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GirlGAF |OT 2| Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Eve?

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
I'm jealous of your country's entirely fair and sensible take on the matter. Shame mine won't reach that point any time soon.
You are in Australia, yes? I just googled and... wow, for most states it seems fine but for several AU states it's regressive as fuck. Had no idea Australia was this backwards. :(


Seeing men talk about how abortion is wrong will never stop being infuriating to me. They will never be in a position where their period is late after even after using birth control. And the talk about how women will all go into a depression spiral after an abortion is a scare tactic too.
I'm about to lose my god damned mind here pretty quickly.

I'm trying very hard not to swear in there. Very hard.

You are in Australia, yes? I just googled and... wow, for most states it seems fine but for several AU states it's regressive as fuck. Had no idea Australia was this backwards. :(

I was (when Mia was born), but now I'm in England. I felt very grateful to have been in SA given those laws.

I looked in and nawwwwww

Never give in! :D

Well I mean if it was so bad then why do y'all get pregnant in the first place?????

Because we're all masochists at heart, I guess.

Seeing men talk about how abortion is wrong will never stop being infuriating to me. They will never be in a position where their period is late after even after using birth control. And the talk about how women will all go into a depression spiral after an abortion is a scare tactic too.

Yep. Makes you want to tear your hair out. My eyes rolled so hard at some of those posts that I thought my sockets would crack.


I tried to post in there a couple times but I kinda... gave up. The men going "oh MY WIFE had a child, I can't imagine abortion being good" made me want to say shit that would get me banned lol

Acting like pregnancy doesn't physically demanding on a woman's body and shit

Good lord
They never look at facts and only complain about their own moral compass. If you don't want one, don't get one. But what makes them think they can interject on a woman's most personal decision? Like they couldn't give two shits about whether I rent or own or homeless, whether I have a job or go to school or lay at home all day, or whatever decisions I make in my life on a daily basis that has no fucking influence on them.


It's easy to feel morally superior for a choice you'll realistically never have to make - let alone consider.
They never look at facts and only complain about their own moral compass. If you don't want one, don't get one. But what makes them think they can interject on a woman's most personal decision? Like they couldn't give two shits about whether I rent or own or homeless, whether I have a job or go to school or lay at home all day, or whatever decisions I make in my life on a daily basis that has no fucking influence on them.
Male privilege that has made them feel as though they are entitled to having their opinion heard and that their opinion always matters by default. Like, yeah you can totally feel that abortion is wrong and people shouldn't get them but as a man who can never even get pregnant your opinion does not matter and you should keep it to yourself.

I've had frustrating discussions with some male coworkers who felt they had a right to voice their opinion about how a woman should feel towards language that said woman specifically told them was harassing and offensive. It was amazing to behold.



That edit though :( I couldn't get the comments to load but the implication I got was "well if you're so poor how could you post this?!?!!!!?!!" like any asshole would do. But it's such a heartwarming story, I'm hoping someday I'll be well off enough to be kind like that to someone

Don't get me wrong, I like Reddit for certain things tho (I find the fitness and diet subreddits to be quite nice and supportive!)
I'm about to lose my god damned mind here pretty quickly.

I had to unsubscribe because I was about to get real banned.

Thank you to the women sharing stories that many in there have subsequently ignored. I considered sharing as well but deaf ears and honestly, it's just not worth it. But I sincerely thank the people who did. I hope someone, anyone will listen.
I tried to post in there a couple times but I kinda... gave up. The men going "oh MY WIFE had a child, I can't imagine abortion being good" made me want to say shit that would get me banned lol

Acting like pregnancy doesn't physically demanding on a woman's body and shit

Good lord

And we're both back for more! :D Do you think if we describe what a 3rd degree tear to a sensitive place feels like in excruciating detail they'll concede that the baby process might be more than an inconvenience?
Nah. They won't.

I gave in and posted.

I have a much harsher view of the world though.

Also I had an abortion at 22, so I'm side eyeing some people in there for sure. It was definitely the worst thing I ever went through, but I'm not sorry and I don't need any sympathy at all. I made an informed, strategic decision for my life and it was the correct one.

You're awesome. None of those guys have even had the courage to address your post. It's so easy for them to judge and push legislation on nameless, faceless, story-less women, but when faced with the reality of it...crickets.

It's easy to feel morally superior for a choice you'll realistically never have to make - let alone consider.


There are some threads I know I shouldn't click on. The abortion one is one of those.

We're actually making some headway, I think. And by headway I mean that we're not getting drowned out because there are so many of us posting in there now. Still. It's something! :D


And we're both back for more! :D Do you think if we describe what a 3rd degree tear to a sensitive place feels like in excruciating detail they'll concede that the baby process might be more than an inconvenience?
Nah. They won't.

I don't know what's good for me lol

Besides nothing is worse than a kick to the balls, duh Protag
I've had multiple abortions. All while on birth control. Sometimes multiple forms. Hell, I took plan B and still had my daughter. What am I supposed to do, be poor and miserable with a dozen kids because I basically get pregnant when there's a penis in the room? But I can hear it now - anecdotal, moral, philosophical, blah blah blah blah.


Your argument was just too good

Frickin' wrecked it lol


90% of that thread was all

I've had multiple abortions. All while on birth control. Sometimes multiple forms. Hell, I took plan B and still had my daughter. What am I supposed to do, be poor and miserable with a dozen kids because I basically get pregnant when there's a penis in the room? But I can hear it now - anecdotal, moral, philosophical, blah blah blah blah.
I was reading stories about forced sterilizations on Native Americans, and this one girl had three kids. Even with a tubal, they say its more likely to fail after five years. So the younger the woman, the higher chance of conceiving down the road.
I was reading stories about forced sterilizations on Native Americans, and this one girl had three kids. Even with a tubal, they say its more likely to fail after five years. So the younger the woman, the higher chance of conceiving down the road.

And might result in a life-threatening tubal pregnancy, which is why I didn't go for the tubal ligation. We are putting money aside instead to get husbro a vasectomy.


For threads like this in the future, we should do what was done here: light the girl Gaf signal and encourage everyone to speak up.

By our powers combined!


For threads like this in the future, we should do what was done here: light the girl Gaf signal and encourage everyone to speak up.

By our powers combined!

I've mostly avoided those threads for years now, but this is a good idea. I'm in.

Well one guy responded by saying he had a partner who chose to have the kid, and she was totally fine.

Except for the part where he conceded she had to pull a lot of shady ass shit, including lying to the courts to force him to give her more money in support (claiming the dude wasn't present at all in the kid's life, etc).

I was like wtf brah. No, excuse me for NOT wanting to survive by using the court system to con money from men.

I meant more those guys who had already posted their hardline stances of superior morality, but yeah, that reply was something. Haha. That other guy's DA scenario was also quite silly. Be interested to see his response. If he ever comes back...

For threads like this in the future, we should do what was done here: light the girl Gaf signal and encourage everyone to speak up.

By our powers combined!

It definitely gives those kinds of threads some much needed realistic perspectives. At one point it seemed like half the women on the site were in there. :D


By your powers combined I am captain "a person who will always walk on these threads don't matter how full of landmines it is"

The power is yours !

Are y'all going to watch E3?

I will try all except bethesda and devolver because they are at 1am and 2 am before work days.

I will probably just listen or do some crazy alt tab action for the Nintendo one since it is just after my lunch time at work


I'm gonna watch the three major ones, because I offered to help write breaking news for MS and Nintendo for a gaming site like a silly goose. Sony is okay for me to watch but ends too late for me to make posts.

I wouldn't bother with MS's otherwise lol, but I like watching Nintendo (except last year when it was ONLY BOTW)


Ugh, how are us ladies supposed to just "be the better person" and ignore people telling us we deserve rape? Rape is traumatic and saying it's a punishment for how you dress, or anything at all, is truly scummy and horrifying.
Ugh, how are us ladies supposed to just "be the better person" and ignore people telling us we deserve rape? Rape is traumatic and saying it's a punishment for how you dress, or anything at all, is truly scummy and horrifying.

It's certainly very easy for them to say when they don't deal with or experience that kind of thing their entire lives. Can't say that I agree with a bat to the head, though. Maybe we could just gently tase the bastards instead? Would that be more acceptable? :p

It's an annoying scenario/question in general. I don't want to advocate violence to deal with hateful people, but at the same time, the entire situation is because no one else was doing anything and he was outside a school for Pete's sake. What's our solution here? I don't think cracking people over the head is the answer, but "being the better person" isn't going to solve this one, either. It's frustrating.
Yeah, I'm not sure what the answer is there. But I hope it isn't cracking people over the head with a bat. There does need to be a way to clear people like that away from schools though, and I'm all for free speech but suggesting people "deserve harm" for something they do comes awfully close to inciting violence, though I guess that's for the courts to decide.
I'm all for free speech, too, but not really in the vein of "someone should rape these bitches," because that's what's implied in saying it's deserved. Looks like inciting violence to me.
I wonder what would happen if a person did the same thing but changed the message to "drugs are good for you! More people should do drugs," or similar.


Yeah, I'm not sure what the answer is there. But I hope it isn't cracking people over the head with a bat. There does need to be a way to clear people like that away from schools though, and I'm all for free speech but suggesting people "deserve harm" for something they do comes awfully close to inciting violence, though I guess that's for the courts to decide.

its a failure of the government to not get that guy for inciting violence and harassment

not really surprising someone would go vigilante if the government just lets it be the wild west. its not right but its kinda what ends up happening when the decision is left up to the general public because the government fails to respond. if they were handling it then we shouldn't have to ask what would have been the right response because it shouldn't need to be a decision for the general population to make

and passing it off "thats for the courts to decide" is a cop out imo. i get that faith in the system is important for the government to work but they aren't always right and we can tell the courts they're doing a poor job. just gotta hope theres enough right decisions to make them worth trusting in general


its a failure of the government to not get that guy for inciting violence and harassment

not really surprising someone would go vigilante if the government just lets it be the wild west. its not right but its kinda what ends up happening when the decision is left up to the general public because the government fails to respond. if they were handling it then we shouldn't have to ask what would have been the right response because it shouldn't need to be a decision for the general population to make

and passing it off "thats for the courts to decide" is a cop out imo. i get that faith in the system is important for the government to work but they aren't always right and we can tell the courts they're doing a poor job. just gotta hope theres enough right decisions to make them worth trusting in general

This is pretty much my stance. The thread was upsetting to me because so many dudes couldn't fathom how 'just words' could provoke someone, even though we have a lot of World star type threads of talk shit get hit, but suddenly when rape and women are involved it all stupid 'the law is the law, fuck her' and no sympathy.
what happens if someone just rocks up to stand near him with a counter sign that says "AND ALSO MEN"?


im with y'all. i dont condone violence, but that statement is gross as hell

no one deserves to be raped, geez

what kind of horrible person thinks ANYONE deserves to be raped

again, just to reiterate for the precious feels, i don't condone violence. a bat to the head is no no.


This is pretty much my stance. The thread was upsetting to me because so many dudes couldn't fathom how 'just words' could provoke someone, even though we have a lot of World star type threads of talk shit get hit, but suddenly when rape and women are involved it all stupid 'the law is the law, fuck her' and no sympathy.

Its not even "just words" as something that would make someone feel uncomfortable(which theres a lot that shouldn't be said towards school kids anyway), its someone declaring that it is a reaction that should happen. "deserves" means he *wants* it to happen. He's stating that publicly that someone should do that. Doesn't help that he's someone with some influence, being a pastor, using a public space so its not unreasonable to be concerned that one of his followers would attempt to carry out his wishes

I really dont understand how the first amendment allows this kind of speech.


It doesn't, or shouldn't at least. One could easily make a case that what he's doing falls under incitement or at least fighting words.

Our own president got away with it repeatedly on the campaign trail :(

(not like anyone needs to be told he's not the bastion of virtue but still...)
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