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GirlGAF |OT 2| Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Eve?


I'm so stressed out by this, my face has broken out so bad. Pre-existing conditions won't be covered, marrying another woman will be out of the question, who knows what they will do about kids, plus nothing can get changed again for decades. I can barely think about anything else and I have to the LSAT(Law School Admissions Exam) in a few weeks and Hillary winning was meaning I wouldn't have to think about politics for a few years...now my entire life has changed and I just want to cry and cry.
Same-sex marriage will NOT be repealed.


  • Reverse any Supreme Court decision
    * This includes Obergefell v. Hodges, which made same-sex marriage a constitutional right; Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt, which reaffirmed a woman’s right to choose first articulated in Roe v. Wade, another Supreme Court case. Grutter v. Bollinger, which instituted affirmative action, the entire body of Civil Rights case law, plus anything related to due process, including the right of minors to due process, your right to an attorney, Miranda rights, inadmissible evidence, etc.
    * (Even if Trump appoints the worst possible SC nominee, they still can’t reverse any of these decisions without a really significant case coming before the Court with new facts, and then they have to write an opinion stating how this case is different than that other case…it’s unlikely to happen.)

There is definitely reasonable concern to be had over their supreme court nominee(s), but walking back the progress we've already made on that front is not one of them. We're going to be stonewalled on making that progress nationally, but at least local and state laws can still do their thing.

As someone who's too poor to be covered by health insurance, I admit I am selfishly hoping that the whole thing imploding will push us towards universal health care in the following election cycles. It's that kind of blind, naive optimism that keeps me going in dark times like these. Gotta look ahead when the near future looks so bleak.


I'm going to escape through studying today, but I haven't been able to bring myself to start. Sigh.

At least Hillary's concession speech was positive.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
Same-sex marriage will NOT be repealed.

There is definitely reasonable concern to be had over their supreme court nominee(s), but walking back the progress we've already made on that front is not one of them. We're going to be stonewalled on making that progress nationally, but at least local and state laws can still do their thing.

As someone who's too poor to be covered by health insurance, I admit I am selfishly hoping that the whole thing imploding will push us towards universal health care in the following election cycles. It's that kind of blind, naive optimism that keeps me going in dark times like these. Gotta look ahead when the near future looks so bleak.
I literally am thinking that the Conservatives could make some new case theirselves (they are companies that devote their careers to make Supreme Court Case's) and do that exact thing. I'm pretty sure Abortion, Gay Marriage and any other liberal thing that got past will be destroyed. Universal Health Care will not happen for another 20-30 years if not more. We are fucked.


Naw I feel you.

It'll be okay. Dark days ahead.

It's really dumb as fuck.

Welcome to fucking America, where the most fucking qualified woman will still lose to a the most unqualified man.

Clinton investigated by the FBI? So was Trump. Multiple times.
Clinton is "corrupt" and in bed with big money? So was Trump. Also in bed with the mafia, support by multiple hate groups.

The double standard for women is fucking insane. The sexism is more obvious than ever, and we're STILL going to have to face a bunch of "BUT WOMEN HAVE IT EASY" "BUT PUSSY PASS" etc.

Clinton worked incredibly hard her whole life, committed all these years and time to serving the public. Was it out of the goodness of her heart? Probably not. BUT NEITHER HAS TRUMP. Trump has worked his whole life TO BENEFIT HIMSELF ONLY. He gives no shits about the public. Yet, who still gets elected? The man that knows shit, can't do shit, and has shit for brains. In every objective measure, Trump is inferior to Clinton. But, he has a penis, so I guess he's more fit to lead /s.

We still have a long fucking way to go.

Also, a lot of Trump supporters people are really fucking stupid, and some are just really misogynist and some are just really racist. Either way, they're all fucking scum.

It was very disheartening to see so many liberals, especially women, buy into Clinton and Trump being equally terrible. The US was always rife with racism, sexism, homophobia, etc, but I honestly thought that we were at the point that we could finally beat out those voices. Instead apathy happened.

Those aren't mutually exclusive. One of the main differences is that sexist guilt isn't a thing like white guilt. But yeah, it's a racist sexist country.


So! Who else is planning lots of fictional escapism? I'm going to read a lot of comics today (Iron Riri and Mega Princess, save us)

Also, it's raining. Fitting.

Might replay some Kotor until Tyranny hits. I was doing Nanowrimo this year, but I don't think I have it in me to finish .
On the plus side, at least when the first female president does happen, it won't be Clinton, and that's the one consolation I can take away from all this, America deserves a better debut female leader. Looking in from the outside of america and studying the history of both candidates I always said that whoever wins this election, America loses either way. Both sides couldn't have picked worse candidates really.

pretty much


On the plus side, at least when the first female president does happen, it won't be Clinton, and that's the one consolation I can take away from all this, America deserves a better debut female leader. Looking in from the outside of america and studying the history of both candidates I always said that whoever wins this election, America loses either way. Both sides couldn't have picked worse candidates really.

This just kind of hurts to read because you're doing the thing people have been doing leading up to the election and acting like it's a wash -- Acting like they're both turds, so who cares.

You could argue that Hillary is a robot or that her true motivations are unclear -- That's kind of how I feel, myself --- But, at very minimum, at bare minimum, she's pretending that being good matters and that what we say matters and that the truth matters and that basic decency matters. We voted for a candidate who didn't even pretend to do that. Our country just co-signed and endorsed hate, racism, bigotry, sexism, lying, bullying, revenge, not being prepared, ignorance -- the list goes on.

And it's just really sad. I'm a white man but when I woke up today I woke up feeling like my country is a cold place that doesn't really care about anything.

Compounding my sadness is the thought that the supreme court was just lost for another generation and I'll be an old man before we ever make any real progress again.


This just kind of hurts to read because you're doing the thing people have been doing leading up to the election and acting like it's a wash -- Acting like they're both turds, so who cares.

You could argue that Hillary is a robot or that her true motivations are unclear -- That's kind of how I feel, myself --- But, at very minimum, at bare minimum, she's pretending that being good matters and that what we say matters and that the truth matters and that basic decency matters. We voted for a candidate who didn't even pretend to do that. Our country just co-signed and endorsed hate, racism, bigotry, sexism, lying, bullying, revenge, not being prepared, ignorance -- the list goes on.

And it's just really sad. I'm a white man but when I woke up today I woke up feeling like my country is a cold place that doesn't really care about anything.

Compounding my sadness is the thought that the supreme court was just lost for another generation and I'll be an old man before we ever make any real progress again.

This just kind of hurts to read because you're doing the thing people have been doing leading up to the election and acting like it's a wash -- Acting like they're both turds, so who cares.

You could argue that Hillary is a robot or that her true motivations are unclear -- That's kind of how I feel, myself --- But, at very minimum, at bare minimum, she's pretending that being good matters and that what we say matters and that the truth matters and that basic decency matters. We voted for a candidate who didn't even pretend to do that. Our country just co-signed and endorsed hate, racism, bigotry, sexism, lying, bullying, revenge, not being prepared, ignorance -- the list goes on.

And it's just really sad. I'm a white man but when I woke up today I woke up feeling like my country is a cold place that doesn't really care about anything.

Compounding my sadness is the thought that the supreme court was just lost for another generation and I'll be an old man before we ever make any real progress again.



I'm not a girl but I hope it's okay to ask this here.

I'm still rattled at the percentage of (mostly white) women who voted for a man with such a sordid past with women. A man who abandoned, assaulted and cheated on multiple wives, openly bragged about sexual harassment, displayed utter disrespect to not only his female opponent but also female commentators.

I understand the argument his voters make that they can overlook that behavior because they care more about issues, jobs, the economy, foreign policy. It is the percentage that stuns me.

My question is this: What can mothers tell their daughters today? How can they explain to them that an unprepared, unqualified, machismo-laden bully triumphed over a woman with decades of experience and preparation?
I'm not a girl but I hope it's okay to ask this here.

I'm still rattled at the percentage of (mostly white) women who voted for a man with such a sordid past with women. A man who abandoned, assaulted and cheated on multiple wives, openly bragged about sexual harassment, displayed utter disrespect to not only his female opponent but also female commentators.

I understand the argument his voters make that they can overlook that behavior because they care more about issues, jobs, the economy, foreign policy. It is the percentage that stuns me.

My question is this: What can mothers tell their daughters today? How can they explain to them that an unprepared, unqualified, machismo-laden bully triumphed over a woman with decades of experience and preparation?

I would tell my daughter that though it doesnt seem like it, progress has been made and the future will be brighter and that she can aspire to the highest dreams she would like to work towards.

I would also tell her that her gender has been relegated to secondary position since time immemorial and that women everywhere are still fighting, are still holding hope, and are still courageous despite the thousands of years telling us to 'be less'.

Then I would hug her SOOOOOOOOOOOO tight


Have courage, all of y'all my sisters <3


Rolling Girl
On the plus side, at least when the first female president does happen, it won't be Clinton, and that's the one consolation I can take away from all this, America deserves a better debut female leader. Looking in from the outside of america and studying the history of both candidates I always said that whoever wins this election, America loses either way. Both sides couldn't have picked worse candidates really.

Oh fuck off the Trump/Pence campaign is already working to take away some of my rights by the end of the year that I wouldn't have had to worry about otherwise. Now I have to rush to do something I'm not ready for because it won't be an option for me in three months.


I'm not a girl but I hope it's okay to ask this here.

I'm still rattled at the percentage of (mostly white) women who voted for a man with such a sordid past with women. A man who abandoned, assaulted and cheated on multiple wives, openly bragged about sexual harassment, displayed utter disrespect to not only his female opponent but also female commentators.

I understand the argument his voters make that they can overlook that behavior because they care more about issues, jobs, the economy, foreign policy. It is the percentage that stuns me.

My question is this: What can mothers tell their daughters today? How can they explain to them that an unprepared, unqualified, machismo-laden bully triumphed over a woman with decades of experience and preparation?

Hi, I'm not a girl either, but your question made it's way to Gafia, and I wanted to give my answer.

&#8220;You don&#8217;t drown by falling in the water, You drown by staying there.&#8221; --Edwin Louis Cole

Here's the thing. We screwed up, here in the US. It's terrible and it's shameful, and yeah, I'm furious about it. But what comes now is what we do about it.
I recently had a baby girl. I was looking at her last night and feeling bad about the world she's inheriting, but then I realized that now it falls to me to make her strong enough to stand up in this world until she can change it.
I believe Trump is going to make the US a harsher and meaner place, so now it falls to me to make my corner of it kinder, and to help care for the people who will be forgotten or left behind by the new regime.

Sometimes the only thing we can control is how we respond in the face of adversity.
When we tell them how the world is now, we must also prepare them to change it.
My question is this: What can mothers tell their daughters today? How can they explain to them that an unprepared, unqualified, machismo-laden bully triumphed over a woman with decades of experience and preparation?
A lot of it was policies. A significant portion of trump voters also loved Sarah palin. I'm not saying sexism wasn't at play because it totally was, but I just don't think it was the primary consideration for most people.

To your question, the world isn't fair. Sometimes bullies win. What you can do is continue to treat people fairly and respectfully. Improve the world around you and eventually some of that starts to catch on :)


Oh fuck off the Trump/Pence campaign is already working to take away some of my rights by the end of the year that I wouldn't have had to worry about otherwise. Now I have to rush to do something I'm not ready for because it won't be an option for me in three months.
Guessing at what you mean: that's not something I'm sure I even WANT to go through with, or sure I really can do anything about if I'm sure about it. It'd end up being a 4 year wait if I go down that road afterall and that sucks. :/


Rolling Girl
Guessing at what you mean: that's not something I'm sure I even WANT to go through with, or sure I really can do anything about if I'm sure about it. It'd end up being a 4 year wait if I go down that road afterall and that sucks. :/

Well you can do something about it right now you have about 70 days to do it.

Huh, charming...
Oh sorry if I'm not eloquent when the new vice president said they're already working on taking one of my rights away this morning.


Things you should consider doing before Trump becomes president
-Get any doctor&#8217;s appointment taken care of if you have Obamacare
-Take advantage of any student loan forgiveness if you can
-Get an IUD if you need birth control
-Legally change your name if you&#8217;re trans
-Get a passport
-Save up your money

We have little under two months until the presidency changes over. Take advantage of your rights while you have them. Also make sure you have hour proof of citizenship/naturalization papers at the ready. Get all legal documentation of your right to belong here as soon as possible.

Stolen from tumblr.

There is also a plan forming to write electors to cast their votes for HRC instead of Trump since she *did* win the popular vote and some people are uneasy with a Trump presidency

It&#8217;s not common for the Electoral College to vote against what the states decide, but it&#8217;s happened- and recently. Al Gore won the popular vote but the EC voted in George W. Bush in 2000.

30 states of 50 have laws saying their members of the EC have to vote in accordance with the popular vote, but apparently the usual penalty for that is just a fine.

There has been a lot of talk about the members of Congress and the Senate being very uneasy about Trump. It may be worth writing to them about voting for Clinton instead. We have two months.

What a time to be alive.


Well you can do something about it right now you have about 70 days to do it.

Oh sorry if I'm not eloquent when the new vice president said they're already working on taking one of my rights away this morning.

It's like with drug legalization. If it's illegal, women will find a more dangerous, more expensive, under the counter way to do it. It sounds absolutely insane to me that in 2016, due to religious fundamentalism, some politicians don't realize that prohibiting something legally doesn't actually stop it from taking place. Criminalizing actions that should be fundamental rights. A truly sobering view.


Well you can do something about it right now you have about 70 days to do it.
Problem being it'd kind of go into the deep end now or never when I might be happy just... staying on the shallow end? Splashing my feet in the kid's pool? What if I'm happy just being semi-closeted non-binary who doesn't really want masculine traits and feels better on estrogen or something, but is fine identifying as male anyway and going by my birth name (that I AM attached to enough)? I'm still giving testosterone a chance to affect my mood first since mine IS low, and that takes more than a week to be sure typically.

What is the worst thing that Hillary has done to make you dislike her?

Because I have a feeling that Mike Pence probably wins in that competition.

Oh no doubt, on the moral and societal side of things they take the gold trophy. Some of the current and potential future shit that's going to go down with the Trump/Pence partnership is going to be downright deplorable. What with Pence having a history of regressive, ass backwards social and moral agendas on how american culture and life should be. It's a very dangerous time and the concerns amongst LGBT, minority groups and women about how their lives will be ran and how they'll be dictated to by a republican government are all well grounded.

Hillary Clinton on the other hand feels like a political chameleon, flip-flopping on social and politcal issues like gay marriage, NAFTA, and illegal immigration to best suit her current public image and standing when people seem to show signs of dissaproval on whichever public opinion appears to be more dominant at the time, which can be a rather dangerous trait in and of itself, especially if it's something as socially regressive as parroting the popular opinion restricting gay marriage like in the early 2000's. Her shoddy approach to the middle east situation and her inconsistentcies there adding to the list of areas where the public probably didn't trust her on that either. Neither did her express interest on a no-fly zone in Syria which could potentially lead to conflict with Russia, which would have a high chance of dragging other neighbouring and allied countries into war.

Herself and trump are completely different beasts alltogether. He's a bigot who openly expressives a negative and damning attitude to minorities, immigrants, LGBT, and women with a horrid running partner to boot. Where as Hillary feels like an inconsistent amalgamation with a "me too" attitude to popular politcal opinions, whether it be socially or politically good or bad, as shown in the latter half of her politcal career. Both are dangerous in completely different ways.

Now before people say "Well clearly Trump was the worst choice, fuck off!" like a lot of people have said to me, I completely agree! For the currently growing progressive climate that america was heading in, Trump was clearly the wrong choice by far and how he ended up getting majority vote is beyond me. But it doesn't stop me from judging both sides of this candidacy just as harshly as the other. And I do believe that for different reasons, both candidates would've been the worst presidential choices in their own way, hence why I said "America loses either way", not in the same way, but differently. Take from that what you will, I just want to be civil about it.

Hope that gives you a bit more insight to what I think of both Hillary and Trump from what I've gathered.


and how he ended up getting majority vote is beyond me.

He actually didn't :(

Thank you for your thoughtful post though. I just think that Trump will cause lasting harm to the country and the supreme court and cause very real people to lose actual real tangible things, whereas a Hillary election would have just meant more gridlock and not getting much done -- Which is much preferable to the former in my view.


Holy crap, really? Huh, that's a nugget of info I wasn't aware of. Is there a breakdown of the voting numbers I can peruse?


We have a convoluted and ass backwards electoral college system where the sum total of votes doesn't actually matter. The same thing happened in 2000. Al Gore had more votes but lost the election when the republican heavy supreme court gave Florida to Bush (which goes back to my other point about how direly important the supreme court is).


My stance has always been that, at worst, Hillary is a milquetoast politician, while Trump is something far worse or at least far less predictable.

I'll take the milquetoast politician any day of the week, thanks.
Oh no doubt, on the moral and societal side of things they take the gold trophy. Some of the current and potential future shit that's going to go down with the Trump/Pence partnership is going to be downright deplorable. What with Pence having a history of regressive, ass backwards social and moral agendas on how american culture and life should be. It's a very dangerous time and the concerns amongst LGBT, minority groups and women about how their lives will be ran and how they'll be dictated to by a republican government are all well grounded.

Hillary Clinton on the other hand feels like a political chameleon, flip-flopping on social and politcal issues like gay marriage, NAFTA, and illegal immigration to best suit her current public image and standing when people seem to show signs of dissaproval on whichever public opinion appears to be more dominant at the time, which can be a rather dangerous trait in and of itself, especially if it's something as socially regressive as parroting the popular opinion restricting gay marriage like in the early 2000's. Her shoddy approach to the middle east situation and her inconsistentcies there adding to the list of areas where the public probably didn't trust her on that either. Neither did her express interest on a no-fly zone in Syria which could potentially lead to conflict with Russia, which would have a high chance of dragging other neighbouring and allied countries into war.

Herself and trump are completely different beasts alltogether. He's a bigot who openly expressives a negative and damning attitude to minorities, immigrants, LGBT, and women with a horrid running partner to boot. Where as Hillary feels like an inconsistent amalgamation with a "me too" attitude to popular politcal opinions, whether it be socially or politically good or bad, as shown in the latter half of her politcal career. Both are dangerous in completely different ways.

Now before people say "Well clearly Trump was the worst choice, fuck off!" like a lot of people have said to me, I completely agree! For the currently growing progressive climate that america was heading in, Trump was clearly the wrong choice by far and how he ended up getting majority vote is beyond me. But it doesn't stop me from judging both sides of this candidacy just as harshly as the other. And I do believe that for different reasons, both candidates would've been the worst presidential choices in their own way, hence why I said "America loses either way", not in the same way, but differently. Take from that what you will, I just want to be civil about it.

Hope that gives you a bit more insight to what I think of both Hillary and Trump from what I've gathered.

Even though Pence is someone which has consistently bad views, Trump has been flip-flopping even more on many issues than Hillary. It is not like he is consistently spouting the same statements, even since he announced his run for presidency he has changed his stances on many things or just refuses to give a clear statement. His statements also conflict on many things he has said before he ran.

Hillary has many years of experience in politics and have had to take firm stances, with everything under a close eye. Trump has never been forced to do that, he has been much more free to state what he wants in the past, nobody cared. And even now he did not have to worry about people checking all the statements he made. Partly because he has had less opportunities in the past to reference it to, partly because Hillary's "mistakes" have been under much more scrutiny and partly because there has been such an incredible mountain of shit that this is relatively inconsequential for Trump.

Hillary had so many years in politics and it is such a difficult environment that I can accept her changing her stances. It has been so many years on some things that maybe she has changed her mind, or maybe she had been forced into a stance or maybe indeed she is playing the game and did it for political gain. And perhaps she had made big mistakes, but nothing of that would be shocking to me.

With Trump I honestly have no clue, about any of it. I do think a lot of what he has said in the past months has been for political gain and he hasn't been meaning any of it. I have no clue what policies he has been bluffing about or what he actually stands for and that is something I worry about. The most positive scenario might actually be a lot of what he has said has been solely for political gain. I can just go by what he has chosen to represent and surround himself with, and that doesn't look like a good thing at all.

Everything that Hillary is guilty of is something that isn't exceptional in politics and has been done by Trump. But with Trump you got a lot of other things that are also wrong.


I turned to CNN to see if protests were still ongoing and they were talking about "president-elect" Trump going to the White House and getting briefed and Melania meeting with Michelle and I can feel the bile rising in my throat so I had to turn it off.

I'm not even American and I'm still sick and heartsick for you guys, I've been tearing up all day and I'm so sorry this has happened. I guess that's the Canadian thing to do, tell you I'm sorry.


Holy crap, really? Huh, that's a nugget of info I wasn't aware of. Is there a breakdown of the voting numbers I can peruse?

59,692,974 Trump
59,923,027 Clinton
231,000,000 Eligible Voters
318,900,000 Rough Population of America
So, if my math is correct, about a 19% of the population of America actually voted for Trump. About 25% of eligible voters voted for Trump. This doesn't change who the President will be, or what they will do, but it might help us think more realistically about the people we share the country with.


My oldest son was crying all day and pissed off because of the election. He even secretly stayed up on his phone for the results. He's 13.

My daughter is 8. He hugged her hard this morning and told her to stay strong. When she didn't understand, he spent the rest of the day trying to keep her ignorant.

After school she came home and asked me what rape was, and why someone who did that was now our president.

I'm so fucking depressed right now.


I turned to CNN to see if protests were still ongoing and they were talking about "president-elect" Drumpf going to the White House and getting briefed and Melania meeting with Michelle and I can feel the bile rising in my throat so I had to turn it off.

I'm not even American and I'm still sick and heartsick for you guys, I've been tearing up all day and I'm so sorry this has happened. I guess that's the Canadian thing to do, tell you I'm sorry.

I am physically ill right now due to my depression from this. I have been crying pretty much non-stop and am at the point where I just physically can't produce more tears....I'm a general mess.....worried for my future, my loved one's futures, the future of this country, of this world......I'm a broken record here with my posts in other topics but.....I am terrified. The majority is being held hostage by a fascist minority due to gerrymandering, voter suppression, general attacks on democracy etc. etc....and we can't do a thing about it.....I already have plans to either move to a LGBT friendly state or just straight up leave.....tho can't really afford to move.......so....yea.

I have no hope right now. This is disgusting and angers me so much....and to see centrist Democrats/Republicans tell minorities to suck it up/get in line/it's time for unity....no. Just. No. There is nothing unifying about Republicans. About Donald Trump. About fascism. About my rights being taken away. About scapegoating. About fucking conversion therapy camps. No. Those people never gave a fuck about unification when Obama reached across the aisle. They don't deserve to hold the reins. Nor do they deserve to even dare spout this unity nonsense for a single second.

My oldest son was crying all day and pissed off because of the election. He even secretly stayed up on his phone for the results. He's 13.

My daughter is 8. He hugged her hard this morning and told her to stay strong. When she didn't understand, he spent the rest of the day trying to keep her ignorant.

After school she came home and asked me what rape was, and why someone who did that was now our president.

I'm so fucking depressed right now.

....I'm so sorry.....


My oldest son was crying all day and pissed off because of the election. He even secretly stayed up on his phone for the results. He's 13.

My daughter is 8. He hugged her hard this morning and told her to stay strong. When she didn't understand, he spent the rest of the day trying to keep her ignorant.

After school she came home and asked me what rape was, and why someone who did that was now our president.

I'm so fucking depressed right now.

God. I'm so sorry, Media.

Fuck this damn country.
59,692,974 Trump
59,923,027 Clinton
231,000,000 Eligible Voters
318,900,000 Rough Population of America
So, if my math is correct, about a 19% of the population of America actually voted for Trump. About 25% of eligible voters voted for Trump. This doesn't change who the President will be, or what they will do, but it might help us think more realistically about the people we share the country with.

That bulk number of votes for each candidate is way closer than I thought it'd be. 300k difference for a country as huge and populated as america isn't that big a gap when you think about it. Just shows you that the way the numbers are counted and shown across states really can change your overall outlook on the numbers. That plus media coverage. Have to admit I was a bit lost when I was looking through the live coverage with all the projections and different voting thresholds for different establishments (House, senate, popular, electoral, college etc).

Speaking of the senate and all that lark, how's that decided? Is it decided by overall state vote occupancy, or is that all an in-house thing amongst politions?


My oldest son was crying all day and pissed off because of the election. He even secretly stayed up on his phone for the results. He's 13.

My daughter is 8. He hugged her hard this morning and told her to stay strong. When she didn't understand, he spent the rest of the day trying to keep her ignorant.

After school she came home and asked me what rape was, and why someone who did that was now our president.

I'm so fucking depressed right now.

This is pretty much why I asked my question here yesterday. The little girls are the ones who could be scarred the most by this, and it is difficult to convey hope to them if one has none to offer right now.

However, at the same time, they are young enough to come out of it stronger in 4 or even 8 years and get politically active.

I have no hope right now. This is disgusting and angers me so much....and to see centrist Democrats/Republicans tell minorities to suck it up/get in line/it's time for unity....no. Just. No. There is nothing unifying about Republicans. About Donald Trump. About fascism. About my rights being taken away. About scapegoating. About fucking conversion therapy camps. No. Those people never gave a fuck about unification when Obama reached across the aisle. They don't deserve to hold the reins. Nor do they deserve to even dare spout this unity nonsense for a single second.

I agree. I think this "let's heal the wound and work together" rhetoric from democrats sounds a lot like "please roll over and wait (minorities)". There can't be talk of unification when the Republican platform won based on xenophobia, hatred and alienation. How can minorities and LGBT people simply fall in line now? As we are seeing now, some of them would literally rather jump off a bridge.


*hugs for everyone*

I agree. I think this "let's heal the wound and work together" rhetoric from democrats sounds a lot like "please roll over and wait (minorities)". There can't be talk of unification when the Republican platform won based on xenophobia, hatred and alienation. How can minorities and LGBT people simply fall in line now? As we are seeing now, some of them would literally rather jump off a bridge.

I'm feeling this way, too.


My oldest son was crying all day and pissed off because of the election. He even secretly stayed up on his phone for the results. He's 13.

My daughter is 8. He hugged her hard this morning and told her to stay strong. When she didn't understand, he spent the rest of the day trying to keep her ignorant.

After school she came home and asked me what rape was, and why someone who did that was now our president.

I'm so fucking depressed right now.

I really wonder what parents who voted for trump say, when they have their children ask similar questions. There's gotta be some, however small a group that is, that realize what a horrible mistake they've made.


I really wonder what parents who voted for trump say, when they have their children ask similar questions. There's gotta be some, however small a group that is, that realize what a horrible mistake they've made.
The other choice was even worse
Or maybe
A lot of people in power are bad people, you have to just pick the one that will
Or almost certainly
they're just opportunists trying to make fame off of accusing him

Tho likely a combination


I really wonder what parents who voted for trump say, when they have their children ask similar questions. There's gotta be some, however small a group that is, that realize what a horrible mistake they've made.

I've said in other threads, most of the women I know who voted for him justify it as 'saving babies' because of three 9 month abortion bullshit. So I imagine they'll say something like 'You have to do anything to protect the babies,' or something.


My oldest son was crying all day and pissed off because of the election. He even secretly stayed up on his phone for the results. He's 13.

My daughter is 8. He hugged her hard this morning and told her to stay strong. When she didn't understand, he spent the rest of the day trying to keep her ignorant.

After school she came home and asked me what rape was, and why someone who did that was now our president.

I'm so fucking depressed right now.

My job involves interacting with kids. I had one who couldn't have been older than 12 tell us he stayed up all night watching the election and cried when Trump won. Another talked about moving to Canada. Most of these kids are black and Latino and were already worried about what would happen to their families once Trump won. They are too young for this bullshit. I was a kid during 9/11 and I was not nearly as plugged in as these children are. I am so fucking pissed at this country.


My job involves interacting with kids. I had one who couldn't have been older than 12 tell us he stayed up all night watching the election and cried when Trump won. Another talked about moving to Canada. Most of these kids are black and Latino and were already worried about what would happen to their families once Trump won. They are too young for this bullshit. I was a kid during 9/11 and I was not nearly as plugged in as these children are. I am so fucking pissed at this country.

My daughter is way too young for this bullshit yeah. Hell, both my boys are too, but the oldest has a grasp of what's going on. Meanwhile, this morning I had to remind my daughter that New Mexico (where she was born) is not the same as Mexico and no, she will not be deported.

I'm so angry my kids are going though. It's heartbreaking.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Speaking of the senate and all that lark, how's that decided? Is it decided by overall state vote occupancy, or is that all an in-house thing amongst politions?
...lol. They are voted by the people just like the president is. They're on the ballots.

Maybe, just maybe, if you are that grossly ignorant about the US political/electoral system, you shouldn't be spouting your uninformed "but you know I am so critical of both sides because I am so ~objective~ y'all" bullshit?

Just sayin'.
...lol. They are voted by the people just like the president is. They're on the ballots.

Maybe, just maybe, if you are that grossly ignorant about the US political/electoral system, you shouldn't be spouting your uninformed "but you know I am so critical of both sides because I am so ~objective~ y'all" bullshit?

Just sayin'.

Heaven forbid somebody just actually wants to learn more about the voting system and the presidential election outside of the candidates. As somebody from the UK I don't know everything about the workings of the presidential election, so that's why I asked.

What do you mean? They're voted on like everything else.

Thank you for giving it to me concisely and not being condescending. And thanks to Jobb, Steve and besada as well. Know a bit more info about this whole process and peoples thoughts now. Much like the UK the electoral system in america seems to have it's fair share of flaws.
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