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God of War 2018 and Ragnarok are way overrated

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Moderated wildly
I love the empathy tags you get on these kind of threads from people that cant understand when someone just doesnt think a game is that great.

Ragnarok really isnt that great, and the opinion is shared by just as much of the industry vets that I enjoy their opinions of as well. Then there isthe journalists that love to give these big games 10/10s and be apart of the hype cycle andd thoroughly enjoy them. It's just a difference in taste and not that big of a deal.
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What about the gameplay is so good that its the best in modern gaming? The handholdy puzzle's? The walking talking cinematic mumbo jumbo? The battles in a small arena against a handful of enemies?
Stop I personally love the camera that’s way too close to the point where enemies behind you in combat have to be indicated via AI character warning you or an arrow pointing in the direction of said enemies. I also personally love the color-coded and repetitive “hit the switch” puzzles that totally clash with the “immersive” vibe the game is going for. Along with the phoned-in RPG elements that require you to sift through the game’s fugly uninspired menus. And exploring the game’s environments full of awkward invisible walls. And the largely dull loading mask cutscenes. And the comical amount of collectibles that make me feel like I’m playing some Ubisoft game.
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"Feels like an expansion more than a sequel"

But yeah, semantics and all. Dont mind me.

How does that translate to its not a two-part story? Sequels have to be the same in everything just because they are part of the same story? Witcher 2 and 3 are part of the same story, 3 is a direct sequel to it, yet it's practically improved 100x times over it. Horizon FW and Dawn are part of a trilogy, yet, FW looks 100 miles better than the first and these are just two examples. I can give more.


Haven't played Ragnarok but GoW 2018 is one hell of a game, and yeah it's a strong argument for 'games as art' if you worry about that kind of thing. And I say that as someone that didn't 100% click with it start to finish either.

They managed to make a cinematic, beautiful open world that is just large enough to be interesting to explore, but not so big that it feels hollow. I disagree entirely that you're 'endlessly walking through forgettable forests and mountains'.

But yeah it's not remotely the same game as previous entries so if you loved those, maybe the new direction isn't what you're looking for.


The old style god of war games were button mashers whereas the newer titles are more methodical and blend souls-like mechanics with character action mechanics.

They were button mashers if you play on easy/normal difficulty and mash buttons.

You can do the same thing in DMC, Bayonetta, or whatever other game that gets praised for combat design. Souls games have mid-air tracking enemies so you are forced to roll through them, apart from that you can also just spam the same attack.


Gold Member
They were button mashers if you play on easy/normal difficulty and mash buttons.

You can do the same thing in DMC, Bayonetta, or whatever other game that gets praised for combat design. Souls games have mid-air tracking enemies so you are forced to roll through them, apart from that you can also just spam the same attack.

Unless you're highly skilled and it's an intentional challenge run (eg a single attack type only run), you won't get very far spamming the same attack in the souls games.
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4-Time GIF/Meme God
I always said that. The new God of War games are not that great in comparison, just fine enough, very competent games. Still, I could care less about this Kratos or the other characters. Where is the stake? Oh, "it's more emotional"... Whatever

Also, "it's not a game script, it's a script" says a lot of how this game is in comparison with the past, close to the heart, games


I like them both, but working my way through Ragnarok right now feels like a slog. It’s just too damn long, and slow moving.


Gold Member

this thread is NUTS


As someone who completed both and platinumed the first I couldn’t agree more. Absolutely loved God of War III as well.

But anyway, I enjoyed the first game enough, cool setting with good gameplay. Story sucked, the lack of bosses and variety sucked but for the most part it was fine.

But oh boy was Ragnarok bad. Story somehow got even worse and has the most lacklustre ending i’ve ever come across. The last quest alone is pathetic given what should be the most epic event in any God of War game becomes a boring linear path, not even 10% as epic as the opening of God of War III. Shame because the game started well but after the first hour or so became a boring slog. No way on Earth i’m jumping back in for the side content.


I personally thought 2018 was a much better game than Ragnarok was for a lot of reasons, but I know people adore them both. That being said I never have, nor would I, worship 2018 like it's one of the best games ever made.

GOW 3 was my favorite hands down.


"You know what I used to love about God of War? The fact that as soon as I put the disc into my console, it greeted me with a title screen that immediately got my blood pumping"

Jeez, not this again.


Neo Member
The 2018 version in my opinion is great, while Ragnarok I did not finish, a lot of repetitiveness, the second half of the game totally bored me. The worst was the level with Atreus and his girlfriend. OMG that was so boring.


God of War deserves all the praise for the reboot of the franchise however judging the games by itself, I think Ghost of Tsushima and Days Gone are better.
Ghost of Tsushima is probably the best Sony exclusive I've played since the start of the PS4 era (though I played the PS5 Director's Cut). It does a much better job of pacing cinematics and gameplay, not to mention the actual quality of the combat, visuals, and movement.

My only complaint is that it is too big. They crammed so much in there that, of you try to do it all, it can start to feel too long and become boring.


How does that translate to its not a two-part story? Sequels have to be the same in everything just because they are part of the same story? Witcher 2 and 3 are part of the same story, 3 is a direct sequel to it, yet it's practically improved 100x times over it. Horizon FW and Dawn are part of a trilogy, yet, FW looks 100 miles better than the first and these are just two examples. I can give more.
GoW 2018 is not really auto-conclusive. It only introduces characters and motivations, but most development happens actually in Ragnarok.


Moderated wildly
Ragnarok was a bad sequel with great combat for Kratos...but genuine issues overall.

2018 was great imo. Not too long. Great metroidvania design, plenty kratos much fun times.

Ragnarok was doo doo. 10/10


haven't played ragnarok yet, i really enjoyed the 2018 game and would rate it an 8.5/10 so yeah it's a good game but not an instant classic like RE4make for example. i enjoyed ghost of tsushima more actually.


I think their combat mechanics are pretty damn awesome. I played GOW 3 quite a bit after going through Ragnarok and its evident that game is more focused, structured, way more fun, with a lot more repeatability but i would still take Ragnarok combat mechanics.
I find it really weird these guys developed a great combat system but then lose their focus on random shit nobody likes.
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I love the game for being its own thing in terms of story, but my issues are with the same ole same ole progression system. All games are guilty of this but GOW is really bad at it.
Move to this area, fight countless foes... take a path that bends around the area you were just in to kill another group of mobs... rinse repeat....
Its like a 2D side scrolling beat em up set in a 3D world... just doesnt appeal to me.


Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
I loved the 2018 game, fell off hard on the new one. Most likely me then the game, don't got the free time I did years ago.
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RE4 is one of the greatest games ever made. The original one, that is. Still undecided whether remake managed to top it.

Still, I don't see how this game is related to the God of War series.
Both revolutionize an overplayed franchises, opening the door for new gamers. (RE4 was my first RE). RE4 Remake has GOW elements.


Nah, its great. Even better Than the originals except for most the boss fights were better in the trilogy because there was more bosses and more voilent


Played 2018/Ragnarok and while I enjoyed them, the combat is merely ok. Camera is too close and they resort to audio cues and colored arrows?!? Fallen order is a better example of souls type combat done right.

Saying the old games are ‘button-mashers’ says everything really. Ascension was anything but no wonder they tweaked the difficuly of the Trials when most people didn’t grasp the intricacies of the combat.

Fallen order’s combat was broken, glitchy, inconsistent and really nothing to it. The only decent combat was like 2 bosses and even then it was all over the place. It could of been so much better. No way comparable to any God of War combat. Sekiro wipes the floor with it. It was embarrassing tbh
GoW 2018 is not really auto-conclusive. It only introduces characters and motivations, but most development happens actually in Ragnarok.
Doesnt that make it worse then? That they cut a story in half and just released the other worse half 4 years later? lol. You aint making it sound better my guy. I liked Ragnarok, dont get me wrong, I finished it on the hardest difficulty but it was honestly more of a slog than fun and the outcome and fights were not as amazing as I hoped it would be.


I can’t wait for the same people who hate the latest GOW games to tell us how amazing Hellblade 2 is.
This, it’s gonna be hilarious looking at the reactions to that game like they’re about to revolutionize gaming or something. It’s always with Sony’s titles lol. Hogwarts is a well-made game with an average story that has some really great combat but it is the most generic open-world I’ve played recently, didn’t see any threads complaining about too many icons on the map & “handholding” then, while Forbidden West (a much better game imo) got shit for this when literally every other publisher did the exact same thing.

Requiem was another example & I liked both Plague Tales, it was a linear third-person title inspired from TLOU that was multiplat which was praised & called underrated here while TLOU2 having some of the most sublime gameplay I’ve seen to date got shit on mostly by those who didn’t even play the game.
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Not every game is for everyone.
fair enough. but GOW was for me till they changed it in 2018. its the same series, just horrible art and gameplay direction compared to the first trilogy.

GOW3 is the best GoW game and one of the best if not the best action game. why change that and bring a retarded kid, makes Kratos a pussy and weak into the equation?

GoW 2018 and Rag are almost different games. they could have named the game completely differently and honestly got away with it. just change Kratos's character into a Norse mythology character and we are 100% perfectly good to go.

They added Kratos in that game where it doesn't even make sense. Zero-licking logic.

The truth is they ran out of ideas. and they wanted a sequel, their brain-dead team couldn't come up with anything better.

Fuck even the portrait of Norse mythology is just completely wrong. What a horrible game attached to a god of war game ( not that the game it self is horrible, as OP said its a fine game for what its, it's just not GOW )
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