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GirlGAF |OT 2| Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Eve?


I'm reacting to old and the cartoony look. It looks like a little kids game to me.

Oh. Yeah, I think it looks cute, but I do think the artstyle could have been... better. Though I understand why the developer went that route given their reasoning, I don't think it'll appeal the way they wanted (it appeals somewhat to me, but I'm not actually the demographic). I think the developer abandoned ship though, so oh well...


Called my insurance and somehow I've only met 9.87 of my 1000.00 deductible. Wtf

Deductibleso are for each person on the policy apparently. So he's met his, but I haven't met mine.

And the fucked up thing is that a $1000 deductible is actually pretty low for US health insurance.

So sorry to hear about your prognosis, Media. :( Hope you get better soon.


Get well Media !

Don't forget that your TV debut is in one week =D

...or maybe more ... she is probably not in the first episode =P


In hairstyling circles, that hair length is medium-long. So at best it would be a long bob. But since the still doesn't show the hair very well, it's hard to classify.

Are you looking for a way to communicate what you want to your hairdresser? Or is there a different reason to ask?

Thanks very much. It's only a question out of curiosity .. but I would definitely like to explain it better to my hairdresser when it comes to my options.

Just to double-check, would this still be considered a long bob?



Images courtesy of Sandra Huller..


Doing humanities for college right? So I have to choose an artifact from a culture I belong to, that helped change or was important to that culture, to write a final paper on. I chose the culture of fandom. And I chose this:

(Spoilers for the first few seasons of Supernatural, lots of violence)

I am so going to fail, but I wanted to do something different. Everyone is going to be choosing these important works of art from history or whatever. I chose this, a music video that shows just how much violence is used against women in Supernatural and helped changed US copy write law.

I hope the professor gets it. Do you guys?


wait what??

It is a joke about American Gods having a character named Media =P

Doing humanities for college right? So I have to choose an artifact from a culture I belong to, that helped change or was important to that culture, to write a final paper on. I chose the culture of fandom. And I chose this:

(Spoilers for the first few seasons of Supernatural, lots of violence)

I am so going to fail, but I wanted to do something different. Everyone is going to be choosing these important works of art from history or whatever. I chose this, a music video that shows just how much violence is used against women in Supernatural and helped changed US copy write law.

I hope the professor gets it. Do you guys?

I think you will need some good source on how that video helped change the law


It is a joke about American Gods having a character named Media =P

I think you will need some good source on how that video helped change the law

1. Like someone else said, do you actually have substantial proof to back this claim?
2. Probably a typo, but it's copyright not copy write law.

Good luck. I majored in English and usually you get a lot of creative leeway, even in English Lit, but you actually have to be able to back up your argument with concrete/definitive proof. If you're arguing that something changed law, you need to actually show that this video was presented in court/by lobbyists.

Yeah I thought I would have to provide proof, and there is a lot. I just need to collect it all. Here's some of the info on a page from the OTW on the suit:

I know there's more out there I'm just stupidly obsessing about my documentary right now.
Haha what? Bell bottoms in 2017 look dope. They coming back.






Bell bottoms will be back in full by 2020.

The other day I was thinking that a nice pair of bell bottoms would be nice for some reason. Next day I see Vogue posting an article about bell bottoms being back. Great minds;etc.
Just thought of a badass summer outfit.

Deep blue acid washed bell bottom jeans with a slight flare, with a yellow v-neck, a white blazer sleeves rolled, white watch, yellow hoop earrings, blue eye liner with yellow winged tips.

That'd look fucking awesome.

Thanks for the inspiration Persona 5.


Some people needs more recovery time than others. The sad thing is that society usually thinks that you cheated your previous relationship if you find a new one so fast...

Get well Media !

Don't forget that your TV debut is in one week =D

...or maybe more ... she is probably not in the first episode =P

Like a broken clock, my post is right today !


Shall we share our opinions? Lol

Late as shit but I read the opening of that and bailed the fuck out when I got to women only playing candy crush and shit. I know I'm in no way a standard representation of age and gender myself but I know SO many women who play all kinds of shit, especially board games, and others who probably would if it wasn't for all the baggage and so I have t take deep breaths not to set the internet on fire.


Oh man i remember bell bottoms. They were all the rage when I was in secondary school (middle school). The bigger the bells (and the more worn out the hoodie) the more popular you were XD. My mother kept complaining that I'd sweep the floor with them.

I wouldn't mind if they made a comeback, but i think i look better in skinny jeans



That's where your avatar is from, yeah?

Haha yep! Such a hilarious anime. Years ago my great-grandmother passed away, and I was really sad. For some reason I decided to watch this show to cheer me up, and even though I thought nothing could possibly comfort me this show made me chuckle :)

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Ladies, there's breaking news in OT. Apparently, being pregnant/pregnancy is merely an inconvenience for women. The more you know~

That topic, like every thread about abortion ever, will never cease to amaze and infuriate me. The condescending bullshit never fucking ends.

So glad that for my part it's relegated to the Internet though, at least. In my country abortion is completely unrestricted and the debate is closed, only fringe groups still whine about it but they have little to no power.
That topic, like every thread about abortion ever, will never cease to amaze and infuriate me. The condescending bullshit never fucking ends.

So glad that for my part it's relegated to the Internet though, at least. In my country abortion is completely unrestricted and the debate is closed, only fringe groups still whine about it but they have little to no power.

The random ass numbers they pull out because they think that seems "fair," the ones saying they have a partner who had a child so they understand what it means to be pregnant/give birth, the ones saying there'll be some kind of third trimester epidemic of women who'll opt for an abortion "just because"... ARGH.

I'm jealous of your country's entirely fair and sensible take on the matter. Shame mine won't reach that point any time soon.

I'm glad I only peeked at that thread and then decided "naw" lol.

There are a fair amount of decent posts, but man, some of do my head in.
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