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GirlGAF |OT 2| Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Eve?


Haha, well, I'm not repressed when it comes to general discussion. Just when the discussion involves me. And that's more for a therapist. And I don't think I'll go that far with therapy lol. So...meh.
I ordered a vibrator on amazon back when I was living with my parents around the time I turned 18.

As it happens that was also around the time I started having sex on a regular basis. Having sex and orgasms anyway. So I only ever used it a few times and thought I much prefer my fingers to this anyway. In the drawer it went until earlier this year when I threw it away.

it so wasn't worth the paranoia. To this day It's in my purchase history. :/

My significant other and I tried experimenting with it once or twice and it was very disappointing. It only strengthened my resolve to have him inside me or go down on me. So maybe it wasn't TOTALLY worthless.


Well, this thread has gotten interesting and sexy all of a sudden..
The thing that bugs me most about sex toys are how UGLY the "craftsmanship" and packaging is for most of them. And then on the other hand.. how expensive they are! $80+ for something high quality and doesn't look like was made from a Creepy Crawlers mould..

Haha, well, I'm not repressed when it comes to general discussion. Just when the discussion involves me. And that's more for a therapist. And I don't think I'll go that far with therapy lol. So...meh.
Well, I think that's okay too. I'm pretty private when it comes to personal intimacy questions, but I'm usually open for theoretical or educational discussions.
Just keep an open mind and read up and stuff, even if you're not too interested in trying it all yourself. At the very least, when you encounter yourself (from a SO or a friend asking for advice), you won't be freaked out or confused. XD
Too weird and awkward even privately. Haha. Like I said: very repressed, so much so, I will more than likely never not be. Haha.
I think these kinds of things are very weird and awkward for most people even when they're on their own at first, so you wouldn't be an anomaly at least! But I'll leave it at that.

I would so order something from that site if I didn't live with my parents. Depends on how discrete the packaging is o guess, I've ordered weirder stuff before.
From the website:
Discreet Shipping
All of our packages are shipped discreetly, in a plain box or envelope, displaying the sender's name as Barnaby Ltd.


Well, I think that's okay too. I'm pretty private when it comes to personal intimacy questions, but I'm usually open for theoretical or educational discussions.
Just keep an open mind and read up and stuff, even if you're not too interested in trying it all yourself. At the very least, when you encounter yourself (from a SO or a friend asking for advice), you won't be freaked out or confused. XD

Haha it's definitely more than that. Oh well. I don't think I'll ever be comfortable with sex involving me, on my own, with someone else. Haha. Oh well. :D I'm gonna be a non-religious nun. Haha.
If anyone else shops on modcloth, just wanted to let y'all know there's a great deal going on called "surprise stylist". $15 for a mystery item (skirt, dress, or shirt) price value ranging from 29.99-299.99. It's final purchase though, so you can't exchange it. Just purchased 6 of them myself...


Craziness. :p
Well, everyone's got hangups. Some more or less than others.

I am pretty sure I wanted to be like.. a nun when I was younger. Some points, I still think being asexual would be awesome or a quirky "what if", but I guess that's more meandering thoughts these days. I still go by a bunch of "rules" that are more based on whims than logic, anyhow!

Just depends if you want to eventually work on that or experience more or not. If it's not hindering your enjoyment of life, then whatever! But if keeping yourself closed away and scared of enjoying yourself for fear of all the "crazy" spilling out.. well, you know that's an area that could use improving to benefit you.
I have a few friends and family members who might have kind of the same issues around the whole sexual repression thing, but it seems like having supportive people around them who are very open about discussing things and answering even basic questions in a non-judgmental way helped them open up a lot more.

Either way, I and surely the rest of girl-GAF support you.
Well, everyone's got hangups. Some more or less than others.

I am pretty sure I wanted to be like.. a nun when I was younger. Some points, I still think being asexual would be awesome or a quirky "what if", but I guess that's more meandering thoughts these days. I still go by a bunch of "rules" that are more based on whims than logic, anyhow!

Just depends if you want to eventually work on that or experience more or not. If it's not hindering your enjoyment of life, then whatever! But if keeping yourself closed away and scared of enjoying yourself for fear of all the "crazy" spilling out.. well, you know that's an area that could use improving to benefit you.
I have a few friends and family members who might have kind of the same issues around the whole sexual repression thing, but it seems like having supportive people around them who are very open about discussing things and answering even basic questions in a non-judgmental way helped them open up a lot more.

Either way, I and surely the rest of girl-GAF support you.
Not having a sex drive would be so fantastic. :\


If anyone else shops on modcloth, just wanted to let y'all know there's a great deal going on called "surprise stylist". $15 for a mystery item (skirt, dress, or shirt) price value ranging from 29.99-299.99. It's final purchase though, so you can't exchange it. Just purchased 6 of them myself...
Thank you for this. My gf is going to love it.
Thank you for this. My gf is going to love it.

Has she bought from there before? If she hasn't, use this link and she should get $20 off any $50 purchase! Actually, anyone can use the link and get the $20 off. Plus it's free shipping on purchases of $50.

I can't wait to get my stuff, totally going to post pictures.

Edit: and if she does have an account, do what I do and have your boyfriend make an account and buy something for you :p


Black Canada Mafia
Damn girls, I pop in sometimes to see how the other sex is faring, but this last page has me sad. I wish you all, individually, some extra positive shit in your lives to offset all this negative crap.


Serious question girls: When you hit on a guy when you're drunk do you still think he's cute when you're sober?

Also, if you ask a guy for his number(both you and the guy are drunk) do you expect him to call you or text you?(I don't mean like expect, more like if the guy were to contact you which would you prefer?)
Serious question girls: When you hit on a guy when you're drunk do you still think he's cute when you're sober?

Also, if you ask a guy for his number(both you and the guy are drunk) do you expect him to call you or text you?(I don't mean like expect, more like if the guy were to contact you which would you prefer?)

Depends on how the guy acts around me while I'm sober. He could be the most attractive guy in the world, but if I'm sober and he's got an awful personality, he's instantly unnattractive to me (I'm was more forgiving about those things when drunk).

Also I don't expect anything from the guy. If its my first time meeting them, getting a text from them is a nice surprise. I'd enjoy something like "it was very nice meeting you last night". Maybe it sounds like I like saps, but I've lived long enough and have experienced enough assholes to appreciate politeness.


Depends on how the guy acts around me while I'm sober. He could be the most attractive guy in the world, but if I'm sober and he's got an awful personality, he's instantly unnattractive to me (I'm was more forgiving about those things when drunk).

Also I don't expect anything from the guy. If its my first time meeting them, getting a text from them is a nice surprise. I'd enjoy something like "it was very nice meeting you last night". Maybe it sounds like I like saps, but I've lived long enough and have experienced enough assholes to appreciate politeness.

Thanks for the response.

I honestly am not sure how drunk this girl was(I was fairly drunk), but she came on strong and we had a pretty cool, lengthy conversation(again, drunk). She asked me for my phone number and texted me right away so I could then have her phone number.(This all happened Saturday night)

I stupidly texted her Sunday afternoon saying that I realize that we're both really busy(we're both engineering students) but that it'd be cool if we could hang out sometime. She didn't respond but honestly the text didn't really warrant a response. I'm thinking about calling her Friday afternoon to ask her if she's doing anything this coming weekend and if we could maybe hang out provided that we both have some free time.

If she doesn't answer I don't want to leave a message because it'd just be weird, and I'll also never call her again.

I only ask this because this past Saturday night was the first time I ever went out(I'm a 23 year old "loner", virgin, never had a girlfriend) and interestingly enough I was hit one by an attractive girl, so I'm quite uninformed when it comes to "what to doing after".


Not having a sex drive would be so fantastic. :\
Mines all but gone these days and it's sort of freaking me out, tbh. Not fantastic at all. =/

Leeness, don't make me bring up tit fights again plz.
I have some of the same issues as Leeness and I'm working through them. But it's not easy :(
It would probably make life a lot less complicated.
Not unless we develop the ability to reproduce by BUDDING.
Sometimes making a mess is the only way to make things better. And if it doesn't make things better at least it will be fun and you'll get a story out of it.

Everything in moderation, ladies!

I understand that sex drives when coupled with awkwardness, inexperience, and shame makes things extra complicated, but it don't have to be all or nothing. On the other hand, not everyone needs to be sent 10 speed vibrators with multiple attachments. >_>
I encourage most being comfortable with yourselves and your boundaries. Read up, be educated, and lower the risk of freaking out!

I would be up for a Gift Exchange, except that I am a terrible gift buyer. .__.


Everything in moderation, ladies!

I understand that sex drives when coupled with awkwardness, inexperience, and shame makes things extra complicated,


I'm not a lady. And while all of those things may make having sex a little more complicated that is not really what I meant. I was talking about life in general.

Sex, relationships in general, can end up complicating your life in a number of ways. Whether it be because you're going through a particularly bad breakup, or depressed because a girl you like is more interested in someone else, it can cause a number of problems in your life. It's not hard to see how sex can complicate your life. Without it people would be less insecure about how they look. Less jealous of others. There would be no need for men to compete for women, making them perhaps a little more chilled out and relaxed (lol). I imagine jealousy, hatred, anger, insecurity, depression, stress, etc would all fall quite considerably in society.
It would probably make life a lot less complicated.
And way less fun.

Serious question girls: When you hit on a guy when you're drunk do you still think he's cute when you're sober?

Also, if you ask a guy for his number(both you and the guy are drunk) do you expect him to call you or text you?(I don't mean like expect, more like if the guy were to contact you which would you prefer?)
How drunk was I?
Well... yeah.

If no one had the desire for sex though, it wouldn't actually mean anything at all. It is only fun because your brain tells you it is fun. Why should sticking my penis in hole be fun? It's like whacking a stick against the ground and saying it's fun. lol

Well if whacking the ground with a stick was as fun as sex I'd still do it and I would't want it taken away, either.
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