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God Of War 3 Has Gone Gold - Lots of Reviews Out Already


y'all should be ashamed
Well with the new items they showed in the GTTV trailer...I think Titan will actually be doable now. Especially those new
. That's a godsend.


Gold Member
rhino4evr said:
They call it platinum for a reason and most games give you an achievemt for finishing the game on the hardest difficulty. I'm not sure what the big surprise and disappointment is?

I already explained it....GOW1 and GOW2 in GOW Collection did not require this and the trophy lists for those had plenty of variety and were still challenging without this. Why add this one that will no doubt turn many away from platinuming the game when it wasn't necessary? There are still many out there that will still play this game 100 times and on Titan mode just to say they did it....no need to tie it to a trophy.

Edit-- Chubigans i didnt see that G4 stuff and im trying to stay away until the games out, so i hope your right. :D

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Silverthorn said:
Oh come on...the train sequence....jaw definitely on the ground.

I found the train level to be more impressive for how fun it was then it's graphics. The surrounding jungles came off looking really really tacky. Next time you play the level just watch the scenery before the helicopter attack.
Stallion Free said:
I found the train level to be more impressive for how fun it was then it's graphics. The surrounding jungles came off looking really really tacky. Next time you play the level just watch the scenery before the helicopter attack.

Looked amazing to me. We'll agree to disagree.

Nevertheless, God of War 3 has the best graphics I've ever seen in a video game yet, going by the recent footage shown.
DihcarEM said:
Does anyone know if the pre-order challenges + 4 costumes will eventually become availble as dlc?

Yes, Sony always put up pre-order/limited_edition content up for grabs on PSN after a month or two. Most likely all of it bundled for $5. Just pre-order it man! ;)


DihcarEM said:
Does anyone know if the pre-order challenges + 4 costumes will eventually become availble as dlc?

FYI Preorder challenges are separate then the "Challenge of Olympus" mode. So Im not to worried about those but they will show up on the store eventually. Hopefully free.

Now for the costumes. Normally on previous GOW games, you had to beat the game in certain difficulties to get them, the better/best ones. Im sure those skins will become unlockables in the game but the preorder skin codes will basically give them to you without having to beat the game in God/Titan modes. Honestly I have never unlocked all skins in previous games since I dont want to deal with cheap deaths etc. But im not totally sure if Sony would put the skins up for free. Maybe for pay later on. Like that would sorta break how skins were unlocked if they were free on the store.

Also I hate the fact ppls will start having spoilerish avatars from the new stuff....man this sucks big time. Im not talking simple jpegs...fucking gifs.
Raistlin said:
What is the best place to preorder (in terms of goodies) ... and is the SE version worth it?

Totally worth it if you like awesome Pandora's box sexiness, soundtracks, skins and other content! Goodies are awesomely awesome and definitely an eye candy.

Not worth it if the main game is all you care about and don't care about the goodies.

Oh and preorder in-store at EB-Games to also get this awesome poster:


Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Stallion Free said:
I found the train level to be more impressive for how fun it was then it's graphics. The surrounding jungles came off looking really really tacky. Next time you play the level just watch the scenery before the helicopter attack.
I did and it was one of the best looking segments in the game. Phenomenal motion blur and subsurface lighting on foliage too.


God I wish I knew what the other thread ppls are discussing...Im jealous :( I just want to go in there and let the videos blow me away!!

18 more days!! Is this what those crazy sex addicts go through??:lol


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Lord Error said:
I did and it was one of the best looking segments in the game. Phenomenal motion blur and subsurface lighting on foliage too.

The surroundings are phenomenal indeed. It's actually the train itself a "low point" of the whole sequence IMO. Not much detail on the railcars. But I'm not complaining. Not at all :D
Cruzader said:
God I wish I knew what the other thread ppls are discussing...Im jealous :( I just want to go in there and let the videos blow me away!!

18 more days!! Is this what those crazy sex addicts go through??:lol

Not much of a spoiler, to be honest. They show extended clips and gameplay of what we have already seen in the trailers and screenshots. If you have seen screenshots then this is the same, only in Motion and much much much better looking and mind blowing. If you have seen the trailers then this is the same as the trailer only more extended footage with epic Kratos screaming his way through Oblivion.



Stallion Free said:
I found the train level to be more impressive for how fun it was then it's graphics. The surrounding jungles came off looking really really tacky. Next time you play the level just watch the scenery before the helicopter attack.

I completely disagree. Played that level at least 4 times and it stunned me every one of them. Sorry to bring U2 in to this, but what the hell, they're both PS3 exclusives and should both be celebrated!





Why can't I read a thread without Uncharted being mentioned? I have never played the game nor do I care to, and yet I am constantly in threads where pics and arguments arise because of it. It's pretty stupid.


Skilletor said:
Why can't I read a thread without Uncharted being mentioned? I have never played the game nor do I care to, and yet I am constantly in threads where pics and arguments arise because of it. It's pretty stupid.

Maybe you should fucking play it.


Thanks Shagg and Cruzader, i should have been more clear tough.
I have the option to buy the Ultimate trilogy edition in Europe but 150euros is a lot.
The extra gameplay + costumes are what interest me the most. I already own Gow1,2. Soundtracks, the replica box,postcards are not interesting to me. I do like artbooks but i doubt this will be a really huge one. I'll decide soon enough if i want to buy it or not, it would help if there was a video of someone unboxing it.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
TTP said:
The surroundings are phenomenal indeed. It's actually the train itself a "low point" of the whole sequence IMO. Not much detail on the railcars. But I'm not complaining. Not at all :D
They got "DANGER" text printed correctly in Serbian on one of the cars, and it was all polygon modeled even. Good enough for me!

Seriously, that damn train sequence looked so amazing to me that every time I play it I want to sit on a train and go on a trip just like that, starting from the sunny place, and ending in some snowy mountains. It's like a scene from an idyllic picturebook.
Lord Error said:
They got "DANGER" text printed correctly in Serbian on one of the cars, and it was all polygon modeled even. Good enough for me!

"ОПАСНОСТ!" was written even on some boxes in the multiplayer I believe. Laughed so hard when I first read it. :lol


Skilletor said:
Why can't I read a thread without Uncharted being mentioned? I have never played the game nor do I care to, and yet I am constantly in threads where pics and arguments arise because of it. It's pretty stupid.

The only pretty stupid thing is you owning a ps3 and not playing uncharted yet. Wtf is wrong with you?


Lord Error said:
They got "DANGER" text printed correctly in Serbian on one of the cars, and it was all polygon modeled even. Good enough for me!

Seriously, that damn train sequence looked so amazing to me that every time I play it I want to sit on a train and go on a trip just like that, starting from the sunny place, and ending in some snowy mountains. It's like a scene from an idyllic picturebook.

How was it written on the cars? I can only remember the example Lagspike mentioned, and despite my broken Serbian, isn't Opasnost correct? :p


Animator said:
The only pretty stupid thing is you owning a ps3 and not playing uncharted yet. Wtf is wrong with you?

Maybe, just maybe, TPS games aren't his cup of tea?

Alien concept, I know.
jett said:
Maybe you should fucking play it.
Just throwing my vote in there. Seriously, just play it. :lol

shagg_187 said:
Not much of a spoiler, to be honest. They show extended clips and gameplay of what we have already seen in the trailers and screenshots. If you have seen screenshots then this is the same, only in Motion and much much much better looking and mind blowing. If you have seen the trailers then this is the same as the trailer only more extended footage with epic Kratos screaming his way through Oblivion.


Can anyone else comment on this? I've already seen everything in the press except the stuff from GTTV last night. Is it safe for me to watch it? I really want to, but I also want the game to be fresh. :mad:
BeeDog said:
How was it written on the cars? I can only remember the example Lagspike mentioned, and despite my broken Serbian, isn't Opasnost correct? :p

Serbian language (by constitution) = Cyrillic writing. "Opasnost" is written in Latin writing and although it's used everyday in Serbia, Cyrillic is the only official writing used. Thus, "ОПАСНОСТ!" is used. :p


Lagspike_exe said:
Serbian language (by constitution) = Cyrillic writing. "Opasnost" is written in Latin writing and although it's used everyday in Serbia, Cyrillic is the only official writing used. Thus, "ОПАСНОСТ!" is used. :p

I do know that cyrillic's the official writing (in RS and MK), didn't really pick up that you meant this though. :p
jett said:
Maybe you should fucking play it.
Seriously complaining about Uncharted 2 (which swept awards at every media outlet) in GoW 3 thread is like complaining about The Last Supper in Mona Lisa thread.

It is inevitable that both games will be compared because they both are assumed to be the pinnacle of cutting edge tech on PS3. Its just a matter of deciding who comes out on top. Its all positive and healthy criticism because we all know that both the games are miles and miles ahead of any competition they got (except maybe Killzone 2 and Heavy Rain).
CrayzeeCarl said:
Just throwing my vote in there. Seriously, just play it. :lol

Can anyone else comment on this? I've already seen everything in the press except the stuff from GTTV last night. Is it safe for me to watch it? I really want to, but I also want the game to be fresh. :mad:

there are a lot of new stuff in it. but it's all in quick cut, and often out of context. so you see a bunch of new weapon and magic but not sure how you got it. you saw new location, but yet again you don't know how you got there. you saw Kratos against Titan like the end of demo but don't know why titans attack you etc.

the only thing you can be sure of the story is the intro of the game. direct continuation of GoW2 ending.

if you want to see it. go ahead, but watch it just once or twice. you're not gonna able to process all those quick cuts all at once. but if you pause the game and analyze it one by one. you see quite a lot. most notably. Hades fight. (but the clip stops at cliffhanger, so you still don't know how you'll kill Hades)


Combichristoffersen said:
I don't like third person shooters very much, so I can't imagine missing out on anything special.
That's just it. To me Uncharted is not about the gameplay (it's really, really good though) but about the characters, set pieces, great dialogue, well written story and Chloe's ass.


Combichristoffersen said:
I don't like third person shooters very much, so I can't imagine missing out on anything special.

The general consensus is that it's the best game on the PS3, and from what I've played of games this generation it's the best one so far. Story's wicked, characters are wicked, graphics are wicked, gameplay is wicked, all he other technology is wicked, artistic design is wicked, etc. I honestly don't see why you wouldn't at least rent it.


Animator said:
The only pretty stupid thing is you owning a ps3 and not playing uncharted yet. Wtf is wrong with you?

Nothing at all. I think there is something wrong with people that have to obsessively bring up another title in threads that have nothing to do with that other title. I have no interest in Uncharted. Would prefer to not see Uncharted gifs and screens, which is why I avoid threads about Uncharted. The problem with gaf is that, eventually, every thread is about Uncharted.
Combichristoffersen said:
I don't like third person shooters very much, so I can't imagine missing out on anything special.
I'm sure you're sick of gaffers trying to get you to play it, but I never really even looked at it as a TPS. To me, it was more of a story-driven adventure game that just happened to use TPS as the main attack method.


well, obviously GOW3 is a visual achievement as was uncharted2 so it is somehow 'logical' that it will eventually appear at some point XD


New review from OPM in the Benelux!

It got 97%.

The highest score they have ever given to a game. FF XII, Uncharted 2 and Daxter for PSP got the same score.

I generally don't agree with their reviews, but I thought I'd let you guys know.


Haven't got the magazine myself but I'm trying to find out the pro's and cons. I'll keep you guys updated.


+ Best graphics they have ever seen
+ Epic, symphonic music

- Tried and true gameplay for the third time (no shit)
- Relativley short (about 10 hours)

Kinda lame-ass pro's and cons...
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