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GirlGAF |OT 2| Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Eve?

Heaven forbid somebody just actually wants to learn more about the voting system and the presidential election outside of the candidates. As somebody from the UK I don't know everything about the workings of the presidential election, so that's why I asked.

Thank you for giving it to me straight and not being condescending.

This entire long post, to which Prophet Steve responded to without being condescending, is becoming highly suspect, because on one hand you are saying you're from the UK (an outsider looking in), but on the other hand you are able to say so much bullshit about how both sides are equally bad without responding to a just effort of addressing this equivalent fallacy.

No, Hillary isn't flawless. But they are not both as bad.
This entire long post, to which Prophet Steve responded to without being condescending, is becoming highly suspect, because on one hand you are saying you're from the UK (an outsider looking in), but on the other hand you are able to say so much bullshit about how both sides are equally bad without responding to a just effort of addressing this equivalent fallacy.

No, Hillary isn't flawless. But they are not both as bad.

Props to steve, it's a great response, just trying to process it all when I had spare time during my workbreak, will have to give it a proper read later. It has a ton of great points, character assassination seems to play a huge part in these campaigns and having a long-term political career sadly leaves a lot of material to try and use against you. And when I said I'd been replied to condescendingly, I mean from people in general, not the forums. I've been talking with americans over skype that I know to get more insight and that's where I've been experiencing it for the most part. The replies in this thread are actually great!

Here's the thing, I actually didn't say they were both as or equally as bad. They seem bad in different ways to me as stated in that post. Trump is by far the worst candidate overall and easily the worst choice for America out of the two in it's current state, when advancements in a lot of human rights are trying to be pushed, having Trump and a regressive running partner in Pence at the helm is the worst thing for an america that's trying to be progressive. No politician is flawless but Hillary lost the electoral vote, and her campaign didn't seem to set the world alight either so it's worth drawing a critical eye over herself and her campaign.

My opinion and outlook will never match up to those of the citizens that live within america itself and the issues they're currently facing, and the in-depth replies from people like Steve and replies to some of the questions I've been asking are at least helping to educate me a little bit more about how people living in america feel about the result and how the voting system works. It's been really educational, to say the least.

EDIT: I'm actually curious, what do people here think was the main pitfall of Hillary's campaign and why trump somehow succeeded despite the negative press? I've heard differing things amongst different americans but I'd like to know girlgafs thoughts looking back on the entire thing.


hillary didn't indulge in racist scapegoating to soothe populist anxieties about a loss of manufacturing and coal jobs. voting for her was about as exciting as for as standing in line for the DMV

someone in a thread said she wasn't "likable" enough, but there are obviously a shitload of gender politics that surround the idea of a woman being deemed "likable".

that's basically how it is to me. hopefully warren will run in 2020. I'm not crazy about her but she has what it takes to rally democrats.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
The main reason Trump won was because of uneducated whites. I blame Facebook and honestly the internet for allowing mis-information to run wild. However the only way to do that is too censor the internet and that won't happen ever, and I don't think I want that. Trump winning is a fluke that is unlikely to repeated.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
hillary didn't indulge in racist scapegoating to soothe populist anxieties about a loss of manufacturing and coal jobs. voting for her was about as exciting as for as standing in line for the DMV

someone in a thread said she wasn't "likable" enough, but there are obviously a shitload of gender politics that surround the idea of a woman being deemed "likable".

What do you not like about Warren btw? Just curious.


Hillary, I feel for her. What she just went through, all women go through. Especially at work.

You put in all the work, years and years of effort that you meticulously planned, every one of your coworkers acknowledges that it's time for you to get what you deserve. You are one of the first in to work, you put in 110% effort every single day. You are a team player, you've "taken the L" when it was for the greater good. You get told you are getting that promotion and raise. You go to the big meeting, expecting that it's finally here...

And then they announce Dan, the lazy good for nothing bro they just hired 5 months ago got the promotion over you.

Trump winning is a fluke that is unlikely to repeated.

Ha ha ha, we said the same thing about Sarah Palin and the Tea Party and Republicans too. "They're done." "They're circling the drain."

I don't know anymore.
The main reason Trump won was because of uneducated whites. I blame Facebook and honestly the internet for allowing mis-information to run wild. However the only way to do that is too censor the internet and that won't happen ever, and I don't think I want that. Trump winning is a fluke that is unlikely to repeated.

It's crazy when you think about how much the internet has changed the face of voting in pretty much every country over the last decade or more. There are so many different websites and journalism outlets with differing views as opposed to the written word before and internet and with tons of these sites sometimes even divulging in outright false information, especially facebook and social media, and then there's video sites like youtube you throw into the equation as well that can influence the voting public. And yeah, censorship is never looked upon with fondness by most people and I wouldn't want that either. Total agreement there.

Yup, the numbers don't lie. Majority white male and female votes for trump boosted him right up to the winning spot. It makes me wonder what was the main draw for white voters was during 2008 and 2012's elections, I imagine Obama himself was the big pull as he probably seemed refreshing compared to the bush presidency, and he genuinely seems down to earth and likable, talking to some of my friends Bush doesn't seem to be looked back on fondly and I can understand why. I can't really remember speaking to many people who dislike Obama really. The current pattern since 2000 seems to be republican for two terms and then democratic for two, and so far with the trump win the pattern seems to be holding pretty steady.

hillary didn't indulge in racist scapegoating to soothe populist anxieties about a loss of manufacturing and coal jobs. voting for her was about as exciting as for as standing in line for the DMV

someone in a thread said she wasn't "likable" enough, but there are obviously a shitload of gender politics that surround the idea of a woman being deemed "likable".

that's basically how it is to me. hopefully warren will run in 2020. I'm not crazy about her but she has what it takes to rally democrats.

That first point really does drive home how bad racial relations are in america, the fact that this trait seemed appealing enough to a sizable amount of the american voting population to warrant giving him the presidency is gravely worrying, something which the UK shares as well unfortunately, as evidenced by the alarming increase of hate crimes post-brexit. Manufacturing employment taking a huge dip and the devasting and cripping hit mining jobs had taken since the thatcher-era seem to be something else our country shares a common problem with as well.

You're right, gender politics is always prevalent, across the entire political spectrum and the world and is always putting a spanner in the works.. As you said, hopefully the democrats continue to push more and more appealing female candidate and a fresh face out to finally secure that win. If Trump's presidency is as disasterous as it's currently looking set to be then there's a big window of oppurtunity for the democrats to get a madam president in when 4 years roll around as putting Hillary up for candidacy over and over doesn't seem to be working. Here's hoping 2020's democratic candidate does well.

Some really interesting points and opinions here!


I imagine Obama himself was the big pull as he probably seemed refreshing compared to the bush presidency, and he genuinely seems down to earth and likable, talking to some of my friends Bush doesn't seem to be looked back on fondly and I can understand why. I can't really remember speaking to many people who dislike Obama really. The current pattern since 200 seems to be republican for two terms and then democratic for two, and so far with the trump win the pattern seems to be holding pretty steady.

How many of your friends are conservative politically and live in rural America? Just curious, as I live in a deep republican area and people here love both Bushes. Obviously not as much as Reagan but they are well liked.

I have so much to unpack that I don't even know where to begin. I posted about this before:

They are too ignorant to make that level of cognitive connection that seems common on places like NeoGAF. You have to have a certain level of education and literacy to even be able to post here. I know it's hard to believe but unless you have spent time in rural America as an adult you really don't have a grasp of their (collective) limitations.

Most of rural America can barely use a computer and you expect them to somehow look up political policy. You expect them to think for themselves when they have been conditioned since birth to accept whatever sources are considered "truth" by their family or culture. The church, Fox News, grandma, whatever.

These sources say minorities are the problem and the people in rural america don't have the education to realize they are being duped. They don't have the ability to recognize that THEY are poor. Most people who would be classified as below the poverty line would not self-identify as poor, would not self-identify as people that need and qualify for aid.

Now, I do not think these people are stupid. They are ignorant, they lack any sort of meaningful education and they have never been taught how to seek out an education for themselves.

To me it always comes back to education. I work with low income people every day.

Most adults here can use facebook and that's it. For most of them their kids set up their facebook account. They don't have email (that they know of or use) and they don't trust online shopping. Their reading level is very low, it is said the average American adult had a 5th grade reading level but many here don't meet the average. I agree with other posters that said all of their information comes from Fox News and Facebook. The very idea that what they are consuming may not be the truth isn't ever considered because they have no critical thinking skills.

I'm not making excuses for them or their behavior. I believe that the key to improving our culture and our country is through understanding. To be bluntly honest, I don't know if these people can be saved from themselves. I think our only hope is the young people in these communities and getting them a better education.
How many of your friends are conservative politically and live in rural America? Just curious, as I live in a deep republican area and people here love both Bushes. Obviously not as much as Reagan but they are well liked.

From what I've gathered speaking to my friends on skype, the vast majority seem pretty liberal and mostly hail from areas like New York, Illinois, and california.

To me it always comes back to education. I work with low income people every day.

Most adults here can use facebook and that's it. For most of them their kids set up their facebook account. They don't have email (that they know of or use) and they don't trust online shopping. Their reading level is very low, it is said the average American adult had a 5th grade reading level but many here don't meet the average. I agree with other posters that said all of their information comes from Fox News and Facebook. The very idea that what they are consuming may not be the truth isn't ever considered because they have no critical thinking skills.
Work as a gym instructor myself, and interacting with co-workers and family/friends this mirrors my experience in the UK during the brexit build-up. Most "leavers" that I knew mainly fall into the older, and less technologically capable crowd that used mainstream news and television to get most of their information, and younger social media addicts who rarely stray away from facebook and youtube and use specific facebook pages that use easily digested meme images to help reinforce their opinion.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Hillary, I feel for her. What she just went through, all women go through. Especially at work.

You put in all the work, years and years of effort that you meticulously planned, every one of your coworkers acknowledges that it's time for you to get what you deserve. You are one of the first in to work, you put in 110% effort every single day. You are a team player, you've "taken the L" when it was for the greater good. You get told you are getting that promotion and raise. You go to the big meeting, expecting that it's finally here...

And then they announce Dan, the lazy good for nothing bro they just hired 5 months ago got the promotion over you.
It's honestly depressing. I was rooting for her, I really was. She was flawed, like any politician, but she was clearly smart, tough, prepared, qualified.

But she didn't have the populist-friendly charisma of Obama, so she lost a few of those votes, and those few votes (and they were, honestly, few, in the grand scheme of things) made ALL the difference in making her lose a few key states. And that's enough to not only sink her presidency but give it to the most awful, least qualified monster the US has seen in ages. And because of this, tons of minorities will suffer and who knows when it will even be acceptable for a woman to run again because they're "too risky".



It's honestly depressing. I was rooting for her, I really was. She was flawed, like any politician, but she was clearly smart, tough, prepared, qualified.

But she didn't have the populist-friendly charisma of Obama, so she lost a few of those votes, and those few votes (and they were, honestly, few, in the grand scheme of things) made ALL the difference in making her lose a few key states. And that's enough to not only sink her presidency but give it to the most awful, least qualified monster the US has seen in ages. And because of this, tons of minorities will suffer and who knows when it will even be acceptable for a woman to run again because they're "too risky".


Right. And all these "thinkpieces" pouring out of the last few days about how she sucked all along just enrage me. Not that there isn't a valid discussion to be had about what happened but the majority dump it all on her. She did this wrong, or she didn't do that blah blah blah.

It's not just her fault but also the DNC, the 2 sides/just as bad/equal treatment coverage, and almost all of the polling. Lots of blame to go around, in my opinion.

Random thought but Trump behaves exactly like my former boss who was a mega rich Chinese business man. And I mean exactly, from mannerisms to expectations and a complete lack of empathy and manners. He was also super racist and sexist. It makes me wonder if it is a mega rich man thing? Maybe you get to the point where you can buy literally anything or anyone and your humanity dimishes, ceases to have meaning? I was just always struck by how similar the men were even though their cultural upbringing had to be so different.



What do you not like about Warren btw? Just curious.

it's personal, but I'm pro-2a, so someone who is very liberal straight down the line isn't going to be my perfect candidate. i suppose "not crazy about her" was too strong of language. there's a litany of other issues that i find her to be very agreeable on and i will be fully behind her if she runs.

i don't think this is the place to go into my thoughts on guns but i'm more than happy to discuss them in a pm or perhaps the discord.

maybe i'll just stay in japan


Right. And all these "thinkpieces" pouring out of the last few days about how she sucked all along just enrage me. Not that there isn't a valid discussion to be had about what happened but the majority dump it all on her. She did this wrong, or she didn't do that blah blah blah.

It's not just her fault but also the DNC, the 2 sides/just as bad/equal treatment coverage, and almost all of the polling. Lots of blame to go around, in my opinion.

Random thought but Trump behaves exactly like my former boss who was a mega rich Chinese business man. And I mean exactly, from mannerisms to expectations and a complete lack of empathy and manners. He was also super racist and sexist. It makes me wonder if it is a mega rich man thing? Maybe you get to the point where you can buy literally anything or anyone and your humanity dimishes, ceases to have meaning? I was just always struck by how similar the men were even though their cultural upbringing had to be so different.

Point 1) I've basically stuck only to NPR. The Diane Rehm show has been really good (as always). There is a lot of criticism, but, well, I'm trying to open my ears and listen. I was wrong about quite a few things this election, and I'm trying to learn from it. However, I'm still getting annoyed at some of the blame placed haha.

Point 2) I think it's a rich thing, and with the added privilege men get, it adds another layer of being able to do anything. I've worked in doggy daycares and high end salons in New York. Rich people are in another world. You can tell they're used to special treatment and act like they can do anything they want, because a lot of times they can. I've also been in the fashion industry and jeeeeezus. I believe the stories that come out about Trump. I've been around these sociopaths. People often don't matter, just status and things.

Bleh I'm feeling bitter haha.
My oldest son was crying all day and pissed off because of the election. He even secretly stayed up on his phone for the results. He's 13.

My daughter is 8. He hugged her hard this morning and told her to stay strong. When she didn't understand, he spent the rest of the day trying to keep her ignorant.

After school she came home and asked me what rape was, and why someone who did that was now our president.

I'm so fucking depressed right now.
My condolences.


Orange shitstain is naming white supremacists and nationalists to the cabinet.

I just read that he wants Sarah Palin to be Secretary of the Interior. You know, the one in charge of energy policy and climate change.

Chris Christie and Rudy Giuliani as potential picks for Attorney General.

Newt Gingrich as Secretary of State.

Ben Carson as Secretary of Education.

Help us all.


is a goddamn bear
Oh no BSB... I hope it isn't permanent. 😔

Stay strong Media. It's tough, I know... If you ever need to vent, feel free to PM me or talk with us here in GirlGAF. ❤ *hugs*


Oh no BSB... I hope it isn't permanent. 😔

Stay strong Media. It's tough, I know... If you ever need to vent, feel free to PM me or talk with us here in GirlGAF. ❤ *hugs*


We're all in this together, we can prop each other up. Same goes to you and all of girlgaf. ❤ all of yall


Media, it might just be a small hope at this point but Trump is at least claiming in an interview with 60 Minutes that he intends to keep certain elements of the ACA, and pre-existing conditions is one he mentioned specifically.


The optimist in me wants to believe he'll just make some superficial changes and rename it TrumpCare or whatever (since many people currently enjoying obamacare don't even know they're enjoying it). I don't care who gets credit as long as people can still keep their coverage.


On Wednesday a man pointed at me and snickered and called me an "it". Day 1. I'd never do something drastic but each day I feel worse and worse. I don't know where to direct any of my feelings anymore and have been walking around with a knot in my stomach all week. The only reason I was even able to come out as trans was because of how much attention the issue was actually getting and how much progress it seemed like the country was actually making, I think about how many people aren't going to have that opportunity anymore and it makes me uncontrollably depressed. I'll never give up / de-transition / kill myself but this really has been quite a shock to the system.


Media, it might just be a small hope at this point but Trump is at least claiming in an interview with 60 Minutes that he intends to keep certain elements of the ACA, and pre-existing conditions is one he mentioned specifically.


The optimist in me wants to believe he'll just make some superficial changes and rename it TrumpCare or whatever (since many people currently enjoying obamacare don't even know they're enjoying it). I don't care who gets credit as long as people can still keep their coverage.

I hope this is the case.

In the meantime several of my liberal friends have told me to stop being so negative on Facebook. God. I'm so tempted to just delete the shit but I have kids and my parents like to see them.


Smells like fresh rosebuds
I say dissent all you want to make you happy.

I am not allowed to say anything else due to the UCMJ. I can be punished now for speaking out, so those of you who still can, do please.


Smells like fresh rosebuds
I can't complain. My bonuses are huge, and I've been all over the place. The benefits have greatly outweighed the negatives for me.


I can't complain. My bonuses are huge, and I've been all over the place. The benefits have greatly outweighed the negatives for me.

I think in the next few years it's going to become super pro Trump as people who hate him get out and people who love him sign up. This is by far the most devisive leader we've had and I think the ramifications will be wide and long lasting.


Smells like fresh rosebuds
I think in the next few years it's going to become super pro Trump as people who hate him get out and people who love him sign up. This is by far the most devisive leader we've had and I think the ramifications will be wide and long lasting.

I can definitely see that. Trump has had little support from the Active Duty community as seen in the absentee balloting where he trailed third.


How is everyone coping?

I've been playing a bit of Skyrim and trying to pick a new knitting project.

I have an ACA healthcare plan that is going away at the end of this year. I have to pick a new one... and it feels kind of pointless now. I will get it done, I've just been feeling sad about it. I have an autoimmune disease and my medication costs $1000 per month with insurance. Without insurance it costs $5000 per month. The only reason I can afford it at all is that my income level is such that I qualify for a savings card from the pharmaceutical company that manufactures the drug. If the ACA is repealed all that goes away and I have no idea what I will do. I can't afford it, no one in my family can afford it. I consider myself relatively fortunate to be able to afford to have any healthcare and will hopefully get a better job soon but the thing is how long until even employers can't afford to provide their employees with decent healthcare? 20-30% premium increases every year (that have nothing to do with the ACA, btw) is not sustainable for anyone or any business except the very largest corporations.

On Wednesday a man pointed at me and snickered and called me an "it". Day 1. I'd never do something drastic but each day I feel worse and worse. I don't know where to direct any of my feelings anymore and have been walking around with a knot in my stomach all week. The only reason I was even able to come out as trans was because of how much attention the issue was actually getting and how much progress it seemed like the country was actually making, I think about how many people aren't going to have that opportunity anymore and it makes me uncontrollably depressed. I'll never give up / de-transition / kill myself but this really has been quite a shock to the system.

I am so sorry for what you are going through. I don't have any helpful, realistic advice. I hope you have a support system of family and friends that can be there for you.

Is there any chance that you could move to a more trans-friendly place like the San Francisco area? I lived there for a few years and knew a few trans people who were my coworkers, the company made sure that they were treated with respect and dignity.

I understand if moving isn't feasible, just wanted to mention that I know it's anecdotal but there's at least 1 place in the USA were you can live without the typical fear. I'm not saying there is no violence against minorities in SF area but honestly, it's the best place I ever lived and I say that if I won the lottery I would pack my entire family up and relocate them all there.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Just had a productive kendo day today at a local tournament. Won 3rd place in my division, and my kohai got 3rd place in his division too and it was his first tournament so I'm very proud of him. And I was picked to be a judge in the advanced division (which doesn't usually happen, it's only high rank folks that can judge other high rank folks -- logical really) and I was the only one who wasn't among those high ranks that got picked for that duty, because apparently I had been doing a pretty good job and impressed the senior judges there. :O Got tons of great feedback, some criticism of course but it was all very productive and I feel I'm going to be a much better judge in the future.
I say dissent all you want to make you happy.

I am not allowed to say anything else due to the UCMJ. I can be punished now for speaking out, so those of you who still can, do please.
What is the UCJM and why would they punish you for speaking out? :\

I have an autoimmune disease and my medication costs $1000 per month with insurance. Without insurance it costs $5000 per month.
Wooooooooooow :( That is completely batshits insane. Healthcare for the very wealthy/lucky only. So completely fucked up...

How were you obtaining the medicine before the ACA took effect? Did you just go without?


Smells like fresh rosebuds
UCMJ uniformed code of military justice. Trump will be at the top of my chain of command imminently. Speaking out publicly against him can get me in trouble.


Always strikes me as funny that potentially a dimwitted idiot with absolutely no knowledge or experience who has never served gets to be at the top of the chain of command. I guess there's probably some reason for it being this way, but if I was in the service I'd probably resent the hell out of some of these bozos, especially Trump.
Just had a productive kendo day today at a local tournament. Won 3rd place in my division, and my kohai got 3rd place in his division too and it was his first tournament so I'm very proud of him. And I was picked to be a judge in the advanced division (which doesn't usually happen, it's only high rank folks that can judge other high rank folks -- logical really) and I was the only one who wasn't among those high ranks that got picked for that duty, because apparently I had been doing a pretty good job and impressed the senior judges there. :O Got tons of great feedback, some criticism of course but it was all very productive and I feel I'm going to be a much better judge in the future.

Uh-oh, kill em girl!
Just had a productive kendo day today at a local tournament. Won 3rd place in my division, and my kohai got 3rd place in his division too and it was his first tournament so I'm very proud of him. And I was picked to be a judge in the advanced division (which doesn't usually happen, it's only high rank folks that can judge other high rank folks -- logical really) and I was the only one who wasn't among those high ranks that got picked for that duty, because apparently I had been doing a pretty good job and impressed the senior judges there. :O Got tons of great feedback, some criticism of course but it was all very productive and I feel I'm going to be a much better judge in the future.

omg morri! that's awesome <3 grats to you and your kouhai~


Smells like fresh rosebuds
Always strikes me as funny that potentially a dimwitted idiot with absolutely no knowledge or experience who has never served gets to be at the top of the chain of command. I guess there's probably some reason for it being this way, but if I was in the service I'd probably resent the hell out of some of these bozos, especially Trump.
There isn't a reason for it. I firmly believe military service should be a requirement to be president. And our non military presidents have all made terrible decisions with the military. Obama, Clinton and Bush II (no I don't count his conyroversial air guard time).


How is everyone coping?

I have an ACA healthcare plan that is going away at the end of this year. I have to pick a new one... and it feels kind of pointless now. I will get it done, I've just been feeling sad about it. I have an autoimmune disease and my medication costs $1000 per month with insurance. Without insurance it costs $5000 per month. The only reason I can afford it at all is that my income level is such that I qualify for a savings card from the pharmaceutical company that manufactures the drug. If the ACA is repealed all that goes away and I have no idea what I will do. I can't afford it, no one in my family can afford it. I consider myself relatively fortunate to be able to afford to have any healthcare and will hopefully get a better job soon but the thing is how long until even employers can't afford to provide their employees with decent healthcare? 20-30% premium increases every year (that have nothing to do with the ACA, btw) is not sustainable for anyone or any business except the very largest corporations.

I am so sorry for what you are going through. I don't have any helpful, realistic advice. I hope you have a support system of family and friends that can be there for you.

Is there any chance that you could move to a more trans-friendly place like the San Francisco area? I lived there for a few years and knew a few trans people who were my coworkers, the company made sure that they were treated with respect and dignity.

I understand if moving isn't feasible, just wanted to mention that I know it's anecdotal but there's at least 1 place in the USA were you can live without the typical fear. I'm not saying there is no violence against minorities in SF area but honestly, it's the best place I ever lived and I say that if I won the lottery I would pack my entire family up and relocate them all there.

I wanted to say I'm right there with you, except I have an employee plan+Humira card that drops my copay to 5 dollars a month for the Humira alone. The other drugs I need are around 40 bucks a month. I'm scared I'll be dropped anyhow because of the preexisting condition clause:/

A lot of folks with autoimmune disease are freaking out right now, since treatment is so fucking expensive and and we can all be nailed with 'its preexisting!' Easily.

On another subject, is it just me or has off topic seemed to have jumped on the 'women suck' train since the election? It's really weird how bad it's gotten, even from previously feminist seeming folk. Maybe I'm projecting? I dunno.


I'm patiently waiting to see if these electors stage a coup and give Hillary the presidency since she won the popular vote. It's the only thing that could make this fucking ridiculous election more insane.


On another subject, is it just me or has off topic seemed to have jumped on the 'women suck' train since the election? It's really weird how bad it's gotten, even from previously feminist seeming folk. Maybe I'm projecting? I dunno.

Not just you. Also, "sexism played no part in the election".
My philosophy going forward:



Not just you. Also, "sexism played no part in the election".

Yep. The "it's hard for women in politics" thread immediately became "she didn't lose because of sexism!!!" Good job ignoring the op, everyone, and proving a point.

Everyone's fucking falling over themselves to, once again, claim sexism isn't a big deal. Also saw a dude saying white women have it easier than black men, and if a black man can get elected, then Hillary didn't lose because of sexism. Good job, guy, so smart. That makes total sense 9_9 My only solace is that history will not look kindly back upon this time.

^^ haha!

I've been coping by taking baths and playing more videogames. It still feels like one big joke.

And that's awesome, Morrigan!

I have no idea what's going to go on with the ACA. Trump is now considering keeping preexisting conditions covered, and staying on your parents insurance until 26. Once again, Trump shows he has no idea how Obamacare works.


Yep. The "it's hard for women in politics" thread immediately became "she didn't lose because of sexism!!!" Good job ignoring the op, everyone, and proving a point.

Everyone's fucking falling over themselves to, once again, claim sexism isn't a big deal. Also saw a dude saying white women have it easier than black men, and if a black man can get elected, then Hillary didn't lose because of sexism. Good job, guy, so smart. That makes total sense 9_9 My only solace is that history will not look kindly back upon this time.

^^ haha!

I've been coping by taking baths and playing more videogames. It still feels like one big joke.

And that's awesome, Morrigan!

I have no idea what's going to go on with the ACA. Trump is now considering keeping preexisting conditions covered, and staying on your parents insurance until 26. Once again, Trump shows he has no idea how Obamacare works.

I slowly backed out of that thread when I saw that. Any mention of sexism as one of the reasons she lost and everyone flips the fuck out.

Edit: I mean it's kinda hilarious they are refusing to account for sexism and then in the next breath say she lost because she's unlikable.


Edit: I mean it's kinda hilarious they are refusing to account for sexism and then in the next breath say she lost because she's unlikable.

It's awe-inspiring.

I also have to laugh at threads about Republicans wanting to control women's bodies, when we had that beautiful period thread of men telling women to use menstrual cups (something most of them literally just learned about).


It's awe-inspiring.

I also have to laugh at threads about Republicans wanting to control women's bodies, when we had that beautiful period thread of men telling women to use menstrual cups (something most of them literally just learned about).

Along with the tampon tax thread, where people argued it shouldn't be eliminated because you only use one tampon a day.



...there's so many things wrong with this sentence, I don't even know where to begin

someone argued that? someone made a thread about that!?


The whole thread is a fine example as to why women here have to come hide in this thread on occasion.


The specific post:

Same thread lmao. God. Seriously.

Oh god, I forgot, you were right. Yes, tampons are a luxury because CUPS exist. Ugh.
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