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GirlGAF |OT 2| Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Eve?


What I didn't understand about the whole thing is why the same people that applauded someone punching a nazi in the face a few months ago are suddenly against this act of violence. They go "words don't work we gotta take action blah blah blah" then someone takes action and suddenly it's like "oh no not like that". Like, okay?

Granted I didn't stick around long enough in the thread after making my short point to see any responses. I noticed someone transcribing what the dude was saying from the YouTube video and that shit was HORRID, and that guy was just in front of a school, the end result isn't surprising. But who watches vidoes for context amirite

Also granted if I were in that position I'd probably hit him on the back of the knees with the bat, that's always fun
No doubt there's a bit of hypocrisy there gaiages. I think that's partly down to the fact that a bat was used. People don't typically think a punch to the face is going to kill someone (though it certainly can) whereas a bat to the head can easily do so. That would really be my only concern, as I know I'd never take a bat to somebody's head unless I was under imminent threat of serious injury or death. My guess is that if this guy was punched in the face people would be similarly enthusiastic about this, though.

Ultimately we need a better way to either get authorities to remove these people, or less-lethally remove them: I guess for instance, a crowd of people could push this person away and cause enough of a scene that police would have to get involved. It shouldn't require that in the first place, though.

I agree with you though that I'm not surprised at the end result and I'm really not defending that guy in any way, he's absolute scum. I don't feel bad for him in the least, I feel bad for everyone at that school and the person who snapped and is going to be punished for it.


Good new! Our right to be hit on while shopping is currently being defended against the dastardly White Knights.

edit. oh I'm a bit late :p



What are good ways to deal with being interrupted? It seems to happen to me a lot (mostly from my guy friends) so I've just taken to doing what teachers used to do and get real quiet and stop what I'm doing and wait for them to stop and say something like "can I talk now?" I find that if I don't bring it up they don't even realize they interrupted me
Obviously doesn't work in a large group which is the common scenario in the article

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
I've started to flat-out tell guys "Stop interrupting me" or "Let me finish", haha. The "oh... oops" face they often make is worth it for that alone. xD

Of course sometimes it's not as easy, like if it's your boss or someone in a position of authority.


I'm glad most of my coworkers/higher ups are women. I just had a meeting today and I was the only one talking lol, the men were dead silent the whole time >.>
I've started to flat-out tell guys "Stop interrupting me" or "Let me finish", haha. The "oh... oops" face they often make is worth it for that alone. xD

Of course sometimes it's not as easy, like if it's your boss or someone in a position of authority.
This is what my wife has been doing to me and it's working pretty well.

For a long time I had a bad habit of interrupting my wife (and other people, men and women) in conversation when I felt like I understood what they were saying and was ready to say my next thing, even if I was agreeing with them. It's like I have a subconscious need to move the conversation along as fast as possible.

So yeah, +1 to this method.


This is what my wife has been doing to me and it's working pretty well.

For a long time I had a bad habit of interrupting my wife (and other people, men and women) in conversation when I felt like I understood what they were saying and was ready to say my next thing, even if I was agreeing with them. It's like I have a subconscious need to move the conversation along as fast as possible.

So yeah, +1 to this method.

Yeah I have to do this with my boyfriend a lot (not thinking he's being sexist) and I'll basically go "no, let me finish" *pause* "okay, I'm gonna finish now, don't interrupt" and it seems to be helping. I get really annoyed because most times I'll say something like "hey let's not do this, beca--" and he'll interrupt and be like "but why not????" and I'm just like 😐 I think he's getting better, though...
Yeah I have to do this with my boyfriend a lot (not thinking he's being sexist) and I'll basically go "no, let me finish" *pause* "okay, I'm gonna finish now, don't interrupt" and it seems to be helping. I get really annoyed because most times I'll say something like "hey let's not do this, beca--" and he'll interrupt and be like "but why not????" and I'm just like 😐 I think he's getting better, though...
What is your avatar from? It's hilarious and I know I've seen it before but I'm blanking on it.


I got harassed by an asshole at the fucking supermarket today. I'm sure you know the kind. Can't tell if they are drunk or just stupid, lingers even though you've shown no interest. I had to fake a fucking phone call because he was waiting for me in the parking lot. Shit never happens unless I'm alone, ugh.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
I got harassed by an asshole at the fucking supermarket today. I'm sure you know the kind. Can't tell if they are drunk or just stupid, lingers even though you've shown no interest. I had to fake a fucking phone call because he was waiting for me in the parking lot. Shit never happens unless I'm alone, ugh.
Dude just wanted to have a friendly chat and hoped for the best. What's your problem? Women aren't that fragile, you should be ashamed of yourself.
massive /s
I got harassed by an asshole at the fucking supermarket today. I'm sure you know the kind. Can't tell if they are drunk or just stupid, lingers even though you've shown no interest. I had to fake a fucking phone call because he was waiting for me in the parking lot. Shit never happens unless I'm alone, ugh.

awww media that sucks :< i feel youuuuuuu

hope he steps on lego blocks all day long >:C
I know the abortion topic got run into the ground and pounded 20 feet below, although I'd like to think we made some headway towards the end there, but it seems counter productive to close the topic. There wasn't any name calling or harassment going on.


What is your avatar from? It's hilarious and I know I've seen it before but I'm blanking on it.

I just saw the full pic off GAF one day actually, googling isn't really giving me any good results. :(

I might be able to find the original full pic in my pictures folder but... that place is a mess >.>

I know the abortion topic got run into the ground and pounded 20 feet below, although I'd like to think we made some headway towards the end there, but it seems counter productive to close the topic. There wasn't any name calling or harassment going on.

Admittedly everyone did kind of make their points, and we were all more or less talking in circles. Also some rando junior just bumped it with only the letter 'a' to probably just get more shit posters in there, so the mods probably didn't want that cycle to continue :p
Admittedly everyone did kind of make their points, and we were all more or less talking in circles. Also some rando junior just bumped it with only the letter 'a' to probably just get more shit posters in there, so the mods probably didn't want that cycle to continue :p

It's one of those things of how do we keep the conversation going if the topics keep getting closed. I've run in circles before... I can do it again. Ignorant will stay ignorant until they finally see the point.
It's one of those things of how do we keep the conversation going if the topics keep getting closed. I've run in circles before... I can do it again. Ignorant will stay ignorant until they finally see the point.
I feel like throwing up the woman signal and getting as many as possible to shock and awe the thread worked pretty well at shutting a lot of the bullshit down, especially those of you who bravely shared your experiences. The shitty responses seemed to slow down after that I think.

When a women comes in and directly asks why a corpse has more rights to their body than her or shares her experience with getting one it suddenly becomes real. If they want to keep posting about their anti or limited choice stance they must directly tell another poster that they don't have rights to their own body, and be further grilled about it, which I imagine many would find uncomfortable.

Also, abortion discussions always tend to focus on the fetus, even for many pro-choice people, when it should really be centered around the women and their rights. I feel like getting lots of women to post in those threads, while other's like myself signal boost with "what she said" posts, would do a lot to put a face on the actual people it affects.
I might be able to find the original full pic in my pictures folder but... that place is a mess >.>





You are the best <3

*saves in picture folder for probably the 8th time*

(That guy with the arrow in his eye is the best part of the pic imo)

It's one of those things of how do we keep the conversation going if the topics keep getting closed. I've run in circles before... I can do it again. Ignorant will stay ignorant until they finally see the point.

True, but when you get to a thread that big, people aren't going to see most of the replies and just go off the OP, so after a while it's just... unwieldy, I guess.

We can always make more topics. MORE >:D


Smells like fresh rosebuds
I had strawberries dipped in white chocolate with little raspberry dust stuff on it yesterday. They were amazing. But the crepe I had there made me melt. And the food and beer at the festhaus was super good. And the wine and sangria stands. I mean the rides were good too. And the shows. But the food was especially amazing. Maybe I go to Busch Gardens for the wrong reasons. Lol.


Did y'all see Wonder Woman yet? What did you think of it?

It's kind of strange... I thought it was great, whereas I saw it with a couple of friends and the one other woman in our group is...a Christian, conservative, anti-choice kind of person, and she was the one who thought the movie was super sexist and it spent all its time focusing on WW's looks and not her power. She also thought the romance was terrible and showed WW was too innocent and all about a man.

I dunno hahaha. I thought it was great, I loved watching WW kick ass, the fights were all heavy hitting and fun, she and Chris Pine had great chemistry and even though Gal Gadot is obviously gorgeous, I don't think the camera lingered much on it (other than the slow mo shots lol), and I do usually look for shitty camera shots on women haha. Maybe I was having too much fun with it, but there was only one shot where I kind of shook my head at it.

What did you all think?


Did y'all see Wonder Woman yet? What did you think of it?

It's kind of strange... I thought it was great, whereas I saw it with a couple of friends and the one other woman in our group is...a Christian, conservative, anti-choice kind of person, and she was the one who thought the movie was super sexist and it spent all its time focusing on WW's looks and not her power. She also thought the romance was terrible and showed WW was too innocent and all about a man.

I dunno hahaha. I thought it was great, I loved watching WW kick ass, the fights were all heavy hitting and fun, she and Chris Pine had great chemistry and even though Gal Gadot is obviously gorgeous, I don't think the camera lingered much on it (other than the slow mo shots lol), and I do usually look for shitty camera shots on women haha. Maybe I was having too much fun with it, but there was only one shot where I kind of shook my head at it.

What did you all think?
Weird that she saw it that way. I thought they avoided the romance really well with her seemingly having no interest in him for most of the movie. Its kinda hard to do much better and also include Steve Trevor

Now ww was really innocent and I thought that worked well especially with how cynical the rest of the dceu is and it forming an interesting plot thread

Her looks were purposeful tho. The director basically said that she wanted to make her to be what women would find cool which I thought worked well for the most part and she had two huge sequences that showed of her power which is pretty darn powerful.

My biggest complaints (in terms of potential sexism) were a couple offhand remarks from characters that I didn't really feel improved the story much since the movie wasn't directly handling the attitude of the era like agent carter did

If this were an original story/character/universe id probably criticize it more tbh
I've started to flat-out tell guys "Stop interrupting me" or "Let me finish", haha. The "oh... oops" face they often make is worth it for that alone. xD

Of course sometimes it's not as easy, like if it's your boss or someone in a position of authority.

If it's an authority figure, I will calmly say "excuse me" and hold up one finger and I will stay like that until they stop. Actually, I do that with male students, too. With peers, I will just get louder and stronger, but I'm told I have a very authoritative voice, so that probably helps.


Weird that she saw it that way. I thought they avoided the romance really well with her seemingly having no interest in him for most of the movie. Its kinda hard to do much better and also include Steve Trevor

Now ww was really innocent and I thought that worked well especially with how cynical the rest of the dceu is and it forming an interesting plot thread

Her looks were purposeful tho. The director basically said that she wanted to make her to be what women would find cool which I thought worked well for the most part and she had two huge sequences that showed of her power which is pretty darn powerful.

My biggest complaints (in terms of potential sexism) were a couple offhand remarks from characters that I didn't really feel improved the story much since the movie wasn't directly handling the attitude of the era like agent carter did

If this were an original story/character/universe id probably criticize it more tbh

I mostly agree. I was pretty stoked about the whole movie and maybe I wasn't watching enough haha. And yeah, a couple offhand remarks were a bit eye roll worthy, but in general, it worked well.

I kind of thought she was being a bit contrarian lol &#129300;

She named off the characters she thinks are great female characters (Mad Max women, Ripley, Sarah Connor, the Bride) and while I agree, they're somewhat different strong women character tropes. The ones she named are all the "badass take no names" trope of women, who aren't vulnerable, don't love, only fight. They're great. WW was also a badass, but she was also able to be vulnerable, love Steve a bit, etc. I thought it was great to round her out a bit more. And even though her "power up" near the end was because of Steve, I didn't really see it being "all for a man", if you get what I mean?

I dunno. I just kind of thought it was humourous that my friend who thinks women have no right to their own bodies and merely thinks Trump is "disappointing" (and thinks Hillary is a "huge bitch who should rot in hell"), was the one who thought WW was sexist lol. It was one of those "huh" kind of moments lol


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
I liked Wonder Woman, however there were some parts that were just kind of eh or bothered me. The historical liberties they took and painting the Germans as the enemy was quite bothersome, especially since we know both sides used gas. Then I thought some of the action was more funny than badass, specifically whenever she was acting like a cannonball and just bursting through walls. And whenever she was walking across the battlefield and just deflecting machine gun bullets was a bit questionable to me. Overall though I really enjoyed it and it's definitely an above average super hero film. Makes me more excited to see what Disney can bring with the Captain Marvel movie.


Smells like fresh rosebuds
Ugggggghhhhh. Got a new Second Class who treats my female sailors like they cant fucking do anything. Very obviously biased towards the boys when assigning work. Nevermind, our fucking top performing, highest qualified third class is a woman. Fucking frustrating because I have to be professional and pretend like I just think he is stupid and not sexist to keep him from getting an EO complaint.


Got all dressed up for my anniversary dinner (17 years OMG) today, heels and makeup and everything. Even had two maragritas!

Then we came straight home. I'm getting old lol.

Posted a selfie on my Facebook lol.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
Got all dressed up for my anniversary dinner (17 years OMG) today, heels and makeup and everything. Even had two maragritas!

Then we came straight home. I'm getting old lol.

Posted a selfie on my Facebook lol.
That's really awesome though still. Congratulations I'm very happy for you! :)

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Got all dressed up for my anniversary dinner (17 years OMG) today, heels and makeup and everything. Even had two maragritas!

Then we came straight home. I'm getting old lol.

Posted a selfie on my Facebook lol.

Congrats! We had our 17th anniversary as well recently. (Didn't do anything special, lol)


Thanks guys you rock. I just wanted to post because I felt real pretty for once and actually made an effort lol.
I wore one of those really long dress that drag the floor if you aren't in super tall heels, I can't remember what they are called.
congrats on 17th, media! that's really awesome * ___ *

and it's super nice to feel pretty every now and then <3 although you are probably pretty all the time <3

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