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GirlGAF |OT 2| Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Eve?


Bento, get it with all the makeup brushes! ☺️

Don't be nervous to talk to your manager, they let the guy go for you. :)

Christ. That's so fucked =(

That's fucking horrible.

It was super great, but at least I had a supervisor on at the same time who basically ran defence for me, which was nice of him.

It was just a bad situation all around though...the kid had major issues so...eh. I felt horrible about the whole thing.


i wish i had a joint rn tbqh

Weed makes me anxious. Last time I smoked was when my gf brought weed to my house. I went on a late night walk around the block and saw a cat in the shadows and freaked out. I walked home as fast as I could feeling like someone was following me in the dark.

Not sure if or when I'll smoke weed again after that!
Weed makes me anxious. Last time I smoked was when my gf brought weed to my house. I went on a late night walk around the block and saw a cat in the shadows and freaked out. I walked home as fast as I could feeling like someone was following me in the dark.

Not sure if or when I'll smoke weed again after that!

Weed depends on certain factors.

For example, don't smoke weed on an empty stomach. Just like you wouldn't drink alcohol on an empty stomach. Before smoking, eat a full meal with lots of water. Know your limit and leave it to just a few hits. Also, there are different strains of weed. The two main types are indica and sativa. Indica is a body high and gives more energy - hence anxiety. Sativa is more of a head high and makes you melt into your chair and make you sleepy. Be aware of the different types. Many don't. I stick to sativa mostly.

Doing these things will reel in the anxiety. If you do get anxious, it's usually a result of low blood sugar. Weed does that. If that happens, eat a sugary fruit like a banana and drink some fluids.


Weed depends on certain factors.

For example, don't smoke weed on an empty stomach. Just like you wouldn't drink alcohol on an empty stomach. Before smoking, eat a full meal with lots of water. Know your limit and leave it to just a few hits. Also, there are different strains of weed. The two main types are indica and sativa. Indica is a body high and gives more energy - hence anxiety. Sativa is more of a head high and makes you melt into your chair and make you sleepy. Be aware of the different types. Many don't. I stick to sativa mostly.

Doing these things will reel in the anxiety. If you do get anxious, it's usually a result of low blood sugar. Weed does that. If that happens, eat a sugary fruit like a banana and drink some fluids.

That weed knowledge. :)

I don't smoke a lot and have never even bought weed. I just smoke if someone has it and offers.

I'm gonna keep this in mind, maybe I'll carefully try again sometime.


Olympia, so sorry I haven't responded to your music post yet. I'll send you a PM as a response sometime soon since it was so long ago.

thanks everyone <3

Im glad I can come in here and talk about it without it being weird or anything.

its a huge relief to feel supported in this decision.

I'm nervous to talk to my manager tomorrow :(

Good luck with talking to your manager tomorrow, bento! So sorry that that had happened to you. :(
His behavior was definitely inappropriate for the workplace and I can see why you would be nervous to want to talk to him. Hope he doesn't stalk you.


I knew a guy from a writing community just like the one you described, Bento. He was a gay man who was very popular and had a lot of female friends that he wasn't above flirting with, but there was a very gross side to that which ended up messing up a lot of other folks. Despite his behavior being well known over the years, he remains a beloved staple of said community to this day. Needless to say, this continues to leave me with shock and anger.

I'm glad that your harasser got fired immediately, and i'm happy as always that everyone here is saying the right things and keeping this a safe space.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
So girls, do we have a discord group yet? I see the conversation topic pops up here occasionally but never sure if there is a group here. I purchased Luigi Mansion 2 recently after the price drop and need somebody to play multiplayer with :D
InfiBen and LeeLee, so so so sorry to hear that you had to deal with those gross behaviours at work :< Im glad the asshole that harassed infiben had gotten fired immediately. and yeah, infiben, you dont owe him anything ! ....and those brushes are super cute omg *____*
I'm here. I like chatrooms and shit. I still use IRC! :p


Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Gotten any concussions from getting smacked on the head?
Nope. The hits are not meant to hurt at all. You feel them but if they are done properly they do not hurt.

Have you ever taken a life?
Well, I, and many others, have no life outside of kendo. So kendo took our lives. Does that count? :D

Martial arts are love. I want to know what kind of training you do. What's the average class like?
Every dojo is different, and it depends on the level of the people in class (routines for beginners are different than for advanced people). But a very typical class with moderately advanced people would look like this:

- Warm up, stretching;
- Suburi drills; that is, drills with the shinai (our bamboo sword) where we practice basic cuts, swinging at the air;
- Line-up for "opening ritual": mokuso (quick zen meditation, to set your mental focus) and rei (bowing);
- Basics drills without bogu (our armour), such as:
- Footwork drills
- Exercises to practice our posture
- Exercises to practice our proper grip and/or proper cutting technique
- And other such basics (may or may not be with a partner, depending);​
- Put on bogu;
- Basics drills with bogu (and a partner, always paired up):
- Kiri-kaeshi, a drill where you do a series of cuts, practices your footwork, distance, spirit and cardio
- Basic attacks on a non-defending partner; typically, we do a bunch of drills (say, 5 times each), and then rotate to get a new partner;​
- Advanced drills, such as:
- Counter attacks
- Continuous attacks (attacking several times in a row without breaking form or losing your breath)
- Backwards attacking techniques
- and so on;​
- Sparring (jikeiko). Basically just a duel/fight, trying to score points and doing your best applying all that you learned, or for experimenting some techniques you might be yet uncomfortable with. Sometimes it's very structured, we spar for X minutes and rotate after the call, sometimes it's free keiko, you pick the partner of your choice and there's no set time limit.
- Line-up for the "closing ritual" (mokuso, rei).

It varies though. Sometimes we put on bogu right after the suburi session and go straight into bogu drills, sometimes we spend more time without it and focus on the very basics. Sometimes a practice will focus on more specific techniques during the whole time, sometimes it'll be a revision of previous training sessions, sometimes it'll be spread on a variety of techniques, sometimes it'll have shiai (matches with actual referees judging the points, like a mock tournament), etc. so it does vary quite a bit, but the template above is the most standard kind of practice. It can be done with a lot of instructions and explanations in-between drills (especially if there are a lot of beginners), or very little, depending on the format, who's leading, who's present at practice, etc.

And of course sometimes there is kata practice, where we use bokuto (wooden sabers). We don't wear the armour as there is no contact during the kata. Typically this is done more often in periods preceding the grading examination dates, because most dojos are really bad at kata and neglect them and just go on full cramming mode. :p



That's so cool. I really want to get back into fencing (loved it as a kid/tween), but I can't right now because I'm broken. :( one day though. I've always really enjoyed it, so it's cool to hear about kendo. :)
Leeness, I say this out of experience. Martial arts will help make you feel not broken. Use them as a catalyst to help become the person you want to be.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
you have to train Kendo barefoot? I wanna get into martial arts but I hate feet
Yeah, it's 100% barefoot. Some people with certain medical conditions can wear a tabi or heel protector, but it's not encouraged.

Your feet do get dirty and callused, haha. I don't care, but if that bothers you, some people use all sorts of lotions and moisturizers and such to keep their feet pristine (well it'll still get dirty but that's what showers are for :p), yes, even guys lol... but most, myself included, don't care.

Very in depth, Morrigan! Does the boken ever get really heavy? I imagine you get a crazy work out with that heavy armor.

Pretty sure you wear socks and sandals.
Nah it's barefoot, we train on a nice wooden floor.

The bokken is really not that heavy, though different weights exist. A iaito can be moderately heavy, though, but that's rarely used in kendo (only for kata, and only by well-trained, advanced practitioners). Iaitos are more commonly used in iaido and kenjutsu.

I've done the kendo kata a few times with a iaito, though, and it's really interesting! And a little scary. Even though the blade is dull, the end is really sharp so it's still a bit dangerous and you have to be really careful.

Speaking of, I just came back from tonight's practice (and badly need a shower xD). Slow night tonight, only 4 of us and I had to lead, but it was still fun. We focused on hiki waza (backwards striking techniques) since I feel our dojo doesn't practice these techniques very often and I feel it's a bit lacking, so since I got to choose what to focus on I picked that. ^^ My kohais seem to have enjoyed it, at least.

That's so cool. I really want to get back into fencing (loved it as a kid/tween), but I can't right now because I'm broken. :( one day though. I've always really enjoyed it, so it's cool to hear about kendo. :)
Nice! I've never done fencing, I was more drawn to the Japanese sword fighting style than the European fencing style, but I do admire the skill and dexterity needed for it. I'd like to try some styles of European combat one day. But yeah, not enough time and money to try all the stuff we want to try, and the cost for the equipment needed for medieval armoured combat make our kendo gear seem positively affordable in comparison... o_O

Leeness, I say this out of experience. Martial arts will help make you feel not broken. Use them as a catalyst to help become the person you want to be.
I thought she meant broken as in, well, broke? :(


Leeness, I say this out of experience. Martial arts will help make you feel not broken. Use them as a catalyst to help become the person you want to be.

Lol nah, literally broken. My left ankle is really buggered and my physio wants me to go get an ultrasound on my foot because she believes there's something wrong with the tendon because this is a long standing problem (2+ years now, my ankle just "stops working" for no reason for a few days, heals up, repeat). But basically, no doing any exercise that involves using my feet! &#128553;

Nice! I've never done fencing, I was more drawn to the Japanese sword fighting style than the European fencing style, but I do admire the skill and dexterity needed for it. I'd like to try some styles of European combat one day. But yeah, not enough time and money to try all the stuff we want to try, and the cost for the equipment needed for medieval armoured combat make our kendo gear seem positively affordable in comparison... o_O

I thought she meant broken as in, well, broke? :(

I used to do the sport-fencing, and nothing with armour or anything.

This one. :) Just padded vests, helmets, gloves, and you get hooked up to electrical strings that track if your vest gets poked haha.

And yeah, just literal broke. Haha. And fencing is hardcore lunging and stomping your feet which would probably shatter my foot right now, lmao.
Foot care is important. I have a foot spa machine that I use after every BJJ class. Keeps my feet nice and clean.

I thought you used sandals and socks in kendo. Am I thinking of another Japanese MA?

Take care of your foot, Leeness. Does it hurt standing up or doing any activity? Ultrasounds are expensive...I hope you can get it done soon!


Take care of your foot, Leeness. Does it hurt standing up or doing any activity? Ultrasounds are expensive...I hope you can get it done soon!

When it's "out", yeah, it's very painful, standing on it, walking. People at work right now are commenting about how I look like I'm in pain when I walk. Which I am. Haha. More than it being painful though, I'm just frustrated with it. It's so frustrating that I don't DO anything to it. It doesn't go "out" when I'm jogging or doing any kind of physical activity. It just happens when I walk, randomly. I will be walking and, without any warning, the next step will just be agony and it's "out" for a few days.

I'm in Canada. ;)

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Ouch, Leeness. I sprained my ankle a few weeks ago* and it's still not 100% recovered. I'm fine and not in pain, but I haven't regained my full range of motion yet and it's a bit sensitive at times. So I sympathize and I really hope you recover. And yeah do get a scan or x-ray or whatever you need!

* I sprained it in such a stupid way too, not even doing kendo. I had been biking on Bainbridge Island and was catching up the ferry back to Seattle, so I hooked the bike on my right shoulder and climbed down some stairs on the way there... then my sandal wobbled on the right side and it snapped. Owww. :( Put ice and all, and I was mostly fine but I had a big tournament the very next morning. I have the worst luck sometimes...

I thought you used sandals and socks in kendo. Am I thinking of another Japanese MA?
Maybe, yeah. Not sure what though. Naginata, iaido and aikido are also barefoot, as are the more mainstream judo and karate. Maybe you're thinking of chinese arts like wushu? They wear shoes though, not sandals.


Ouch, Leeness. I sprained my ankle a few weeks ago* and it's still not 100% recovered. I'm fine and not in pain, but I haven't regained my full range of motion yet and it's a bit sensitive at times. So I sympathize and I really hope you recover. And yeah do get a scan or x-ray or whatever you need!

* I sprained it in such a stupid way too, not even doing kendo. I had been biking on Bainbridge Island and was catching up the ferry back to Seattle, so I hooked the bike on my right shoulder and climbed down some stairs on the way there... then my sandal wobbled on the right side and it snapped. Owww. :( Put ice and all, and I was mostly fine but I had a big tournament the very next morning. I have the worst luck sometimes...

See, it frustrates me that I'm not even hurting myself in a "stupid way" lol (wobbling isn't a stupid way tho, it happens &#128523;). Like, people are all "you look so hurt, what did you do?!" and all I can say is "I was walking". "Did you turn your ankle?!" "No. Just slowly walking around my apartment." Sigh.

Sprains suck, but I'm glad you're on the up and up. :) Heat and ice and heat and ice.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Well I was just climbing down some stairs more or less normally, so to me that's a "stupid way". But it's often in the ways that you get injured.

My dad is an athlete. He's been playing hockey for over 60 years, and baseball and softball and all manners of sports too. He took up skiing (alpine, not even cross-country) when he was like 55.

He got a serious ankle sprain (as in, needed treatment and crutches) one day, doing... hockey skating? Getting checked during a hockey match? Skiing? Anything else that's sorta hardcore/athletic/dangerous? Nope, he was just jogging around on a baseball field. One false little step and crack.

Then a year later the same thing happened but with the other foot. xD

I don't have back pain like, ever, fortunately. But the most pain I ever had in my back was turning around at work to shut the bathroom door behind me. I have no idea what I did, it was the most innocuous little move, but something, some nerve got stuck or I don't know and owwwww. Could hardly move and breathe normally for like 2 days before it somehow went away. Go figure!


Well I was just climbing down some stairs more or less normally, so to me that's a "stupid way". But it's often in the ways that you get injured.

My dad is an athlete. He's been playing hockey for over 60 years, and baseball and softball and all manners of sports too. He took up skiing (alpine, not even cross-country) when he was like 55.

He got a serious ankle sprain (as in, needed treatment and crutches) one day, doing... hockey skating? Getting checked during a hockey match? Skiing? Anything else that's sorta hardcore/athletic/dangerous? Nope, he was just jogging around on a baseball field. One false little step and crack.

Then a year later the same thing happened but with the other foot. xD

I don't have back pain like, ever, fortunately. But the most pain I ever had in my back was turning around at work to shut the bathroom door behind me. I have no idea what I did, it was the most innocuous little move, but something, some nerve got stuck or I don't know and owwwww. Could hardly move and breathe normally for like 2 days before it somehow went away. Go figure!

Yah, I guess that's definitely true! My mom like, had months of pain from turning to grab something out of the back seat of her car haha.

I guess it's always frustrating. Grrrr.
Yah, I guess that's definitely true! My mom like, had months of pain from turning to grab something out of the back seat of her car haha.

I guess it's always frustrating. Grrrr.

It's definitely frustrating. I used to squat heavy, etc at the gym. Then one night I'm sliding sideways into a restaurant booth and my knee's on fire. Knee hasn't worked right since, and that was almost 10 years ago. It cracks constantly, sometimes very loudly, and randomly when I'm on it it'll get weak or feel tight. What's most aggravating is not being able to do the stuff you used to.


It's definitely frustrating. I used to squat heavy, etc at the gym. Then one night I'm sliding sideways into a restaurant booth and my knee's on fire. Knee hasn't worked right since, and that was almost 10 years ago. It cracks constantly, sometimes very loudly, and randomly when I'm on it it'll get weak or feel tight. What's most aggravating is not being able to do the stuff you used to.

&#128553; So frustrating. Have you seen physios about your knee?

Also, green quotes seem to be gone again!
&#128553; So frustrating. Have you seen physios about your knee?

Also, green quotes seem to be gone again!

Nope, that quote was green!

I haven't seen a doctor about the knee. I haven't seen a doctor at all in years. Honestly, I've never gone to a doctor and had them fix anything properly in my life, so why bother?

Besides, best case, I'd be having surgery to go back do doing stuff that any doctor would say is too hard on your joints / unsafe and also unnecessary anyway. ;)


Nope, that quote was green!

I haven't seen a doctor about the knee. I haven't seen a doctor at all in years. Honestly, I've never gone to a doctor and had them fix anything properly in my life, so why bother?

Besides, best case, I'd be having surgery to go back do doing stuff that any doctor would say is too hard on your joints / unsafe and also unnecessary anyway. ;)

Mine aren't green &#128542;

:( That's too bad. I've been seeing a lot of doctors lately lol. Finally decided to do something about all my ailments, so we'll see if any pay off.

Wouldn't it be good to be without pain though? Or is it manageable?
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