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God Of War 3 Has Gone Gold - Lots of Reviews Out Already

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
BeeDog said:
How was it written on the cars? I can only remember the example Lagspike mentioned, and despite my broken Serbian, isn't Opasnost correct? :p
There was one car, I think when you entered tunnel, where it was printed (better say modeled polygonally actually) on a whole side of that car. I laughed when i saw it. There were other smaller printings on boxes and such as well (in Arabic as well, I think)
SolidSnakex said:
Going through his older posts has been comical.

ChristerEricson said:
The Dante's Inferno developers should go to this GDC'10 talk http://bit.ly/7nCY2R
9:25 AM Dec 14th, 2009 via TweetDeck
(The linked site is a GDC talk called "How to Innovate in the Land of Clones") :lol

And this one:

ChristerEricson said:
@repi GoW3 will make Dante's Inferno itself look like ASCII art in comparison ;)
10:17 AM Feb 4th via TweetDeck


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
grumble said:
The general consensus is that it's the best game on the PS3, and from what I've played of games this generation it's the best one so far. Story's wicked, characters are wicked, graphics are wicked, gameplay is wicked, all he other technology is wicked, artistic design is wicked, etc. I honestly don't see why you wouldn't at least rent it.

Because there's nowhere you can rent games around here. I'm not even sure if Norwegian law allows for renting games.

CrayzeeCarl said:
I'm sure you're sick of gaffers trying to get you to play it, but I never really even looked at it as a TPS. To me, it was more of a story-driven adventure game that just happened to use TPS as the main attack method.

Yeah, but I usually don't like the TPS attack method all that much (except in Tomb Raider maybe, but those aren't really TPS games anyway). Also, I don't like the cover mechanic that's invaded the shooter genre. I'm a remnant from a bygone era where you didn't cover, you just went in, all guns blazing, and killed everything in sight. I miss 90s FPS games :(


tzare said:
well, obviously GOW3 is a visual achievement as was uncharted2 so it is somehow 'logical' that it will eventually appear at some point XD

If the next best looking PC game came out, guess which game it would get compared to???


That guy that dislikes U2 should shut up to begin with. Its not our fault he didnt play the GOTY last year. Did he miss all the awards it got??? Gee I wonder why its so well spoken of and is compared to top notch PS3 exclusives. *rollseyes*

Also you dont have to like TPS you appreciate the amount of shit ND pulled off. Its the best game showcasing PS3's power. GOW3 will obviously get compared to it since it appears it will top even U2...how is U2 irrelevant again?

PS: Expect KZ3(or any big PS3 exclusive) to get compared to KZ2/GOW3/U2.


Gold Member
Cruzader said:

If the next best looking PC game came out, guess which game it would get compared to???


That guy that dislikes U2 should shut up to begin with. Its not our fault he didnt play the GOTY last year. Did he miss all the awards it got??? Gee I wonder why its so well spoken of and is compared to top notch PS3 exclusives. *rollseyes*

Also you dont have to like TPS you appreciate the amount of shit ND pulled off. Its the best game showcasing PS3's power. GOW3 will obviously get compared to it since it appears it will top even U2...how is U2 irrelevant again?

PS: Expect KZ3(or any big PS3 exclusive) to get compared to KZ2/GOW3/U2.

This really isn't news either...this has been happening with big, new game releases since ????


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
Cruzader said:
That guy that dislikes U2 should shut up to begin with. Its not our fault he didnt play the GOTY last year. Did he miss all the awards it got??? Gee I wonder why its so well spoken of and is compared to top notch PS3 exclusives. *rollseyes*

Also you dont have to like TPS you appreciate the amount of shit ND pulled off. Its the best game showcasing PS3's power. GOW3 will obviously get compared to it since it appears it will top even U2...how is U2 irrelevant again?

..wait. Where did I say UC2 is irrelevant? :lol It's a technical showcase, and a definite proof of Naughty Dog being amazing developers. But I didn't like the Uncharted demos at all. I don't care about the games at all. I'm glad UC2 won a lot of awards, ND deserves them (although they haven't made anything of interest to me since the first J&D game) for what they've managed to pull off on the PS3, but I don't play games based on the number of awards they get, but on whether they interest me or not. And the UC games simply don't interest me.


well not really...yet
Hmmm, the limited edition strategy guide apparently has 48 pages of concept artwork that they say isn't featured in the Ultimate Edition artbook.


Dead said:
Hmmm, the limited edition strategy guide apparently has 48 pages of concept artwork that they say isn't featured in the Ultimate Edition artbook.

Unless it's a bunch of crayon doodles made by the nephew of one of the Santa Monica artists who did his sister a baby-sitting favour and took the little one to the studios for the day and let him run riot in the art department, then I find that quite ridiculous considering that I'm paying £100+ for a so-called Ultimate edition. Surely that's what should contain the 48 extra pages, and not the strategy guide.


Skilletor said:
Nothing at all. I think there is something wrong with people that have to obsessively bring up another title in threads that have nothing to do with that other title. I have no interest in Uncharted. Would prefer to not see Uncharted gifs and screens, which is why I avoid threads about Uncharted. The problem with gaf is that, eventually, every thread is about Uncharted.

It's the gold standard of console gaming right now graphics-wise, and most people think it's the gold standard for this generation as an all around game. It's unsurprising that it comes up frequently, as things will constantly be compared to it graphically and people enjoyed the experience so much that they can't stop talking about it. If you're going to be a curmudgeon about the whole thing, then that's an issue with you and not an issue with everyone else. Topics can never exist in isolation.


Kyoufu said:
Maybe, just maybe, TPS games aren't his cup of tea?

Alien concept, I know.



Combichristoffersen said:
..wait. Where did I say UC2 is irrelevant? :lol It's a technical showcase, and a definite proof of Naughty Dog being amazing developers. But I didn't like the Uncharted demos at all. I don't care about the games at all. I'm glad UC2 won a lot of awards, ND deserves them (although they haven't made anything of interest to me since the first J&D game) for what they've managed to pull off on the PS3, but I don't play games based on the number of awards they get, but on whether they interest me or not. And the UC games simply don't interest me.
I think I was talking about that other fool. Not you. The one that said "why is U2 on every PS3 exclusive thread".

Anyhow I wont give in. You have to pay me first!
Truespeed said:
As for the following comment:
text=4110428, data=1305720, bss=1362156
I think he's indicating that they stayed within the local memory limits of the SPU's, and thus, no overlays were needed.
No, that's the makeup of the executable file. IIRC text = actual code, data = static data, bss = static data that's all initialised to 0.

The no overlays comment is in regard to no extra code being swapped in and out from disc. That's the whole executable. I'm not sure where the SPU code is in there though. Probably in the data segment, since the PPU doesn't execute it directly.


CrayzeeCarl said:
Going through his older posts has been comical.

(The linked site is a GDC talk called "How to Innovate in the Land of Clones") :lol

And this one:

He's a real charmer. :lol


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
Cruzader said:
I think I was talking about that other fool. Not you. The one that said "why is U2 on every PS3 exclusive thread".

Anyhow I wont give in. You have to pay me first!

Ah, OK. My bad :lol I do kind of agree with him though. Uncharted 2 seems to appear in every goddamn thread, even if the thread doesn't even deal with PS3 exclusives.


Cruzader said:
I think I was talking about that other fool. Not you. The one that said "why is U2 on every PS3 exclusive thread".

Anyhow I wont give in. You have to pay me first!

Me? I never said it was irrelevant. I just don't understand why i should be submitted to people wanking over its graphics in every thread from Final Fantasy to God of War. It isn't just ps3 exclusives it gets lobbied about in. As soon as graphics come up, here come Uncharted gifs. I don't see why WHAT HAS THE BEST GRAPHICS!!! matters. I couldn't care less. It's not like I have to choose between these games that look great. I can enjoy them all, if I want. I just don't want to play Uncharted. Not my cup of tea. Thanks.


Just played the demo. Godddamn it's almost embarrassing how much better it is than Dante's Inferno. Visceral Games' DI team obliterated, pretenders am cry.


Raistlin said:
Is there anywhere to even get the ultimate edition anymore?

Best Buy? I was in a BB store last night and they had cover mock-ups letting you preorder the ultimate edition.


Skilletor said:
Me? I never said it was irrelevant. I just don't understand why i should be submitted to people wanking over its graphics in every thread from Final Fantasy to God of War. It isn't just ps3 exclusives it gets lobbied about in. As soon as graphics come up, here come Uncharted gifs. I don't see why WHAT HAS THE BEST GRAPHICS!!! matters. I couldn't care less. It's not like I have to choose between these games that look great. I can enjoy them all, if I want. I just don't want to play Uncharted. Not my cup of tea. Thanks.

Well I do care what has the best graphics since only AAA PS3 game devs keep doing that..surpassing each other which is crazy. This doesnt happen in any other console atm so thats why you dont see it too often with MS games nor Wii games threads.

Im interested to know if GOW3 has surpassed U2. If you have played the game or know about it in general, you might think thats impossible. So for a few ppls like me, I like to know the details. Sadly I dont want to go to the GTTV thread and see for myself, so I and the rest stay out of it but remain curious. Thats why someone asked if indeed GOW3 surpassed U2 in here.

Anyhow you are making a big deal out of someone posting some pics of U2. Show me a link that has a bunch of U2 gifs from this thread. Right, you are going with the "hivemind" mentality that certain GAF members like to place onto others. "Oh look at these fanboys posting all their Uncharted 2 gifs!!11!!11" when in reality its just like 2 users discussing if the train scene looked good or something.


RedRedSuit said:
That is seriously the worst TV show I have ever seen. Honestly. I can't think of a worse one. :lol

It's not bad at all, it's gets better with each episode. It's pretty fun. I can think of plenty worse shit than Spartacus.


Skilletor said:
Why can't I read a thread without Uncharted being mentioned? I have never played the game nor do I care to, and yet I am constantly in threads where pics and arguments arise because of it. It's pretty stupid.

yeah..that's because its the best game of this generation..and pretty much everything else looks up to it.


time to take my meds
10+ hours? I thought it would be more. IIRC GOW2 took me 13-14. GOW1 took me 7-8 first play through.

ah well. I think what gets me the most, is when they did the GOW2 footage back to back to the GOW3 gameplay (showing atlus in gow2 to showing chronos in god of war 3). the difference is insane. :D
Bad_Boy said:
what does that even mean? 30 hours is more than 10. hmm..so is 100 hours.

10 average? :/

10 hours average for hardcore players (or easier difficulty). Average of 12 to 14 hours for casuals (or more depending on difficulty and the amount of times you die, excluding any challenge modes and whatnot).


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
God of War 2 took me just under a day to finish on hard. I was stuck on that fucking spiral ramp-that-never-ends part for an entire afternoon. :lol
After watching that GTTV footage I will make this topic my new home. I've never wanted to play a game so badly before, this is just insane to me.



Bad_Boy said:
what does that even mean? 30 hours is more than 10. hmm..so is 100 hours.

10 average? :/

First of all.....did you just post a spoilery scene from GOW3? If so, you suck.

Second, 10+ could mean 13-14 hours so you shouldnt be complaining right now. It could be anything.


inpHilltr8r said:
No, that's the makeup of the executable file. IIRC text = actual code, data = static data, bss = static data that's all initialised to 0.

The no overlays comment is in regard to no extra code being swapped in and out from disc. That's the whole executable. I'm not sure where the SPU code is in there though. Probably in the data segment, since the PPU doesn't execute it directly.

Thanks for the clarification. I thought it was referring to the makeup of the executable also, but the numbers came out to about 6.5MB - exceeding the stated executable size of 5.3MB. Although, the elimination of either the data or bss from the mix would equate roughly to the proper size of the exe.


time to take my meds
Cruzader said:
First of all.....did you just post a spoilery scene from GOW3? If so, you suck.
Nope. I meant GTTV showed god of war 2, and then some GOW3. no spoilers, unless you thought Chronos wouldnt be in GOW3. :p

Cruzader said:
, 10+ could mean 13-14 hours so you shouldnt be complaining right now. It could be anything.
True, I guess that + sign just bugs me. :/


Neo Member
Still havent watched it......damn I am so close to caving though:lol

I come to GAF every hour of every day either at home or my phone waiting for new God of War III news. Now its here and I wont watch it.....WTF is wrong with me!?


time to take my meds
skee said:
Still havent watched it......damn I am so close to caving though:lol

I come to GAF every hour of every day either at home or my phone waiting for new God of War III news. Now its here and I wont watch it.....WTF is wrong with me!?
Nothing, honestly i think you're doing yourself a favor. I personally think they showed too much.
Truespeed said:
Thanks for the clarification. I thought it was referring to the makeup of the executable also, but the numbers came out to about 6.5MB - exceeding the stated executable size of 5.3MB. Although, the elimination of either the data or bss from the mix would equate roughly to the proper size of the exe.
Yeah, you can eliminate bss from the elf size, because it just contains zeros. So you only need to store how large it is.



Wait it is only 10 hours long. I thought this was going to be Resident Evil 4 length. 12-15 hours is a good length. 8-10 hours is bad.


I'm not worried about the length of GOW3.

Given how I'll end up replaying the game at least once as well as the challenges to beat, I'm sure I'll be getting my moneys worth :p

Game lengths will obviously vary from person to person anyway. I once managed to complete Uncharted 1 in 5 hours. Does that mean its a 5 hour game? Of course not!
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