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God Of War 3 Has Gone Gold - Lots of Reviews Out Already


Generic said:
GoW fans will forever confound me. I get that people love the franchise, love Kratos, but the level of drooling that's going on about...well, anything pertaining to this franchise is ridiculous. After seeing the semi full Poseidon battle and everyone drooling over it, I seriously have to point out why it sucks, just like most of GoW's boss battles.

1:39: Okay, I cannot judge this too harshly, because I have no played the game and this is battle is clearly cut to an extent. However, just look at the positioning here. Poseidon has 2 crab things latched on to either side of Gaia's head. He has AT LEAST 3 more of them, and he has his own body, trident, and electrical powers. And what does he do with them? Nothing. You can see 2 of the crab things just chilling in the back, doing absolutely nothing, and Poseidon himself is just watching Kratos as he turns his back on him to deal with the crab legs on the side. This is the number one reason why GoW's bosses were weak, Why GoW2's bosses were weak, and why GoW3's bosses appear to be weak as well. They hardly every feel as if they are trying to kill you, and thus never provide you with a real challenge. What should be happening is that Poseidon should be attacking Kratos with everything he has. Rather than waiting for an interval of 5 seconds or so between attacks, he should be jabbing repeatedly. I mean, even if he misses, he's still hurting Gaia. And have the other tentacle things do SOMETHING, if they're not going to attack kratos, don't just have them standing there.

1:54: Do you know why Kratos managed to knock you out? Because you were literally standing there, doing nothing while he approached. Again, this makes the bosses feel absolutely pathetic because they stand there doing nothing for periods of time. Also, I don't really remember GoW1's bosses as well as GoW2's, but nearly all of GoW2's has only 2-3 attacks per stage. I cannot comment on this as it's clearly cut video, showing only 3 kinds of attacks (Trident Strike, Trident lightning strike, and Crab tentacle strike), but if the bosses still only use 2-3 attacks per stage, I will be disappointed.

2:28: A minor point, but is there any particular reason he can't immediately get more rocks to protect his weak point? I mean, they ARE all around him.

2:34: You know what would be a better use for that tentacle? Killing Kratos so that you don't have to worry about him, then taking out gaia, who is clearly the more passive in this fight.

2:53: Why? Why is he hit with that once, then pull back? Why not just keep rapidly hitting the rest of her head?

3:04-3:25: WTF IS THIS SHIT?! Maybe there were some cuts here, but it really doesn't look like it. Someone explain this to me. Gaia pulls back to punch. Her punch is stopped by Crab tentacle thing. Then 3 more crab tentacles bite the rest of the way up her arm. Then...they pull back? And just hang there? Look, they're not even in the middle of pulling back or anything, because you can see they literally wait right in that position for kratos to swing on. What, was Poseidon actively helping Kratos win here? Why would this happen? I don't understand why this would occur for any reason.

3: 32: I will admit....that is fucking awesome.

3:42: Okay, here I will admit I'm diving into the realm of nitpicking, and it might not even be fore anything because there was a sequence skipped, but why can't Poseidon fight? All I ever hurt were rocks, water crab tentacles, and his body was physically connected to none of it. I hope we actually get to fight him normal sized, as boss fights are typically best when they're fought on even ground.

Conclusion: The boss fight looks stupid as fuck. They keep trying to make it as stupidly epic as possible that they neglect gameplay. In the end, Poseidon looks like he's never even trying, and the boss battle ends up being stupidly easy because posiedon ends up making openings that should never happen. The best boss fights, I feel, are the ones where both opponents are throwing everything they have at each other, both in the story sense and the gameplay, where it truly feels that you are fighting someone that really wants you dead. Nevermind bosses, the one enemies I ever felt that were truly giving it all were the satyrs. I realize that god of war is more about Scale and adventure than it is about the action and gameplay, and I'm honestly trying not to rain on anyone's parade, but it just amazes me that people can have SUCH a hard on for what is, given what we've seen so far, probably going to be a very weak boss fight.

And for the record, of what we've seen, Helios and Kronos were even worse.



Generic said:
GoW fans will forever confound me. I get that people love the franchise, love Kratos, but the level of drooling that's going on about...well, anything pertaining to this franchise is ridiculous. After seeing the semi full Poseidon battle and everyone drooling over it, I seriously have to point out why it sucks, just like most of GoW's boss battles.

1:39: Okay, I cannot judge this too harshly, because I have no played the game and this is battle is clearly cut to an extent. However, just look at the positioning here. Poseidon has 2 crab things latched on to either side of Gaia's head. He has AT LEAST 3 more of them, and he has his own body, trident, and electrical powers. And what does he do with them? Nothing. You can see 2 of the crab things just chilling in the back, doing absolutely nothing, and Poseidon himself is just watching Kratos as he turns his back on him to deal with the crab legs on the side. This is the number one reason why GoW's bosses were weak, Why GoW2's bosses were weak, and why GoW3's bosses appear to be weak as well. They hardly every feel as if they are trying to kill you, and thus never provide you with a real challenge. What should be happening is that Poseidon should be attacking Kratos with everything he has. Rather than waiting for an interval of 5 seconds or so between attacks, he should be jabbing repeatedly. I mean, even if he misses, he's still hurting Gaia. And have the other tentacle things do SOMETHING, if they're not going to attack kratos, don't just have them standing there.

1:54: Do you know why Kratos managed to knock you out? Because you were literally standing there, doing nothing while he approached. Again, this makes the bosses feel absolutely pathetic because they stand there doing nothing for periods of time. Also, I don't really remember GoW1's bosses as well as GoW2's, but nearly all of GoW2's has only 2-3 attacks per stage. I cannot comment on this as it's clearly cut video, showing only 3 kinds of attacks (Trident Strike, Trident lightning strike, and Crab tentacle strike), but if the bosses still only use 2-3 attacks per stage, I will be disappointed.

2:28: A minor point, but is there any particular reason he can't immediately get more rocks to protect his weak point? I mean, they ARE all around him.

2:34: You know what would be a better use for that tentacle? Killing Kratos so that you don't have to worry about him, then taking out gaia, who is clearly the more passive in this fight.

2:53: Why? Why is he hit with that once, then pull back? Why not just keep rapidly hitting the rest of her head?

3:04-3:25: WTF IS THIS SHIT?! Maybe there were some cuts here, but it really doesn't look like it. Someone explain this to me. Gaia pulls back to punch. Her punch is stopped by Crab tentacle thing. Then 3 more crab tentacles bite the rest of the way up her arm. Then...they pull back? And just hang there? Look, they're not even in the middle of pulling back or anything, because you can see they literally wait right in that position for kratos to swing on. What, was Poseidon actively helping Kratos win here? Why would this happen? I don't understand why this would occur for any reason.

3: 32: I will admit....that is fucking awesome.

3:42: Okay, here I will admit I'm diving into the realm of nitpicking, and it might not even be fore anything because there was a sequence skipped, but why can't Poseidon fight? All I ever hurt were rocks, water crab tentacles, and his body was physically connected to none of it. I hope we actually get to fight him normal sized, as boss fights are typically best when they're fought on even ground.

Conclusion: The boss fight looks stupid as fuck. They keep trying to make it as stupidly epic as possible that they neglect gameplay. In the end, Poseidon looks like he's never even trying, and the boss battle ends up being stupidly easy because posiedon ends up making openings that should never happen. The best boss fights, I feel, are the ones where both opponents are throwing everything they have at each other, both in the story sense and the gameplay, where it truly feels that you are fighting someone that really wants you dead. Nevermind bosses, the one enemies I ever felt that were truly giving it all were the satyrs. I realize that god of war is more about Scale and adventure than it is about the action and gameplay, and I'm honestly trying not to rain on anyone's parade, but it just amazes me that people can have SUCH a hard on for what is, given what we've seen so far, probably going to be a very weak boss fight.

And for the record, of what we've seen, Helios and Kronos were even worse.
I respectfully disagree with your position.

Edit: Actually


gundamkyoukai said:
Vergil was a joke , I understand what your saying but it's still stupid .Vergil was trying to kill me all the time by doing the same attacks over and over which made him rather easy to beat .

A boss in 1 on 1 fight doing the same moves over and over is no better than whats happening in GOW at least in GOW in feels more epic .

Of course, it is impossible to for a game to actually stop being a game, it's not like Vergil can actually come up with new movies himself, but the point is that I felt that Vergil was trying. And while he was reasonably easy (though I wouldn't say he was so easy he was a joke) the first fight, he was a much greater challenge in the later fights. The point is though, he just never stopped giving it his all. I never feel the bosses in GoW are trying, and they always have painfully simplistic attacks, always maybe 2-3 attacks at any given time. Zeus was the only exception in GoW2, with 5 attacks, and I think maybe the sister of time, but otherwise, all bosses had 2 attacks. I don't remember how many vergil had, but I remember katana stinger, orb slash, 2 hit slash and a teleport attack. That's 4. That's already more complex than all of GoW2's bosses (save zeus and maybe the sister of fate). And as you said, he is a 'joke', so what does that make most of the GoW bosses? Edit: I just remembered, he has those blades that shoot out. 5 attacks. One of DMC's simplest enemies is as complex as GoW's most complex enemy.

Callibretto said:
God of War have both type of boss battles. the big epic giant boss, and human sized boss battle as well. they both serve different purpose. one for the set pieces and the other one for the actual challenge.

that said, giant boss in action game are always designed like that, with plenty of opening by the giant boss. DMC4 final boss, Ninja Gaiden Sigma Buddha and Liberty statue, big boss in Bayonetta demo. basically, even though they're giant, they only use a couple of attack pattern, recognizing the pattern got easy, unless the dev choose to make the attack very cheap and hard to dodge the fight is usually not that challenging.

I see what your saying, but GoW bosses always feel like that to me, even the normal human sized ones. But I agree, even the best action games, like bayonetta, make giant enemies retarded. However, I think NGB did it reasonably well. I haven't played in ages, but the Giant Troll monsters were only slightly slower than normal enemies, and I remember the Skeleton pterodactyl monster feeling as if it were trying to kill me. But it also had the skeleton bone monster who was only attacked via flying bones, arm and tail, all easy to see coming and that dragon that for some reason refused to thrash around the lair, which would have probably killed me. Still, I think it's possible, it's just difficult finding a balance that makes giant enemies both capable and vulnerable, but I feel that balance must be found because otherwise they are either cheap or REALLY pathetic.

It's just honestly how I feel. GoW never felt badass to me as it does to you because everything was always so simplified and enemies never felt like they were actaully trying. I'm sorry if you disagree with my position, but if you do so, I have no problem with you simply ignoring me, though I'd rather have you reply in an intelligent manner. I enjoy civil debates and discussions, and there is nothing wrong with differing opinions. But if you really feel the need to insult me for it, atleast do so with some ingenuity, for fucks sake. These gifs are older than the internet, and simple "fuck you"s are baby stuff. I waited for months to be accepted into gaf, and this is the best you have to offer? Come on.


Generic said:
GoW fans will forever confound me. I get that people love the franchise, love Kratos, but the level of drooling that's going on about...well, anything pertaining to this franchise is ridiculous. After seeing the semi full Poseidon battle and everyone drooling over it, I seriously have to point out why it sucks, just like most of GoW's boss battles.

1:39: Okay, I cannot judge this too harshly, because I have no played the game and this is battle is clearly cut to an extent. However, just look at the positioning here. Poseidon has 2 crab things latched on to either side of Gaia's head. He has AT LEAST 3 more of them, and he has his own body, trident, and electrical powers. And what does he do with them? Nothing. You can see 2 of the crab things just chilling in the back, doing absolutely nothing, and Poseidon himself is just watching Kratos as he turns his back on him to deal with the crab legs on the side. This is the number one reason why GoW's bosses were weak, Why GoW2's bosses were weak, and why GoW3's bosses appear to be weak as well. They hardly every feel as if they are trying to kill you, and thus never provide you with a real challenge. What should be happening is that Poseidon should be attacking Kratos with everything he has. Rather than waiting for an interval of 5 seconds or so between attacks, he should be jabbing repeatedly. I mean, even if he misses, he's still hurting Gaia. And have the other tentacle things do SOMETHING, if they're not going to attack kratos, don't just have them standing there.

1:54: Do you know why Kratos managed to knock you out? Because you were literally standing there, doing nothing while he approached. Again, this makes the bosses feel absolutely pathetic because they stand there doing nothing for periods of time. Also, I don't really remember GoW1's bosses as well as GoW2's, but nearly all of GoW2's has only 2-3 attacks per stage. I cannot comment on this as it's clearly cut video, showing only 3 kinds of attacks (Trident Strike, Trident lightning strike, and Crab tentacle strike), but if the bosses still only use 2-3 attacks per stage, I will be disappointed.

2:28: A minor point, but is there any particular reason he can't immediately get more rocks to protect his weak point? I mean, they ARE all around him.

2:34: You know what would be a better use for that tentacle? Killing Kratos so that you don't have to worry about him, then taking out gaia, who is clearly the more passive in this fight.

2:53: Why? Why is he hit with that once, then pull back? Why not just keep rapidly hitting the rest of her head?

3:04-3:25: WTF IS THIS SHIT?! Maybe there were some cuts here, but it really doesn't look like it. Someone explain this to me. Gaia pulls back to punch. Her punch is stopped by Crab tentacle thing. Then 3 more crab tentacles bite the rest of the way up her arm. Then...they pull back? And just hang there? Look, they're not even in the middle of pulling back or anything, because you can see they literally wait right in that position for kratos to swing on. What, was Poseidon actively helping Kratos win here? Why would this happen? I don't understand why this would occur for any reason.

3: 32: I will admit....that is fucking awesome.

3:42: Okay, here I will admit I'm diving into the realm of nitpicking, and it might not even be fore anything because there was a sequence skipped, but why can't Poseidon fight? All I ever hurt were rocks, water crab tentacles, and his body was physically connected to none of it. I hope we actually get to fight him normal sized, as boss fights are typically best when they're fought on even ground.

Conclusion: The boss fight looks stupid as fuck. They keep trying to make it as stupidly epic as possible that they neglect gameplay. In the end, Poseidon looks like he's never even trying, and the boss battle ends up being stupidly easy because posiedon ends up making openings that should never happen. The best boss fights, I feel, are the ones where both opponents are throwing everything they have at each other, both in the story sense and the gameplay, where it truly feels that you are fighting someone that really wants you dead. Nevermind bosses, the one enemies I ever felt that were truly giving it all were the satyrs. I realize that god of war is more about Scale and adventure than it is about the action and gameplay, and I'm honestly trying not to rain on anyone's parade, but it just amazes me that people can have SUCH a hard on for what is, given what we've seen so far, probably going to be a very weak boss fight.

And for the record, of what we've seen, Helios and Kronos were even worse.
play it on hard mode?


Generic said:
GoW fans will forever confound me. I get that people love the franchise, love Kratos, but the level of drooling that's going on about...well, anything pertaining to this franchise is ridiculous. After seeing the semi full Poseidon battle and everyone drooling over it, I seriously have to point out why it sucks, just like most of GoW's boss battles.

1:39: Okay, I cannot judge this too harshly, because I have no played the game and this is battle is clearly cut to an extent. However, just look at the positioning here. Poseidon has 2 crab things latched on to either side of Gaia's head. He has AT LEAST 3 more of them, and he has his own body, trident, and electrical powers. And what does he do with them? Nothing. You can see 2 of the crab things just chilling in the back, doing absolutely nothing, and Poseidon himself is just watching Kratos as he turns his back on him to deal with the crab legs on the side. This is the number one reason why GoW's bosses were weak, Why GoW2's bosses were weak, and why GoW3's bosses appear to be weak as well. They hardly every feel as if they are trying to kill you, and thus never provide you with a real challenge. What should be happening is that Poseidon should be attacking Kratos with everything he has. Rather than waiting for an interval of 5 seconds or so between attacks, he should be jabbing repeatedly. I mean, even if he misses, he's still hurting Gaia. And have the other tentacle things do SOMETHING, if they're not going to attack kratos, don't just have them standing there.

1:54: Do you know why Kratos managed to knock you out? Because you were literally standing there, doing nothing while he approached. Again, this makes the bosses feel absolutely pathetic because they stand there doing nothing for periods of time. Also, I don't really remember GoW1's bosses as well as GoW2's, but nearly all of GoW2's has only 2-3 attacks per stage. I cannot comment on this as it's clearly cut video, showing only 3 kinds of attacks (Trident Strike, Trident lightning strike, and Crab tentacle strike), but if the bosses still only use 2-3 attacks per stage, I will be disappointed.

2:28: A minor point, but is there any particular reason he can't immediately get more rocks to protect his weak point? I mean, they ARE all around him.

2:34: You know what would be a better use for that tentacle? Killing Kratos so that you don't have to worry about him, then taking out gaia, who is clearly the more passive in this fight.

2:53: Why? Why is he hit with that once, then pull back? Why not just keep rapidly hitting the rest of her head?

3:04-3:25: WTF IS THIS SHIT?! Maybe there were some cuts here, but it really doesn't look like it. Someone explain this to me. Gaia pulls back to punch. Her punch is stopped by Crab tentacle thing. Then 3 more crab tentacles bite the rest of the way up her arm. Then...they pull back? And just hang there? Look, they're not even in the middle of pulling back or anything, because you can see they literally wait right in that position for kratos to swing on. What, was Poseidon actively helping Kratos win here? Why would this happen? I don't understand why this would occur for any reason.

3: 32: I will admit....that is fucking awesome.

3:42: Okay, here I will admit I'm diving into the realm of nitpicking, and it might not even be fore anything because there was a sequence skipped, but why can't Poseidon fight? All I ever hurt were rocks, water crab tentacles, and his body was physically connected to none of it. I hope we actually get to fight him normal sized, as boss fights are typically best when they're fought on even ground.

Conclusion: The boss fight looks stupid as fuck. They keep trying to make it as stupidly epic as possible that they neglect gameplay. In the end, Poseidon looks like he's never even trying, and the boss battle ends up being stupidly easy because posiedon ends up making openings that should never happen. The best boss fights, I feel, are the ones where both opponents are throwing everything they have at each other, both in the story sense and the gameplay, where it truly feels that you are fighting someone that really wants you dead. Nevermind bosses, the one enemies I ever felt that were truly giving it all were the satyrs. I realize that god of war is more about Scale and adventure than it is about the action and gameplay, and I'm honestly trying not to rain on anyone's parade, but it just amazes me that people can have SUCH a hard on for what is, given what we've seen so far, probably going to be a very weak boss fight.

And for the record, of what we've seen, Helios and Kronos were even worse.
Fuck You


Generic said:
GoW fans will forever confound me. I get that people love the franchise, love Kratos, but the level of drooling that's going on about...well, anything pertaining to this franchise is ridiculous. After seeing the semi full Poseidon battle and everyone drooling over it, I seriously have to point out why it sucks, just like most of GoW's boss battles.

1:39: Okay, I cannot judge this too harshly, because I have no played the game and this is battle is clearly cut to an extent. However, just look at the positioning here. Poseidon has 2 crab things latched on to either side of Gaia's head. He has AT LEAST 3 more of them, and he has his own body, trident, and electrical powers. And what does he do with them? Nothing. You can see 2 of the crab things just chilling in the back, doing absolutely nothing, and Poseidon himself is just watching Kratos as he turns his back on him to deal with the crab legs on the side. This is the number one reason why GoW's bosses were weak, Why GoW2's bosses were weak, and why GoW3's bosses appear to be weak as well. They hardly every feel as if they are trying to kill you, and thus never provide you with a real challenge. What should be happening is that Poseidon should be attacking Kratos with everything he has. Rather than waiting for an interval of 5 seconds or so between attacks, he should be jabbing repeatedly. I mean, even if he misses, he's still hurting Gaia. And have the other tentacle things do SOMETHING, if they're not going to attack kratos, don't just have them standing there.

1:54: Do you know why Kratos managed to knock you out? Because you were literally standing there, doing nothing while he approached. Again, this makes the bosses feel absolutely pathetic because they stand there doing nothing for periods of time. Also, I don't really remember GoW1's bosses as well as GoW2's, but nearly all of GoW2's has only 2-3 attacks per stage. I cannot comment on this as it's clearly cut video, showing only 3 kinds of attacks (Trident Strike, Trident lightning strike, and Crab tentacle strike), but if the bosses still only use 2-3 attacks per stage, I will be disappointed.

2:28: A minor point, but is there any particular reason he can't immediately get more rocks to protect his weak point? I mean, they ARE all around him.

2:34: You know what would be a better use for that tentacle? Killing Kratos so that you don't have to worry about him, then taking out gaia, who is clearly the more passive in this fight.

2:53: Why? Why is he hit with that once, then pull back? Why not just keep rapidly hitting the rest of her head?

3:04-3:25: WTF IS THIS SHIT?! Maybe there were some cuts here, but it really doesn't look like it. Someone explain this to me. Gaia pulls back to punch. Her punch is stopped by Crab tentacle thing. Then 3 more crab tentacles bite the rest of the way up her arm. Then...they pull back? And just hang there? Look, they're not even in the middle of pulling back or anything, because you can see they literally wait right in that position for kratos to swing on. What, was Poseidon actively helping Kratos win here? Why would this happen? I don't understand why this would occur for any reason.

3: 32: I will admit....that is fucking awesome.

3:42: Okay, here I will admit I'm diving into the realm of nitpicking, and it might not even be fore anything because there was a sequence skipped, but why can't Poseidon fight? All I ever hurt were rocks, water crab tentacles, and his body was physically connected to none of it. I hope we actually get to fight him normal sized, as boss fights are typically best when they're fought on even ground.

Conclusion: The boss fight looks stupid as fuck. They keep trying to make it as stupidly epic as possible that they neglect gameplay. In the end, Poseidon looks like he's never even trying, and the boss battle ends up being stupidly easy because posiedon ends up making openings that should never happen. The best boss fights, I feel, are the ones where both opponents are throwing everything they have at each other, both in the story sense and the gameplay, where it truly feels that you are fighting someone that really wants you dead. Nevermind bosses, the one enemies I ever felt that were truly giving it all were the satyrs. I realize that god of war is more about Scale and adventure than it is about the action and gameplay, and I'm honestly trying not to rain on anyone's parade, but it just amazes me that people can have SUCH a hard on for what is, given what we've seen so far, probably going to be a very weak boss fight.

And for the record, of what we've seen, Helios and Kronos were even worse.

go play more wii fit

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
-viper- said:
play it on hard mode?

Seriously..my first run of GoW1 was on hard and I wanted to pull my hair out at some sections. Only just now playing GoW2, on easy, and I'm having a much more fun time with it overall. If you want the challenge, I'm sure GoW3's hard mode will give you what you want.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
-viper- said:
play it on hard mode?

Unless they really changed it around in 3, Titan mode in 2 never had the bosses do more stuff, they just happened to kill you extremely quickly.
Forget that post ppl. Don't feed the troll. Instead, have some laughs @ E3's page on wikipedia:

* Assassin's Creed 3 – Ezio's Autistic Son (PS3, 360)


I swear it's not me, I'm just LMAO here :lol :lol :lol

* ActiVision

ActiVision plans to announce they have acquired the publishing rights to Dudebro, My Shit is Fucked Up So I Got to Shoot/Slice You II: It's Straight-Up Dawg Time, and intend to release it as part of the Call Of Duty franchise of games. Call Of Duty 12: Dudebro, My Shit is Fucked Up So I Got to Shoot/Slice You II: It's Straight-Up Dawg Time is scheduled for an early 2011 release.


Papercuts said:
# Uncharted 3: Among Pediphiles (PS3)

Aside from being spelled wrong, this would be awesome.

It's more blatant in other games. I get what he's saying here, Vergil felt like he never stopped trying to actually kill you, while the Gods here aren't really acting like it. It's harder to make giants unrelentingly attack without it being impossible, but they also don't need to actually HELP you with a random attack.
I understand what he's saying, but what I'm saying is that Virgil was 1 boss out of many in dmc3 and those bosses had the same "problem" it's total nitpicking that occurs in all videogames


time to take my meds
I think this is the only game that makes me want a 3D capable tv in case one day we're able to run this in 3D. Ok maybe this, and GT5.


Will drop pants for Sony.
I knew i shouldn't have watched that video but hot damn, those graphics put other games in shame. I cannot wait to get my copy of the game.


rhino4evr said:
I understand what he's saying, but what I'm saying is that Virgil was 1 boss out of many in dmc3 and those bosses had the same "problem" it's total nitpicking that occurs in all videogames

Papercuts already addressed this. Do most bosses pause to an extent between attacks? Sure. Do some have a down time when they are vulnerable? Yeah. Not just in action games, but most games in general. Traveler said this really well, giant enemies can't really throw their whole weight against you like they would in a 'real' fight, you'd have no chance. But it's rarely as blatant as it is in God of War games. Rarely do I feel that the enemy honestly just does not give a shit like this Poseidon does in other games. And I've NEVER seen a boss that actively helps you defeat him for no discernible reason like Poseidon. I cannot feel like the badass GoW wants me to feel when the enemies just don't give a shit if I kill them.


Super OT request: Anyone have a PSV save for MK Shaolin Monks(PS2)?? I need it for my PS3. Everything unlocked. Thanx

Anyhow cant wait for GOW3.


Still Alive
TTP said:
When Kratos jumps out of the vines-wall climbing part. I was like "oh, cool, he ends up on Gaia's back"... "wait, that's actually the head?! ZOMGWTFBBQ"
EXACTLY what went through my mind. :lol :lol Still watching btw, noticed in the very beginning though that the water puddles look amazing, lol.


DAMN I couldn't stop myself from watching! So good. But I did stop when I heard that fool say "SPOILAHS" is German, LOL!

Anyone claiming the boss fights are easy based on this video FAILS to realize that is was edited down and the FULL extent of the fight was cut out. What we saw was what Kratos does once he manages to soften up the Bosses.

And yes, that footage took my breath away. I'm lucky these days if a movie can make me do that . . . for a game to give me butterflies, like I'm about to take that first plunge on a freaky roller coaster, is phenomenal.

This game is gonna be REALLY REALLY good.


Still Alive
Still watching, but WOW did that 'cinematic' at 3:25 make my jaw drop. Seriously, impressive shit right there. Not to mention the amazing environment at 5:50 (dat floor), just wow.
Generic said:
Papercuts already addressed this. Do most bosses pause to an extent between attacks? Sure. Do some have a down time when they are vulnerable? Yeah. Not just in action games, but most games in general. Traveler said this really well, giant enemies can't really throw their whole weight against you like they would in a 'real' fight, you'd have no chance. But it's rarely as blatant as it is in God of War games. Rarely do I feel that the enemy honestly just does not give a shit like this Poseidon does in other games. And I've NEVER seen a boss that actively helps you defeat him for no discernible reason like Poseidon. I cannot feel like the badass GoW wants me to feel when the enemies just don't give a shit if I kill them.
then piss off to the Bayonetta or Ninja gaiden threads. or dante's inferno if you prefer.
Hmmm, I would say THE strongest asset in GoW gameplay are the bossfights....

I'll just wait and not speak out of my arse like Generic before I have actually completed Titan mode on GoW3.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
theignoramus said:
then piss off to the Bayonetta or Ninja gaiden threads. or dante's inferno if you prefer.

Why the hell are people so hostile regarding GoW? It's mind boggling to me. I agree with some of his points, the boss in the video looks awkward with the long pause between attacking, and helping kratos for no reason to get over to him is nonsensical. Yet I'm still buying the game day one, just like I did with Bayonetta, Ninja Gaiden, and DMC games. Having gripes with games doesn't mean you're nit picking or you're trolling, it means you're a consumer that has standards. Developers of games get a lot more out of well explained posts detailing what they don't like over 500 posts of random splooging. It might just be a weird splice of the full fight that makes it look worse than it is, but either way he just posted his thoughts on what he saw and didn't like instead of saying something like "oh mah GAWWGDGGDDD OF WAR 3".
Papercuts said:
Why the hell are people so hostile regarding GoW? It's mind boggling to me. I agree with some of his points, the boss in the video looks awkward with the long pause between attacking, and helping kratos for no reason to get over to him is nonsensical. Yet I'm still buying the game day one, just like I did with Bayonetta, Ninja Gaiden, and DMC games. Having gripes with games doesn't mean you're nit picking or you're trolling, it means you're a consumer that has standards. Developers of games get a lot more out of well explained posts detailing what they don't like over 500 posts of random splooging. It might just be a weird splice of the full fight that makes it look worse than it is, but either way he just posted his thoughts on what he saw and didn't like instead of saying something like "oh mah GAWWGDGGDDD OF WAR 3".

I can think of a few reasons people are being defensive:
-1st boss. We can expect an easier time.
-It's a videogame. We've seen gigantic, yet stationary bosses like this for AGES
-It's GOW. If this is something someone's going to nitpick, it's probably safe to assume they haven't played the past titles nor have they enjoyed them. From the Hydra and Minotaur in GOW to the kraken and giant Zuess in GOW2, this is what we're used to and no one who enjoys these games is complaining.
Papercuts said:
Why the hell are people so hostile regarding GoW? It's mind boggling to me. I agree with some of his points, the boss in the video looks awkward with the long pause between attacking, and helping kratos for no reason to get over to him is nonsensical. Yet I'm still buying the game day one, just like I did with Bayonetta, Ninja Gaiden, and DMC games. Having gripes with games doesn't mean you're nit picking or you're trolling, it means you're a consumer that has standards. Developers of games get a lot more out of well explained posts detailing what they don't like over 500 posts of random splooging. It might just be a weird splice of the full fight that makes it look worse than it is, but either way he just posted his thoughts on what he saw and didn't like instead of saying something like "oh mah GAWWGDGGDDD OF WAR 3".

No one has played GOW3 yet,
That was not the whole fight only parts .

If you want to nitpick about something that every games does do in thread where game is already out .


Papercuts said:
Why the hell are people so hostile regarding GoW? It's mind boggling to me. I agree with some of his points, the boss in the video looks awkward with the long pause between attacking, and helping kratos for no reason to get over to him is nonsensical. Yet I'm still buying the game day one, just like I did with Bayonetta, Ninja Gaiden, and DMC games. Having gripes with games doesn't mean you're nit picking or you're trolling, it means you're a consumer that has standards. Developers of games get a lot more out of well explained posts detailing what they don't like over 500 posts of random splooging. It might just be a weird splice of the full fight that makes it look worse than it is, but either way he just posted his thoughts on what he saw and didn't like instead of saying something like "oh mah GAWWGDGGDDD OF WAR 3".
You best STFU before I burn your eyes out with a cigarett! :mad:


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I dunno, this seems like complaining about enemies standing still during turn based rpgs. it's gamey. but that's good cuz this is a game
Papercuts said:
Why the hell are people so hostile regarding GoW? It's mind boggling to me. I agree with some of his points, the boss in the video looks awkward with the long pause between attacking, and helping kratos for no reason to get over to him is nonsensical. Yet I'm still buying the game day one, just like I did with Bayonetta, Ninja Gaiden, and DMC games. Having gripes with games doesn't mean you're nit picking or you're trolling, it means you're a consumer that has standards. Developers of games get a lot more out of well explained posts detailing what they don't like over 500 posts of random splooging. It might just be a weird splice of the full fight that makes it look worse than it is, but either way he just posted his thoughts on what he saw and didn't like instead of saying something like "oh mah GAWWGDGGDDD OF WAR 3".

I often don't like games fans and critics alike universally praise, in that regard I'll do my best to articulate my viewpoints in a way to not get people overly hostile, because what I am going to say is inherently stepping on people's toes.

Generic simply comes off as an asshole, in his tone, use of hyperboles and overly enthusiasm to critic a game he hasn't played. it's not that mindboggling.


Will drop pants for Sony.
Generic said:
Papercuts already addressed this. Do most bosses pause to an extent between attacks? Sure. Do some have a down time when they are vulnerable? Yeah. Not just in action games, but most games in general. Traveler said this really well, giant enemies can't really throw their whole weight against you like they would in a 'real' fight, you'd have no chance. But it's rarely as blatant as it is in God of War games. Rarely do I feel that the enemy honestly just does not give a shit like this Poseidon does in other games. And I've NEVER seen a boss that actively helps you defeat him for no discernible reason like Poseidon. I cannot feel like the badass GoW wants me to feel when the enemies just don't give a shit if I kill them.

Then do not buy the game then, it is that simple.

Omotesando said:
I often don't like games fans and critics alike universally praise, in that regard I'll do my best to articulate my viewpoints in a way to not get people overly hostile, because what I am going to say is inherently stepping on people's toes.

Generic simply comes off as an asshole, in his tone, use of hyperboles and overly enthusiasm to critic a game he hasn't played. it's not that mindboggling.

Could not have said it better myself.

Triple U

Let me get this straight generic. You are complaining about the first boss fight being too easy? Really?

The fight itself is
in the first 20 minutes of the freaking game
come on man. If you don't like GOW thats one thing but you're pouting about a game you haven't even played yet.


What a silly post. We could either have this monstrously epic game and enjoy the fuck out of it, or it could not exist all together. Be glad people are spending the time making such a game, because even if you have issues with some of its design choices, it will still be something no other game does.
Papercuts said:
Why the hell are people so hostile regarding GoW? It's mind boggling to me. I agree with some of his points, the boss in the video looks awkward with the long pause between attacking, and helping kratos for no reason to get over to him is nonsensical. Yet I'm still buying the game day one, just like I did with Bayonetta, Ninja Gaiden, and DMC games. Having gripes with games doesn't mean you're nit picking or you're trolling, it means you're a consumer that has standards. Developers of games get a lot more out of well explained posts detailing what they don't like over 500 posts of random splooging. It might just be a weird splice of the full fight that makes it look worse than it is, but either way he just posted his thoughts on what he saw and didn't like instead of saying something like "oh mah GAWWGDGGDDD OF WAR 3".
What you and that other moron fail to realize is that these boss battles are designed to suit the gameplay. Every game has its own distinct gameplay, and battles are designed to tailor that. Compared to DMC, Bayonetta and Ninja Gaiden, GoW series is slower. The pace and movement of Kratos is much slower compared to lightning quick Bayonetta or Ryu. An unrelenting boss battle is fine in Ninja Gaiden because Ryu is nimble, quick and can perform 20 hits under 3 seconds, dodge the unrelenting boss and finish his ass with a ninpo. Kratos does not have the luxury of that. The way he fights makes it impossible to fight a comparable boss from Ninja Gaiden or Bayonetta. Kratos would be toast even before he raises his blade. Dante's Inferno's pace is similar to God of War's. I haven't played DI, but I watched all the boss battles and the ending battle with
giant penis of
Lucifer. Dante wouldn't last long in front of an unrelenting boss either. For clarification, by unrelenting boss I mean the types from DMC and Ninja Gaiden. I for one, absolutely love the boss battles in GoW and consider them the high points in the game. It doesn't mean a consumer has standards when he wants a God of War game boss to be different. It means he is a big fuckin whine baby that had an amnesia for the past 20 years or so of gaming.

Edit: And yes, what the other posters said. If you want to argue about boss battle mechanics in games, make a thread about it and don't shit this one up.
Y2Kev said:
I dunno, this seems like complaining about enemies standing still during turn based rpgs. it's gamey. but that's good cuz this is a game
Thank you. That goes in with the point I'm trying to make.


Not Wario
I don't think what Generic is commenting on is difficulty so much as it is presentation. It's incredibly hard to present a large creature/being fully using its power while still making the player appear to have a fighting chance. (Keep in mind that I (a) haven't seen the footage and (b) consider this a much larger issue than simply a GoW specific critique) I've been watching footage of MH3 recently, as the Summit announcement really piqued my interest, and I can't help but imagine that if bosses in GoW (and other games- Bayonetta certainly isn't exempt from this as well, much as I love it) had the sense of "weightiness" and force that creatures in that game do, Kratos' survival against such a being would appear laughable.

In the end, though, it's a compromise games with bosses scaled much larger than the PC seem to have to have. Nitpick it as much as I might, it's a small issue ultimately and I dunno how one would even fix it. (Besides resorting to much more personal duels, but that's not so much a fix as it is a change of style.)


A lot of the boss battles in GOW are more spectacle than actual combat. I don't mind that since the GOW series is not like Ninja Gaiden, DMC, or Bayonetta in which combat is the main attraction of gameplay. The combat system in the GOW series is competent enough; combined with the level design and presentation, I believe the series is a better overall package than "pure" action games.
so why the fuck isn't the new trailer on PSN in 1080p yet? the "HD" version of the video i downloaded from the GoW site wasn't even 720p. it was the size of the SD videos on gametrailers. and yes, i made sure my player was set to 100%.

btw, i need to go pay on my ultimate edition reservation.
ZeroRay said:
A lot of the boss battles in GOW are more spectacle than actual combat. I don't mind that since the GOW series is not like Ninja Gaiden, DMC, or Bayonetta in which combat is the main attraction of gameplay. The combat system in the GOW series is competent enough; combined with the level design and presentation, I believe the series is a better overall package than "pure" action games.

I think this is correct. GoW bosses have always reminded me of MGS bosses. I don't really find bosses in either of those series to be difficult, but many of them are very memorable. And that's something that can't be said for most bosses in games today. I don't think most people really give a shit if those bosses are difficult or not, as evidenced by those two series constantly popping up in "best boss" discussions.
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