow and claw at my arm lol. If I'm at my computer though, she will basically make the computer unusable and stand in front of the screen or on top of the keyboard.


cats are weird like that. the cat I once got would always cuddle with my little brother - and ONLY with him ;_;

I've always been attractive to cats. Everywhere I go I end up with at least one porch kitty. Out here in the country we have two ferals that live near our place. I of course, being the bleeding heart I am, started feeding them. One turned out to not be feral; she loves dogs and always follows me around when I am outside. The second was very feral, but after five years now will let me pet him when I feed them.

Sorry to hear about the job, Media. That sucks :( You will find something better though!

If my cat wants cuddles, she will come and sit next to me and meow and claw at my arm lol. If I'm at my computer though, she will basically make the computer unusable and stand in front of the screen or on top of the keyboard.

It's all good, I am sure I will find something eventually >.<
Gave my dog to the shelter this morning. It's a no kill shelter and we've made plans with a local farm to take her in. It was a tearful goodbye but I know for a fact she'll be happier with a big farm with lots of land to run around than be with someone simply does not have the time nor the will to take care of her. I'd like to say the experience soured me on owning a pet. I know I'm more of a cat person. I'm out and about a lot of and cats are hands off and don't care as long as you give them minimum love and attention and food. But a dog has neuroses and goes insane if left alone for longer six hours. If I go away for two hours taking photos for a architecture study or have an evening with friends later in the day, I am always worried about "God, need to take the dog out so she can go and not shit where I live" and end up leaving early. By the end of it, I hated dogs and I think she knew it too. It's been raining all last week. Guess who still needs a walk? The dog! Because they cannot do anything by themselves.

I feel like a slave owning a dog. So I know my life style isn't conductive to dog ownership, but although I'm more of a cat person I fear I'll have to suffer with a cat who goes outside its litter box. I'd honestly rather have kids than a pet. The extra responsibility of pet ownership isn't really for me and while I think animals are cute I don't think that outweighs the fact I'll have to deal with picking up shit and cat puke and taking Mr. Stinkles to the vet and pay 2000 dollars because he decided to eat a sock. No matter what the animal, it still isn't human - at least kids grow up. Thankfully my boyfriend is understanding and doesn't judge me for not wanting another pet. I communicated this with a friend and wondered why I was so heartless.

Rant over.

I moved in today! Celebrated by cooking an amazing breakfast together before dropping off the dog. Then we went to the record store and got some music, and had lunch at a local Creole joint. Capped it off with some sweat and plain hard work at the dojo before work. What a great day.
Monday now~ Beginning of a new week! Hope everyone's week will be awesome :>

Got into investment for the first time in our lives, with the SO, today. Kinda scary~ Starting to invest into shares and property assets and stuff. We met up with our financial advisor last week, and though it was all positive projection, it was still scary to see a chunk of our savings gone off the bank's balance..... (to go into the investment fund)

Cash account interest rates is at all time low in Australia (less than 2%) so, long term, we are hoping this will be a good decision :>


Just want to point out it's quite possible that she's better at teaching chemistry than Rate My Professor is at indicating whether she can teach chemistry.

I say this as someone who's on RMP.

I tend to give teachers the benefit of the doubt, but I've had two weeks of classes with her and she's pretty awful so far. I'm not gonna talk shit on a professor based on reviews alone since students try to throw blame of themselves. But she really is bad at teaching. I'm pretty much teaching myself at this point, and it's consuming my life haha. She's also one of those graders who you're not really sure what the hell she wants for some answers.

Luckily she gave us extra credit work (after telling us no extra credit), but I'm not sure how much it'll be worth. It took me 6+ hours to do it though, so I hope it's worth something good. One of the reviews said she gave them a whole grade's worth of extra credit because the class was doing so bad. I'm banking on that haha.

I got myself a study buddy, so that's gonna help all this =)

Edit: What subject do you teach?

As much as I like dogs, they're the equivalent of owning a child when it comes to commitment, unless you pay someone to watch them when you're gone. I probably won't get a dog again until I have kids lol. And then I'll try to find a lab-type because labs are usually super chill. I used to own a pit bull and while I loved her to death, she constantly craved attention. It's a bit too much for me.

Cats are my jam, though. I'm obsessed with my cat. Obsessed. I take a million pictures of her and talk about her too much. I like taking Polaroids, and I have to really stop myself from using half my film on her. She's a special little lady full of sass and love.

Sorry about the job, Media =( That's pretty fucking lame of that person.

Monday now~ Beginning of a new week! Hope everyone's week will be awesome :>

Got into investment for the first time in our lives, with the SO, today. Kinda scary~ Starting to invest into shares and property assets and stuff. We met up with our financial advisor last week, and though it was all positive projection, it was still scary to see a chunk of our savings gone off the bank's balance..... (to go into the investment fund)

Cash account interest rates is at all time low in Australia (less than 2%) so, long term, we are hoping this will be a good decision :>

Woo good job! I used to work at the bank, and it would kill me seeing people with $30,000+ dollars sitting in a savings account collecting shit interest. I wish I had the money to invest properly. I only have a small retirement, but it's better than nothing.
good luck with studies, Zaphie :D having a study buddy usually help ... with at least the motivation part of things. which can be 50% of the work! :D

and hahaha, yeah, investing is a bit daunting, but we figure we better start doing it, since we've been together forever nowww... like more than 8 years... so this is something that we both can contribute into and something that will, in turn, look after us when we are older :>

being an adult and thinking about finances is so weird thoughhhhh

i kinda get throwback memories to the times i overheard my parents talk about this back when i was a child :x


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
I really enjoy the idea of having a pet (I can't right now do to apartment rules), but I'm kind of afraid for the same reasons you described Cindi. I really want to take care of one, but it's so much different than just playing with it, to making sure it's fed and watered and walked so much a day. Right now I would be fine because I'm very much a homebody and unemployed. But in a year?? I have no idea. And to think I want four kids. That just stresses me out and worries me already.


I really enjoy the idea of having a pet (I can't right now do to apartment rules), but I'm kind of afraid for the same reasons you described Cindi. I really want to take care of one, but it's so much different than just playing with it, to making sure it's fed and watered and walked so much a day. Right now I would be fine because I'm very much a homebody and unemployed. But in a year?? I have no idea. And to think I want four kids. That just stresses me out and worries me already.

Adopt a chill older cat. :)


Anyone have any guides or suggestions on what to wear when you're plus size?

I suck at fashion and I am sorta in the 'in between' of plus size. Though honestly apparently everything over a 10 is considered 'plus' to some companies nowadays. Grr.

I'm super tall, very curvy, with wide hips, big ass, narrow waist, so finding pants that fit is freaking impossible. Right now, I am buying 14-16s, and it's a crap shoot on if they will fit at the waist or not. Usually too big.

I guess the only advice I can give is look for long and flowy items, those are always cool to me. Uneven edges on skirts and stuff look great on everyone too.


Gave my dog to the shelter this morning. It's a no kill shelter and we've made plans with a local farm to take her in. It was a tearful goodbye but I know for a fact she'll be happier with a big farm with lots of land to run around than be with someone simply does not have the time nor the will to take care of her. I'd like to say the experience soured me on owning a pet. I know I'm more of a cat person. I'm out and about a lot of and cats are hands off and don't care as long as you give them minimum love and attention and food. But a dog has neuroses and goes insane if left alone for longer six hours. If I go away for two hours taking photos for a architecture study or have an evening with friends later in the day, I am always worried about "God, need to take the dog out so she can go and not shit where I live" and end up leaving early. By the end of it, I hated dogs and I think she knew it too. It's been raining all last week. Guess who still needs a walk? The dog! Because they cannot do anything by themselves.

I feel like a slave owning a dog. So I know my life style isn't conductive to dog ownership, but although I'm more of a cat person I fear I'll have to suffer with a cat who goes outside its litter box. I'd honestly rather have kids than a pet. The extra responsibility of pet ownership isn't really for me and while I think animals are cute I don't think that outweighs the fact I'll have to deal with picking up shit and cat puke and taking Mr. Stinkles to the vet and pay 2000 dollars because he decided to eat a sock. No matter what the animal, it still isn't human - at least kids grow up. Thankfully my boyfriend is understanding and doesn't judge me for not wanting another pet. I communicated this with a friend and wondered why I was so heartless.

Rant over.

I moved in today! Celebrated by cooking an amazing breakfast together before dropping off the dog. Then we went to the record store and got some music, and had lunch at a local Creole joint. Capped it off with some sweat and plain hard work at the dojo before work. What a great day.

Congrats on moving in! Settle in now :)

And yeah, dogs are like having small children and you have to treat it like that. I can't have a dog because I live alone in an apartment and a dog would be inside all day for 11 hours. Wouldn't work at all.

My cat on the other hand doesn't give a shit lol. Though she can be needy when I get home, and I am happy to give her all of the pets.

Anyone have any guides or suggestions on what to wear when you're plus size?

I didn't dress well when I was plus size, and I still dress like shit at a fairly average size. &#128542; I just look like garbage in everything hahaha.

I bet if you search tumblr though, they will have some fashion blogs.


speaking of dog problems, we're had a pretty big scare with kona last night. literally a month after he got dermatitis, he started getting really sick last night. we rushed him to the emergency vet and they said he had HGE and put him on IV immediately, and we were there until 5AM. he was there all last night and all day today until we picked him up tonight.

the poor pup is so tired. he has his appetite back but he's basically a sloth right now. the doctor said if he pukes again, refuses food or other gross symptoms show up we have to bring him back, so any posi vibes are appreciated. this new vet we took him to is super sweet, at least. she wrote "he is a lovely corgi" on his outpatient papers. :3

poor pupper. it's one damn thing after the other. sorry to be a bummer, i just needed to share :/
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