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God Of War 3 Has Gone Gold - Lots of Reviews Out Already


On some more reflection, I've really gotta reiterate how impressed I am with the game realizing the absolutely immense sense of scale it promises. It's just staggering. In these scenes, it's SotC, but gorgeous and fast-paced. :lol The first half-hour is some seriously jaw-dropping stuff, and worth the time of any PS3 owner to check out.


To me, I think that the Single Player games with the exception of RPG's are way too short these days. While I understand that 8 hours of quality is great, but when you are not into MP that much, a $60.00 game that is only about 8 hours kinda sucks. I wish that developers would focus more on the SP side of things instead of making so much about MP.

A good example of this is Modern Warfare 2 and Battlefield..it seems the focus of these games was the MP, not the single player game. Too many games are trying to give their games legs with tacked on MP modes.

Anyways, God of War 3 sounds great and I look forward to getting it...but if it is 8 hours or so, it will be a little dispointing.
Magnus said:
On some more reflection, I've really gotta reiterate how impressed I am with the game realizing the absolutely immense sense of scale it promises. It's just staggering. In these scenes, it's SotC, but gorgeous and fast-paced. :lol The first half-hour is some seriously jaw-dropping stuff, and worth the time of any PS3 owner to check out.

Does the scale get larger/better as the game goes on?


For me one of the best video game experiences in recent history is worth $40 to me (I'm actually paying $42 for this from Amazon credit). The replay value comes to me in the form of replaying the game on a harder difficult. Also in subsequent playthroughs, I like blasting my music and just tearing shit up :lol. Or I'll play through with the soundtrack and only put on the sound effects which could be something cool.

This time though, I plan on beating the challenges!

Tom Penny

Magnus said:
On some more reflection, I've really gotta reiterate how impressed I am with the game realizing the absolutely immense sense of scale it promises. It's just staggering. In these scenes, it's SotC, but gorgeous and fast-paced. :lol The first half-hour is some seriously jaw-dropping stuff, and worth the time of any PS3 owner to check out.

Is there chapter select after you beat the game? Or would it be wise to use a separate save file each time if you want to replay certain parts.


Tom Penny said:
Is there chapter select after you beat the game? Or would it be wise to use a separate save file each time if you want to replay certain parts.

No chapter select option. :( Which is a true tragedy, imo.


Dogenzaka said:

My hype is reaching an all-time-low.

Hopefully when I pick the game up, my soon-to-be-ground-floor expectations will be totally shocked and awed by the game.

What can I say -- the early game is so fucking staggering man. I don't know if the scale of anything will eclipse it this gen. And scale is really all I'm talking about, like, physical scale of an event or battle.


Will drop pants for Sony.
mysticwhip said:
her first nomination?!?!?!

:edit:wrong thread


All this talk about length is just dumb, God of War 2 took me about 10+ hours to complete because I pace myself and it was my first time playing it, years ago, but the with multiple playthroughs with bonus play the game took me about 5-8 hours, especially if i was playing the game non-stop on the weekend. So as long as the game is awesome like god of war 2 then I am quite happy.

I think i will do a trial offer for amazon prime and get the game on the 16th. I cannot wait longer than the 16th to play it.


Dogenzaka said:

My hype is reaching an all-time-low.

Hopefully when I pick the game up, my soon-to-be-ground-floor expectations will be totally shocked and awed by the game.
Don't take this the wrong way but you're a huge buzzkill


I don't think I'll mind the length so long as it lasts me a bit longer than CoO. Loved that game, but I was shocked I had it beat in the course of a day. Not someone who typically beats games in a single sitting but I guess it's also testament to how much I enjoyed it. But yeah, GoWIII length somewhere between I and II sounds fine to me.


nelsonroyale said:
pretty sure kronos is bigger than Gaia....

You're probably right. That encounter didn't convey enormity to the same degree like the other one did in my opinion. I didn't feel the sense of scale was as appreciable. I might be drunk.

edit- I'm drunk


SlickVic said:
I don't think I'll mind the length so long as it lasts me a bit longer than CoO. Loved that game, but I was shocked I had it beat in the course of a day. Not someone who typically beats games in a single sitting but I guess it's also testament to how much I enjoyed it. But yeah, GoWIII length somewhere between I and II sounds fine to me.

Anybody who says you can't pick a game a part for length needs to tell me if they can justify paying $40 like I did for a 4 hour PSP game. :l


The Cryptarch's Bane
Sorry if this has been covered ad infinitem: No official thread yet? Huh?

So I just preordered from Amazon. Anybody down to trade codes for the Phantom of Chaos skin (I get one for the Apollo skin which I don't care for)?


Will drop pants for Sony.
Hawkian said:
Sorry if this has been covered ad infinitem: No official thread yet? Huh?

So I just preordered from Amazon. Anybody down to trade codes for the Phantom of Chaos skin (I get one for the Apollo skin which I don't care for)?


Well this is weird, I pre-order the ultimate edition and have a free trial of amazon prime and my ship date is the 18th not the 16th. Is Sony shipping the Ultimate Editions later than the game to stores?
Dogenzaka said:
Anybody who says you can't pick a game a part for length needs to tell me if they can justify paying $40 like I did for a 4 hour PSP game. :l

You shouldn't be playing any other genres other than rpg if you can't justify paying for a decent length game.


y'all should be ashamed
soldat7 said:
I thought both God of War games were an hour or two too long. Sounds like God of War 3 will be the perfect length.
Same here.

Quite honestly I felt GOWII was the weaker game. Maybe it was because of the length, I dunno, because it just kept going and going and going. GOWI was a much better story and felt more complete. And I never did go back to either game to find all the objects, though I plan to on this one. :D
ZeroRay said:
Looks like I'll start the game in Titan mode then.
I finally killed Theseus in GoW 2 after 3 days of trying in Titan mode D: its BRUTAL. I have to judge how much distance I can cover with a roll, and if just running is a better option. Which attacks to block, which to attack from far, which enemies to juggle. Oh man, Clotho's Hallway is going to be a bitch.


dragonflys545 said:
You shouldn't be playing any other genres other than rpg if you can't justify paying for a decent length game.

Please, por favor, tell me you did not just call Chains of Olympus a decent-length game.

and I actually don't play many RPGs. Action/platformers are my favorite.


RustyNails said:
I finally killed Theseus in GoW 2 after 3 days of trying in Titan mode D: its BRUTAL. I have to judge how much distance I can cover with a roll, and if just running is a better option. Which attacks to block, which to attack from far, which enemies to juggle. Oh man, Clothos Hallway is going to be a bitch.

Titan mode is apparently Hard mode in this one and
takes Titan's former place, so I hopefully won't be THAT frustrated. :lol


RustyNails said:
I finally killed Theseus in GoW 2 after 3 days of trying in Titan mode D: its BRUTAL. I have to judge how much distance I can cover with a roll, and if just running is a better option. Which attacks to block, which to attack from far, which enemies to juggle. Oh man, Clotho's Hallway is going to be a bitch.

Clotho's hallways nothing, protecting the translator was the real pain in the ass.

But theseus was the biggest hurdle in the game. If you can get past him, you can get past the other stuff. Not that it'll be a cake walk now, but the worst is behind you. I just have one piece of advice: Hammer - /\, /\ is invaluable.
Dogenzaka said:
Please, por favor, tell me you did not just call Chains of Olympus a decent-length game.

and I actually don't play many RPGs. Action/platformers are my favorite.

Nope, not talking about Chains of Olympus... Well then if you have played many action/platformers, you should know by now length will never go beyond 20+ hour.
Generic said:
Clotho's hallways nothing, protecting the translator was the real pain in the ass.

But theseus was the biggest hurdle in the game. If you can get past him, you can get past the other stuff. Not that it'll be a cake walk now, but the worst is behind you. I just have one piece of advice: Hammer - /\, /\ is invaluable.
HELL yeah. First thing I do after I take Mr. Barbarian's hammer is upgrade the shit out of it.


RustyNails said:
I finally killed Theseus in GoW 2 after 3 days of trying in Titan mode D: its BRUTAL. I have to judge how much distance I can cover with a roll, and if just running is a better option. Which attacks to block, which to attack from far, which enemies to juggle. Oh man, Clotho's Hallway is going to be a bitch.

I refuse to play GoW2 on Titan Mode.

I played on God Mode and had some trouble with some areas, like Clotho's Hallway...getting by it with just a lick of HP left.

I don't even want to think of attempting that on Titan Mode without my wonderful costumes :(

Nope, not talking about Chains of Olympus... Well then if you have played many action/platformers, you should know by now length will never go beyond 20+ hour.

I never said they should, but they certainly should last me more than 8 hours in my opinion :l

I like Zelda lengths, usually, for my action/adventure games.
Dogenzaka said:
I played on God Mode and had some trouble with some areas, like Clotho's Hallway...getting by it with just a lick of HP left.
It took me a day to beat it in God mode and I barely made it out alive. Didn't have Hammer maxxed out. Oh well. I will bring my Hammer of Doom and Gorgon flash and hopefully, the enemies will be nice to me.
8-10 hours long is sufficiently long enough for a non-rpg game. I remember back in the 8 and 16 bit days when games were beaten in less than 2.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
RE4 is the perfect length for a well-paced action game.

Granted, I can't think of another game (outside of HL2, which I don't really think is directly comparable) that is as good as RE4 for as long as RE4, so it's a bit of a pie in the sky expectation at this point.

edit: RE4 also had lots of unlockables and an extra mode or two that were genuinely great additions. Even fewer games that are as long as RE4 can claim that.
crackhead_bob said:
8-10 hours long is sufficiently long enough for a non-rpg game. I remember back in the 8 and 16 bit days when games were beaten in less than 2.
Well in those days, most of the games were cheap (dollar-wise) and meant to be beaten in one sitting. Today, games cost the better half of $100 and there are tons of gigabytes floating around for saving games. Its fair to expect around 8-10 hours of gaming from a game.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Just wondering, is Sony putting up TV ads for the US and EU? I don't live in either region so I wouldn't know. :p


Junior Member
RustyNails said:
Well in those days, most of the games were cheap (dollar-wise) and meant to be beaten in one sitting. Today, games cost the better half of $100 and there are tons of gigabytes floating around for saving games. Its fair to expect around 8-10 hours of gaming from a game.

Uhh, what days were these?


Mawio Gawaxy iz da Wheeson hee pways games
RustyNails said:
Well in those days, most of the games were cheap (dollar-wise) and meant to be beaten in one sitting. Today, games cost the better half of $100 and there are tons of gigabytes floating around for saving games. Its fair to expect around 8-10 hours of gaming from a game.

It's business. To make a 15 hour game paced like God of War with the quality it has, it's going to take a long time to make and it's a higher risk. I really don't get the whining. You pay $20 to buy a movie on DVD/Blu-Ray to watch it anytime you want, here you get an interactive experience that lasts 4 times as long.

I really find this reasoning spoiled. I'm very happy with 8 hours as long as it's like Uncharted where those 8 hours are freaking entertaining.


Mawio Gawaxy iz da Wheeson hee pways games
Dogenzaka said:
Except I'm discussing 8 over around 16 hours, which is a difference 2x length.

So you think it's realistic to create a God of War 3 type game that lasts 16 hours?

You need a reality check because if everyone thought like you and made it a reason not to buy a game, we would only have the RPG genre or the slow paced backtracking games like Bioshock. I like those games too, but it's not realistic to expect that out of a game like God of War III.

I want my high-intensity, adrenalin rushing experience of a focused effort that todays budgets allow for without feeling the need to add lots of filler just to say "it's a 16 hour game".
gray_fox224 said:
Uhh, what days were these?
It was the days of TMNT on NES

Edit: I'm not arguing about the length of today's games. I think 8-10 hours is the sweet spot for todays games. Anything above 12 is welcome addition. I was just replying to the comparison of 8 bit games vs whatever-bit games today.


Thunderbear said:
So you think it's realistic to create a God of War 3 type game that lasts 16 hours?

You need a reality check because if everyone thought like you and made it a reason not to buy a game, we would only have the RPG genre or the slow paced backtracking games like Bioshock. I like those games too, but it's not realistic to expect that out of a game like God of War III.

I want my high-intensity, adrenalin rushing experience of a focused effort that todays budgets allow for without feeling the need to add lots of filler just to say "it's a 16 hour game".

What the hell do people not get about this?

My save file for God of War 2 is at 18 hours. Don't you fucking tell me it's unrealistic to create God of War 3 to last 16 hours.

It's even more retarded that you are insinuating that making God of War 3 last 16 hours would require the game to add meaningless filler to take up the time. Gee, was God of War 2 an 8 hour experience with 2-7 hours of filler, or was the entire experience polished and enjoyable? You decide that one for yourself.

You don't need to put in meaningless filler hours to correctly design a game to last 16 hours.

To make a 15 hour game paced like God of War with the quality it has, it's going to take a long time to make and it's a higher risk.

Really? They did it in 2 years back in 2007 with God of War 2.

Huge risk? God of War is the kind of series that deserves investment and risk, because it delivers and has promise of sales. Going with the entire scale of the game that ended up being the final product was a big risk, because I'm sure it was uncertain at first if they could pull it off. But it happened.


I'm watching some of these behind the scenes videos that you unlock after completing the game. I watched one in particular that covers the major part of the first 30 minutes of the game, and got so amped up about it again and went back and played a new game.

Man, I cannot stress enough that if you don't know anything about that first 30 minutes, don't read anything about it! Surprise is so key to how impressive it is. It's fucking stunning.


I beat Flower in about an hour and I'd say it's worth $10. Portal was a 3 hour game for me and I would've paid the $20 that Steam is asking for if it never was a part of the Orange Box. Would I pay $40 for a 4 hour game? If it was an incredible game, then I probably would. Personally, I prefer having an amazing 8 hour game that I'll likely play through again over a good 20 hour game that will probably stay on my shelf forever after it's beaten.
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