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God Of War 3 Has Gone Gold - Lots of Reviews Out Already


Still Alive
Did anyone record the show? Hope I see it on YouTube since I really don't want to wait till tomorrow night to see it on GT.com :/...

Kimosabae said:
Okay, NOW it's blackout time.
...too late :lol


The gifs, oh gods, the gifs that will be created and drooled over for the next two weeks because of the HD footage we were just shown.

Good way to good to bed. :)


Epic win.
Bad_Boy said:
I thought he said beginning of the game. But I could be wrong. either way, i saw way too much. 3 more weeks. :O

Geoff said "Near the end of this game there's going to be this one moment that I think everyone is going to be talking about after they've played this game".


time to take my meds
X-Burner said:
Any Impressions? :lol
yeah sure...

"uhdlihfdpohdwhatdidiseefh hdouhdsohdswhaaaatthefuckeromgbbqfingernail"

yeahupp....pretty much sums it up.

SolidSnakex said:
Geoff said "Near the end of this game there's going to be this one moment that I think everyone is going to be talking about after they've played this game".
standing corrected.
Yoboman said:
So is this topic going to be flooded with gifs? Cause I would like to read impressions without seeing it

I'll create a separate topic once the episode is posted. That thread will be the one you want to avoid if you don't want to see GIF's. Because there will be many. :p


Kagari said:
Definitely excited now. :O The finger nail thing was a bit gross though.

The only thing that gross me out was the POV shot of Kratos shoving his thumbs into that guy's eyes.

Anyway, the game looks spectacular. I hope theres alot more diversity in the weapons though. The Hades's sickles look cool, and those green weapons look interesting, but they seem too similar to the Blades of Chaos/Athena.

The Hermes boots look amazing though. :D


Good Lord I just.....I just.....I don't even know what to say. I watched it on Spike just now and...Jesus Christ...I can't.... I.....


Veritigo_X said:
There was a sign in the background that said Play Create Share, so I think they're going to try and market it as that.
Its a genre. LBP, modnation and now joe danger :lol :lol

Triple U

Truespeed said:
Anyone thinking of LBP while watching the Joe Danger promo?
Yea im pretty sure thats the whole idea. I did see create.share in the backround which is the whole genre sony has for those type games.


Was the opening boss (Hydra for GoW and Colossus for GoW2) of the game revealed in the episode? That's probably the one sequence of gameplay that I don't want spoiled before I play the game.


y'all should be ashamed
Cerberus said:
Was the opening boss (Hydra for GoW and Colossus for GoW2) of the game revealed in the episode? That's probably the one sequence of gameplay that I don't want spoiled before I play the game.
There were two or three bosses revealed, though we saw them in the last trailer and I don't know which ones are going to be first.

Ploid 3.0

Kratos is going out in style. I'm still a bit shocked of what I saw. I mean I played the demo but this seemed different. Maybe if the demo had big organic motions going on all around the player like this trailer. Things are bubbling, moving, spazzing out, and looks alive with it's animation. It looks very interesting.


Cerberus said:
Was the opening boss (Hydra for GoW and Colossus for GoW2) of the game revealed in the episode? That's probably the one sequence of gameplay that I don't want spoiled before I play the game.

It's been seen before tonight.


Distinguished Air Superiority
OK impressions time:

- You like Uncharted 2's graphics? Yeah, GOW3 kills it.
- Worried about the demo's frame rate? Yeah, GOW3 is as smooth as Kratos' bald head.

You know how people show you a target render of what a game looks like, and it rarely ever achieves that goal? Watching this show, GOW3 really does beat their first trailer (which most people thought couldnt really be done) to a bloody pulp.

The motion blur really makes it feel like you're watching CG. Ugh, you know what, just watch it. I'm watching it again as i type. :lol SO GOOD.
Cerberus said:
Was the opening boss (Hydra for GoW and Colossus for GoW2) of the game revealed in the episode? That's probably the one sequence of gameplay that I don't want spoiled before I play the game.

Opening boss was indeed revealed... but you already know what it is if you have seen the previous trailers. From the looks of it, the previous trailers only included the first segment of the game as they showed so many new levels in this one, yet they said they haven't revealed anything.


Is anyone else have PSN problems trying to download the demo? I keep getting a DNS error trying to sign in, yet clearly my internet connection is fine. I wonder if the network is buckling under the weight of Gaia.


Truespeed said:
That's pretty amazing. I don't think I've ever heard of such a lop sided code vs data comparison. Of the 35GB, of the God of War III BD content, .014% of it is code and the other 99.986% is data. The extremely small size of the executable also tells you that they probably used more assembly then C. The game was definitely coded right to the metal.

As for the following comment:

I think he's indicating that they stayed within the local memory limits of the SPU's, and thus, no overlays were needed.
All I've got to say is God bless the chips.



Still Alive
Schrade said:

*spoilers* http://i45.tinypic.com/25r2r0x.gif[IMG] *spoilers*

Taking GIF requests. Point out something you want GIFfed and I'll try to find it and make one.[/QUOTE]
Wow, I just kissed my swollen thumb. Fuck gifs, give me the full video! :D

[QUOTE=TONX]Ugh, you know what, just watch it. I'm watching it again as i type. :lol[/QUOTE]
You can't say that without a link.


Schrade said:

Taking GIF requests. Point out something you want GIFfed and I'll try to find it and make one.
should wait for the other thread... dont want to spoil the people on black out.
Schrade said:


Taking GIF requests. Point out something you want GIFfed and I'll try to find it and make one.

I knew it wouldn't be long until someone made a gif of that. A lot sooner than I expected.


Schrade said:


Taking GIF requests. Point out something you want GIFfed and I'll try to find it and make one.[/QUOTE]
how about the video itself that you making these gifs from? :|

edit: nvm, i could see the ethical(and possibly legal) problems with that
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