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God Of War 3 Has Gone Gold - Lots of Reviews Out Already


TaKeRx said:
Is there going to be a PS3 bundle for this? I might get it if so.



So I presume this thread will be used for people who haven't seen the new footage (like myself), whilst all those who have seen it, will migrate to the GIF thread!? I still refuse to watch it, so I hope the 'specifics' of what was shown won't be talked about too much here... I didn't even know about the
bit. And I still don't know who/what the first boss is. Which apparently is now known. I mean, I'm having fun just reading the general reactions, and reading the technical stuff like the data/code details.


Same here. I have not watched the footage but I would also greatly appreciate if gifs etc... stayed out of this topic.

I've seen the thumbnails on GT and almost cut off my own fingers because I wanted to click them... I'm okay... For now.
Deepack said:
Same here. I have not watched the footage but I would also greatly appreciate if gifs etc... stayed out of this topic.

I've seen the thumbnails on GT and almost cut off my own fingers because I wanted to click them... I'm okay... For now.
i could make a joke on that.. but i won't


Always-honest said:
i could make a joke on that.. but i won't

:D It may be the tiniest of minor details, but a part of me wishes I didn't even know what you mean. But I suppose
not literally seeing it happen yet
is of some small comfort.

Gomu Gomu

deepbrown said:
OK...should I watch the footage or not? Has anyone watched the footage who wished they hadn't?

Why would you want to throw away the WOW ZOMG WTF :OOOO factor on watching video on your monitor, while you can have it playing the game on a nice HDTV after a month or so?


After watching that GTTV episode, I can safely say I'm extremely disappointed
in myself :|

Wish I could've restrained myself from watching.


Gomu Gomu said:
Why would you want to throw away the WOW ZOMG WTF :OOOO factor on watching video on your monitor, while you can have it playing the game on a nice HDTV after a month or so?
You're right =) I will not watch it. Though I've seen some gifs.


hey ppl why don't you come over to the dark side ? we have cookies and gifs over there. I know you want it ...
Watched first five minutes of this while skipping over story scenes and just stopped watching. I'm waiting until this comes out. AMAZING!!!


Holy shit, I just took a quick peek at the GTTV spoiler thread, saw the top half of a gif and said "FUCK NO!!!" and closed the window.

OMG I want to watch but I dont want to spoil all the cool shit. Im glad there is a safe thread here. That other thread is like a minefield, waiting for a poor fan to get blown away!

Anyone here decide to get the regular version instead of the Ultimate? If so what's your reason? I thought all the digital content wasnt wort it nor the plastic box, only the Arena DLC but we prolly can buy that on the store and maybe the artbook. Oh well.

PS: GOW3 fans, be strong and DONT go to the other spoiler thrread!!


Cruzader said:
Holy shit, I just took a quick peek at the GTTV spoiler thread, saw the top half of a gif and said "FUCK NO!!!" and closed the window.

OMG I want to watch but I dont want to spoil all the cool shit. Im glad there is a safe thread here. That other thread is like a minefield, waiting for a poor fan to get blown away!

Anyone here decide to get the regular version instead of the Ultimate? If so what's your reason? I thought all the digital content wasnt wort it nor the plastic box, only the Arena DLC but we prolly can buy that on the store and maybe the artbook. Oh well.

PS: GOW3 fans, be strong and DONT go to the other spoiler thrread!!

I was gonna skip out on the Ultimate set, but I have $60 of Amazon credit from the buy 2 get 1 free deal.


Cruzader said:
Holy shit, I just took a quick peek at the GTTV spoiler thread, saw the top half of a gif and said "FUCK NO!!!" and closed the window.

OMG I want to watch but I dont want to spoil all the cool shit. Im glad there is a safe thread here. That other thread is like a minefield, waiting for a poor fan to get blown away!

Anyone here decide to get the regular version instead of the Ultimate? If so what's your reason? I thought all the digital content wasnt wort it nor the plastic box, only the Arena DLC but we prolly can buy that on the store and maybe the artbook. Oh well.

PS: GOW3 fans, be strong and DONT go to the other spoiler thrread!!

I am in the other thread and don't feel spoiled at all. But then I am not such a pussy about this stuff like some people. :lol

I am getting the regular version. If I can get a new game for around 45 Euro I am going with that version.
Getting the regular version. I don't buy collectors editions anymore. Big waste for the most part unless its really good collectors set.

As for going cold turkey. Yep. I refuse to watch that video, the only thing I have seen of God Of War 3 is the demo stuff, played it as well. Thats all I'm going to watch. Everything else will be fresh damnit.


Xater said:
I am in the other thread and don't feel spoiled at all. But then I am not such a pussy about this stuff like some people. :lol

I am getting the regular version. If I can get a new game for around 45 Euro I am going with that version.

Its not about being a pussy about nothing.(lol) Its about being spoiled. Maybe not only on story but action scenes too. Just like a movie, you dont want to go in knowing what goes on certain scenes since you'll know whats about to happen thus losing its "wow" factor.

Funny thing though is that the Uncharted 2 gameplay from E3 09, that we all saw live, still managed to give me the goosebumps even after having seen it during my own play through! But thats all I saw, then ignored all video reviews and Justin.tv stuff like always.

What Im saying is that maybe I could go and see all the new GOW3 media and still wow me during my run at the game but it still loses its "freshness". Like I'll be playing knowing that something is about to jump out at me or this certain event is gonna happen any second now...I dont want that. I'd rather be surprised.

Again though, stay strong guys and avoid any other media! I will probably get BC2 to occupy me till GOW3 comes out.
A THING THAT WOULD BE COOL: A boss fight that consists entirely of walking up to Hestia and pressing Circle to kick her onto the hearth.


Im going to try and avoid any media on this..so from a rating of 1 to 10, how awesome was the footage shown on the GTTV special?


I'd be in the dick
rhino4evr said:
Im going to try and avoid any media on this..so from a rating of 1 to 10, how awesome was the footage shown on the GTTV special?
It was some of the most impressive game footage I have ever seen. Way beyond my expectations.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
SuperSonic1305 said:
I only watched until the Hades part. Did I miss the biggest spoilers?

Yes. Some new gadget was shown after that. Or was it before? Lost in awesomeness.


SuperSonic1305 said:
I only watched until the Hades part. Did I miss the biggest spoilers?

I really didn't see too many spoilers. At least nothing we haven't already seen, just made more explicit.
The only thing in that trailer that one might consider a spoiler was maybe some of the items that we haven't seen before like the Hermes Boots, Hades' Blades and the Phalanx Spell.


Damn, staying in this thread makes me feel like being at the Alcoholics Anonymous and know in the near room there is a load of good whiskey.

Guys may the force be with us.We can resist 3 weeks.

Who's opening a "the contest" thread whose chaallengers are not intended to watch gow3 media?:D


I'd be in the dick
iamcool388 said:
You say that after having seen/played Uncharted 2, right?
Yeah, Uncharted 2 is one of my absolute favorite games ever. I've never been the biggest GoW fan either, although I did really enjoy both of them. This looks to be on a whole other level.


RustyNails said:
Well imagine a tiny bug sized dude ripping off your finger nail with his crazy blades. That's not an itch, that's a geneva act crime!

But the titans have been through a lot more hell compared to that, like doomed to wander the desert with a giant temple on their back until the sands rip their flesh, or doomed to hold the weight of earth under their shoulders for eternity.

exactly, so Kratos ripping off his old rusty finger nail is hardly a punishment. not impressed with that one.

What I want to see is Kratos lifting up this mountain-size creature over his head and tossing him across the ocean. (Hulk did it, he lifted a mountain)
RoboPlato said:
Yeah, Uncharted 2 is one of my absolute favorite games ever. I've never been the biggest GoW fan either, although I did really enjoy both of them. This looks to be on a whole other level.

Agreed. I've also never been a huge GoW fan but the GTTV footage was absolutely ridiculous.
I wonder if the
spell is like a more advanced blocking technique than the Golden Fleece... maybe something like Reflect from Kingdom Hearts?


Gold Member
Someone posted a link to the trophy list yesterday i think..

I cant access here at work, but can someone tell me if there are trophies tied to:

1)The sex minigame
2)Beating the game on mega, ultra, super hard difficulty

I hope no on both counts...


y'all should be ashamed
sloppyjoe_gamer said:
Someone posted a link to the trophy list yesterday i think..

I cant access here at work, but can someone tell me if there are trophies tied to:

1)The sex minigame
2)Beating the game on mega, ultra, super hard difficulty

I hope no on both counts...
One is you have to beat titan mode. :lol
Stallion Free said:
Graphics blow away Uncharted 2 in my book. My jaw never dropped in Uncharted 2, but in that footage it was stuck on the floor.

Oh come on...the train sequence....jaw definitely on the ground. I do agree, GOW 3 seems to be taking it to a whole new level. I love progress. :)


Gold Member
chubigans said:
One is you have to beat titan mode. :lol

: (


GOW1 and GOW2 in the collection managed to have perfectly fine trophy lists without this BS. I'm seriously disappointed now...so much for platinuming GOW3.

With a full time job, family and responsibilites i just dont think i'm going to have the time to allocate to beating it on Titan mode. My playtime is precious to me and i dont get alot of it so spending 1-2 hrs in one night just to beat one level on a ridiculously hard difficulty level isn't going to cut it for me.

I'll still buy and play the game but i've had fun platinum'ing the others and this makes me sad.


sloppyjoe_gamer said:
: (


GOW1 and GOW2 in the collection managed to have perfectly fine trophy lists without this BS. I'm seriously disappointed now...so much for platinuming GOW3.

With a full time job, family and responsibilites i just dont think i'm going to have the time to allocate to beating it on Titan mode. My playtime is precious to me and i dont get alot of it so spending 1-2 hrs in one night just to beat one level on a ridiculously hard difficulty level isn't going to cut it for me.

I'll still buy and play the game but i've had fun platinum'ing the others and this makes me sad.
They call it platinum for a reason and most games give you an achievemt for finishing the game on the hardest difficulty. I'm not sure what the big surprise and disappointment is?
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