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God Of War 3 Has Gone Gold - Lots of Reviews Out Already


Timedog said:
Please don't make me have to buy a ps3, you fucks!

...I might have to buy a PS3 :(

Well there is an alternative. Just buy a used ps3 from ebay or craigslist, buy god of war 3 and play the junk out of it then just sell the ps3 back and god of war 3 back. You are basically renting.

used ps3: 270-280
god of war: 55

selling used ps3 shouldn't go down in value much, if at all in a few months.
god of war will probably sell back for 40ish.

I do this all the time with video games. (not system since there hasn't been a game good enough to get a ps3.) and if I didn't have a friend who had the ps3 I would defeinetly do this cause there isn't any other games worth it to buy the ps3 (in my opinion so back off ps3 fan boys).
GoW boss fights are actually memorable and fun to play...I agree with the MGS comparison.

Can't think of many games where people don't complain about the boss fights...


haitu said:
Well there is an alternative. Just buy a used ps3 from ebay or craigslist, buy god of war 3 and play the junk out of it then just sell the ps3 back and god of war 3 back. You are basically renting.

used ps3: 270-280
god of war: 55

selling used ps3 shouldn't go down in value much, if at all in a few months.
god of war will probably sell back for 40ish.

I do this all the time with video games. (not system since there hasn't been a game good enough to get a ps3.) and if I didn't have a friend who had the ps3 I would defeinetly do this cause there isn't any other games worth it to buy the ps3 (in my opinion so back off ps3 fan boys).
:lol :lol




Omotesando said:
I often don't like games fans and critics alike universally praise, in that regard I'll do my best to articulate my viewpoints in a way to not get people overly hostile, because what I am going to say is inherently stepping on people's toes.

Generic simply comes off as an asshole, in his tone, use of hyperboles and overly enthusiasm to critic a game he hasn't played. it's not that mindboggling.

My tone

Me said:
I realize that god of war is more about Scale and adventure than it is about the action and gameplay, and I'm honestly trying not to rain on anyone's parade,


I enjoy civil debates and discussions, and there is nothing wrong with differing opinions.

You'll have to explain the hyperboles to me. As far as I know, everything I've said is true.

And I'm overly enthusiastic? How so? If it's the long post, I should tell you I'm typically that detailed, in pretty much everything. Anyway, sorry if I came off as an asshole, I honestly am trying to be as polite and civil about this as I can without faking it.

Dexvex said:
Let me get this straight generic. You are complaining about the first boss fight being too easy? Really?

The fight itself is
in the first 20 minutes of the freaking game
come on man. If you don't like GOW thats one thing but you're pouting about a game you haven't even played yet.

SIMPLE! I am complaining taht it's overly simple and that the enemy's lack of aggression makes it feel like the enemy is throwing the fight. Difficulty has little to do with it.

RustyNails said:
What you and that other moron fail to realize is that these boss battles are designed to suit the gameplay. Every game has its own distinct gameplay, and battles are designed to tailor that. Compared to DMC, Bayonetta and Ninja Gaiden, GoW series is slower. The pace and movement of Kratos is much slower compared to lightning quick Bayonetta or Ryu. An unrelenting boss battle is fine in Ninja Gaiden because Ryu is nimble, quick and can perform 20 hits under 3 seconds, dodge the unrelenting boss and finish his ass with a ninpo. Kratos does not have the luxury of that. The way he fights makes it impossible to fight a comparable boss from Ninja Gaiden or Bayonetta. Kratos would be toast even before he raises his blade. Dante's Inferno's pace is similar to God of War's. I haven't played DI, but I watched all the boss battles and the ending battle with
giant penis of
Lucifer. Dante wouldn't last long in front of an unrelenting boss either. For clarification, by unrelenting boss I mean the types from DMC and Ninja Gaiden. I for one, absolutely love the boss battles in GoW and consider them the high points in the game. It doesn't mean a consumer has standards when he wants a God of War game boss to be different. It means he is a big fuckin whine baby that had an amnesia for the past 20 years or so of gaming.

Edit: And yes, what the other posters said. If you want to argue about boss battle mechanics in games, make a thread about it and don't shit this one up.

For one, the Satyrs are enemies in GoW I'd consider relentless. Fast, agile, strong enoug and they don't stop attacking for no reason. Why can't they have more enemies like that, since the satyrs obviously work? It'd probably take alot of work to balance them, but don't act like it's impossible. And Dante's inferno actually did have aggressive bosses, atleast more so than GoW does, so once again, I think Kratos should be able to handle a bit of pressure. On the other hand, the bosses were not enormously huge, except maybe his father, but even then he was much smaller than Poseidon. Still, they were generally more aggressive. Not NG levels, sure, but more than what Kratos is typically dealing with. Lastly, keep in mind that Kratos gets upgrades. Even if he starts off weak, keep in mind that he gets hermes shoes, and magic, which regenerates, that can save his ass easily, and even locks in into I-frames. Handled correctly, the kratos could actually deal with some more aggressive enemies this way. Now, before you jump down my throat, I know we haven't seen the rest of the game, but from what we have seen, no enemy is particularly aggressive.

So no. I agree that GoW is has a slower paced combat and Kratos would get destroyed facing most enemies from those games, but to say that it's impossible to make it any more aggressive is silly, and it's no excuse for making epic bosses that do little as you wail on them.

And as for posting it as a new topic. I WOULD make a thread except 1. It'd get locked due to the trolling that's inevitable to happen, 2. Why make a thread that specifically deals with GoW bosses mechanics when there is a thread about it going on now, and 3. I'm a junior.

And for the record, even if you were right in everything you just said, that still doesn't give you or anyone else an excuse for all the hostility. There is no reason we cannot discuss this civilly, but for some reason, people insist on Ad hominem attacks. It's tiring, and it honestly it makes me not want to even bother posting here. And no, running be out via flaming will not mean anyone 'won' the argument, you people will just have proven you are unreasonable to talk to.

ZeroRay said:
A lot of the boss battles in GOW are more spectacle than actual combat. I don't mind that since the GOW series is not like Ninja Gaiden, DMC, or Bayonetta in which combat is the main attraction of gameplay. The combat system in the GOW series is competent enough; combined with the level design and presentation, I believe the series is a better overall package than "pure" action games.

I agree with this. I'm mainly a gameplay sorta guy, so that's why I can't see what the big fuss is about, and why I prefer those series to GoW, but I can completely respect other people's opinions. I just felt like pointing out the inherit flaws of making such a spectacle fight, and I have no idea why there is need for all the aggression. If someone pointed out all the unpleasant enemy designs of NG, or saying they didn't like all the immature sexuality going on in bayonetta, I certainly wouldn't react with such hostility, and would respect anothers opinion that they may value a good cinematic experience that takes itself seriously to a gameplay intense one, which is lighthearted and comical in story and themes.

traveler said:
I don't think what Generic is commenting on is difficulty so much as it is presentation. It's incredibly hard to present a large creature/being fully using its power while still making the player appear to have a fighting chance. (Keep in mind that I (a) haven't seen the footage and (b) consider this a much larger issue than simply a GoW specific critique) I've been watching footage of MH3 recently, as the Summit announcement really piqued my interest, and I can't help but imagine that if bosses in GoW (and other games- Bayonetta certainly isn't exempt from this as well, much as I love it) had the sense of "weightiness" and force that creatures in that game do, Kratos' survival against such a being would appear laughable.

In the end, though, it's a compromise games with bosses scaled much larger than the PC seem to have to have. Nitpick it as much as I might, it's a small issue ultimately and I dunno how one would even fix it. (Besides resorting to much more personal duels, but that's not so much a fix as it is a change of style.)

I like that I am atleast getting through to one person. I think that the best way to make it playable is for the developers to give the player a way to legitimately defeat such a beast. Make the Player character strong enough to do this. Let me use a the Kronos fight. Such a huge titan, yet for some reason he cannot seem to hit the area kratos is on, despite that kratos is reasonably slow moving. Why not give the player some sort of dash ability? And not a tiny dash like most games have, have it be the full length of Kronos's hand so that the player can get away without Kronos being retardedly slow. It will actually seem like the player is taking down a titan without being it seeming like the titan isn't even trying. The problem is how are we going to work that into normal gameplay without nerfing it. The only way I can think is to make the areas as huge as possible with enemies that very spread out, but that'd be awkward in itself. Maybe have the dashes be short, but able to do in rapid succession? Yeah, I actually think that one would work.


Generic said:
My tone

You'll have to explain the hyperboles to me. As far as I know, everything I've said is true.

And I'm overly enthusiastic? How so? If it's the long post, I should tell you I'm typically that detailed, in pretty much everything. Anyway, sorry if I came off as an asshole, I honestly am trying to be as polite and civil about this as I can without faking it.

SIMPLE! I am complaining taht it's overly simple and that the enemy's lack of aggression makes it feel like the enemy is throwing the fight. Difficulty has little to do with it.

For one, the Satyrs are enemies in GoW I'd consider relentless. Fast, agile, strong enoug and they don't stop attacking for no reason. Why can't they have more enemies like that, since the satyrs obviously work? It'd probably take alot of work to balance them, but don't act like it's impossible. And Dante's inferno actually did have aggressive bosses, atleast more so than GoW does, so once again, I think Kratos should be able to handle a bit of pressure. On the other hand, the bosses were not enormously huge, except maybe his father, but even then he was much smaller than Poseidon. Still, they were generally more aggressive. Not NG levels, sure, but more than what Kratos is typically dealing with. Lastly, keep in mind that Kratos gets upgrades. Even if he starts off weak, keep in mind that he gets hermes shoes, and magic, which regenerates, that can save his ass easily, and even locks in into I-frames. Handled correctly, the kratos could actually deal with some more aggressive enemies this way. Now, before you jump down my throat, I know we haven't seen the rest of the game, but from what we have seen, no enemy is particularly aggressive.

So no. I agree that GoW is has a slower paced combat and Kratos would get destroyed facing most enemies from those games, but to say that it's impossible to make it any more aggressive is silly, and it's no excuse for making epic bosses that do little as you wail on them.

And as for posting it as a new topic. I WOULD make a thread except 1. It'd get locked due to the trolling that's inevitable to happen, 2. Why make a thread that specifically deals with GoW bosses mechanics when there is a thread about it going on now, and 3. I'm a junior.

And for the record, even if you were right in everything you just said, that still doesn't give you or anyone else an excuse for all the hostility. There is no reason we cannot discuss this civilly, but for some reason, people insist on Ad hominem attacks. It's tiring, and it honestly it makes me not want to even bother posting here. And no, running be out via flaming will not mean anyone 'won' the argument, you people will just have proven you are unreasonable to talk to.

I agree with this. I'm mainly a gameplay sorta guy, so that's why I can't see what the big fuss is about, and why I prefer those series to GoW, but I can completely respect other people's opinions. I just felt like pointing out the inherit flaws of making such a spectacle fight, and I have no idea why there is need for all the aggression. If someone pointed out all the unpleasant enemy designs of NG, or saying they didn't like all the immature sexuality going on in bayonetta, I certainly wouldn't react with such hostility, and would respect anothers opinion that they may value a good cinematic experience that takes itself seriously to a gameplay intense one, which is lighthearted and comical in story and themes.

I like that I am atleast getting through to one person. I think that the best way to make it playable is for the developers to give the player a way to legitimately defeat such a beast. Make the Player character strong enough to do this. Let me use a the Kronos fight. Such a huge titan, yet for some reason he cannot seem to hit the area kratos is on, despite that kratos is reasonably slow moving. Why not give the player some sort of dash ability. And not a tiny dash like most games have, have it be the full length of Kronos's hand so that the player can get away without Kronos being retardedly slow? It will actually seem like the player is taking down a titan without being it seeming like the titan isn't even trying. The problem is how are we going to work that into normal gameplay without nerfing it. The only way I can think is to make the areas as huge as possible with enemies that very spread out, but that'd be awkward in itself. Maybe have the dashes be short, but able to do in rapid succession? Yeah, I actually think that one would work.

Dude you're critiquing an 8 minute video of the first boss of the game, from the FIRST 20 minutes! not to mention the person playing was most likely playing on easy mode. You can't judge a game if you haven't even played it.


X-Burner said:
Dude you're critiquing an 8 minute video of the first boss of the game, from the FIRST 20 minutes! not to mention the person playing was most likely playing on easy mode. You can't judge a game if you haven't even played it.

I've played all the past gow games (except the cell phone one), I beat GoW2's titan mode, and I've played the demo. The mechanics of the past GoW's do not change between difficulty, the only difference between them is that enemy's strength gets brought up and you take greater damage. Since the core mechanics remain the same, I can observe and atleast make a reasonable estimate on the gameplay mechanics that will be occuring within GoW3 based on what I've seen. Unless they really changed things up, which is possible but unlikely as I have not seen it commented on anywhere in interviews, the mechanics will remain the same on higher difficulties and Poseidon will be as unaggressive as he is now. He will just do much greater damage when his attacks get through.


Generic said:
I've played all the past gow games (except the cell phone one), I beat GoW2's titan mode, and I've played the demo. The mechanics of the past GoW's do not change between difficulty, the only difference between them is that enemy's strength gets brought up and you take greater damage. Since the core mechanics remain the same, I can observe and atleast make a reasonable estimate on the gameplay mechanics that will be occuring within GoW3 based on what I've seen.

Well, did you have fun while playing the games?


Generic said:
I've played all the past gow games (except the cell phone one), I beat GoW2's titan mode, and I've played the demo. The mechanics of the past GoW's do not change between difficulty, the only difference between them is that enemy's strength gets brought up and you take greater damage. Since the core mechanics remain the same, I can observe and atleast make a reasonable estimate on the gameplay mechanics that will be occuring within GoW3 based on what I've seen.


Omotesando said:
I often don't like games fans and critics alike universally praise, in that regard I'll do my best to articulate my viewpoints in a way to not get people overly hostile, because what I am going to say is inherently stepping on people's toes.

Generic simply comes off as an asshole, in his tone, use of hyperboles and overly enthusiasm to critic a game he hasn't played. it's not that mindboggling.

Sounds exactly like a game journalist to me.

What web site/magazine do you work for Generic?

My 3 guesses are



Snipes424 said:
Sounds exactly like a game journalist to me.

What web site/magazine do you work for Generic?

My 3 guesses are

I said on the last page son, EDGE ;). 5/10 Believe!


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Actually, the fact that this IS the first boss brings up an interesting point. It seems like in the most memorable boss threads, the two most frequent from the GoW series are the Hydra and Colossus, respectively. The games always started out with a bang and the first boss always left a huge impression on the player.


Generic said:
They were okay. Theseus can choke on a dick though.

Haha Theseus was an epic boss fight, especially how you finish him off :D

Hopefully your opinion of the game changes once you get your hands on it though :D

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I appreciate the thought you're putting into your posts, generic.

I don't necessarily agree, but it's so much nicer than the typical GIF post or one sentence farts.


Shaka said:
Dude, give it up. Your'e in the wrong here.

Of course he isn't. It's his opinion versus your opinion, and neither of you are right or wrong.

Walking into a GOW game expecting highly technical fighting and realistic enemy aggression is going about it the wrong way. Epic setpieces, well-designed levels, pretty graphics, plenty of gore and shock value and amusing gameplay mechanics are the order of the day. Even in DMC, the game makes allowances for gamers, by having the enemies not just surround on you and pound on you all at once until you died. It's a game, intended to provide entertainment for the player and not to simulate 'realistic' combat.

I agree that things could be a little more aggressive and complex for my taste, but I enjoy them for what they are, and many others do too. Majority rules in game development.


Callibretto said:
too hard? =P

Only on Titan, where everything has a massive lifebar and can otherwise kill you in 2 hits. Still a simple bossfight, mind you, just one difficult to take absolutely no damage on when the half the arena gets pulled under your feet while you are taking on 2 minotaurs.

Also, I appreciate the 2 posts above me greatly, and yours too x-burner. The constant flaming was really tiring :D


Rez said:
I appreciate the thought you're putting into your posts, generic.

I don't necessarily agree, but it's so much nicer than the typical GIF post or one sentence farts.

The issue being, why is he complaining about something he hasn't even played? I mean, I could write a whole thesis on why GoW3 would suck (Not saying it sucks, I can't fucking wait for the game!), but it would be akin to writing a thesis on 1984, and just reading the back page summary of the book.


vicktormerv said:
The issue being, why is he complaining about something he hasn't even played? I mean, I could write a whole thesis on why GoW3 would suck (Not saying it sucks, I can't fucking wait for the game!), but it would be akin to writing a thesis on 1984, and just reading the back page summary of the book.

No, this is more like commenting on the writing of an excerpt. I'm obviously not getting the full product and I'm not passing judgement on it until I do, but I can examine the prose, the themes, the characters, discuss what I think of the content thus far, and hypothesize what I think the rest of the book will be like. This is what I am doing for GoW3, not passing off the entire game, just commenting on what I've seen thus far.


benevolent sexism
Generic said:
The mechanics of the past GoW's do not change between difficulty, the only difference between them is that enemy's strength gets brought up and you take greater damage.

Just wanted to add that enemy behavior does change a bit in addition to damage. Even the very first grunts will attack far more frequently and relentlessly on God/Titan mode. This doesn't affect the giant bosses like the Colossus or Kraken as far as I can recall.

I didn't read your whole big argument, but I can see where you're coming from. I agree that the design of large bosses could stand to be evolved. I don't really love boss fights where you just hit a stationary weak spot until the boss reveals the next weak spot, and so on. That goes for Bayonetta, God of War, DMC, you name it.

I hope GOW3 has a couple of really intense one-on-ones.


Generic said:
No, this is more like commenting on the writing of an excerpt. I'm obviously not getting the full product and I'm not passing judgement on it until I do, but I can examine the prose, the themes, the characters, discuss what I think on them, and hypothesize what I think the rest of the book will be like. This is what I am doing for GoW3, not passing off the entire game, just commenting on what I've seen thus far.

The way you are commenting on it comes off as if you've already played the game. Honestly.


I don't think there is a game with realistic enemy aggression. I don't think your going to be able to create such a situation with such massive bosses.


evolution said:
I don't think there is a game with realistic enemy aggression. I don't think your going to be able to create such a situation with such massive bosses.

Pretty much, and anyway, they said they had 50 people working on just that boss. I think they know what they are doing :p


I find GOW2 hard as all fuck in the highest difficulty. I wish you could change the difficulty level when you replay a finished saved game. It's kind of a pain having to collect all the orbs and having to regain all your moves and shit. I hope GOW3 changes this and takes a cue from the DMC games.
Generic said:
For one, the Satyrs are enemies in GoW I'd consider relentless. Fast, agile, strong enoug and they don't stop attacking for no reason. Why can't they have more enemies like that, since the satyrs obviously work? It'd probably take alot of work to balance them, but don't act like it's impossible. And Dante's inferno actually did have aggressive bosses, atleast more so than GoW does, so once again, I think Kratos should be able to handle a bit of pressure. On the other hand, the bosses were not enormously huge, except maybe his father, but even then he was much smaller than Poseidon. Still, they were generally more aggressive. Not NG levels, sure, but more than what Kratos is typically dealing with. Lastly, keep in mind that Kratos gets upgrades. Even if he starts off weak, keep in mind that he gets hermes shoes, and magic, which regenerates, that can save his ass easily, and even locks in into I-frames. Handled correctly, the kratos could actually deal with some more aggressive enemies this way. Now, before you jump down my throat, I know we haven't seen the rest of the game, but from what we have seen, no enemy is particularly aggressive.
But you're wrong. Elite Satyrs are tough bitches to crack, but they're workable with Kratos' moves. They are not relentless. Remember that move where they sit on their weapon for a bit practically begging Kratos to attack them? They're also very susceptible to juggling attacks and frankly thats the quickest way to take them down. Elite Satyrs are fast, have tons of moves and can become a big problem to inexperienced players. Thats why they don't show up until you're 2/3rd of your way in game. But again going back to my point, other enemies in GoW are no walk in the park either: Medusas, Sirens, Minotaurs, Elite guards, etc. They are all suited to GoW's gameplay. But for someone like Ryu and Vergil, these enemies are a cake. Different games, different gameplay.

Dante's Inferno had aggressive bosses? Last I checked, they also get worn out, give plenty of space for Dante to attack and initiate a QTE when they're down.

And for the record, even if you were right in everything you just said, that still doesn't give you or anyone else an excuse for all the hostility. There is no reason we cannot discuss this civilly, but for some reason, people insist on Ad hominem attacks. It's tiring, and it honestly it makes me not want to even bother posting here. And no, running be out via flaming will not mean anyone 'won' the argument, you people will just have proven you are unreasonable to talk to.

GoW fans will forever confound me. I get that people love the franchise, love Kratos, but the level of drooling that's going on about...well, anything pertaining to this franchise is ridiculous. After seeing the semi full Poseidon battle and everyone drooling over it, I seriously have to point out why it sucks, just like most of GoW's boss battles.
Conclusion: The boss fight looks stupid as fuck.
When you walk into a God of War 3 thread, insult its fans and proceed to call the game's boss fights "stupid as fuck", be prepared to accept some hostility. You're criticizing something that is a complete non issue and has zero merit in discussion. Heck, when I was in Junior status, I completely avoided the F word all together.
Generic said:
They were okay. Theseus can choke on a dick though.
Why? Was he hard?


Rez said:
I appreciate the thought you're putting into your posts, generic.

I don't necessarily agree, but it's so much nicer than the typical GIF post or one sentence farts.
From a game he hasn't played? Oh it's Rez...

Truespeed said:
You know, I really wish we could rank posts down so we could make the stupidity disappear.


benevolent sexism
Isn't 90% of the activity on GAF just us posting about games we haven't played? If he was saying something most of us agreed with, we wouldn't give the fact that he hasn't played it a second thought. Don't start invoking the "you haven't played the whole game therefore you can't talk about it" rule just because his post was irritating.


:lol Why do some dolts always try to get their points across by acting like douchebags and do the whole "holier than thou" act (like RustyNails pointed out above), and then become surprised when GAF'ers are hostile right back at you? Can't have a clean fucking gaming topic lately without someone shitting it up.


Best demo i've ever played, I can't remember when I last was this excited for a game. It might be because this my first time experiencing the GoW series, I am overwhelmed.:lol


WAIT WAIT WAIT... I just bought dis shit,.. I thought they renamed it Dantes Inferno :lol :lol

YOU!... Silence!

...walkin the fuck away


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
RavenFox said:
From a game he hasn't played? Oh it's Rez...


This is a gaming forum, this shit happens CONSTANTLY. A lot of games get talked about more before they're out than they do after they actually release, it's just how things work. People criticize games constantly based off prerelease media, I don't see why it's such a foul act all of a sudden all because it's a highly anticipated game, if anything it's a breath of fresh air to actually have a few pages of discussion instead of people talking about unlocking the 8th core. It's pretty much evolved the discussion about the aggressiveness of bosses/enemies in a lot of different games, which I think is an interesting topic. It's hard to make a giant boss not have downtime, but at the same time it can take you out of the spectacle of the whole thing when it gets that simplistic. Many games do suffer from it.

And either way, atleast he is trying to put thought into his posts, your contribution to the entire argument the last two pages has been an astounding GTFO gif and literally a post composed of "Fuck You". He didn't need to have the initial aggression in his first post, but it's not like that gave the entire half page of flames a free ticket to completely ignore a topic to discuss and go right to childish banter.
Papercuts said:
And either way, atleast he is trying to put thought into his posts, your contribution to the entire argument the last two pages has been an astounding GTFO gif and literally a post composed of "Fuck You". He didn't need to have the initial aggression in his first post, but it's not like that gave the entire half page of flames a free ticket to completely ignore a topic to discuss and go right to childish banter.
What do you have against gifs? Raven Fox's GTFO gif was apt for people trying to shit up the thread by calling the game's elements "stupid as fuck" and then hiding behind "its just an opinion" crap.


RustyNails said:
But you're wrong. Elite Satyrs are tough bitches to crack, but they're workable with Kratos' moves. They are not relentless. Remember that move where they sit on their weapon for a bit practically begging Kratos to attack them? They're also very susceptible to juggling attacks and frankly thats the quickest way to take them down. Elite Satyrs are fast, have tons of moves and can become a big problem to inexperienced players. Thats why they don't show up until you're 2/3rd of your way in game. But again going back to my point, other enemies in GoW are no walk in the park either: Medusas, Sirens, Minotaurs, Elite guards, etc. They are all suited to GoW's gameplay. But for someone like Ryu and Vergil, these enemies are a cake. Different games, different gameplay.

Dante's Inferno had aggressive bosses? Last I checked, they also get worn out, give plenty of space for Dante to attack and initiate a QTE when they're down.

When you walk into a God of War 3 thread, insult its fans and proceed to call the game's boss fights "stupid as fuck", be prepared to accept some hostility. You're criticizing something that is a complete non issue and has zero merit in discussion. Heck, when I was in Junior status, I completely avoided the F word all together.

Hmm, I wasn't aware of juggling possibilities of Satyrs. Frankly, I typically PoPed everything. Still, they just seemed more active than the other enemies, that's what I meant by relentless. The fact taht I didn't know they were vulnerable to juggling may have swayed that opinion, but nonetheless...

That minor point aside, the main argument here is that GoW can stand to be more aggressive, and it should be to offer what I feel would be better gameplay.

Anyway, as for me insulting GoW, that's just it. I am insulting God of War, the series, the product, not GoW fans. I say they confound me, because they honestly do, the same way I don't understand why transvestites would go through a sex change operation. I don't hate them, I don't dislike them, I don't think less of them, I just don't get why they do that. The same way, I don't understand how someone can value artificial cinematic sequences over genuine gameplay. To make this perfectly clear, I comprehend the thought process behind it, how because something is scripted, you can present a better show for the viewers, but because my values are different, I can't really comprehend enjoying cinematics over value a scripted event over genuinely complex gameplay, where you actually have to earn your achievements. And when I say "sucks", I would have thought it was clear that I was arguing my opinion from the start without having to put an "IMO" in front of everything all the time. Finally, I honestly don't see the problem with cussing as long as I'm not cussing at someone, just a product.

And for the theseus thing, see posts above.

RustyNails said:
What do you have against gifs? Raven Fox's GTFO gif was apt for people trying to shit up the thread by calling the game's elements "stupid as fuck" and then hiding behind "its just an opinion" crap.

Then people shouldn't be allowed to praise GoW either. It's OBVIOUS it's opinion, so I really have to sparkle everything up to play nice when I have an issue with something? Gaf is ideal because there's no need for senseless formality like rules against swearing. I can say something sucks, and explain why, or I can say I have issues with something, and explain why, but it's still going to be the same post regardless of those minor chances. If people were going to flame me cussing at a product, they were going to flame me if I was being a church boy as well, so my saying 'the boss battle sucks' is ultimately irrelevent, and most people have realized that. That is why they quote my WHOLE when they reply, rather than just focusing on my naughty words.

Edit: Oh yeah, and the DI thing. I just meant they were MORE aggressive than typical GoW bosses, not that they were feral beasts. I only mentioned it because it helped support my point that Kratos can handle a tougher game.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
RustyNails said:
What do you have against gifs? Raven Fox's GTFO gif was apt for people trying to shit up the thread by calling the game's elements "stupid as fuck" and then hiding behind "its just an opinion" crap.

I know he didn't need the initial aggression, but I really don't think all the flames came from that fact, the same post minus the initial paragraph would have very likely garnered a similar reaction. And I have nothing against gifs. :p
Generic said:
Anyway, as for me insulting GoW, that's just it. I am insulting God of War, the series, the product, not GoW fans.
All your rambling aside, you do realize what you're saying here? You accept that you walked into a GoW 3 thread with the intention of insulting it?


hey_it's_that_dog said:
Isn't 90% of the activity on GAF just us posting about games we haven't played? If he was saying something most of us agreed with, we wouldn't give the fact that he hasn't played it a second thought. Don't start invoking the "you haven't played the whole game therefore you can't talk about it" rule just because his post was irritating.

Oh, we can discuss all about it, but there is a point in which you can validly say that something sucks to the extent he is doing so.


RustyNails said:
All your rambling aside, you do realize what you're saying here? You accept that you walked into a GoW 3 thread with the intention of insulting it?

Displaying my opinion on it, actually. It just happened to be bad, and thus, I think the boss battles in it suck. People have said worse things, and for less reason about other games. I realize it can be taken as an insult, but since I admit it's my opinion, that I'm fine with others disagreeing with me, that I'm not insulting anyone, just an inanimate fucking object, I would have thought this wasn't an issue in any way. Replacing it with "I have an issue with this game" would be superficial at best. By your logic, people should be similarly chastised for saying something is amazing, a line that has been repeated here many times, because, they are 'trying to stir something up', except in a positive way.
Papercuts said:
This is a gaming forum, this shit happens CONSTANTLY. A lot of games get talked about more before they're out than they do after they actually release, it's just how things work. People criticize games constantly based off prerelease media, I don't see why it's such a foul act all of a sudden all because it's a highly anticipated game, if anything it's a breath of fresh air to actually have a few pages of discussion instead of people talking about unlocking the 8th core. It's pretty much evolved the discussion about the aggressiveness of bosses/enemies in a lot of different games, which I think is an interesting topic. It's hard to make a giant boss not have downtime, but at the same time it can take you out of the spectacle of the whole thing when it gets that simplistic. Many games do suffer from it.

And either way, atleast he is trying to put thought into his posts, your contribution to the entire argument the last two pages has been an astounding GTFO gif and literally a post composed of "Fuck You". He didn't need to have the initial aggression in his first post, but it's not like that gave the entire half page of flames a free ticket to completely ignore a topic to discuss and go right to childish banter.
GoW fans will forever confound me. I get that people love the franchise, love Kratos, but the level of drooling that's going on about...well, anything pertaining to this franchise is ridiculous. After seeing the semi full Poseidon battle and everyone drooling over it, I seriously have to point out why it sucks, just like most of GoW's boss battles.
So he's just a troll ignore him and move on. There is an ignore option, make use of it and let's be more civilized in here and post some GIFs.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
Generic said:
For one, the Satyrs are enemies in GoW I'd consider relentless. Fast, agile, strong enoug and they don't stop attacking for no reason. Why can't they have more enemies like that, since the satyrs obviously work?

Because no one actually like the satyrs.
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